640 research outputs found

    Negotiating face in feedback conferences:a linguistic ethnographic analysis

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    This article examines the negotiation of face in post observation feedback conferences on an initial teacher training programme. The conferences were held in groups with one trainer and up to four trainees and followed a set of generic norms. These norms include the right to offer advice and to criticise, speech acts which are often considered to be face threatening in more normal contexts. However, as the data analysis shows, participants also interact in ways that challenge the generic norms, some of which might be considered more conventionally face attacking. The article argues that face should be analysed at the level of interaction (Haugh and Bargiela-Chiappini, 2010) and that situated and contextual detail is relevant to its analysis. It suggests that linguistic ethnography, which 'marries' (Wetherell, 2007) linguistics and ethnography, provides a useful theoretical framework for doing so. To this end the study draws on real-life talk-in-interaction (from transcribed recordings), the participants' perspectives (from focus groups and interviews) and situated detail (from fieldnotes) to produce a contextualised and nuanced analysis

    Conspecific and heterospecific host discrimination in two parasitoid species of the mealybug Pseudococcus viburni, the solitary Leptomastix epona and the gregarious Pseudaphycus flavidulus

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    Τα είδη Leptomastix epona (Walker) και Pseudaphycus flavidulus (Brèthes) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) είναι ενδοπαρασιτοειδή του ψευδόκοκκου Pseudococus viburni (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Το L. epona είναι μονήρες παρασιτοειδές που κατάγεται από την Ευρώπη και το P. flavidulus είναι πολλαπλό παρασιτοειδές από τη Νότια Αμερική. Μελετήθηκε η ικανότητα των παρασιτοειδών να αναγνωρίζουν μη παρασιτισμένα ενήλικα θηλυκά (ξενιστές) του ψευδόκοκκου από άλλα που έχουν παρασιτιστεί προηγουμένως από άτομα του ίδιου ή του άλλου παρασιτοειδούς (host discrimination), σε διάφορα χρονικά διαστήματα μεταξύ της αρχικής και της επόμενης ωοτοκίας. Ακμαία θηλυκά του L. epona αναγνωρίζουν μη παρασιτισμένους ξενιστές του ψευδόκοκκου από άλλους που έχουν παρασιτιστεί 0-96 ώρες νωρίτερα από διαφορετικό άτομο του ίδιου παρασιτοειδούς επιλέγοντας συχνότερα τους πρώτους έναντι των δεύτερων για ωοτοκία. Ακμαία θηλυκά του P. flavidulus αναγνωρίζουν τους μη παρασιτισμένους ξενιστές από εκείνους που έχουν παρασιτιστεί 0-72 ώρες πριν από άλλο θηλυκό του ίδιου είδους. Επιπλέον παρατηρείται επιπαρασιτισμός από διαφορετικά άτομα του ίδιου είδους (conspecific superparasitism) και στα δύο παρασιτοειδή. Η δευτερογενής αναλογία φύλου (ποσοστό αρσενικών απογόνων) του L. epona και ο αριθμός των απογόνων/ξενιστή του P. flavidulus δεν επηρεάζονται από τον επιπαρασιτισμό. Αντίθετα η δευτερογενής αναλογία φύλου του P. flavidulus είναι μεγαλύτερη στους ξενιστές όπου έχει γίνει επιπαρασιτισμός σε σχέση με αυτούς που έχουν παρασιτιστεί μία μόνο φορά. Το μονήρες παρασιτοειδές L. epona δεν αναγνωρίζει μη παρασιτισμένους ξενιστές από άλλους που έχουν παρασιτιστεί από το P. flavidulus 0-3 ή 24 ώρες νωρίτερα. Αντίθετα το πολλαπλό παρασιτοειδές P. flavidulus αναγνωρίζει μη παρασιτισμένους ξενιστές από άλλους παρασιτισμένους από το L. epona 0-3 ώρες νωρίτερα αλλά ωοτοκεί χωρίς διάκριση σε ξενιστές που έχουν παρασιτιστεί από το L. epona 24 ώρες πριν. Όταν λαμβάνει χώρα πολυπαρασιτισμός (multiparasitism) 0-3 ώρες μετά την πρώτη ωοτοκία, το L. epona υπερέχει στον εσωτερικό ανταγωνισμό ανεξάρτητα από το ποιο παρασιτοειδές έχει ωοτοκήσει πρώτο. Ωστόσο, όταν το διάστημα μεταξύ δύο ωοτοκιών είναι 24 ώρες, η πιθανότητα του απογόνου του P. flavidulus να κερδίσει τον ανταγωνισμό με το L. epona αυξάνεται οποιοδήποτε παρασιτοειδές και να ωοτοκήσει πρώτο. Συζητείται η πιθανή επίδραση του πολυπαρασιτισμού στην συνύπαρξη των δύο παρασιτοειδών στην προοπτική της εισαγωγής ή μαζικής απελευθέρωσης των δύο ειδών για τη βιολογική αντιμετώπιση του ψευδόκοκκου.Leptomastix epona (Walker) and Pseudaphycus flavidulus (Brèthes) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) are endoparasitoids of the mealybug Pseudococus viburni (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Leptomastix epona is a solitary parasitoid originating from Europe and P. flavidulus is a gregarious parasitoid from South America. Conspecific and heterospecific host discrimination was examined between unparasitised female adult mealybugs and others already parasitized, at different time intervals between the primary and the following oviposition. Female wasps of L. epona discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized 0-96 hours previously by a conspecific selecting more often the first over the latter for oviposition. Females of P. flavidulus discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized prior to 0-72 hours by a conspecific. Conspecific superparasitism also occurs in both parasitoid species. The secondary sex ratio of L. epona and the clutch size of P. flavidulus are not affected by superparasitism whereas the secondary sex ratio of P. flavidulus in superparasitized hosts is more male biased than in single parasitized hosts. The solitary parasitoid L. epona does not discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by P. flavidulus 0-3 or 24 hours previously. Nevertheless the gregarious parasitoid P. flavidulus discriminates between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by L. epona 0-3 hours earlier, but it oviposits without discrimination in hosts heterospecifically parasitized 24 hours beforehand. When multiparasitism occurs at 0-3 hours after the first oviposition, L. epona is a superior competitor regardless of which species oviposits first. However, when the time interval between the two ovipositions is 24 hours, the probability of the offspring of P. flavidulus winning the competition with L. epona increases when either species oviposits first. The potential effect of multiparasitism on parasitoid coexistence is discussed in relation to prospects for multiplespecies introductions or augmentative releases for the biological control of the mealybug

