2,222 research outputs found

    Engaging and developing front-line clinical nurses to drive care excellence:Evaluating the Chief Nurse Excellence in Care Junior Fellowship initiative

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    Background Global challenges in the development of a highly skilled and motivated nursing workforce, jeopardises the delivery of high quality care. Flexible and innovative workforce solutions are required to overcome these challenges. Aims To describe the implementation and present the preliminary evaluation of a bespoke initiative called the ‘Chief Nurse Excellence in Care Junior Fellow’ designed to develop foundational clinical and academic skills of frontline junior clinical staff. Methods This initiative was developed and piloted at a large, inner-city, acute NHS Trust. The initiative involved two main components: a bespoke development programme and an improvement project that was supported by clinical and academic mentors. The initiative was evaluated using structured feedback, case studies, and data on dissemination activities. Results Six fellows completed the first cohort of the initiative that commenced in the spring 2016. Results showed positive impact on professional development relating to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Case studies of projects showed demonstrable impact on patient experience, outcomes and cost savings. Wider organisation and NHS impact was demonstrated through multiple dissemination activities.Conclusion This preliminary evaluation provides evidence that this initiative is a sustainable, clinically driven career development opportunity at a foundational level with demonstrable positive impact on care and staff development. Further work is underway to carry out a longitudinal structure, process and outcome evaluation with particular focus on impact

    The differential regulation of Lck kinase phosphorylation sites by CD45 is critical for T cell receptor signaling responses

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    SummaryThe molecular mechanisms whereby the CD45 tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) regulates T cell receptor (TCR) signaling responses remain to be elucidated. To investigate this question, we have reconstituted CD45 (encoded by Ptprc)-deficient mice, which display severe defects in thymic development, with five different expression levels of transgenic CD45RO, or with mutant PTPase null or PTPase-low CD45R0. Whereas CD45 PTPase activity was absolutely required for the reconstitution of thymic development, only 3% of wild-type CD45 activity restored T cell numbers and normal cytotoxic T cell responses. Lowering the CD45 expression increased CD4 lineage commitment. Peripheral T cells with very low activity of CD45 phosphatase displayed reduced TCR signaling, whereas intermediate activity caused hyperactivation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. These results are explained by a rheostat mechanism whereby CD45 differentially regulates the negatively acting pTyr-505 and positively acting pTyr-394 p56lck tyrosine kinase phosphorylation sites. We propose that high wild-type CD45 expression is necessary to dephosphorylate p56lck pTyr-394, suppressing CD4 T+ cell lineage commitment and hyperactivity

    ‘Our Care through our Eyes’: a mixed methods,evaluative study of a service user,co-produced education programme to improve inpatient care of children and young people admitted following self-harm

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    Introduction: Within Europe, the UK has one of the highest rates of self-harm, with a particularly high prevalence in children and young people (CYP). CYP who are admitted to paediatric hospital wards with self-harm are cared for by registered children's nurses who have been identified to lack specific training in caring for this patient group. This may impede the delivery of high quality care. Therefore, this study aims to co-produce, implement and evaluate an education programme for registered children's nurses to improve their knowledge, attitudes and confidence when caring for CYP admitted with self-harm. Methods and analysis: This mixed-methods evaluative study will involve a three-stage design. Stage 1: A priority-setting workshop will be conducted with 19 registered children's nurses. A Delphi technique will be used to establish consensus of information needs. Stage 2: An online educational intervention will be co-produced with 25 CYP and 19 registered children's nurses based on the priorities identified in Stage 1. Stage 3: The intervention will be implemented and evaluated with 250 registered children's nurses at a single hospital. Online Likert scale questionnaires will be administered at baseline and postintervention to assess levels of knowledge, attitudes and confidence in caring for CYP who self-harm. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used to analyse the data. Statistical significance will be assessed at the 5% (two-sided) level. One-to-one qualitative interviews will also be undertaken with approximately 25 participants to explore any perceived impact on clinical practice. An interpretive descriptive approach will guide qualitative data collection and analysis. Ethics and dissemination: This study aims to develop, trial and evaluative a service-user, co-produced education programme for acute hospital registered children's nurses to improve the care of CYP admitted due to self-harm. The study has ethical approval from the National Health Services Research Ethics Committee and full governance clearance

    Evaluating quality and impact of acute paediatric inpatient care: Defining the domains for a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) in children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders

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    Background and purpose: In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of children and young people (CYP), up to the age of 18 years, accessing acute paediatric inpatient care with mental health problems is increasing, with self-harm and eating disorders particularly prevalent. This initial period of acute inpatient care can involve multiple assessments and interventions in order to meet physical, psychological and social needs. However, there is a distinct paucity of published literature reporting CYP service users’ experiences and outcomes of being in receipt of non-specialist inpatient care. Therefore this project aimed to undertake the preliminary work in developing a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) for this patient group by identifying the domains for a PCOM and establishing how such a measure could be implemented. Methods: A two phase sequential design was adopted which involved: (1) a rapid review of the literature and (2) an evaluation of experiences and outcomes through stakeholder engagement events with children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders, their parents and carers, and professionals from health, social care and education. Findings: Rapid review of the literature • There is a lack of reported outcomes relating to CYP admitted to inpatient care with self-harm within the literature. • Outcomes reported by CYP appear to relate to aspects of care delivery, communication and the inpatient environment; • CYP reports predominantly relate to deficits in service provision which is recognised to negatively impact on experience and inhibit recovery and outcome. Findings: Stakeholder workshops • In total 96 CYP, parents and carers, and professionals participated in the stakeholder event. • Disparities in experiences and the implied quality of being in receipt of care were identified. • Synthesis of findings identified five domains that could be used to develop a PCOM that included: Privacy and surveillance; Receiving holistic care; Making choices and being understood through timely, relevant and appropriate communication; Working together to plan and achieve care goals; and Respect and empowerment • Variation was evident between CYP stakeholders as to the acceptability of when and how outcomes are measured. Conclusion: Findings from this project provide the foundations for a PCOM for CYP admitted to acute paediatric care with self harm or eating disorders to be developed, tested, implemented and evaluated. The domains identified have the potential to be further developed and validated as an instrument with a larger and more diverse sample of CYP

    Priorities for research during the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic and beyond: a survey of nurses, midwives and health visitors in the United Kingdom

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    Background: The Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant burden on global healthcare systems. Nurses, midwives and health visitors remain critical to the rapid responses and innovative solutions required. Their views, however, on priorities for research is mainly muted, necessitating greater clarity to inform research that benefits patients and families across the life course. Aims: To identify priorities for research in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and ‘beyond’, as recommended by nurses, midwives and health visitors across the four countries of the United Kingdom (UK). Methods: A cross-sectional, web-based survey design was conducted (5th May-4th June 2020). In addition to the completion of demographic information, respondents identified up to three research areas important to their clinical care/practice in the context of COVID-19 and beyond. Data were imported for analysis into NVivo 12 (QSR International). Descriptive analysis was used to summarise the demographic variables. Free text responses were analysed using a semantic, inductive thematic analysis approach. Results: In total 1,296 responses were received from a self-selected sample of predominantly of female, registered nurses of white British ethnicity, located in England and working for acute care providers, providing 3,444 research priority recommendations. Four higher-order themes emerged, (1) New and unknown frontiers; (2) Care and treatment solutions; (3) Healthcare leadership and inclusive workforce; and (4) Emotional and mental health impact. Conclusions: At a time of significant global uncertainty, the collective voice of nursing, midwifery and health visiting is never more important to inform clinical research. Whilst generalisability is limited by the homogeneity of the sample, this is the first survey to elicit the priorities for research in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond from nurses, midwives and health visitors in the UK. Novel findings developed through a rigorous analytical approach illuminate areas that require both urgent and long-term attention and provide a platform to direct priority refinement, future research and the basis for evidence translation

    A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for a Multi-Level, Clinic-Based Smoking Cessation Program with Women in Appalachian Communities: Study Protocol for the Break Free Program

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    BACKGROUND: The cervical cancer burden is high among women living in Appalachia. Cigarette smoking, a cervical cancer risk factor, is also highly prevalent in this population. This project aims to increase smoking cessation among women living in Appalachia by embedding a smoking cessation program within a larger, integrated cervical cancer prevention program. METHODS: The broader program, the Take CARE study, is a multi-site research collaborative designed to address three risk factors for cervical cancer incidence and mortality: tobacco use, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and cervical cancer screening. Break Free is a primary care clinic-based implementation program that aims to promote smoking cessation among female smokers in Appalachia by standardizing clinical practice protocols. Break Free includes: (1) implementation of a tobacco user identification system in the Electronic Health Record, (2) clinic staff and provider training on the Ask, Advise and Refer (AAR) model, (3) provider implementation of AAR to identify and treat women who want to quit smoking within the next 6 months, (4) facilitated access to cessation phone counseling plus pharmacotherapy, and (5) the bundling of Break Free tobacco cessation with HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening interventions in an integrated approach to cervical cancer prevention. The study spans 35 Appalachian health clinics across 10 healthcare systems. We aim to enroll 51 adult female smokers per health system (total N = 510). Baseline and follow-up data will be obtained from participant (provider and patient) surveys. The primary outcome is self-reported 12-month point prevalence abstinence among enrolled patients. All randomized patients are asked to complete follow-up surveys, regardless of whether they participated in tobacco treatment. Data analysis of the primary aims will follow intent-to-treat methodology. Secondary outcomes will assess program implementation and cost effectiveness. DISCUSSION: Addressing high tobacco use rates is critical for reducing cervical cancer morbidity and mortality among women living in Appalachia. This study evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of a smoking cessation program in increasing smoking cessation among female smokers. If results demonstrate effectiveness and sustainability, implementation of this program into other health care clinics could reduce both rates of smoking and cervical cancer. Trial registration NCT04340531 (April 9, 2020)

    Searching for Programme theories for a realist evaluation: a case study comparing an academic database search and a simple Google search

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    Background: Realist methodologies are increasingly being used to evaluate complex interventions in health and social care. Programme theory (ideas and assumptions of how a particular intervention works) development is the first step in a realist evaluation or a realist synthesis, with literature reviews providing important evidence to support this. Deciding how to search for programme theories is challenging and there is limited guidance available. Using an example of identifying programme theories for a realist evaluation of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Instruments in clinical practice, the authors explore and compare several different approaches to literature searching and highlight important methodological considerations for those embarking on a programme theory review. Methods: We compared the performance of an academic database search with a simple Google search and developed an optimised search strategy for the identification primary references (i.e. documents providing the clearest examples of programme theories) associated with the use of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Instruments (PU-RAIs). We identified the number of primary references and the total number of references retrieved per source. We then calculated the number needed to read (NNR) expressed as the total number of titles and abstracts screened to identify one relevant reference from each source. Results: The academic database search (comprising CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, HMIC, Medline) identified 2 /10 primary references with a NNR of 1395.The Google search identified 7/10 primary references with a NNR of 10.1. The combined NNR was 286.3. The optimised search combining Google and CINAHL identified 10/10 primary references with a NNR of 40.2. Conclusion: The striking difference between the efficiency of the review’s academic database and Google searches in finding relevant references prompted an in-depth comparison of the two types of search. The findings indicate the importance of including grey literature sources such as Google in this particular programme theory search, while acknowledging the need for transparency of methods. Further research is needed to facilitate improved guidance for programme theory searches to enhance practice in the realist field and to save researcher time and therefore resource

    B Cells Regulate Neutrophilia during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection and BCG Vaccination by Modulating the Interleukin-17 Response

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    We have previously demonstrated that B cells can shape the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, including the level of neutrophil infiltration and granulomatous inflammation at the site of infection. The present study examined the mechanisms by which B cells regulate the host neutrophilic response upon exposure to mycobacteria and how neutrophilia may influence vaccine efficacy. To address these questions, a murine aerosol infection tuberculosis (TB) model and an intradermal (ID) ear BCG immunization mouse model, involving both the μMT strain and B cell-depleted C57BL/6 mice, were used. IL (interleukin)-17 neutralization and neutrophil depletion experiments using these systems provide evidence that B cells can regulate neutrophilia by modulating the IL-17 response during M. tuberculosis infection and BCG immunization. Exuberant neutrophilia at the site of immunization in B cell-deficient mice adversely affects dendritic cell (DC) migration to the draining lymph nodes and attenuates the development of the vaccine-induced Th1 response. The results suggest that B cells are required for the development of optimal protective anti-TB immunity upon BCG vaccination by regulating the IL-17/neutrophilic response. Administration of sera derived from M. tuberculosis-infected C57BL/6 wild-type mice reverses the lung neutrophilia phenotype in tuberculous μMT mice. Together, these observations provide insight into the mechanisms by which B cells and humoral immunity modulate vaccine-induced Th1 response and regulate neutrophila during M. tuberculosis infection and BCG immunization. © 2013 Kozakiewicz et al

    Pharmacology as a foreign language: A preliminary evaluation of podcasting as a supplementary learning tool for non-medical prescribing students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nurses and other health professionals in the U.K. can gain similar prescribing rights to doctors by undertaking a non-medical prescribing course. Non-medical prescribing students must have a thorough understanding of the pharmacology of prescribing to ensure safe practice. Pharmacology education at this level is complicated by the variation in students' prior subject knowledge of, and anxiety about, the subject. The recent advances in technology, particularly the potential for mobile learning, provide increased opportunities for students to familiarise themselves with lecture materials and hence promote understanding. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate both the subjective (student perception) and objective (student use and exam results) usefulness of podcasts of pharmacology lectures which were provided as an extra learning tool to two cohorts (n = 69) of non-medical prescribing students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The podcasts were made available to students through the virtual learning environment WebCT. Use of podcasts by two successive cohorts of nurse prescribing students (n = 69) was tracked through WebCT. Survey data, which was collected from 44 of these students, investigated patterns of/reasons for podcast use and perceived usefulness of podcasts as a learning tool. Of these 69 students, 64 completed the pharmacology exam. In order to examine any impact of podcasts on student knowledge, their exam results were compared with those of two historical cohorts who did not have access to podcasts (n = 70).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>WebCT tracking showed that 91% of students accessed at least one podcast. 93% of students used the podcasts to revisit a lecture, 85% used podcasts for revision, and 61% used the podcasts when they had a specific question. Only 22% used the podcasts because they had missed a pharmacology session. Most students (81%) generally listened to the entire podcast rather than specific sections and most (73%) used them while referring to their lecture handouts. The majority of students found the podcasts helpful as a learning tool, as a revision aid and in promoting their understanding of the subject. Evaluation of the range of marks obtained, mode mark and mean mark suggested improved knowledge in students with access to podcasts compared to historical cohorts of students who did not have access to pharmacology podcasts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that non-medical prescribing students utilised podcasts of pharmacology lectures, and have found the availability of these podcasts helpful for their learning. Exam results indicate that the availability of podcasts was also associated with improved exam performance.</p