84 research outputs found

    Non equilibrium optical properties in semiconductors from first--principles: a combined theoretical and experimental study of bulk silicon

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    The calculation of the equilibrium optical properties of bulk silicon by using the Bethe--Salpeter equation solved in the Kohn--Sham basis represents a cornerstone in the development of an ab--initio approach to the optical and electronic properties of materials. Nevertheless calculations of the {\em transient} optical spectrum using the same efficient and successful scheme are scarce. We report, here, a joint theoretical and experimental study of the transient reflectivity spectrum of bulk silicon. Femtosecond transient reflectivity is compared to a parameter--free calculation based on the non--equilibrium Bethe--Salpeter equation. By providing an accurate description of the experimental results we disclose the different phenomena that determine the transient optical response of a semiconductor. We give a parameter--free interpretation of concepts like bleaching, photo--induced absorption and stimulated emission, beyond the Fermi golden rule. We also introduce the concept of optical gap renormalization, as a generalization of the known mechanism of band gap renormalization. The present scheme successfully describes the case of bulk silicon, showing its universality and accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Resonant optical control of the structural distortions that drive ultrafast demagnetization in Cr2_2O3_3

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    We study how the color and polarization of ultrashort pulses of visible light can be used to control the demagnetization processes of the antiferromagnetic insulator Cr2_2O3_3. We utilize time-resolved second harmonic generation (SHG) to probe how changes in the magnetic and structural state evolve in time. We show that, varying the pump photon-energy to excite either localized transitions within the Cr or charge transfer states, leads to markedly different dynamics. Through a full polarization analysis of the SHG signal, symmetry considerations and density functional theory calculations, we show that, in the non-equilibrium state, SHG is sensitive to {\em both} lattice displacements and changes to the magnetic order, which allows us to conclude that different excited states couple to phonon modes of different symmetries. Furthermore, the spin-scattering rate depends on the induced distortion, enabling us to control the timescale for the demagnetization process. Our results suggest that selective photoexcitation of antiferromagnetic insulators allows fast and efficient manipulation of their magnetic state.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature dependence of the thermal boundary resistivity of glass-embedded metal nanoparticles

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    The temperature dependence of the thermal boundary resistivity is investigated in glass-embedded Ag particles of radius 4.5 nm, in the temperature range from 300 to 70 K, using all-optical time-resolved nanocalorimetry. The present results provide a benchmark for theories aiming at explaining the thermal boundary resistivity at the interface between metal nanoparticles and their environment, a topic of great relevance when tailoring thermal energy delivery from nanoparticles as for applications in nanomedicine and thermal management at the nanoscaleComment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Anisotropic complex refractive indices of atomically thin materials: determination of the optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus

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    In this work we briefly review the studies of the optical constants of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides and few layer black phosphorus, with particular emphasis to the complex dielectric function and refractive index. Specifically, we give an estimate of the complex index of refraction of phosphorene and few-layer black phosphorus. We extracted the complex index of refraction of this material from differential reflectance data reported in literature by employing a constrained Kramers-Kronig analysis. Finally, we studied the linear optical response of multilayer systems embedding phosphorene by using the transfer matrix method.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Strong enhancement of d-wave superconducting state in the three-band Hubbard model coupled to an apical oxygen phonon

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    We study the hole binding energy and pairing correlations in the three-band Hubbard model coupled to an apical oxygen phonon, by exact diagonalization and constrained-path Monte Carlo simulations. In the physically relevant charge-transfer regime, we find that the hole binding energy is strongly enhanced by the electron-phonon interaction, which is due to a novel potential-energy-driven pairing mechanism involving reduction of both electronic potential energy and phonon related energy. The enhancement of hole binding energy, in combination with a phonon-induced increase of quasiparticle weight, leads to a dramatic enhancement of the long-range part of d-wave pairing correlations. Our results indicate that the apical oxygen phonon plays a significant role in the superconductivity of high-TcT_c cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Macrospin dynamics in antiferromagnets triggered by sub-20 femtosecond injection of nanomagnons

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    The understanding of how the sub-nanoscale exchange interaction evolves in macroscale correlations and ordered phases of matter, such as magnetism and superconductivity, requires to bridging the quantum and classical worlds. This monumental challenge has so far only been achieved for systems close to their thermodynamical equilibrium. Here we follow in real time the ultrafast dynamics of the macroscale magnetic order parameter in the Heisenberg antiferromagnet KNiF 3 triggered by the impulsive optical generation of spin excitations with the shortest possible nanometre wavelength and femtosecond period. Our magneto-optical pump-probe experiments also demonstrate the coherent manipulation of the phase and amplitude of these femtosecond nanomagnons, whose frequencies are defined by the exchange energy. These findings open up opportunities for fundamental research on the role of short-wavelength spin excitations in magnetism and strongly correlated materials; they also suggest that nanospintronics and nanomagnonics can employ coherently controllable spin waves with frequencies in the 20 THz domain

    Exciton-phonon coupling strength in single-layer MoSe2 at room temperature

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    Single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides are at the center of an ever increasing research effort both in terms of fundamental physics and applications. Exciton-phonon coupling plays a key role in determining the (opto)electronic properties of these materials. However, the exciton-phonon coupling strength has not been measured at room temperature. Here, we develop two-dimensional micro-spectroscopy to determine exciton-phonon coupling of single-layer MoSe2. We detect beating signals as a function of waiting time T, induced by the coupling between the A exciton and the A'1 optical phonon. Analysis of two-dimensional beating maps combined with simulations provides the exciton-phonon coupling. The Huang-Rhys factor of ~1 is larger than in most other inorganic semiconductor nanostructures. Our technique offers a unique tool to measure exciton-phonon coupling also in other heterogeneous semiconducting systems with a spatial resolution ~260 nm, and will provide design-relevant parameters for the development of optoelectronic devices

    Strong Coupling of Coherent Phonons to Excitons in Semiconducting Monolayer MoTe2_2

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    The coupling of the electron system to lattice vibrations and their time-dependent control and detection provides unique insight into the non-equilibrium physics of semiconductors. Here, we investigate the ultrafast transient response of semiconducting monolayer 2HH-MoTe2_2 encapsulated with hhBN using broadband optical pump-probe microscopy. The sub-40-fs pump pulse triggers extremely intense and long-lived coherent oscillations in the spectral region of the A' and B' exciton resonances, up to \sim20% of the maximum transient signal, due to the displacive excitation of the out-of-plane A1gA_{1g} phonon. Ab-initio calculations reveal a dramatic rearrangement of the optical absorption of monolayer MoTe2_2 induced by an out-of-plane stretching and compression of the crystal lattice, consistent with an A1gA_{1g}-type oscillation. Our results highlight the extreme sensitivity of the optical properties of monolayer TMDs to small structural modifications and their manipulation with light.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, supporting informatio

    Coherent phonons and the interplay between charge density wave and Mott phases in 1<i>T</i>-TaSe<sub>2</sub>

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    1TT-TaSe2_{2} is host to coexisting strongly-correlated phases including charge density waves (CDWs) and an unusual Mott transition at low temperature. Here, we investigate coherent phonon oscillations in 1TT-TaSe2_{2} using a combination of time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES) and time-resolved reflectivity (TRR). Perturbation by a femtosecond laser pulse triggers a modulation of the valence band binding energy at the Γ\Gamma-point, related to the Mott gap, that is consistent with the in-plane CDW amplitude mode frequency. By contrast, TRR measurements show a modulation of the differential reflectivity comprised of multiple frequencies belonging to the distorted CDW lattice modes. Comparison of the temperature dependence of coherent and spontaneous phonons across the CDW transition shows that the amplitude mode intensity is more easily suppressed during perturbation of the CDW state by the optical excitation compared to other modes. Our results clearly identify the relationship of the in-plane CDW amplitude mode with the Mott phase in 1TT-TaSe2_{2} and highlight the importance of lattice degrees of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, supplemental materia

    Photo-Induced Bandgap Renormalization Governs the Ultrafast Response of Single-Layer MoS2.

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging as promising two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors for optoelectronic and flexible devices. However, a microscopic explanation of their photophysics, of pivotal importance for the understanding and optimization of device operation, is still lacking. Here, we use femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, with pump pulse tunability and broadband probing, to monitor the relaxation dynamics of single-layer MoS2 over the entire visible range, upon photoexcitation of different excitonic transitions. We find that, irrespective of excitation photon energy, the transient absorption spectrum shows the simultaneous bleaching of all excitonic transitions and corresponding red-shifted photoinduced absorption bands. First-principle modeling of the ultrafast optical response reveals that a transient bandgap renormalization, caused by the presence of photoexcited carriers, is primarily responsible for the observed features. Our results demonstrate the strong impact of many-body effects in the transient optical response of TMDs even in the low-excitation-density regime