2,333 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Energy Consumption and Existing Energy Management Practices in a Dublin Sports Centre

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    Rising energy costs are a concern to all businesses but especially to those who have a large energy demand. Sports centres with swimming pools have large requirements for heat and electricity in order to maintain thermal comfort within the pool and surrounding areas. Sports centres which were built in the 1970s were designed at a time when energy was cheap and many of today’s control strategies and energy efficiency measures were unavailable. This project is an investigation into the electrical and thermal consumption of the Tallaght Sports Complex. The Tallaght Sports Complex was built in the 1970s and is lacking in modern energy saving technologies. A detailed examination of the energy flows within the building is carried out and consumption patterns for all large energy users are identified. Methods of reducing energy consumption for the large energy users are discussed, calculated and in some cases, implemented. Results from the implemented energy saving strategies are analysed. The results of the project show that there is a large potential to reduce the energy demand of the Tallaght Sports Complex, mainly through the installation of a cross flow heat exchanger, but also through the use of variable speed drives and a building management system

    Leveraging Lean in construction: A case study of a BIM-based HVAC manufacturing process

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    The impetus towards efficiency in the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction & Operations) sector is driving the implementation of Lean practices. BIM technologies and BIM processes provide methods by which this can be achieved. Major clients of building services contractors have begun to mandate the use of BIM and some are using BIM preparedness/experience as pre-tender qualification criteria. In this case study, an initial review has been conducted of the achievements of a major Irish M&E contractor in implementing BIM. The firm purpose-built a facility for the off-site manufacture of building services components. The operations of the plant are efficient and qualityassured through the use of an appropriately skilled workforce at all stages of manufacture, and tracking software that has developed as the knowledge of the contractor grew. Standardised processes have been developed which have resulted in greater efficiencies and lower costs for the contractor as a result of fewer requirements for onsite modifications (such as those caused by clashes), less waste, and greater flexibility. Despite some initial objections, the employees of the company are now more satisfied with their working conditions and are, as a result, more productive. Through investment in BIM-based, Lean processes, the contractor can now better compete when tenerding for large-scale projects in Ireland and worldwide, including the rapidly-increasing number where BIM experience and preparedness is mandated

    Resolution of the Compact Radio Continuum Sources in Arp220

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    We present 2 cm and 3.6 cm wavelength very long baseline interferometry images of the compact radio continuum sources in the nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp220. Based on their radio spectra and variability properties, we confirm these sources to be a mixture of supernovae (SNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs). Of the 17 detected sources we resolve 7 at both wavelengths. The SNe generally only have upper size limits. In contrast all the SNRs are resolved with diameters {\geq} 0.27 pc. This size limit is consistent with them having just entered their Sedov phase while embedded in an interstellar medium (ISM) of density 10^4 cm^{-3} . These objects lie on the diameter-luminosity correlation for SNRs (and so also on the diameter-surface brightness relation) and extend these correlations to very small sources. The data are consistent with the relation L {\propto} D^{-9/4}. Revised equipartition arguments adjusted to a magnetic field to relativistic particle energy density ratio of 1% combined with a reasonable synchrotron-emitting volume filling factor of 10% give estimated magnetic field strengths in the SNR shells of ~ 15-50 mG. The SNR shell magnetic fields are unlikely to come from compression of ambient ISM fields and must instead be internally generated. We set an upper limit of 7 mG for the ISM magnetic field. The estimated energy in relativistic particles, 2%-20% of the explosion kinetic energy, is consistent with estimates from models that fit the IR-radio correlation in compact starburst galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Multiwavelength radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220

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    We report the first detection at multiple radio wavelengths (13, 6, and 3.6 cm) of 18 compact sources within both nuclei of the Ultra Luminous Infra-Red Galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220. In just over half of the sources we find that the observed spectra are consistent with the standard model of powerful Type IIn supernovae interacting with their pre-explosion stellar wind. The rate of appearance of new radio sources ascribed to these supernova events suggests that a large fraction of core-collapse supernovae in Arp 220 are highly luminous, possibly implying a radically different stellar initial mass function (IMF) or stellar evolution compared to galactic disks. A second group of sources, consisting of the brightest and longest monitored sources at 18 cm, do not easily fit the radio supernova model. We propose that these are young supernova remnants that have just begun interacting with their surrounding dense ISM

