30,451 research outputs found

    Exact and approximate dynamics of the quantum mechanical O(N) model

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    We study a quantum dynamical system of N, O(N) symmetric, nonlinear oscillators as a toy model to investigate the systematics of a 1/N expansion. The closed time path (CTP) formalism melded with an expansion in 1/N is used to derive time evolution equations valid to order 1/N (next-to-leading order). The effective potential is also obtained to this order and its properties areelucidated. In order to compare theoretical predictions against numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we consider two initial conditions consistent with O(N) symmetry, one of them a quantum roll, the other a wave packet initially to one side of the potential minimum, whose center has all coordinates equal. For the case of the quantum roll we map out the domain of validity of the large-N expansion. We discuss unitarity violation in the 1/N expansion; a well-known problem faced by moment truncation techniques. The 1/N results, both static and dynamic, are also compared to those given by the Hartree variational ansatz at given values of N. We conclude that late-time behavior, where nonlinear effects are significant, is not well-described by either approximation.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figrures, revte

    Strongly-resonant p-wave superfluids

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    We study theoretically a dilute gas of identical fermions interacting via a p-wave resonance. We show that, depending on the microscopic physics, there are two distinct regimes of p-wave resonant superfluids, which we term "weak" and "strong". Although expected naively to form a BCS-BEC superfluid, a strongly-resonant p-wave superfluid is in fact unstable towards the formation of a gas of fermionic triplets. We examine this instability and estimate the lifetime of the p-wave molecules due to the collisional relaxation into triplets. We discuss consequences for the experimental achievement of p-wave superfluids in both weakly- and strongly-resonant regimes

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the two-component fermionic hard-core gas in two dimensions

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    Motivated by potential realizations in cold-atom or cold-molecule systems, we have performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-component gases of fermions in two dimensions with hard-core interactions. We have determined the gross features of the zero-temperature phase diagram by investigating the relative stabilities of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic fluids and crystals. We have also examined the effect of including a pairwise, long-range r^3 potential between the particles. Our most important conclusion is that there is no region of stability for a ferromagnetic fluid phase, even if the long-range interaction is present. We also present results for the pair-correlation function, static structure factor, and momentum density of two-dimensional hard-core fluids

    Resumming the large-N approximation for time evolving quantum systems

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    In this paper we discuss two methods of resumming the leading and next to leading order in 1/N diagrams for the quartic O(N) model. These two approaches have the property that they preserve both boundedness and positivity for expectation values of operators in our numerical simulations. These approximations can be understood either in terms of a truncation to the infinitely coupled Schwinger-Dyson hierarchy of equations, or by choosing a particular two-particle irreducible vacuum energy graph in the effective action of the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism. We confine our discussion to the case of quantum mechanics where the Lagrangian is L(x,x˙)=(1/2)i=1Nx˙i2(g/8N)[i=1Nxi2r02]2L(x,\dot{x}) = (1/2) \sum_{i=1}^{N} \dot{x}_i^2 - (g/8N) [ \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i^2 - r_0^2 ]^{2}. The key to these approximations is to treat both the xx propagator and the x2x^2 propagator on similar footing which leads to a theory whose graphs have the same topology as QED with the x2x^2 propagator playing the role of the photon. The bare vertex approximation is obtained by replacing the exact vertex function by the bare one in the exact Schwinger-Dyson equations for the one and two point functions. The second approximation, which we call the dynamic Debye screening approximation, makes the further approximation of replacing the exact x2x^2 propagator by its value at leading order in the 1/N expansion. These two approximations are compared with exact numerical simulations for the quantum roll problem. The bare vertex approximation captures the physics at large and modest NN better than the dynamic Debye screening approximation.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures. The color version of a few figures are separately liste

    Time evolution of the chiral phase transition during a spherical expansion

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    We examine the non-equilibrium time evolution of the hadronic plasma produced in a relativistic heavy ion collision, assuming a spherical expansion into the vacuum. We study the O(4)O(4) linear sigma model to leading order in a large-NN expansion. Starting at a temperature above the phase transition, the system expands and cools, finally settling into the broken symmetry vacuum state. We consider the proper time evolution of the effective pion mass, the order parameter σ\langle \sigma \rangle, and the particle number distribution. We examine several different initial conditions and look for instabilities (exponentially growing long wavelength modes) which can lead to the formation of disoriented chiral condensates (DCCs). We find that instabilities exist for proper times which are less than 3 fm/c. We also show that an experimental signature of domain growth is an increase in the low momentum spectrum of outgoing pions when compared to an expansion in thermal equilibrium. In comparison to particle production during a longitudinal expansion, we find that in a spherical expansion the system reaches the ``out'' regime much faster and more particles get produced. However the size of the unstable region, which is related to the domain size of DCCs, is not enhanced.Comment: REVTex, 20 pages, 8 postscript figures embedded with eps

    Structure and consequences of vortex-core states in p-wave superfluids

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    It is now well established that in two-dimensional chiral p-wave paired superfluids, the vortices carry zero-energy modes which obey non-abelian exchange statistics and can potentially be used for topological quantum computation. In such superfluids there may also exist other excitations below the bulk gap inside the cores of vortices. We study the properties of these subgap states, and argue that their presence affects the topological protection of the zero modes. In conventional superconductors where the chemical potential is of the order of the Fermi energy of a non-interacting Fermi gas, there is a large number of subgap states and the mini-gap towards the lowest of these states is a small fraction of the Fermi energy. It is therefore difficult to cool the system to below the mini-gap and at experimentally available temperatures, transitions between the subgap states, including the zero modes, will occur and can alter the quantum states of the zero-modes. We show that compound qubits involving the zero-modes and the parity of the occupation number of the subgap states on each vortex are still well defined. However, practical schemes taking into account all subgap states would nonetheless be difficult to achieve. We propose to avoid this difficulty by working in the regime of small chemical potential mu, near the transition to a strongly paired phase, where the number of subgap states is reduced. We develop the theory to describe this regime of strong pairing interactions and we show how the subgap states are ultimately absorbed into the bulk gap. Since the bulk gap vanishes as mu -> 0 there is an optimum value mu_c which maximises the combined gap. We propose cold atomic gases as candidate systems where the regime of strong interactions can be explored, and explicitly evaluate mu_c in a Feshbach resonant K-40 gas.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures; v2: main text as published version, additional detail included as appendice

    Non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum field theory at high density: the tsunami

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    The dynamics of a dense relativistic quantum fluid out of thermodynamic equilibrium is studied in the framework of the Phi^4 scalar field theory in the large N limit. The time evolution of a particle distribution in momentum space (the tsunami) is computed. The effective mass felt by the particles in such a high density medium equals the tree level mass plus the expectation value of the squared field. The case of negative tree level squared mass is particularly interesting. In such case dynamical symmetry restoration as well as dynamical symmetry breaking can happen. Furthermore, the symmetry may stay broken with vanishing asymptotic squared mass showing the presence of out of equilibrium Goldstone bosons. We study these phenomena and identify the set of initial conditions that lead to each case. We compute the equation of state which turns to depend on the initial state. Although the system does not thermalize, the equation of state for asymptotically broken symmetry is of radiation type. We compute the correlation functions at equal times. The two point correlator for late times is the sum of different terms. One stems from the initial particle distribution. Another term accounts for the out of equilibrium Goldstone bosons created by spinodal unstabilities when the symmetry is asymptotically broken.Both terms are of the order of the inverse of the coupling for distances where causal signals can connect the two points. The contribution of the out of equilibrium Goldstones exhibits scaling behaviour in a generalized sense.Comment: LaTex, 49 pages, 15 .ps figure

    Equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties associated with the chiral phase transition at finite density in the Gross-Neveu Model

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    We study the dynamics of the chiral phase transition at finite density in the Gross-Neveu (GN) model in the leading order in large-N approximation. The phase structure of the GN model in this approximation has the property that there is a tricritical point at a fixed temperature and chemical potential separating regions where the chiral transition is first order from that where it is second order. We consider evolutions starting in local thermal and chemical equilibrium in the massless unbroken phase for conditions pertaining to traversing a first or second order phase transition. We assume boost invariant kinematics and determine the evolution of the order parameter σ\sigma, the energy density and pressure as well as the effective temperature, chemical potential and interpolating number densities as a function of the proper time τ\tau. We find that before the phase transition, the system behaves as if it were an ideal fluid in local thermal equilibrium with equation of state p=ϵp=\epsilon. After the phase transition, the system quickly reaches its true broken symmetry vacuum value for the fermion mass and for the energy density. The single particle distribution functions for Fermions and anti-Fermions go far out of equilibrium as soon as the plasma traverses the chiral phase transition. We have also determined the spatial dependence of the "pion" Green's function <ψˉ(x)γ5ψ(x)ψˉ(0)γ5ψ(0)><\bar{\psi}(x) \gamma_5 \psi(x) \bar{\psi}(0) \gamma_5 \psi(0)> as a function of the proper time.Comment: 39 pages, 23 figure

    Troubles with Bayesianism: An introduction to the psychological immune system

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    A Bayesian mind is, at its core, a rational mind. Bayesianism is thus well-suited to predict and explain mental processes that best exemplify our ability to be rational. However, evidence from belief acquisition and change appears to show that we do not acquire and update information in a Bayesian way. Instead, the principles of belief acquisition and updating seem grounded in maintaining a psychological immune system rather than in approximating a Bayesian processor