139 research outputs found

    Monomial discrete valuations in k[[X]]

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    Let v be a rank m discrete valuation of k[[X1,...,Xn]] with dimension n-m. We prove that there exists an inmediate extension L of K where the valuation is monomial. Therefore we compute explicitly the residue field of the valuation

    Smart Campus Project

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    Desarrollado a través del Instituto de Domótica y Eficiencia EnergéticaPresentación del modelo Smart Campus en base a la experiencia realizada durante los últimos 15 años en la Universidad de Málaga. Para ello se han recogido los principales datos de consumo en un edificio tipo (Escuela de Ingenierías) junto con los datos publicados en la Huella Ecológica de la Universidad de Málaga relativos a agua, energía, residuos, gas, petroleo, etc. En resumen, todos los parámetros de sostenibilidad requeridos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Phases Dynamic Balancer

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    Most of the current domestic installations are single phase, with contracted power equal to or less than 15 kW and with a potential difference of 230 V. When consumption is expected to be higher you choose to use three different alternating currents with a difference voltage of 400 V between them, which are called phases. This enables the subdivision of the installation in different single-phase circuits, fed independently with the neutral installation. These couples have, in turn, a difference in voltage of 230 V. The neutral is common for all three phases so that, if the system is balanced, no current flows through it. The problem with these installations is that they are designed to work in an offset manner, using phase loads, and simultaneously an equal amount of energy consumed by the three phases of the network. Connection to each of the phases makes independent single-phase loads or disturbance of the operation of the original phase circuit and, consequently, the corresponding increases in consumption, heating of engines, etc.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Normas Internacionales de Auditoria (NIAS) : Presentar el nuevo informe de auditoria conforme a la norma internacional de auditoria 700 para la empresa MILER,S.A. para el periodo comprendido entre el 01 de enero al 31 de diciembre del 2016

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    La auditoría es la actividad consistente en la revisión y verificación de las cuestas anuales, así como de los estados financieros o documentos contables, elaborados acorde al marco de normativo aplicable, el resultado de esta actividad se plasma a través de un informe de auditoría donde se dictamina si dichas cuentas expresan en todos sus aspectos significativos, la imagen fiel del patrimonio y la situación financiera de dicha entidad. Dicho reporte plasma la opinión del auditor sobre dichas cuentas y determina aquellos puntos débiles o problemáticas susceptibles de mejorar. Esta investigación es de carácter bibliográfica, y se hace referencia al proceso de reporte de los resultados de la auditoria a través del informe, así como las normativas que el auditor deberá de tomar en cuenta para poder estructurar el informe de auditoría y plasmar su opinión de la auditoría realizada en la empresa Miler S.A en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del año 2016 mediante un caso práctico. La información recopilada durante la investigación se obtuvo a través de consulta en libros de textos, normativas contables, monografías y seminarios, internet y profesores especialistas en el tema. Esta información es útil y de un grado alto de interés por parte de los usuarios y para beneficio de la entidad, por eso presentar el nuevo informe de auditoría conforme a la Norma Internacional de Auditoria 700 es importante ya que muchas empresas desconocen la estructura del informe y la sección en donde se presenta la opinión de auditoria por los cambios contemplados en la norma, ya que la empresa obtiene beneficios con un buen informe de auditoría realizado a sus estados financieros por lo que esta información es útil para los usuarios de la entidad, accionistas, proveedores y acreedores de la empresa

    Metadomotic Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms

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    New technologies applied in domotic allow us to extract plenty of data about the usual behavior of occupants in any installation. Discipline that works with these data for the pursuit of new knowledge is called Metadomotic. To achieve this learning and relationships between different data, we make use of the tools provided by artificial intelligence. Today the use of these techniques in solving problems is fully extended. Among the best known we will focus on the application of genetic algorithms, technical halfway between biology and mathematics, to try to resolve the issues raised in this paper. This article proposes the classification of domotic parameters to optimize an objective function. In a nutshell we will try two possible applications: 1. The minimization of energy consumption through the classification of the parameters of use and consumption coefficients, inherent to each user and device 2. The maximization of industrial production through the influence of environment parameters Once established several basic suboptimal solutions, they will be combined randomly, through the crossover, mutation and cloning, to try to find the optimal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in first-passage percolation: the role of geodesic degeneracy

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    We have characterized the scaling behavior of the first-passage percolation (FPP) model on two types of discrete networks, the regular square lattice and the disordered Delaunay lattice, thereby addressing the effect of the underlying topology. Several distribution functions for the link-times were considered. The asymptotic behavior of the fluctuations for both the minimal arrival time and the lateral deviation of the geodesic path are in perfect agreement with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class regardless of the type of the link-time distribution and of the lattice topology. Pre-asymptotic behavior, on the other hand, is found to depend on the uniqueness of geodesics in absence of disorder in the local crossing times, a topological property of lattice directions that we term geodesic degeneracy. This property has important consequences on the model, as for example the well-known anisotropic growth in regular lattices. In this work we provide a framework to understand its effect as well as to characterize its extent.We acknowledge fruitful conversations with E. Korutcheva. This work has been supported by MINECO/FEDER (Spain/EU) grants FIS2015-66020-C2-1-P and FIS2015-69167-C2-1-P

