773 research outputs found

    12th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

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    Warszawa, 22–25 marca 2018 rok

    Primer estudio de la productividad primara de Laguna Sauce Grande

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    La productividad primaria (PP) en los sistemas acuåticos refiere a la tasa de incorporación de carbono inorgånico, principalmente por parte del fitoplancton, primer eslabón de la trama trófica. La materia orgånica resultante queda disponible para los siguientes eslabones de la cadena (zooplancton, peces). El estudio de la PP de la laguna Sauce Grande es de interés por su uso recreativo y pesquero.Área: Ciencias Biológicas, Ambiente y Salu

    Educational tours as a learning mechanism in the learning experience of Tourism students: Tourism Management Walter Sisulu University (Ibika Campus)

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Though research has been done on tourism education, very few research studies have been conducted that explore educational tours as a learning mechanism for tourism students. The study was undertaken to explore the value of educational tours as a learning mechanism in the learning experience of tourism students of Walter Sisulu University on the Ibika Campus. Literature reviewed identified various factors that affect learning including the value and benefits of educational tours, as well as indicating the challenges associated with the planning and making sure that these tours bring value and are in alignment with the objectives and learning outcomes of the tourism degree. The tourism curriculum embraces integration of both theory and practical at all levels of the tourism program. The study made use of a qualitative approach, with individual interviews with lecturing staff and focus group interviews with the students. A purposive sampling method was employed to select three focus groups of students who were registered for second year in Tourism Management, chosen mainly because they had already experienced educational tours in their first year and second year of their studies. Two lecturers from Tourism Management were chosen for the study because they were involved in the planning of educational tours and they always accompany the students when travelling to different destinations. The findings of this study, obtained through focus group interviews and individual interviews revealed that both students and lecturers perceive educational tours as a valuable learning mechanism to the student’s professional development as aspiring tourism industry professionals. Benefits that come with these educational tours were identified as well as constraints that will need further investigation. This is in turn was supported by the literature review that highlighted the value of educational tours and the significance of including these tours as part of the curriculum in university courses. These findings therefore will need further exploration due to the limited number of participants in this study

    Vendenheim – A355, contournement ouest de Strasbourg (tronçon 6, site 6.3), Isperlach

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    Pour des raisons environnementales, seule la zone sud a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©e en 2017. La zone nord ne sera fouillĂ©e qu’au printemps 2019. La zone sud a livrĂ© des structures Ă  caractĂšre domestique du premier Ăąge du Fer : un silo, deux petits bĂątiments sur quatre et six poteaux, plusieurs fosses circulaires indĂ©terminĂ©es, ainsi qu’une fosse oblongue. Le mobilier est issu principalement du silo et de la fosse oblongue. Des Ă©lĂ©ments de parcellaires de la pĂ©riode contemporaine (dĂ©but xxe s. ?) ont Ă©galeme..


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    Abstrak Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru dan anak serta  mendeskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan melalui media bahan bekas pakai. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 3-4 tahun di KB Al Ikhlas Jombatan  Jombang dengan jumlah 12 anak terdiri dari 3 anak laki-laki dan 9 anak perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi yang dilakukan oleh teman sejawat dan dokumentasi yang berupa foto kegiatan anak dalam proses pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif.  Hasil penelitian menujukkan adanya  peningkatan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan 1-5  sebesar 48%. Berdasarkan evaluasi hasil dari siklus I dan siklus II maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui media bahan bekas pakai dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan 1-5 pada anak usia 3-4 tahun. Kata Kunci : Kognitif, Media bahan bekas, KB.  Abstract This classroom action research aims to determine the activities of teachers and children as well as through the media to describe the material used to improve the ability to know the concept of numbers. Subjects were children aged 3-4 years in KB Al Ikhlas Jombatan Jombang with the number of 12 children consisted of 3 boys and 9 girls . Data collection techniques used in this study was the observation made by peers and documentation activities in the form of photos of children in the learning process . Data analysis techniques in this study using descriptive statistical analysis . The results showed an increased ability to recognize the concept of numbers 1-5 by 48 % . Based on the evaluation of the results of the first cycle and the second cycle , it can be concluded that through the medium of materials used to improve the ability to know the concept of numbers 1-5 in children aged 3-4 years. Key Words : Cognitive, Unused things as the media, K


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    R R Cony Astya Pradita. 14111310157. Code Switching as Teaching Strategy in English as a Foreign Language Class at the Second Grade of MTSN Babakan Ciwaringin. The difficulty of students in MTsN Babakan Ciwaringin in English teaching learning process is understanding the material of lesson when the teacher explain the material using full English. From the data the teacher use code switching as teaching strategy to make students easier in understanding English material. The teacher use code switching is speaking more than one language in the English teaching learning process. The aim of the research is to know more learning strategy use code switching. This research seeks to analysis code switching that use by the teacher in English teaching learning process. The researcher has done this research to find out the function of code switching, students‟ attitudes toward to the teacher use code switching as teaching strategy in the English teaching learning process, and types of code switching in English teaching learning process at the second grade of MTSN Babakan Ciwaringin. The method in conducting this research is done qualitatively. Qualitative research is done by depth observing and interviewing. The participants of this research are 3 classes and 3 English teachers. The instruments this research are field note and document. The validity of data are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Descriptive qualitative is data analysis of this research. The result show that In the use of code switching, the highest number is in give instruction and the lowest number is in give feedback on written work. The students attitudes toward to the teacher‟s code switching in English teaching learning process is totally agree in the 6 points. They are translation is an effective learning strategy for many learners, students less anxious, relation between learning English and students‟ own language, learn cooperatively, saving time and likeness. Types of code switching which commonly found in the English class during teacher teaching English material at the second grade of MTsN babakan ciwaringin is inter-sentential code switching. The highest number is inter-sentential code switching 60 cases. Code switching as teaching strategy in MTsN Babakan Ciwaringin is appropriate with the theory of Hall and Cook. It is proved by the result of the data in this research. Key words: code switching, types, functions, students’ feedback, classroo

