136 research outputs found

    The MICZ-Kepler Problems in All Dimensions

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    The Kepler problem is a physical problem about two bodies which attract each other by a force proportional to the inverse square of the distance. The MICZ-Kepler problems are its natural cousins and have been previously generalized from dimension three to dimension five. In this paper, we construct and analyze the (quantum) MICZ-Kepler problems in all dimensions higher than two.Comment: A minor technical error in section 5.2 (see footnote 6) is correcte

    The inception of Symplectic Geometry: the works of Lagrange and Poisson during the years 1808-1810

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    The concept of a symplectic structure first appeared in the works of Lagrange on the so-called "method of variation of the constants". These works are presented, together with those of Poisson, who first defined the composition law called today the "Poisson bracket". The method of variation of the constants is presented using today's mathematical concepts and notations.Comment: Presented at the meeting "Poisson 2008" in Lausanne, July 2008. Published in Letters in Mathematical Physics. 22 page

    The Non-Trapping Degree of Scattering

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    We consider classical potential scattering. If no orbit is trapped at energy E, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree. This can be calculated explicitly and be used for symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. If the potential is bounded, then in the non-trapping case the boundary of Hill's Region is empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. We consider classical potential scattering. If at energy E no orbit is trapped, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree deg(E) < 2. This is calculated explicitly for all potentials, and exactly the integers < 2 are shown to occur for suitable potentials. The non-trapping condition is restrictive in the sense that for a bounded potential it is shown to imply that the boundary of Hill's Region in configuration space is either empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. However, in many situations one can decompose a potential into a sum of non-trapping potentials with non-trivial degree and embed symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. This comprises a large number of earlier results, obtained by different authors on multi-obstacle scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure Revised and enlarged version, containing more detailed proofs and remark

    Spinning particles in Taub-NUT space

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    The geodesic motion of pseudo-classical spinning particles in Euclidean Taub-NUT space is analysed. The constants of motion are expressed in terms of Killing-Yano tensors. Some previous results from the literature are corrected.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page

    Generalized Killing equations and Taub-NUT spinning space

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    The generalized Killing equations for the configuration space of spinning particles (spinning space) are analysed. Simple solutions of the homogeneous part of these equations are expressed in terms of Killing-Yano tensors. The general results are applied to the case of the four-dimensional euclidean Taub-NUT manifold.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Quasi-classical path integral approach to supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    {}From Feynman's path integral, we derive quasi-classical quantization rules in supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY-QM). First, we derive a SUSY counterpart of Gutzwiller's formula, from which we obtain the quantization rule of Comtet, Bandrauk and Campbell when SUSY is good. When SUSY is broken, we arrive at a new quantization formula, which is found as good as and even sometime better than the WKB formula in evaluating energy spectra for certain one-dimensional bound state problems. The wave functions in the stationary phase approximation are also derived for SUSY and broken SUSY cases. Insofar as a broken SUSY case is concerned, there are strong indications that the new quasi-classical approximation formula always overestimates the energy eigenvalues while WKB always underestimates.Comment: 13 pages + 5 figures, complete paper submitted as postscript file, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Linear frictional forces cause orbits to neither circularize nor precess

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    For the undamped Kepler potential the lack of precession has historically been understood in terms of the Runge-Lenz symmetry. For the damped Kepler problem this result may be understood in terms of the generalization of Poisson structure to damped systems suggested recently by Tarasov[1]. In this generalized algebraic structure the orbit-averaged Runge-Lenz vector remains a constant in the linearly damped Kepler problem to leading order in the damping coeComment: 16 pages. 1 figure, Rewrite for resubmissio

    Supersymmetry and discrete transformations of the Dirac operators in Taub-NUT geometry

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    It is shown that the N=4 superalgebra of the Dirac theory in Taub-NUT space has different unitary representations related among themselves through unitary U(2) transformations. In particular the SU(2) transformations are generated by the spin-like operators constructed with the help of the same covariantly constant Killing-Yano tensors which generate Dirac-type operators. A parity operator is defined and some explicit transformations which connect the Dirac-type operators among themselves are given. These transformations form a discrete group which is a realization of the quaternion discrete group. The fifth Dirac operator constructed using the non-covariant Killing-Yano tensor of the Taub-NUT space is quite special. This non-standard Dirac operator is connected with the hidden symmetry and is not equivalent to the Dirac-type operators of the standard N=4 supersymmetry.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure

    Projective dynamics and classical gravitation

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    Given a real vector space V of finite dimension, together with a particular homogeneous field of bivectors that we call a "field of projective forces", we define a law of dynamics such that the position of the particle is a "ray" i.e. a half-line drawn from the origin of V. The impulsion is a bivector whose support is a 2-plane containing the ray. Throwing the particle with a given initial impulsion defines a projective trajectory. It is a curve in the space of rays S(V), together with an impulsion attached to each ray. In the simplest example where the force is identically zero, the curve is a straight line and the impulsion a constant bivector. A striking feature of projective dynamics appears: the trajectories are not parameterized. Among the projective force fields corresponding to a central force, the one defining the Kepler problem is simpler than those corresponding to other homogeneities. Here the thrown ray describes a quadratic cone whose section by a hyperplane corresponds to a Keplerian conic. An original point of view on the hidden symmetries of the Kepler problem emerges, and clarifies some remarks due to Halphen and Appell. We also get the unexpected conclusion that there exists a notion of divergence-free field of projective forces if and only if dim V=4. No metric is involved in the axioms of projective dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure