1,292 research outputs found

    From anarchy to monopoly : how competition and protection shaped mafia's behavior

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    Mafia-like organizations are highly dynamic and organized criminal groups characterized by their extortive activities that impact societies and economies in different modes and magnitudes. This renders the understanding of how these organizations evolved an objective of both scientific and applicationoriented interests. We propose an agent-based simulation model - the Extortion Racket System model - aimed at understanding the factors and processes explaining the successful settlement of the Sicilian Mafia in Southern Italy, and which may more generally account for the transition from an anarchical situation of uncoordinated extortion to a monopolistic social order. Our results show that in situations of anarchy, these organizations do not last long. This indicates that a monopolistic situation shall be preferred over anarchical ones. Competition is a necessary and sufficient condition for the emergence of a monopolistic situation. However, when competition is combined with protection, the resulting monopolistic regime presents features that make it even more preferable and sustainable for the targets

    Experimental Study of the Dynamic Interaction Between the Foundation of the NEES/UCSD Shake Table and the Surrounding Soil

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    The results of an extensive experimental study of the dynamic interaction between the foundation block for the NEES/UCSD Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table and the surrounding soil are presented. The vibrations induced by the two large NEES/UCLA eccentric mass shakers were recorded at multiple stations within the reinforced concrete foundation block and on the soil up to distances of 270 m from the block. The results obtained for the deformation pattern of the reaction block, the frequency response at selected stations on the block, and the average rigid-body motion of the foundation and its dependence on frequency for longitudinal (EW) excitation are presented in detail. Comparison of the response during shaker-induced vibrations with that resulting from the much stronger actuator forces shows that linearity holds for the range of forces involved. The attenuation of the ground motion away from the reaction block is also described

    Validación de la Escala de “Satisfacción de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas” y del Cuestionario de la “Regulación Conductual en el Deporte” al contexto español. (Validation of Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale and the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire to the Spanish context).

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    Resumen<p align="justify">El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar al contexto deportivo español la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (PNSE) y el Cuestionario de la Regulación Conductual (BRSQ). Para ello se utilizó una muestra de 298 deportistas españoles, con una media de edad de 14 años. Se llevaron a cabo diferentes análisis factoriales confirmatorios, análisis de consistencia interna y de correlación. Tras los respectivos análisis factoriales confirmatorios, tanto la PNSE (2 = 222.62, p = .00, 2/g.l. = 129, CFI = .91, IFI = .92, TLI = .91, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .08) como la BRSQ (2 = 824.56, p = .00, 2/g.l. = 558, CFI = .92, IFI = .91, TLI = .92, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .06) presentaron valores adecuados. De igual forma, la consistencia interna obtenida de las respectivas dimensiones estuvo por encima de .70. Se observó una correlación positiva y significativa entre las tres necesidades psicológicas básicas, así como de éstas con la motivación intrínseca (hacia el conocimiento, consecución y estimulación), la regulación integrada y la regulación identificada. Por su parte, la necesidad de competencia correlacionó de forma negativa y significativa con la desmotivación, mientras que la necesidad de relación con los demás lo hizo con la desmotivación, la regulación introyectada y la regulación externa. Este estudio ha permitido proporcionar dos escalas válidas y fiables para evaluar la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la motivación de los practicantes de actividad física y deportiva.</p>Abstract<p align="justify">The objective of this paper was to adapt and to validate to the Spanish sport context the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (PNSE) and the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ). The sample was 298 Spanish sportspersons, with a mean of 14 years old. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), internal consistency and correlation analysis were made. The respective CFAs showed that PNSE (2 = 222.62, p = .00, 2/g.l. = 129, CFI = .91, IFI = .92, TLI = .91, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .08) and BRSQ (2 = 824.56, p = .00, 2/g.l. = 558, CFI = .92, IFI = .91, TLI = .92, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .06) had good values. In the same way, the internal consistency of the respective dimensions was greater than .70. It was observed a positive and significant correlation between the three basic psychological needs, and between these ones and intrinsic motivation (to knowledge, achievement and stimulation), the integrated regulation and identified motivation. On the other hand, the necessity of competency correlated negatively and significantly with demotivation, while the necessity of relationship with others correlated with demotivation, introjected regulation and external regulation. This work has showed two valid and reliable scales for evaluating the satisfaction with the basic psychological needs and the motivation of practitioners of physical and sport activity.</p

    Permanent human canines: their importance for dental anatomy teaching

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    Objectives: Permanent canines have an important functional role during mastication due to their anatomy,cbesides its relevance in oral esthetics. However, dentistry undergraduates have great difficulty in differentiating them during dental anatomy classes. The objective of this work was to study the morphology of the extracted permanent maxillary canines (MC) and lower canine (LC) in order to describe the anatomical similarities and differences.Methods: One hundred maxillary canines and 100 lower canines were evaluated. Measurements were performed using a digital caliper, and also visual analysis. The data obtained in each evaluation were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis, and the chi-square test and Fisher&amp;#39;s exact test with a significance level of 5% were applied.Results: It was observed that the MC root groove was present on the two proximal surfaces and the groove depth was greater on the mesial surface, as reported in the literature. The MC incisal ridge was normally worn, and imprecision in dental differentiation could occur during the anatomical study, while it is stated that the incisal ridge allows distinguishing this tooth by a simple visual examination. The marginal ridges of the MC had a moderate prominence, as observed in the literature. The MC cingulum often presented a moderate prominence, contradicting some studies which reported a large cingulum. The presence of the cervicoincisal ridge on the lingual surface was frequently observed with moderate, absent or little prominence, while some authors reported that this structure is quite evident. Furthermore, it is reported that MC usually presents aforamen cecum, which was not observed in our sample. LC often presented a worn incisal ridge. The cingulum, marginal ridges, lingual fossa and developmental grooves were less evident and, in some cases, the lingual surface presented a flat shape, which is not usually reported in the literature.Conclusions: The morphological differences and similarities of MC and LC are important for a detailed anatomical study to help dentistry undergraduates identify them correctly. Furthermore, the anatomical study is important for the restorative area for an appropriate aesthetics and function rehabilitation.Objectives: Permanent canines have an important functional role during mastication due to their anatomy,cbesides its relevance in oral esthetics. However, dentistry undergraduates have great difficulty in differentiating them during dental anatomy classes. The objective of this work was to study the morphology of the extracted permanent maxillary canines (MC) and lower canine (LC) in order to describe the anatomical similarities and differences.Methods: One hundred maxillary canines and 100 lower canines were evaluated. Measurements were performed using a digital caliper, and also visual analysis. The data obtained in each evaluation were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis, and the chi-square test and Fisher&amp;#39;s exact test with a significance level of 5% were applied.Results: It was observed that the MC root groove was present on the two proximal surfaces and the groove depth was greater on the mesial surface, as reported in the literature. The MC incisal ridge was normally worn, and imprecision in dental differentiation could occur during the anatomical study, while it is stated that the incisal ridge allows distinguishing this tooth by a simple visual examination. The marginal ridges of the MC had a moderate prominence, as observed in the literature. The MC cingulum often presented a moderate prominence, contradicting some studies which reported a large cingulum. The presence of the cervicoincisal ridge on the lingual surface was frequently observed with moderate, absent or little prominence, while some authors reported that this structure is quite evident. Furthermore, it is reported that MC usually presents aforamen cecum, which was not observed in our sample. LC often presented a worn incisal ridge. The cingulum, marginal ridges, lingual fossa and developmental grooves were less evident and, in some cases, the lingual surface presented a flat shape, which is not usually reported in the literature.Conclusions: The morphological differences and similarities of MC and LC are important for a detailed anatomical study to help dentistry undergraduates identify them correctly. Furthermore, the anatomical study is important for the restorative area for an appropriate aesthetics and function rehabilitation

    Analisis de la formación recibida y capacitación docente en la especialidad de educación física

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    En el siguiente trabajo analizamos la percepción que tienen los alumnos de la formación recibida para el título de Maestro Especialista en Educación Física en la Universidad de Murcia. La obtención de los datos se logra, de una muestra de 100 alumnos, a partir de cuatro preguntas abiertas relativas a su formación. Los resultados se transcribieron con la ayuda de un procesador de texto y fueron analizadas con el programa informático Aquad (Análisis Qualitative Data). El análisis de los datos nos indica que se sienten suficientemente preparados para la docencia pero con lagunas, valoran de modo positivo las clases prácticas, consideran necesario continuar su formación y la metodología recibida es valorada como participativa en clase

    Propiedades psicométricas del Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport Questionnaire (PeerMCYSQ) con una muestra de deportistas españoles

