790 research outputs found

    Implementation of Tai Chi Among Individuals with Dementia in Long-Term Memory Care

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    This project focused on a dementia population within long-term care, where increased disablement occurs. A Tai Chi program was implemented into the daily routine of individuals in a long-term memory care facility to improve dynamic sitting balance for the performance of daily occupations.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1048/thumbnail.jp


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    Objective: To determine the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics of Parkinson's disease at the National Hospital "Ramiro Prialé Priale" in Huancayo. Methods: Observational, descriptive retrospective study of a serie of cases. 84 patients were studied between 2015 and 2017, treated in the outpatient clinic or hospitalization of Neurology and Internal Medicine, for which their medical records were reviewed, the sampling was non-probabilistic of the census type selected by the investigator's judgment. Results: The average age was 72.93 years, the male gender prevailed (58.3%), the degree of university education (50%) and the origin of Huancayo (77.4%). Decompensated arterial hypertension was the reason for hospitalization (19.1%), disease time ranged between 1-7 years (57.1%) and tremor at rest and bradykinesia was the most frequent motor symptom (23.8%) In non-motor symptoms, 38.1% had sleep disorders, 21.4% family history of Parkinson's disease and the most associated comorbidities were: depression (48.8%) and insomnia (41.7%). Conclusion: Parkinson's disease is a frequent pathology in older adults and males; The predominant motor symptom is resting tremor and bradykinesia, and the associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities are depression and insomnia.Objetivo: Determinar las principales características epidemiológicas y clínicas de la enfermedad de Parkinson en el Hospital Nacional “Ramiro Prialé Priale” de Huancayo. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo tipo retrospectivo de una serie de casos. Se estudió 84 pacientes entre los años 2015 y 2017, atendidos en la consulta externa u hospitalización de Neurología y Medicina interna, para ello se revisó sus historias clínicas, el muestreo fue no probabilístico de tipo censal seleccionados por juicio del investigador. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 72,93 años, predominó el género masculino (58,3%), el grado de instrucción universitario (50%) y la procedencia de Huancayo (77,4%). La hipertensión arterial descompensada fue el motivo de hospitalización (19,1%), el tiempo de enfermedad tuvo un rango de 1-7 años (57,1%) y el temblor de reposo y bradicinesia fue el síntoma motor más frecuente (23,8%). En los síntomas no motores, 38,1% tuvieron alteraciones del sueño, 21,4% antecedentes familiares de enfermedad de Parkinson y las comorbilidades más asociadas fueron: depresión (48,8%) e insomnio (41,7%). Conclusión: La enfermedad de Parkinson es una patología frecuente en adultos mayores y en el sexo masculino; el síntoma motor que predomina es el temblor de reposo y bradicinesia, y las comorbilidades neuropsiquiátricas asociadas son la depresión e insomnio

    The Nature of the Secondary Star in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient V616 Mon (=A0620-00)

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    We have used NIRSPEC on Keck II to obtain KK-band spectroscopy of the low mass X-ray binary V616 Mon (= A0620-00). V616 Mon is the proto-typical soft x-ray transient containing a black hole primary. As such it is important to constrain the masses of the binary components. The modeling of the infrared observations of ellipsoidal variations in this system lead to a derived mass of 11.0 M_{\sun} for the black hole. The validity of this derivation has been called into question due to the possiblity that the secondary star's spectral energy distribution is contaminated by accretion disk emission (acting to dilute the variations). Our new KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals a late-type K dwarf secondary star, but one that has very weak 12^{\rm 12}CO absorption features. Comparison of V616 Mon with SS Cyg leads us to estimate that the accretion disk supplies only a small amount of KK-band flux, and the ellipsoidal variations are not seriously contaminated. If true, the derived orbital inclination of V616 Mon is not greatly altered, and the mass of the black hole remains large. A preliminary stellar atmosphere model for the KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals that the carbon abundance is approximately 50% of the solar value. We conclude that the secondary star in V616 Mon has either suffered serious contamination from the accretion of supernova ejecta that created the black hole primary, or it is the stripped remains of a formerly more massive secondary star, one in which the CNO cycle had been active.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Il Percorso Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziale del paziente con melanoma metastatico presso l\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone di Palermo come strumento applicativo della clinical governance

