8 research outputs found

    Different Harvest Schedules to Prepare Deferred Forage from C4 Grasses in Córdoba, Argentina

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    From 1995 until 1999 a trial was done in the fields of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba with four C4 forage grasses. These fields lie in the subtropical and semiarid region of Argentina. This research aimed to identify forage species that could be used as deferred forage for the drier and cooler winter season. Four species of C4 grasses were used: Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana Kunth), Gatton (Panicum maximum), coloratum (Panicum coloratum) and digitgrass (Digitaria eriantha), respectively. Two growing periods were used: full season growth (FS) and half season regrowth (HS), in both cases the deferred forage was harvested three times: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the winter. This paper foccuses DM yields in kg/hectare (DM) and percentage of crude protein (CP). The HS yields less but shows better CP than the FS, therefore it may be a better forage in winter. Coloratum and digigrass seems to give better deferred forage than the other species

    Variation in plasma oxidative status and testosterone level in relation to egg-eviction effort and age of brood-parasitic common cuckoo nestlings

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    To avoid competition for parental care, brood-parasitic Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) nestlings evict all of the host's eggs and nestlings within a few days after hatching. Little is known about the physiological effects of eviction behavior on the cuckoo nestling's oxidative balance or about age-related variation in plasma oxidative status and testosterone level of developing birds. We examined whether the cuckoo nestling's plasma oxidative status was related to prior effort in eviction and quantified variation in the level of reactive oxygen metabolites, of nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity, and of testosterone concentration in plasma at various phases of the cuckoo's development. Levels of both reactive oxygen metabolites and antioxidant capacity were greater in older than in younger nestlings, suggesting that younger nestlings effectively counterbalance their increased production of free radicals, whereas, near fledging, levels of reactive oxygen metabolites increase despite improved antioxidant capacity. Possibly, overall energy expenditure increases with age and elevates the production of reactive oxygen species to a rate higher than what the antioxidant system could eliminate. Plasma testosterone level was the highest at nestlings' intermediate phase of growth. High levels of testosterone may be required during the period of fastest growth, and when the growth rate levels off near fledging, testosterone levels may also decline. Cuckoo chicks that evicted more host eggs from steeper nests had higher plasma levels of reactive oxygen metabolites shortly after the eviction period, suggesting that eviction is costly in terms of an increased level of oxidative stress. Para evitar la competencia por el cuidado parental, los polluelos parásitos de nidada de Cuculus canorus desalojan todos los huevos y los polluelos del hospedador a los pocos días después de la eclosión. Se sabe poco sobre los efectos fisiológicos del comportamiento de desalojo en el balance oxidativo de los polluelos de C. canorus o sobre la variación en el estatus oxidativo del plasma y el nivel de testosterona relacionado con la edad de las aves en desarrollo. Examinamos si el estatus oxidativo del plasma de los polluelos de C. canorus se relacionaba con un esfuerzo previo de desalojo y cuantificamos la variación en el nivel de metabolitos reactivos de oxígeno, la capacidad antioxidante no enzimática y la concentración de testosterona en el plasma en varias fases del desarrollo de C. canorus. Tanto los niveles de metabolitos reactivos de oxígeno como la capacidad antioxidante fueron superiores en los polluelos de mayor edad que en los más jóvenes, lo que sugiere que los polluelos de menor edad contrarrestan eficazmente el aumento de la producción de radicales libres, mientras que, cuando se apróximan al abandono del nido, los niveles de metabolitos reactivos de oxígeno aumentan a pesar de una mejora en la capacidad antioxidante. Posiblemente, el gasto total de energía se incrementa con la edad, elevándose la producción de formas reactivas de oxígeno a una tasa mayor de la que el sistema antioxidante puede eliminar. El nivel de testosterona en el plasma fue máximo en la fase intermedia del crecimiento de los polluelos. Pueden requerirse altos niveles de testosterona durante el período de mayor crecimiento y, cuando la tasa de crecimiento se estabiliza cerca del abandono del nido, los niveles de testosterona también podrián disminuir. Los polluelos de C. canorus que desalojaron más huevos del hospedador en nidos con una estructura más empinada tuvieron niveles de plasma de metabolitos reactivos de oxígeno en plasma más altos poco después del período de desalojo, sugiriendo que el desalojo es costoso en términos de un incremento en el nivel de estrés oxidativo

    Desaparición de la materia seca in situ de algunas especies forrajeras tropicales en la fase de rebrote

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la desaparición de la materia seca in situ (DMS in situ) en algunas especies forrajeras tropicales en la fase de rebrote. Las especies analizadas fueron: Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula, Antephora pubescens,Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Molopo, Panicum coloratum var. Makarikariense, Chlorisgayana Ecotipo Norte de Córdoba, Panicum maximum cv. Gatton y Eragrostiscurvula cv. Tanganyka. Se analizaron muestras de planta entera y de 2 alturas de corte, la primera de 5 a 20 cm de altura desde el suelo y la segunda de 21 a 40cm. La desaparición de la materia seca fue medida por el método de digestión in situ, utilizando 2 animales con fístula de rumen e incubando las muestras durante 96 horas. Se concluyó que las especies forrajeras tropicales evaluadas en el estado fenológico de rebrote presentaron diferencias marcadas de calidad.Las especies de mayor DMS in situ fueron Panicum maximum y Setaria anceps,siendo la de menor DMS in situ Eragrostis curvula. La calidad de las especies expresada en DMS in situ no varió con las diferentes alturas de corte, a excepción de Cenchrus ciliaris

    Agronomic performance of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) based on the use of a selection index

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the actual agronomic performance in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and hexaploid triticale ( X Triticosecale Wittmack) based on the use of a selection index constituted by eleven traits measured at plot level. Two samples of 142 S 0 hexaploid triticale progenies and 89 S 0 bread wheat progenies were sown under rainfed conditions and a selection index was constituted using the following traits: spikes (n o plant −1 and n o plot −1 ), grain and biological yield (g plot −1 ), harvest index (%), 1000 grain weight (g), grain (n o plot −1 ), grain and biomass yield (g spike −1 ), harvest index spike −1 (%) and straw yield (g spike −1 ). A disruptive selection intensity of 7.0 % (triticale) and 11.2% (bread wheat) was applied in both directions of the frequency distributions for the selection index. The 20 S 1 triticale families (ten per group) and 20 S 1 bread wheat families (ten per group) were evaluated during 2003. Grain and biological yield (g m −2 ), spikes (n o m −2 ), 1000 grain weight (g), harvest index (%) and grain (n o m −2 ) were measured and the differential and the response to selection were estimated from the S 0 progenies and S 1 derived families, respectively. A higher number of significant differences between the higher and lower index group mean values were observed for the bread wheat germplasm. In both species and for all measured traits, the mean values corresponding to the higher group were greater than those observed in the lower one. These results confirm that using a selection index it is possible to get a harmonic yield improvement in both species

    Descripción y evaluación de un método-de tratamiento con colchicina en híbridos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) por centeno(Secale cereale L.)

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    Se describe y evalúa un método de tratamiento con colchicina denominado "Método de Inyección en Macollas", para la duplicación del número de cromosomas en híbridos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) por centeno ( Secale cereale L.). Se efectuaron a mano las emasculaciones y los cruzamientos para la obtención de las plantas híbridas F,. En el primer año de evaluación se compara el "Método de Inyección en Macollas" con el "Método de Corona Modificado". Los resultados de plantas poliploides logradas con ambos métodos no expresan diferencias significativas en el análisis estadístico, pero si se observan importantes diferencias en el consumo de colchicina, siendo notablemente menor en el "Método de Inyección en Macollas". Este método permite por lo tanto tratar un gran número de plantas con una concentración más baja de la droga. En los dos años siguientes se utiliza sólo el "Método de Inyección en Macollas". La eficiencia de los tratamientos se incrementa en el tercer año del experimento, lográndose los mejores resultados

    Watch and wait after neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer: comparison of outcomes in patients with and without a complete response at first reassessment in the International Watch & Wait Database (IWWD)

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    Background: In rectal cancer, watch and wait for patients with a cCR after neoadjuvant treatment has an established evidence base. However, there is a lack of consensus on the definition and management of a near-cCR. This study aimed to compare outcomes in patients who achieved a cCR at first reassessment versus later reassessment. Methods: This registry study included patients from the International Watch & Wait Database. Patients were categorized as having a cCR at first reassessment or at later reassessment (that is near-cCR at first reassessment) based on MRI and endoscopy. Organ preservation, distant metastasis-free survival, and overall survival rates were calculated. Subgroup analyses were done for near-cCR groups based on the response evaluation according to modality. Results: A total of 1010 patients were identified. At first reassessment, 608 patients had a cCR; 402 had a cCR at later reassessment. Median follow-up was 2.6 years for patients with a cCR at first reassessment and 2.9 years for those with a cCR at later reassessment. The 2-year organ preservation rate was 77.8 (95 per cent c.i. 74.2 to 81.5) and 79.3 (75.1 to 83.7) per cent respectively (P = 0.499). Similarly, no differences were found between groups in distant metastasis-free survival or overall survival rate. Subgroup analyses showed a higher organ preservation rate in the group with a near-cCR categorized exclusively by MRI. Conclusion: Oncological outcomes for patients with a cCR at later reassessment are no worse than those of patients with a cCR at first reassessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio