5,373 research outputs found

    Analysis of planetary quarantine requirements

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    Analysis of planetary quarantine requirement

    Bayesian Inference from Composite Likelihoods, with an Application to Spatial Extremes

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    Composite likelihoods are increasingly used in applications where the full likelihood is analytically unknown or computationally prohibitive. Although the maximum composite likelihood estimator has frequentist properties akin to those of the usual maximum likelihood estimator, Bayesian inference based on composite likelihoods has yet to be explored. In this paper we investigate the use of the Metropolis--Hastings algorithm to compute a pseudo-posterior distribution based on the composite likelihood. Two methodologies for adjusting the algorithm are presented and their performance on approximating the true posterior distribution is investigated using simulated data sets and real data on spatial extremes of rainfall

    On the feasibility of radiation sterilization of planetary spacecraft Final report

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    Feasibility study for X-ray or gamma ray sterilization of spacecraft - radiation effect

    Integrated command, control, communications and computation system functional architecture

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    The functional architecture for an integrated command, control, communications, and computation system applicable to the command and control portion of the NASA End-to-End Data. System is described including the downlink data processing and analysis functions required to support the uplink processes. The functional architecture is composed of four elements: (1) the functional hierarchy which provides the decomposition and allocation of the command and control functions to the system elements; (2) the key system features which summarize the major system capabilities; (3) the operational activity threads which illustrate the interrelationahip between the system elements; and (4) the interfaces which illustrate those elements that originate or generate data and those elements that use the data. The interfaces also provide a description of the data and the data utilization and access techniques

    Handbook of space environmental effects on solar cell power systems

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    Space environmental effects on solar cell power systems for earth satellite

    Effects of Enamel Paint on the Behavior and Survival of the Periodical Cicada, \u3ci\u3eMagicicada Septendecim\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera) and the Lesser Migratory Grasshopper, \u3ci\u3eMelanoplus Sanguinipes (Orthoptera).

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    We present information compiled from several studies on the effects of methods for marking individual arthropods on their longevity and behavior. Results from our own research on effects of enamel paint marking on two in- sect species, the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim, and the lesser migratory grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes, are also presented. Neither species showed any adverse survivorship or behavioral effects from marking

    A study of the early use of self-words by a child

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    Reprinted from the Psychological review, v. 15, no. 6, Nov., 1908.Mode of access: Internet

    Place-Based Education as Liberatory Praxis

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    Indigenous students are severely underrepresented in higher education, and in STEM disciplines in particular. There is a lack of research critiquing the hegemonic culture of STEM programs in the United States that may present challenges to students pursuing these degrees from Indigenous communities. Using Tribal Critical Race Theory and Native Student Identity Development Theory, I examine the ways in which STEM programs throughout the United States harms and excludes Indigenous students, and seek to uncover ways that we can build Engineering departments which are more inclusive of varying worldviews, with a particular emphasis on Indigenous epistemologies. Specifically, I offer Place-Based education as a particular liberatory praxis in education which is conducive to Indigenous paradigms and has transformative potential within STEM disciplines. Implications for the University of Vermont are discussed. Keywords: Native Student Success, Place-Based Education, Indigenous Epistemolog

    Sexual Minority Health Behaviors and Potential Benefits of Same Sex Marriage

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    Sexual minorities experience higher rates of negative health behaviors, yet little is known about the mechanisms which contribute to these experiences. Marriage has been shown to provide protective health benefits for those who opt in to the institution. Much of the previous research has primarily focused on marriage between different-sex couples, or estimated same-sex cohabitation. This study utilizes nationally representative secondary data from the National Health Interview Survey, to investigate the potential mediating influence of marriage on the elevated occurrence of negative health behaviors among same-sex couples. In terms of marriage, sexual minorities experience similar marital benefits to heterosexual couples in some respects. This research indicates that marriage is also beneficial for same-sex women, as those women who are married are significantly less likely to report having fair or poor health. Marriage also decreases sexual minority feelings of hopelessness significantly for both genders, although slightly more for women than men