255 research outputs found

    Contingencies and characteristics of service recovery system design: insights from retail banking

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    Purpose: this paper explores the contingencies and characteristics of service recovery system (SRS) design. Design/methodology/approach: informed by extensive case study data from two large Italian retail banks, our theory-building study builds on the seven design characteristics proposed by Smith et al. (2009). Nineteen sub-dimensions are identified that provide a finergrain view of the SRS at the operational level. The design characteristics and the corresponding sub-dimensions comprise the SRS design framework. These sub-dimensions are then analysed across the two cases. Specific attention is given to sub-dimensions that are contingent upon service recovery strategy. Findings: the findings suggest that the extended set of SRS sub-dimensions (providing greater specificity) contributes to identifying commonality and difference between SRS configurations. This specificity facilitates the identification of two sets of SRS design characteristics (S-Type; C-Type) that correspond with SR strategy. Two propositions have been formulated with respect to this SR strategy – SRS contingency. An additional set of subdimensions, common to both cases, is explained by conformance to regulatory control. Originality/value: the paper provides novel theoretical insights into SRS design. The increased specificity of the SRS framework and the sets of sub-dimensions contingent on SR strategy extend current theory in OM. This provides opportunities for both practicing managers and for future theoretical development

    Production of benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid by yeasts and Botrytis cinerea isolated from grape musts and wines

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    The capacity of 100 yeast strains - isolated from grape musts and wines from the Istituto Sperimentale per l'Enologia collection - to produce benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid was verified by inoculation into a synthetic nutrient medium (MNS). Schizosaccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces were strongest in producing benzaldehyde (maximal amount found 1200 ”g/l) and benzyl alcohol (maximally 523 ”g/l). Zygosaccharomyces was also most effective in the production of benzoic acid (maximally 536 ”g/l), followed by Saccharomyces, Cryptococcus, Kloeckera and Torulaspora. The hypothesis was verified that yeasts can be an exogenous source of the benzyl alcohol oxidizing enzyme in grape musts and wines. Wine yeast strains of Saccharomyces spp., Zygosaccharomyces spp. and Schizosaccharomyces spp. fermenting MNS containing 150 g/l glucose, with benzyl alcohol added, transformed this into benzoic acid only when glucose was disappearing, but not into benzaldehyde. No difference was observed between aerobic and anaerobic fermentation conditions. The uptake of benzyl alcohol was rapid in fermentation essays in presence of only 10 g/l glucose and in assimilation essais performed in yeast nitrogen base broth with assimilable carbon compounds added. A catabolic repression by glucose appears likely. Botrytis cinerea was able to transform benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde and benzoic acid on Czapek-Dox broth with 30 g/l sucrose added. Benzyl alcohol was transformed by wine yeasts into benzoic acid when the concentration of glucose in the mineral medium was less than 10 g/l, but no production of benzaldehyde was observed. A catabolic repression of this transformation by glucose is likely. Botrytis cinerea was able to produce benzaldehyde in a mineral medium with benzyl alcohol and sucrose added

    Retrospective analysis of dry period length in Italian Holstein cows

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    This research studied the relevance of potential sources of variation for dry period length in Italian Holstein cows reared in northern Italy and investigated the effect of days dry (DD) on milk production and calving interval in the subsequent lactation. Field data of individual cow DD were merged: a) with information from the previous lactation (6832 lactations, 87 herds) and analysed to investigate factors influencing DD; b) with milk yield (MY) and calving interval (CI) of the subsequent lactation (≈4000 lactations, >80 herds) and analysed to investigate the effect of DD on subsequent lactation performance. Individual cow DD averaged 67±27d, with a median of 62d; nearly 20% of DD were greater than 80 d. Herd had the greatest impact on DD; average herd DD was 71 d and >50% of herds had a mean dry period length >70d. Longer DD were associated with second or later parity cows, lower daily MY at dryoff, and extremes in the length of the previous lactation, either short or long. After an adjustment for MY genetic merit, dry periods 80d resulted in a 100kg increase in subsequent MY. However, yield lost in the subsequent lactation caused by average DD<65 d might be offset completely by the higher yield obtained in the previous lactation due to its longer length. Conversely, dry period length did not significantly affect ensuing CI. Therefore, data from this study and literature analysis suggest that a decrease in the duration of DD could be profitable for most herds considered. A general recommendation towards dry periods between 45 to 60d could be advised