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar al contexto deportivo español el Cuestionario del Clima Motivacional de los Iguales en el Deporte (PeerMCYSQ). Para ello se utilizó una muestra de 474 deportistas federados, con edades entre 12 y 16 años, que participaban en competiciones tanto de deportes colectivos como individuales. Se llevaron a cabo diferentes análisis factoriales confirmatorios, un análisis de la consistencia interna y un análisis de la validez de criterio. Los resultados mostraron la necesidad de eliminar dos ítems de la versión original para obtener índices de ajuste aceptables. Se propuso como modelo más adecuado el de tres factores: clima tarea, competición/habilidad y conflicto intra-equipo. Los resultados del análisis de la validez de criterio mostraron que tanto el clima tarea como el clima que potenciaba la competición predecían positivamente la competencia percibida, la cual, a su vez, predecía positivamente la motivación autodeterminada. Además, el clima motivacional que potenciaba el conflicto predecía negativamente la motivación autodeterminada, tanto de forma directa como mediada a través de la competencia percibidaThe purpose of this study was to adapt and validate the Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport Questionnaire (PeerMCySQ) within the context of Spanish sport. we used a sample of 474 young federated athletes between the ages of 12 and 16 years who participated in both individual and group sport competitions. Different confirmatory factorial analyses, an analysis of internal consistency and an analysis of criteria validity were conducted. The results showed the need to remove two items from the original version to obtain acceptable fit indices. The three-factor model was proposed as the most appropriate:task-involvement climate, ability/competition and intrateam conflict. The results of the analysis of criteria validity showed that both the task climate as well as the climate that enhanced competition positively predicted perceived ability/competition, which, in turn, positively predicted self-determined motivation. In addition, intra-team conflict negatively predicted self-determined motivation, both directly and mediated through perceived competitio

    A Study on the Efficacy of the Structuring of Support on Professional Training for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    In the context of an innovative teaching project approved by the Government of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza a study on professional training for young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) was developed. The objective was to investigate the support system and to check the effectiveness of a design based on sources of natural and professional support. 9 young people with DI took part together with diverse support staff –parents, volunteers, university students through a service learning experience, professionals, adults with ID–. The theoretical bases of the project were linked to independent life projects, the supported employment and the supports model. The methodological references were the mediational teaching approach and cooperative learning. As evaluation tools, the Adaptive Skills Inventory (CALS), the questionnaire of social interaction skills (CHIS) and the questionnaires of satisfaction were used. The results indicate a high achievement regarding the acquisition of skills by the participants,as well as a high degree of satisfaction from the experience. Despite several limitations present in our study, our results support the desirability of establishing new designs that enhance the effectiveness of the professional training of young people with DI and promote social and labor availability in inclusive environments.En el contexto de un proyecto de innovación docente aprobado por el Gobierno de Aragón y la Universidad de Zaragoza se desarrolló un estudio sobre formación profesional de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual (DI) cuyo objetivo fue indagar en el sistema de apoyos y comprobar la eficacia de un diseño basado en fuentes de apoyo naturales y profesionales. Participaron 9 jóvenes con DI junto a personal de apoyo diverso –padres, voluntarios, universitarios a través de una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio, profesionales, adultos con DI–. Los fundamentos teóricos del proyecto se vincularon a los proyectos de vida independiente, el empleo con apoyo y el modelo de apoyos, y los referentes metodológicos han sido el enfoque didáctico mediacional y el aprendizaje cooperativo. Como instrumentos de evaluación se utilizaron el Inventario de Destrezas Adaptativas (CALS), el cuestionario de habilidades de interacción social (CHIS) y cuestionarios de satisfacción. Los resultados obtenidos indican un alto logro de adquisición de competencias de los participantes, así como un alto grado de satisfacción de la experiencia. A pesar de diversas limitaciones presentes en nuestro estudio, nuestros resultados apoyan la conveniencia de establecer nuevos diseños que realcen la efectividad en la formación profesional de los jóvenes con DI y que promuevan la accesibilidad sociolaboral en entornos inclusivos

    Cerebrovascular Events After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has emerged as an alternative less invasive treatment for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Despite the technological development and knowledge improvement in recent years, neurological complications remain a concern, especially with the expansion of the technique toward younger and lower risk patients. Clinical cerebrovascular events have an important impact on patients' morbidity and mortality with a multifactorial origin. While cerebral microembolizations during TAVI is a universal phenomenon and embolic protection devices have been developed in an attempt to reduce them, their clinical utility remains unclear. We review the current evidence on cerebrovascular events associated with TAVI and potential preventive strategies

    Percepção de risco sobre zoonoses em trabalhadores imigrantes e italianos no Noroeste da Itália