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    L\u2019evoluzione dello scenario internazionale relativo alla sanit\ue0 identifica cinque specifiche dimensioni come driver del cambiamento: il sistema, la finanza, le persone, i processi e la tecnologia. In linea con tali elementi, il patto per la salute 2014-2016 esplicita la necessit\ue0 di una rivisitazione a tutti i livelli del sistema salute, sia organizzativo che gestionale, con l\u2019intento di aumentare l\u2019efficienza e l\u2019efficacia, sviluppando nuovi modelli assistenziali, anche nella logica delle reti cliniche, dove tra gli \u201cstrumenti\u201d viene identificata l\u2019attivazione di Percorsi Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziali (PDTA). I percorsi condivisi e codificati per i vari stadi di patologia, con un sistema di raccolta dei dati clinici che possa generare gli indicatori di processo e di esito, sono ritenuti indispensabili per innescare il miglioramento della qualit\ue0 e valutare l\u2019efficacia e l\u2019efficienza. Tenendo conto di queste premesse, nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone di Palermo \ue8 stata sviluppata una progettualit\ue0 al fine di formalizzare e studiare il PDTA del paziente con melanoma metastatico, identificando il percorso ideale e descrivendo il percorso applicabile con le relative leve del cambiamento. Il progetto ha reso evidente come la gestione consapevole del \u201cprofondo cambiamento\u201d in essere nelle organizzazioni clinico assistenziali pu\uf2 essere \u201cgovernata\u201d grazie anche alla \u201cdocumentazione\u201d del proprio modo di operare in riferimento alle Linee Guida di riferimento e alle relative raccomandazioni. Il progetto ha reso evidente inoltre come la sostenibilit\ue0 dei percorsi passa anche attraverso la definizione di opportuni indicatori, correlati alle diverse fasi ed attivit\ue0 chiave, da poter monitorare nella \u201cvita corrente dell\u2019organizzazione\u201d

    Resonance line-profile calculations based on hydrodynamical models of cataclysmic variable winds

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    We present synthetic line profiles as predicted by the models of 2-D line- driven disk winds due to Proga, Stone & Drew. We compare the model line profiles with HST observations of the cataclysmic variable IX Vel. The model wind consists of a slow outflow that is bounded on the polar side by a fast stream. We find that these two components of the wind produce distinct spectral features. The fast stream produces profiles which show features consistent with observations. These include the appearance of the P-Cygni shape for a range of inclinations, the location of the maximum depth of the absorption component at velocities less than the terminal velocity, and the transition from absorption to emission with increasing inclination. However the model profiles have too little absorption or emission equivalent width. This quantitative difference between our models and observations is not a surprise because the line-driven wind models predict a mass loss rate that is lower than the rate required by the observations. We note that the model profiles exhibit a double-humped structure near the line center which is not echoed in observations. We identify this structure with a non-negligible redshifted absorption which is formed in the slow component of the wind where the rotational velocity dominates over expansion velocity. We conclude that the next generation of disk wind models, developed for application to CVs, needs to yield stronger wind driving out to larger disk radii than do the present models.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, to appear in Ap

    Uso de Levaduras Activas en Nutrición de Camarón

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    La acuacultura de camarón es una industria que usa harina de pescado en las dietas, el cual es un ingrediente difícil de obtener a bajo costo y es cada vez más escaso. Es importante encontrar estrategias que ayuden a la nutrición del camarón mediante el uso de ingredientes alternativos que reemplacen o complementen a la harina de pescado y ayuden a desarrollar una industria más amigable para el medio ambiente. Las levaduras se pueden añadir a las dietas para los organismos acuáticos y son un producto microbiano generado por sistemas biotecnológicos o un subproducto de las industrias agroalimentarias. Este estudio determinó el uso potencial de levaduras activas (Candida insectorum, C. parapsilosis, C. sake, C. utilis, Debaryomyces hansenii, Rhodosporidium paludigenum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, y Yarrowia lipolytica) en camarones juveniles y postlarvas de Litopenaeus schmitt, Fenneropenaeus indicus y L. vannamei. Los resultados muestran que las levaduras activas pueden ser empleadas a diferentes dosis como un sustituto parcial de la harina de pescado y/o harina de soya e incorporarse a dietas de camarones juveniles o usarse directamente en dietas para postlarvas. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios que determinen las estrategias más eficientes para que la levadura activa sea ingerida por el camarón

    On 4d rank-one N=3 superconformal field theories

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    We study the properties of 4d N=3 superconformal field theories whose rank is one, i.e. those that reduce to a single vector multiplet on their moduli space of vacua. We find that the moduli space can only be of the form C^3/Z_k for k=1,2,3,4,6, and that the supersymmetry automatically enhances to N=4 for k=1,2. In addition, we determine the central charges a and c in terms of k, and construct the associated 2d chiral algebras, which turn out to be exotic N=2 supersymmetric W-algebras.Comment: 24 page