    'I felt that I do live in the UK now':international students' self-reports of their English language speaking experiences on a pre-sessional programme

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    This article focuses on the English language experiences of a group of pre-sessional students, an under-represented group in the literature on language and education. In particular, it investigates the opportunities that such students have to use English outside the classroom, shown to be a key factor in student satisfaction with their study abroad experience. Drawing on data from questionnaires, interviews and on-line diaries, we show that students have a variety of opportunities to use English; however, these opportunities may require students to engage in complex negotiations right from the beginning of their sojourn in the UK. Micro-analysis of the data shows that agency is a key construct in understanding students' representations of their English encounters as they begin their lives in the UK. The article concludes with some suggestions as to how pre-sessional courses may develop students' linguistic and socio-cultural skills in order that they may interact successfully in English outside the classroom

    Learning safely from error: Reconsidering the ethics of simulation-based medical education through ethnography

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    ‘Human factors’ is an influential rationale in the UK national health service to understand mistakes, risk and safety. Although there have been studies examining its implications in workplaces, there has been little investigation of how it is taught, as a form of professional morality. This article draws on an observational study of human factors teaching in four hospital simulation centres in London, UK. Its main argument is that the teaching of human factors is realised through an identification and positive evaluation of ‘non-technical skills’ and the espousal of ‘non-judgemental’ pedagogy, both of which mean that mistakes cannot be made. Professional solidarity is then maintained on the absence of mistakes. We raise questions about the ethics of this teaching. The study is situated within a history of ethnographic accounts of medical mistakes, to explore the relationship between claims to professional knowledge and claims about failure

    Analysis of model rotor blade pressures during parallel interaction with twin vortices

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    This paper presents and provides analysis of unsteady surface pressures measured on a model rotor blade as the blade experienced near parallel blade vortex interaction with a twin vortex system. To provide a basis for analysis, the vortex system was characterized by hot-wire measurements made in the interaction plane but in the absence of the rotor. The unsteady pressure response resulting from a single vortex interaction is then presented to provide a frame of reference for the twin vortex results. A series of twin vortex interaction cases are then presented and analyzed. It is shown that the unsteady blade pressures and forces are very sensitive to the inclination angle and separation distance of the vortex pair. When the vortex cores lie almost parallel to the blade chord, the interaction is characterized by a two-stage response associated with the sequential passage of the two cores. Conversely, when the cores lie on a plane that is almost perpendicular to the blade chord, the response is similar to that of a single vortex interaction. In all cases, the normal force response is consistent with the distribution of vertical velocity in the flow field of the vortex system. The pitching moment response, on the other hand, depends on the localized suction associated with the vortex cores as they traverse the blade chord

    Native-English-Speaking Teachers:Disconnections Between Theory, Research, and Practice

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    Native-English-speaking teachers (NESTs) have long been in demand for perceived benefits of the skills they bring to the classroom. However, the notion that native speakers provide the best models of the target language and thus make the best teachers of the language has been criticised in the literature. This article reports on the disconnection between academic literature on NESTs and the realities they report. Drawing on data from an investigation into NEST schemes globally, the article suggests that lived classroom experiences of NESTs are complex, They are also often bilingual, experienced, and qualified, and regard local English teachers (LETs) they work with as experts and in control of how English is practised in the classroom. These characteristics contrast with much of the academic literature, which explores the concept of native speakerism, which tends to view NESTs negatively. The article proposes that one reason for the disconnection between theory and practice is the parallel lives of researchers and teachers, whether NESTs or LETs. Thus, each group’s realities and concerns are not always understood by the other. The article suggests that a substantial group of bilingual and bicultural NESTs consider the country where work home, so future theorisations of NESTs and native speakerism should take account of these teachers

    Liquid Phase Hydrodechlorination of Dieldrin and DDT over Pd/C and Raney-Ni

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    Selectivity and product distribution of hydrodechlorination (HDCl) of dieldrin and DDT are studied in different liquid phase systems, namely in: (1) in ethanol; and (2) in the supported ionic liquid heterogeneous catalytic system (multiphase system), composed by the organic phase and aqueous KOH, a quaternary ammonium ionic liquid promoter (Aliquat 336), and a metal catalyst, e.g. 5% Pd/C, 5% Pt/C, or Raney-Ni. At 50 8C and atmospheric pressure of hydrogen, a quantitative hydrodechlorination of DDT in the biphasic system with ionic liquid layer is achieved in 40 min and in 4 h with Raney-Ni and Pd/C, respectively, while the reaction on Pt/C or on Pd/C without Aliquat 336 is slow. Dieldrin undergoes partial dechlorination, with high selectivity achievable only for its mono- and bi-dechlorination products. Dechlorination pathways and reactivity of different types of organic chlorine atoms versus the catalyst nature and other conditions are discussed