113 research outputs found

    Parental perceptions of bladder dysfunction in children with symptomatic joint hypermobility

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    Children with symptomatic joint hypermobility (SJH) report chronic pain, fatigue, and joint instability as their main symptoms. Symptoms can extend beyond musculoskeletal and include lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD). There are no studies exploring parent-perceived quality of life (QoL) in children with LUTD, or strategies used to manage symptoms in this population. Our online cross-sectional survey assessed parents of 6–18-year-olds via two UK charitable organizations. It included the Pediatric Incontinence Questionnaire (PinQ), the Dysfunctional Voiding Symptom Score, and questions exploring treatments and efficacy. Sixty-seven parental questionnaires were analyzed. The majority of children were white females (95%, n = 64). Urgency (97%, n = 65) and enuresis (41.7%, n = 28) were the most frequently reported symptoms. The PinQ questionnaire showed that children were emotionally distressed by LUTD. Twenty-nine parents (43%, n = 29) reported pharmacotherapy as the most effective treatment. Few had accessed other treatments such as physiotherapy (16%, n = 18). Most parents reported that overall treatment did not meet their expectations. This study highlights that parents perceive LUTD as having a great impact on their child's QoL. There is need for education among clinicians about LUTD and hypermobility-related disorders, and for development and evaluation of treatments

    Pair Correlations, Short Range Order and Dispersive Excitations in the Quasi-Kagome Quantum Magnet Volborthite

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    We present spatial and dynamic information on the s=1/2 distorted kagome antiferromagnet volborthite, Cu3V2O7(OD)2.2D2O, obtained by polarized and inelastic neutron scattering. The instantaneous structure factor, S(Q), is dominated by nearest neighbor pair correlations, with short range order at wave vectors Q1=0.65(3) {\AA}^-1 and Q2=1.15(5) {\AA}^-1 emerging below 5 K. The excitation spectrum, S(Q,{\omega}), reveals two steep branches dispersing from Q1 and Q2, and a flat mode at {\omega}=5.0(2) meV. The results allow us to identify the cross-over at T*=1 K in 51V NMR and specific heat measurements as the build-up of correlations at Q_1. We compare our data to theoretical models proposed for volborthite, and demonstrate that the excitation spectrum can be explained by spin-wave-like excitations with anisotropic exchange parameters, as also suggested by recent local density calculations.Comment: Rewritten article resubmitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 021

    The influence of poultry litter biochar on early season cotton growth

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    Cotton is known for being sensitive to cool, wet soils, especially in the early stages of growth. Amendments to soil can aid cotton seedlings in development and nutrient uptake. However, soil amendments can be costly and detrimental to the environment, and alternatives such as the addition of biochar have been considered. Biochar is produced from biomass that has gone through pyrolysis and has been shown to improve plant yield, microbial response, soil structure, soil cation–exchange capacity, and water use efficiency. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of biochar on early season cotton growth. The aim of this study was to determine whether biochar aids nutrient uptake and seedling development during the seedling’s life cycle. The study was established in October 2013 in the greenhouse at the University of Arkansas using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments included a control with no fertilizer or biochar, a control with fertilizer (56 kg N/ ha) and no biochar, and two fertilizer treatments (0 or 56 kg N/ ha) each with 1500 or 3000 kg/ha biochar. Plants were grown for eight weeks then harvested to collect plant height, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, and leaf area. Data showed that the highest level of biochar with additional fertilizer provided the best growth response in plant height, fresh weight dry weight, and leaf area at 27.52 cm, 14.7g, 1.87 g, and 419.48 cm2 , respectively

    Structure and magnetic properties of the cubic oxide fluoride BaFeO2F

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    Fluorination of the parent oxide, BaFeO3- δ, with polyvinylidine fluoride gives rise to a cubic compound with a = 4.0603(4) Å at 298K. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra confirmed that all the iron is present as Fe3+. Neutron diffraction data showed complete occupancy of the anion sites indicating a composition BaFeO2F, with a large displacement of the iron off-site. The magnetic ordering temperature was determined as TN = 645±5K. Neutron diffraction data at 4.2K established G-type antiferromagnetism with a magnetic moment per Fe3+ ion of 3.95μB. However, magnetisation measurements indicated the presence of a weak ferromagnetic moment which is assigned to the canting of the antiferromagnetic structure. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra in the temperature range 10 to 300K were fitted with a model of fluoride ion distribution that retains charge neutrality of the perovskite unit cel

    Her9/Hes4 Is Required for Retinal Photoreceptor Development, Maintenance, and Survival

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    The intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate vertebrate photoreceptor specification and differentiation are complex, and our understanding of all the players is far from complete. Her9, the zebrafish ortholog of human HES4, is a basic helix-loop-helix-orange transcriptional repressor that regulates neurogenesis in several developmental contexts. We have previously shown that her9 is upregulated during chronic rod photoreceptor degeneration and regeneration in adult zebrafish, but little is known about the role of her9 during retinal development. To better understand the function of Her9 in the retina, we generated zebrafish her9 CRISPR mutants. Her9 homozygous mutants displayed striking retinal phenotypes, including decreased numbers of rods and red/green cones, whereas blue and UV cones were relatively unaffected. The reduction in rods and red/green cones correlated with defects in photoreceptor subtype lineage specification. The remaining rods and double cones displayed abnormal outer segments, and elevated levels of apoptosis. In addition to the photoreceptor defects, her9 mutants also possessed a reduced proliferative ciliary marginal zone, and decreased and disorganized Müller glia. Mutation of her9 was larval lethal, with no mutants surviving past 13 days post fertilization. Our results reveal a previously undescribed role for Her9/Hes4 in photoreceptor differentiation, maintenance, and survival

    Complex magnetic ordering behavior in the frustrated perovskite Ba2MnMoO6

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    New and exotic ground states of magnetic materials are highly sought after and are extensively studied for the insights they provide into the thermodynamics of disorder and fundamental magnetic interactions. By controlling the crystal structure of an appropriate magnetic lattice, it is possible to cause the strong magnetic exchange interactions to sum to zero and so be frustrated. Due to the presence of this frustration, the lowest energy configuration that results may be crucially dependent on the tiniest of energy differences between a multitude of states that have (almost) the same energy. The keen interest in these materials arises from the fact that these finely balanced systems offer a way of probing classical or quantum mechanical interactions that are of fundamental importance but are too weak to be observed in non-frustrated systems. Here, we combine local and crystallographic probes of the cation-ordered double perovskite Ba2MnMoO6 that contains a face-centered cubic lattice of S = 5/2 Mn2+ cations. Neutron diffraction measurements below 9.27(7) K indicate that a fourfold degenerate non-collinear antiferromagnetic state exists with almost complete ordering of the Mn2+ spins. Muon spin relaxation measurements provide a local probe of the magnetic fields inside this material over the t1/2 = 2.2 µs lifetime of a muon, indicating a slightly lower Néel transition temperature of 7.9(1) K. The dc susceptibility data do not show the loss of magnetization that should accompany the onset of the antiferromagnetic order; they indicate that a strongly antiferromagnetically coupled paramagnetic state [θ = −73(3) K] persists down to 4 K, at which temperature a weak transition occurs. The behavior of this material differs considerably from the closely related compositions Ba2MnMO6 (M = W, Te), which show collinear ordering arrangements and well defined antiferromagnetic transitions in the bulk susceptibility. This suggests that the Mo6+ cation leads to a fine balance between the nearest and next-nearest neighbor superexchange in these frustrated double perovskite structures