    Smart Sensorization Using Propositional Dynamic Logic

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    The current high energy prices pose a serious challenge, especially in the domestic economy. In this respect, one of the main problems is obtaining domestic hot water. For this reason, this article develops a heating system applied to a conventional water tank in such a way as to minimize the necessary energy supply by converting it, under certain circumstances, into atmospheric. For this purpose, the domotic system has been equipped with sensors that automate the pressurization of the compartment and solenoid valves that regulate the external water supply. This design, to which different level sensors are applied, sends the information in real time to an artificial intelligence system, by means of deductive control, which recognizes the states of the system. This work shows the introduction of an extension of propositional dynamic logic in the field of energy efficiency. Thanks to this formalism, a qualitative control of the program variables is achieved by incorporating qualitative reasoning tools. On the other hand, it solves preventive maintenance systems through the early detection of faults in the installation. This research has led to the patenting of an intelligent domestic hot water system that considerably reduces energy consumption by setting disjointed heating intervals that, powered by renewable or non-renewable sources, are controlled by a propositional dynamic logic.This research received no external funding. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Language recognition using phonotactic-based shifted delta coefficients and multiple phone recognizers

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    A new language recognition technique based on the application of the philosophy of the Shifted Delta Coefficients (SDC) to phone log-likelihood ratio features (PLLR) is described. The new methodology allows the incorporation of long-span phonetic information at a frame-by-frame level while dealing with the temporal length of each phone unit. The proposed features are used to train an i-vector based system and tested on the Albayzin LRE 2012 dataset. The results show a relative improvement of 33.3% in Cavg in comparison with different state-of-the-art acoustic i-vector based systems. On the other hand, the integration of parallel phone ASR systems where each one is used to generate multiple PLLR coefficients which are stacked together and then projected into a reduced dimension are also presented. Finally, the paper shows how the incorporation of state information from the phone ASR contributes to provide additional improvements and how the fusion with the other acoustic and phonotactic systems provides an important improvement of 25.8% over the system presented during the competition

    Realidades de la práctica de la automedicación en estudiantes de la Universidad del Magdalena

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    Self-medication is part f self-care and is considered as a primary public health resource in the health care system. Objective: To determine the prevalence and consumption patterns that influence the automation of the students of the Universidad del Magdalena. Methods: The study corresponds to a descriptive cross-sectional and quantitative approach investigation; the sample was determined by conglomerates, made up of 312 active students enrolled in undergraduate studies at the Universidad del Magdalena the city of the Santa Marta. Results: The practice of self-medication was reflected in 97%; the reasons for which the students self-medicate are related to the appearance of symptoms stories, such as pain and flu-like symptoms, which are treated from the consumption at analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs with prevalence of 84,26%.The main reason for self-medication is related to the mildness of the symptoms; the council of relatives in 46,87% reflects their source of information; there is influence by advertising especially television and internet; finally 71% are aware of the consequences of self -medication. Conclusions: The practice of self-medication in the University population is high; influencing factors are related to the appearance of symptoms the advice of relatives, the influence of advertising the mildness of symptoms and lack of the time to visit the doctor.La automedicación forma parte del autocuidado y es considerada como un recurso de salud pública primaria en el sistema de atención de la salud. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y patrones de consumo que influyen en la automedicación de los estudiantes de la Universidad del Magdalena Métodos: El estudio corresponde a una investigación de carácter descriptivo, de corte transversal, y enfoque cuantitativo; la muestra se determinó por conglomerados, conformada por 312 estudiantes activos matriculados en pregrado de la Universidad del Magdalena de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Resultados: La práctica de la automedicación se vio reflejado en un 97%; los motivos por los cuales se automedican los estudiantes tienen relación con la aparición de síntomas tales como el dolor y síntomas gripales, los cuales son tratados a partir del consumo de medicamentos tipo analgésicos, antiinflamatorios, con una prevalencia del 84,26%. El principal motivo para automedicarse se relaciona con la levedad de los sintomas; el consejo de familiares en un 46,87% refleja su fuente de información; existe influencia por la publicidad especialmente televisión e internet; finalmente el 71% tiene conocimiento de las consecuencias que acarrea el automedicarse.Conclusiones: La práctica de la automedicación en la población universitaria es alta; los factores influyentes se relacionan con aparición de sintomas, el consejo de familiares, la influencia de la publicidad, la levedad de los sintomas y la falta de tiempo para visitar al médico