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados a la baja percepción de riesgo de zoonosis e identificar los vacíos de conocimiento sobre la transmisión y prevención de zoonosis en trabajadores inmigrantes e italianos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con 175 trabajadores de la industria agropecuaria y agroalimentaria en Piemonte, Italia. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de cuestionario semi-estructurado basado en estudio sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. Se calcularon proporciones y usó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado y odds ratio para estimar asociaciones. Se realizaron ocho entrevistas individuales con informantes clave en materia de inmigración y salud pública. RESULTADOS: Cerca de 47% de los trabajadores eran italianos y 53%, inmigrantes provenientes de Rumania, Marruecos, Albania, India, China, Argentina, Perú, Macedonia, Costa de Marfil, Ucrania y Colombia. Hubo diferencias significativas en la menor percepción del riesgo en el trabajo (p = 0,001). Se observó asociación entre falta de conocimientos correctos sobre zoonosis y ser inmigrante (OR=4,1; IC95% 1,7;9,8;p &#8804; 0,01), trabajar en la industria pecuaria (OR = 2,9; IC95% 1,2;6,8;p = 0,01) y ser un trabajador no calificado (OR = 4,4; IC95% 1,2;15,4;p = 0,01). Otra fuerte asociación ocurrió entre ser inmigrante y tener empleo de baja calificación (OR = 6,7; IC95% 2,9;15,4;p &#8804; 0,01). Se encontró mayor frecuencia de conductas de riesgo y menor nivel de conocimiento sobre zoonosis en el grupo de los inmigrantes asiáticos.OBJETIVO: To assess factors associated with a low risk perception of zoonoses and to identify the gaps in knowledge about transmission and prevention of zoonoses in immigrant and Italian workers. MÉTODOS: A cross-sectional study with 175 workers in the agro-livestock and agro-food industry in Piemonte, Italy, was carried out. Data were collected with a semi-structured questionnaire based on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey. We calculated proportions and used chi-square tests and odds ratios to assess associations. Eight individual interviews with key informants on immigration and public health in Piemonte were carried out. RESULTADOS: Participants were 82 (47%) Italians and 93 (53%) immigrants. Immigrants were from Romania, Morocco, Albania, India, China, Argentina, Peru, Macedonia, Ivory Coast, Ukraine and Colombia. The study revealed significant differences in risk perception at work (p = 0.001). We found associations between "not having correct knowledge about zoonoses" and the following variables: i. "being immigrant" OR = 4.1 (95%CI 1.7;9.8 p &#8804; 0.01); ii. "working in the livestock industry" OR = 2.9 (95%CI 1.2;15.4 p = 0.01); and iii. "being an unqualified worker" OR = 4.4 (95%CI 2.9;15.4 p &#8804; 0.01). Another strong association was found between being immigrant and having a low job qualification OR = 6.7 (IC95% 2.9 - 15.4 p &#8804; 0.01). Asian immigrants were the group with the highest frequency of risky behaviours and the lowest level of knowledge about zoonoses. CONCLUSÕES: Our results indicate that there were differences in risk perception of zoonoses between the groups participating in our study. These results suggest that immigrant status can be considered a risk factor for having lower risk perception and lower level of knowledge of zoonoses at work. There is a relationship between this specific knowledge of zoonoses and lack of training and instruction among migrant populations. Our results stress the need for developing education programs on zoonoses prevention among the immigrant population in Piemonte, Italy.OBJECTIVE: Analisar fatores associados à baixa percepção de risco de zoonoses e identificar as lacunas no conhecimento sobre a transmissão e prevenção de zoonoses em trabalhadores imigrantes e italianos. METHODS: Estudo transversal com 175 trabalhadores da indústria agropecuária e agroalimentar em Piemonte, Itália. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário semiestruturado baseado em estudo sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas. Foram calculadas proporções, com uso de teste qui-quadrado e odds ratio para estimar associações. Oito entrevistas individuais com informantes-chave em matéria de imigração e saúde pública foram realizadas. RESULTS: Cerca de 47% dos trabalhadores eram italianos e 53%, imigrantes, provenientes da Romênia, Marrocos, Albânia, Índia, China, Argentina, Peru, Macedônia, Costa do Marfim, Ucrânia e Colômbia. Houve diferenças significativas na menor percepção do risco no trabalho (p = 0,001). Observou-se associação entre falta de conhecimentos corretos sobre zoonoses e ser imigrante (OR = 4,1; IC95% 1,7;9,8; p &#8804; 0,01), trabalhar na indústria pecuária (OR = 2,9; IC95% 1,2;6,8; p = 0,01) e ser um trabalhador não qualificado (OR = 4,4; IC95% 1,2;15,4; p = 0,01). Outra forte associação ocorreu entre ser imigrante e ter emprego de baixa qualificação (OR = 6,7; IC95% 2,9;15,4; p &#8804; 0,01). Maior frequência de comportamentos de risco e menor nível de conhecimento sobre zoonoses foram encontrados no grupo dos imigrantes asiáticos. CONCLUSIONS: Foram observadas diferenças na percepção de risco de zoonoses entre os grupos participantes. O status de imigrante pode ser considerado fator de risco para ter baixa percepção de risco e menor nível de conhecimento das zoonoses no trabalho. Existe relação entre esse conhecimento específico de zoonoses e falta de formação e instrução entre as populações migrantes. É necessário desenvolver programas de educação sobre a prevenção de zoonoses entre a população imigrante