    Furdenheim – Maison de santĂ© et du citoyen, rue du Stade

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    Une parcelle de 6 822 m2 devait ĂȘtre diagnostiquĂ©e prĂ©alablement Ă  l’amĂ©nagement d’une maison de santĂ© et du citoyen. Cette parcelle est voisine, Ă  l’est, d’une parcelle fouillĂ©e en 2013 par G. Pierrevelcin (Gruen, Complexe Judo-basket) qui a livrĂ© deux occupations protohistoriques (Bronze final et Hallstatt C/D1) et, au sud, d’une parcelle diagnostiquĂ©e et fouillĂ©e par l’Inrap en 2016 ayant livrĂ© des vestiges romains. Treize tranchĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es (environ 12,8 %) et cinq structures ont..

    Factorization of nonnegative matrices—II

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    AbstractSuppose A is an n×n nonnegative matrix. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for A to be factored as LU, where L is a lower triangular nonnegative matrix, and U is an upper triangular nonnegative matrix with uii = 1

    Pemamfaatan Media Canva pada Pembelajaran Pembuatan Poster Siswa Kelas X MA Pondok Pesantren Darul Akhlaq Toronan Pamekasan

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    The demands of the era of rapid digitalization require every group to be able to adapt and continue to increase their competitiveness with digital technology. Especially in the world of education, in the era of digitalization, everything can be accessed easily, the digital world provides a change in the era of learning that can be carried out with a wider reach. Students can easily access assignments and learning by accessing them on the internet. However, the case is different if within the scope of an Islamic boarding school, which in fact does not allow its students to bring cell phones/gang phones. The main aim of this research is to examine cases that occur in the field regarding these problems, and also to participate in case studies that occur in the Islamic boarding school environment. The research design uses a descriptive case study research approach where researchers will go directly to the field to observe and research how cases occur in the field. The main instruments in this research are teachers and students. The main finding obtained by researchers is how the use of Canva media in learning to make posters is still not optimal and experiences several obstacles. The results of the research show that in using Canva media in learning to create, students have experienced an increase not only in making posters in writing but also in how the design and quality of the posters produced has increased by 80%.Tuntutan era digitalisasi yang pesat mengharuskan setiap kalangan untuk mampu beradaptasi dan terus meningkatkan daya saing dengan teknologi digital. Utamanya dalam dunia pendidikan, di era digitalisasi semua hal dapat diakses dengan mudah, dunia digital memberikan perubahan era belajar yang dapat dilakukan dengan jangkauan yang lebih luas. Siswa dapat dengan mudah mengakses tugas dan pembelajaran dengan mengaksesnya di internet. Namun berbeda kasus jika dalam ruang lingkup pondok pesantren yang notabenenya tidak memperbolehkan para santrinya untuk membawa hp/ganget. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mencermati kasus yang terjadi di lapangan mengenai permasalah tersebut, dan juga ikut serta dalam berpartisipasi dalam studi kasus yang terjadi di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif studi kasus dimana peneliti akan turun lansung ke lapangan untuk mengamati dan meneliti bagaimana kasus yang terjadi di lapangan. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu guru dan siswa. Temuan utama yang diperoleh oleh peneliti yaitu bagaimana penggunakan media canva dalam pembelajaran membuat poster masih belum maksimal dan mengalami beberapa kendala. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dala penggunaan media canva pada pembelajaran pembuatan siswa mengalami peningkatan bukan hanya dalam pembuatan poster secara tulisan saja namun lebih pada bagaimana desain dan kualitas poster yang dihasilkan sudah meningkat 80%


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    Konflik merupakan warisan kehidupan sosial yang berlaku dalam berbagai keadaan akibat bangkitnya keadaan ketidaksetujuan, kontroversi, dan pertentangan diantara dua pihak atau lebih secara berterusan. Hal ini terjadi jika masing-masing komponen organisasi memiliki kepentingan atau tujuan sendiri-sendiri dan tidak bekerja sama satu sama lain. Tapal batas berarti garis pembatas atau pemisah. Tapal batas adalah pemisah antara daerah yang satu dengan daerah lainnya, yang mana dalam lingkup batas daerah itulah dilaksanakan penyelenggaraan wewenang masing-masing daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konflik tapal batas wilayah antara Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengali lebih dalam informasi secara objektif terhadap permasalahan yang hendak diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan permasalahan yang terjadi akibat ketidaksetujuan pemerintah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow pada titik batas wilayah yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 Tentang Batas Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Dengan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan.Kata Kunci : Konflik, Tapal Batas