    Western cape land use model overview

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    The Western Cape Land Use Model (WCLM) is integrated with the Western Cape Transport Model and Western Cape Freight Model in a system constituting the Western Cape Land Use and Transport Interaction Model (WCLUTI). The WCLM includes several model components: regions are stratified by inside and outside the City of Cape Town, markets are divided by residential and non-residential, and land use identity is divided by “formal” and “informal”. The “formal” component is modelled using CUBE Land software, which is designed to forecast the expected occupied real estate supply, location of households and firms/jobs, and rent values. The “informal” residential land use (additional informal dwellings and informal settlements) is modelled by means of utility-based supplemental models, affecting the available land and the formal location behaviour in areas close to informal property groups through a feedback loop. The objective of the joint model is to predict these components for the forecasting year under different user-defined scenarios of population and economic growth, regulations and subsidies, real estate projects and accessibility/attractiveness levels provided by the transportation system. These forecasts feed the transportation model in an integrated system, informing the land use and transport planning process through performance-based indicators, helping to achieve coordination across different sectors.Papers presented virtually at the 39th International Southern African Transport Conference on 05 -07 July 202

    Aggregation effects on pigment coatings: Pigment red 179 as a case study

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    Here, we have studied, with a combined experimental and computational approach, the effect of the crystal environment and aggregation on the electronic properties of Pigment Red 179, which affect both its color and optical energy gap. Spectra acquired in the near-infrared and visible range of energies suggest that this molecule is indeed a "cool" dye, which can be employed as a red pigment that provides effective color coverage to different substrates without contributing to their heating during light irradiation. Spectra acquired on different polymer mixtures at different pigment concentrations (i.e., 2.5-10 wt %) suggest that absorption features depend on chromophoric arrangements promoted by the strong intermolecular I -\u3c0interactions. Calculations, performed at the time-dependent density functional theory level, allowed to both attribute the nature of the electronic transitions causing the observed spectra involved and understand the effect of the environment. Indeed, the visible spectra of the pigment is dominated by two localized transitions, with negligible charge transfer for both a dye monomer and dimer either in vacuum or acetonitrile solution. Instead, models including the crystal environment of the pigment show the presence of a high-wavelength S1 \ue2 S0 charge transfer transition between two adjacent molecules, in quantitative agreement with the experimental absorption energy of the crystal pigment

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound features of adrenal lesions in dogs

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    Background: The contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) features of adrenallesions are poorly reported in veterinary literature. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative B-mode ultrasound and CEUS features of 186 benign (adenoma) and malignant (adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma)adrenal lesions were evaluated. Results: Adenocarcinomas (n = 72) and pheochromocytomas (n = 32) had mixed echogenicity with B-mode, and a non-homogeneous aspect with a diffusedor peripheral enhancement pattern, hypoperfused areas, intralesional microcirculation and non-homogeneous wash-out with CEUS. Adenomas (n = 82) had mixed echogenicity, isoechogenicity or hypoechogenicity with B-mode, and a homogeneous or non-homogeneous aspect with a diffused enhancement pattern, hypoperfused areas, intralesional microcirculation and homogeneous wash-out with CEUS. With CEUS, a non-homogeneous aspect and the presence of hypoperfused areas and intralesional microcirculation can be used to distinguish between malignant (adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma) and benign (adenoma) adrenal lesions. Limitations: Lesions were characterised only bymeans of cytology. Conclusions: CEUS examination is a valuable tool for distinction between benign and malignant adrenal lesions and can potentially differentiatepheochromocytomas fromadenocarcinomas and adenomas.However, cytology and histology are necessary to obtain the final diagnosis

    Serum metabolomics assessment of etiological processes predisposing ketosis in water buffalo during early lactation

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    Metabolic disorders as ketosis are manifestations of the animal's inability to manage the increase in energy requirement during early lactation. Generally, buffaloes show a different response to higher metabolic demands than other ruminants with a lower incidence of metabolic problems, although ketosis is one of the major diseases that may decrease the productivity in buffaloes. The aim of this study was to characterize the metabolic profile of Mediterranean buffaloes (MB) associated with 2 different levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Sixty-two MB within 50 days in milk (DIM) were enrolled and divided into 2 groups according to se -rum BHB concentration: healthy group (37 MB; BHB &lt;0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 5.00; parity: 3.78; and DIM: 30.70) and group at risk of hyperketonemia (25 MB; BHB &gt;= 0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 4.50; parity: 3.76; and DIM: 33.20). The statistical analysis was conducted by one-way ANOVA and un-paired 2-sample Wilcoxon tests. Fifty-seven metabolites were identified and among them, 12 were significant or tended to be significant. These metabolites were related to different metabolic changes such as mobilization of body resources, ruminal fermentations, urea cycle, thy-roid hormone synthesis, inflammation, and oxidative stress status. These findings are suggestive of metabolic changes related to subclinical ketosis status that should be further investigated to better characterize this dis-ease in the MB
