200 research outputs found

    La Enfermería Transcultural: una intervención con el alumnado

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    Se llevó a cabo un ciclo de mejora en la asignatura Historia, Teoría y Métodos de la Enfermería I de 1º Grado Enfermería, llevando a cabo sesiones en el trabajo en grupos pequeños (seminarios) donde se incrementó la participación del alumnado mediante la realización de esquemas de contenidos y la resolución de casos clínicos, incorporando además la evaluación de ideas previas que ayudaron a orientar las sesiones. Los resultados muestran cómo a pesar de manejar los conceptos teóricos, 3 de los 12 alumnos totales no fueron capaces de aplicarlos a los casos clínicos, lo que supone una oportunidad de mejora

    In vitro Activity of Pentamidine Alone and in Combination With Aminoglycosides, Tigecycline, Rifampicin, and Doripenem Against Clinical Strains of Carbapenemase-Producing and/or Colistin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae

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    Enterobacteriaceae cause different types of community- and hospital-acquired infections. Moreover, the spread of multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae is a public health problem and the World Health Organization pointed them among the pathogens in which the search of new antibiotics is critical. The objective of this study was to analyze the in vitro activity of pentamidine alone and in combination with gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, tigecycline, rifampicin, or doripenem against eight clinical strains of carbapenemase-producing and/or colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae: five carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, one carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli, and two colistin-resistant Enterobacter cloacae. MIC and MBC were determined following standard protocols. MIC results were interpreted for all the antibiotics according to the EUCAST breakpoints but for rifampicin in which the French FSM breakpoint was used. Bactericidal and synergistic activity of pentamidine alone and in combination with antibiotics at concentrations of 1xMIC was measured by time-kill curves. For one selected strain, K. pneumoniae OXA-48/CTX-M-15 time-kill curves were performed also at 1/2xMIC of pentamidine. All studies were performed in triplicate. Pentamidine MIC range was 200-800 μg/mL. The 50, 12.5, 62.5, 87.5, and 62.5% of the strains were susceptible to gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, tigecycline, and doripenem, respectively. Only the two E. cloacae strains were susceptible to rifampicin. Pentamidine alone at 1xMIC showed bactericidal activity against all strains, except for the E. cloacae 32 strain. The bactericidal activity of pentamidine alone was also observed in combination. The combinations of pentamidine were synergistic against E. cloacae 32 with amikacin and tobramycin at 24 h and with tigecycline at 8 h. Pentamidine plus rifampicin was the combination that showed synergistic activity against more strains (five out of eight). Pentamidine plus doripenem did not show synergy against any strain. At 1/2xMIC, pentamidine was synergistic with all the studied combinations against the K. pneumoniae OXA-48/CTX-M-15 strain. In summary, pentamidine alone and in combination shows in vitro activity against carbapenemase-producing and/or colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Pentamidine appears to be a promising option to treat infections caused by these pathogens.Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2013-2016 REIPI RD16/0016/0009Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa REIPI RD16/0016/0009Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad REIPI RD16/0016/0009Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases REIPI RD16/0016/0009European Development Regional Fun

    Religious practice and migration processes: the case of Mormonism in Spain

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    Introducción: La relación entre los flujos migratorios y las religiones es algo muy observado; haciendo un recorrido por la historia de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días en España (SUD) se evidenciará esta relación en el grupo español. Método: Revisión de la literatura de los científicos sociales de la religión que han tratado la relación entre los flujos migratorios y los movimientos religiosos en los últimos años (2005-2016). También se han analizado los datos aportados por el movimiento de los Santos de los Últimos Días en España, así como datos del Observatorio de Pluralismo religioso en España. Resultados: Se evidencia cómo la inmigración ha sido un factor determinante para la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, tanto en sus inicios a nivel mundial así también como determinante en el caso de la permanencia y crecimiento en la sociedad española. Conclusión: El fenómeno migratorio actúa como “salvador” del movimiento de los Santos en España ya que sólo una quinta parte de los bautizados en España son españoles y del idioma es un factor determinante en la procedencia de los miembros extranjeros, ocupando su mayoría la procedencia latinoamericana.Introduction: The relationship between migration and religions is very observed; making a tour of the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in Spain this relationship will be evident in the Spanish group. Method: Review of the literature of social scientists of religion that have addressed the relationship between migration and religious movements in the last years (2005-2016). We have analyzed the data provided by the Latter Day Saint movement in Spain and data from the Observatorio de Pluralismo religioso in Spain. Results: There is evidence of how immigration has been a determining factor for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints him, both in their early world as well as determining level in the case of permanence and growth factor in Spanish society. Conclusion: The migration acts as a "savior" of the movement of the saints in Spain since only one fifth of the baptized in Spain are Spanish and the language is a determining factor in the origin of foreign members, occupying most of Latin American origin

    Experimental approach for the determination of the Bridgman's necking parameters

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    Two ways of determining Bridgman's parameters are presented to estimate the equivalent Bridgman stress-strain (BSS) curve after the onset of necking in cylindrical specimens. The accurate experimental determination of the minimum necking radius, rN, and the radius of curvature of the necking, RN, are considered to be the main problems in applying Bridgman's model to obtain the equivalent BSS curve and describe the plastic behaviour of materials. Using the combined technique of 2D digital image correlation and fringe projection, the 3D positions and displacements of the surface elements are determined for each load stage of a tensile test on steel, aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu) bars. The axial displacements are well fitted with an empirical function that allows accurate estimation of the beginning of necking and its location on the specimen. From the 3D positions, both Bridgman's parameters are estimated by adjusting a torus to the necking zone. The 3D measurements around the necking position have to be well defined to obtain the parameters in a feasible way because the real necking profile does not fit well with the half-circle proposed by Bridgman. Nonetheless, the estimated rN parameters are noisy, affecting the BSS curve. Therefore, an alternative and simpler way for estimating rN and RN is also proposed, only requiring the measurement of total axial displacements along the loading axis of each surface element. In this way, the BSS curve obtained is smooth, although it somewhat underestimates the same curve obtained using experimentally measured 3D data


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    En este trabajo realizamos una breve exposición de las cuestiones históricas, políticas y legales que han influido en el desenvolvimiento de nuevos movimientos sociales religiosos en nuestro país. Se presentan datos correspondientes a España de la segunda mitad del pasado siglo en cuanto a la situación histórica marcada por la dictadura franquista y la posterior llegada de la democracia, y repasamos los cambios en el marco legal, desde la promulgación del Fuero de los españoles y el Concilio Vaticano II hasta la Ley Orgánica 7/1980 de 5 de Julio de Libertad Religiosa

    Religious freedom in spain and the emergence of new religious social movements

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/ripp/article/view/3551En este trabajo realizamos una breve exposición de las cuestiones históricas, políticas y legales que han influido en el desenvolvimiento de nuevos movimientos sociales religiosos en nuestro país. Se presentan datos correspondientes a España de la segunda mitad del pasado siglo en cuanto a la situación histórica marcada por la dictadura franquista y la posterior llegada de la democracia, y repasamos los cambios en el marco legal, desde la promulgación del Fuero de los españoles y el Concilio Vaticano II hasta la Ley Orgánica 7/1980 de 5 de Julio de Libertad Religiosa.In this paper we provide a brief summary of the historical, political and legal issues that have influenced the development of new religious social movements in our country. We present data from Spain in the second part of step century as to the historical situation marked by the Franco dictatorship and the subsequent arrival of democracy; we review the changes in the legal framework, since the enactment of the Fuero de los Españoles and the Second Vatican Council to the Organic Law 7/1980 of 5 July on Religious Freedom.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Another Look to Religion from the Social Sciencies

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    Este artículo muestra desde una doble perspectiva antropológica y sociológica aspectos como secularización o desencantamiento del mundo, evidenciando que lo que ha tenido lugar es un cambio en la concepción del concepto de religiosidad, adoptándose formas múltiples de vivir y entender la misma. Se habla de religión como creadora de identidad pues, si la globalización cae sobre la sociedad y la homogeneiza, ¿cómo podría darse la emergencia de nuevos movimientos religiosos y con ellos la aparición de nuevas identidades? Se plantea como respuesta precisamente a la globalización como el motor –condición y fin al mismo tiempo– del surgimiento de estas otras formas de religiosidad

    'A picture is worth a thousand words’— A photovoice study exploring health professionals’ experiences during the COVID- 19 pandemic

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    Aim: To elicit the experiences and perspectives of health professionals working on the frontline in the COVID-19 pandemic. Background: Although some qualitative studies have been carried out in health professionals during COVID-19 pandemic, to our knowledge, no study has used the Photovoice method. Design: A qualitative descriptive study using Photovoice was carried out between March and June 2020. Methods: A total of 20 health professionals were recruited from public and private healthcare services. The participants were invited to share photographs about their experiences while working during COVID-19 pandemic. Following the Photovoice method, audio-recorded interviews were conducted. The data were analysed using the ‘SHOWED’ mnemonic, with five questions answered about each photograph. The EQUATOR checklist has been used. Results/Findings: Three themes emerged: (1) Personal attitudes of health professionals; (2) Support from the community; and (3) Management of institutional resources. Despite the fact that health professionals in this study were exposed to major risks while caring for patients with COVID-19’ they felt a strong sense of responsibility towards the community. In order to handle these stressful situations, they used coping mechanisms, good humour and leisure, but also received support from the population, who saw them as highly skilled health professionals. Conclusion: These findings highlight the essential role of health professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic and the tireless work they are carrying out to provided highly skilled care. Relevance to clinical practice: These findings could contribute to raise awareness on the needs of health professionals during the pandemic, allowing managers to plan strategies to ensure the safety, and well-being of these professionals, as well as adopting similar strategies in their practice to create a space for critical reflection through participatory approaches.Andalusian Research Ethics Committee (0873-N-16

    Consumption of Substances in Nightlife Settings: A Qualitative Approach in Young Andalusians (Spain)

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    Adolescence and youth are stages of exploration and experimentation, when the consumption of psychoactive substances for recreational or experimental purposes often begins. The general objective of this study was to explore youth consumption habits in nightlife settings and associated factors in Andalusia (Spain). To this end, we took into account young people’s perceptions about patterns of drug polyconsumption in nightlife settings and the perceptions and actions of health and teaching professionals towards this issue. We carried out a qualitative methodology with 24 in-depth interviews and 3 discussion groups with Andalusian girls and boys aged between 16 and 22 (n = 45) and 13 in-depth interviews with social agents (health and teaching professionals). We performed narrative discourse analysis and triangulation of identified categories and measured the units of analysis. The results show information relating to gender, age of initiation, most commonly consumed substances, motivation and effects, peer group pressure and how they obtained the substances, and the perceptions held and main activities carried out in the educational institutions and health centers