    How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO2 sublimation

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    Martian gullies resemble water-carved gullies on Earth, yet their present-day activity cannot be explained by water-driven processes. The sublimation of CO2 has been proposed as an alternative driver for sediment transport, but how this mechanism works remains unknown. Here we combine laboratory experiments of CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric pressure with 1D climate simulation modelling to unravel how, where, and when CO2 can drive present-day gully activity. Our work shows that sublimation of CO2 ice, under Martian atmospheric conditions can fluidize sediment and creates morphologies similar to those observed on Mars. Furthermore, the modelled climatic and topographic boundary conditions for this process, align with present-day gully activity. These results have implications for the influence of water versus CO2-driven processes in gully formation and for the interpretation of gully landforms on other planets, as their existence is no longer definitive proof for flowing liquids

    A Hybrid of Optical Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling Improves Water Balance Estimation

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    Declining gauging infrastructure and fractious water politics have decreased available information about river flows globally. Remote sensing and water balance modelling are frequently cited as potential solutions, but these techniques largely rely on these same in-decline gauge data to make accurate discharge estimates. A different approach is therefore needed, and we here combine remotely sensed discharge estimates made via at-many-stations hydraulic geometry (AMHG) and the PCR-GLOBWB hydrological model to estimate discharge over the Lower Nile. Specifically, we first estimate initial discharges from 87 Landsat images and AMHG (1984-2015), and then use these flow estimates to tune the model, all without using gauge data. The resulting tuned modelled hydrograph shows a large improvement in flow magnitude: validation of the tuned monthly hydrograph against a historical gauge (1978-1984) yields an RMSE of 439 m3/s (40.8%). By contrast, the original simulation had an order-of-magnitude flow error. This improvement is substantial but not perfect: tuned flows have a one-to two-month wet season lag and a negative baseflow bias. Accounting for this two-month lag yields a hydrograph RMSE of 270 m3/s (25.7%). Thus, our results coupling physical models and remote sensing is a promising first step and proof of concept toward future modelling of ungauged flows, especially as developments in cloud computing for remote sensing make our method easily applicable to any basin. Finally, we purposefully do not offer prescriptive solutions for Nile management, and rather hope that the methods demonstrated herein can prove useful to river stakeholders in managing their own water

    Multiwavelength radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220

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    We report the first detection at multiple radio wavelengths (13, 6, and 3.6 cm) of 18 compact sources within both nuclei of the Ultra Luminous Infra-Red Galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220. In just over half of the sources we find that the observed spectra are consistent with the standard model of powerful Type IIn supernovae interacting with their pre-explosion stellar wind. The rate of appearance of new radio sources ascribed to these supernova events suggests that a large fraction of core-collapse supernovae in Arp 220 are highly luminous, possibly implying a radically different stellar initial mass function (IMF) or stellar evolution compared to galactic disks. A second group of sources, consisting of the brightest and longest monitored sources at 18 cm, do not easily fit the radio supernova model. We propose that these are young supernova remnants that have just begun interacting with their surrounding dense ISM

    The radio spectra of the compact sources in Arp 220: A mixed population of supernovae and supernova remnants

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    We report the first detection at multiple radio wavelengths (13, 6 and 3.6 cm) of the compact sources within both nuclei of the Ultra Luminous Infra-Red Galaxy Arp 220. We present the radio spectra of the 18 detected sources. In just over half of the sources we find that these spectra and other properties are consistent with the standard model of powerful Type IIn supernovae interacting with their pre-explosion stellar wind. The rate of appearance of new radio sources identified with these supernova events suggests that an unusually large fraction of core collapse supernovae in Arp 220 are highly luminous; possibly implying a radically different stellar initial mass function or stellar evolution compared to galactic disks. Another possible explanation invokes very short (~3 x 10^5 year) intense (~10^3 M_Sol year^-1) star formation episodes with a duty cycle of ~10%. A second group of our detected sources, consisting of the brightest and longest monitored sources at 18 cm do not easily fit the radio supernova model. These sources show a range of spectral indexes from -0.2 to -1.9. We propose that these are young supernova remnants which have just begun interacting with a surrounding ISM with a density between 10^4 and 10^5 cm^-3. One of these sources is probably resolved at 3.6 cm wavelength with a diameter 0.9 pc. In the western nucleus we estimate that the ionized component of the ISM gives rise to foreground free-free absorption with opacity at 18 cm of <0.6 along the majority of lines of sight. Other sources may be affected by absorption with opacity in the range 1 to 2. These values are consistent with previous models as fitted to the radio recombination lines and the continuum spectrum.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap