158 research outputs found

    Essays on liquidity provision in wholesale funding markets and on financial fragility

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    This PhD thesis contains three chapters framed in the area of financial economics. Chapters 1 and 2 study the effects of economic linkages between financial institutions, considering specifically the Colombian money market. In this market, financial institutions provide and obtain liquidity with and without guarantees (collaterals). Chapter 1 delves into the effects of financial groups (conglomerates) on the borrowing conditions that financial institutions can obtain through a special type of money market instrument that requires guarantees (sell/buy backs). Chapter 2 revisits the effects of economic linkages, this time in the interbank market that is the place where credit institutions with excess liquidity lend to peers with liquidity needs, without the need for the latter to provide guarantees. Chapter 3 extends the analysis one step further, studying some of the main factors that can generate financial instability. A general index of financial fragility is constructed to study and monitor the level of financial stability of some Latin American countries, including Colombia

    Financial Fragility Indexes for Latin American Countries

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    This paper studies the financial fragility of seven Latin American countries, in a period in which two global episodes hit financial markets and economies worldwide: the great financial crisis (2007-2009) and the COVID-19 shock (2020-2021). General indexes of financial fragility are constructed using the Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method applied to financial indicators commonly related to the health of the financial system. A fixed weights scheme is used to aggregate these indicators at the country level and by type of indicator. Our results show that the financial fragility of these countries was increasing before and during the first episode, while for the other episode it started to increase during the lockdown period, but suddenly fell in response to the measures taken by the economic authorities. The policy implications derived from this study indicate that both the full implementation of macroprudential (countercyclical) policies for bank activities and the design of a specific regulatory framework for non-bank activities will be key to guarantee a rapid recovery of economies to future financial shocks

    Financial Fragility Indexes for Latin American Countries

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    This paper studies the financial fragility of seven Latin American countries, in a period in which two global episodes hit financial markets and economies worldwide: the great financial crisis (2007-2009) and the COVID-19 shock (2020-2021). General indexes of financial fragility are constructed using the Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method applied to financial indicators commonly related to the health of the financial system. A fixed weights scheme is used to aggregate these indicators at the country level and by type of indicator. Our results show that the financial fragility of these countries was increasing before and during the first episode, while for the other episode it started to increase during the lockdown period, but suddenly fell in response to the measures taken by the economic authorities. The policy implications derived from this study indicate that both the full implementation of macroprudential (countercyclical) policies for bank activities and the design of a specific regulatory framework for non-bank activities will be key to guarantee a rapid recovery of economies to future financial shocks

    Comportamiento mecánico del hueso frente al estrés ocupacional : una visión desde la fisioterapia

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    Hablar del comportamiento mecánico del hueso frente al estrés ocupacional visto desde la fisioterapia, implica destacar tres aspectos que deben tomarse en cuenta al momento de reflexionar sobre cualquier área del conocimiento: • El primero implica que el lector reconozca que conocer puede generar un saber sistemático de la realidad, la cual siempre se encontrará sujeta al paradigma1 históricamente vigente. • El segundo supone que el movimiento corporal humano (objeto de estudio de la profesión) debe ser explorado desde la investigación, no sólo a la luz de las necesidades del momento, sino que debe generar líneas y grupos interdisciplinares que se enfoquen en áreas de interés social, como es el caso de la salud y el trabajo de las personas (interés primario de este texto). • El tercero, hace referencia a encontrar respuestas preventivas o por lo menos explicativas que den oportunidad a nuevas interpretaciones desde la fisioterapia al conocimiento de los marcadores de estrés ocupacional

    Multilayer Films for Corrosion Protection of Metals & Mechanical Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Complexes

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    Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) and polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) have become materials of interest due to their potential applications. As for every other material, understanding their properties under conditions of use (temperature, humidity, ionic strength, etc) is paramount. This work comprises two main sections. Section one addresses the need for an efficient, environment-friendly, and scalable chromium-free surface pretreatment coating. Environment-friendly materials such as sodium montmorillonite clay (MMT) and branched polyethylenimine (BPEI) were used to prepare PEM coatings through techniques such as spray-assisted layer-by-layer assembly (LbL) and airbrushing of a one-pot formulation. PEM coatings prepared through LbL contained 25 wt% MMT, while MMT content was tailorable for coatings prepared with the one-pot formulation. Salt spray testing and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to assess the corrosion protection provided by BPEI/MMT PEM coatings to an aluminum alloy. Results indicated that corrosion protection improved with increasing both coating thickness and clay content in the coating. Thus, a 2 μm thick BPEI/MMT PEM coating with 80 wt% MMT demonstrated the best corrosion protection performance, where MMT provided a physical barrier to corrosive agents and BPEI provided surface buffering and structural support. Section two addresses a literature gap regarding PECs dynamic mechanical behavior as a function of water content, important information for any potential use of PECs in real life applications. PECs were prepared from poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). PAH/PAA PEC films were made through compression molding and preconditioned to specific relative humidity values before mechanical testing. A dynamic mechanical analyzer was used to test the dynamic mechanical behavior of PAH/PAA PEC films under different temperature and humidity conditions over a 10⁻¹ to 10¹ Hz frequency range. Data showed that increasing both water content and temperature decreased the moduli of the material. Water increased the free volume in the PEC, weakening the intrinsic ion paring. Temperature weakened the hydrogen bonding between water and the polyelectrolytes, promoting the relaxation of polyelectrolyte chains. Finally, time-temperature and time-water superposition principles were successfully applied and validated

    Daily physical activity and macronutrient distribution of low-calorie diets jointly affect body fat reduction in obese women.

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    Inadequate dietary patterns and sedentary lifestyles are believed to be important factors in predisposing people to obesity. This study analyzed the potential interaction between habitual physical activity and the carbohydrate (CHO)-fat distribution in 2 hypocaloric diets and the impact of such interplay on body composition changes. Forty healthy obese women, 20–50 years old, were randomly assigned to a high- or low-CHO energy-restricted diet, which was low or high in fat, respectively, during 10 weeks. Baseline and final measurements were performed to assess dietary habits, resting metabolic rate, and body composition changes. Physical activity was measured with a triaxial accelerometer and with a questionnaire. There were no significant differences in anthropometric and metabolic variables between both dietary groups at baseline. However, there was a positive correlation between total free-living physical activity and arm muscle preservation after 10 weeks (r = 0.371; p = 0.024). Interestingly, an interaction between macronutrient (CHO–fat distribution) intake and physical activity was found, since less-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a greater fat loss than those more active with a lower-CHO–high-fat diet, whereas more-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a smaller fat loss than those receiving a low-CHO–high-fat diet. Physical activity and the macronutrient content of energyrestricted diets, when designed to promote body fat mass reduction, should be considered together to better predict the outcome

    The Tax Rules from Service to Accounting and its Impact on the New Age of Financial Reporting

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    La flexibilidad del Decreto 2649 de 1993, frente a las Leyes de carácter tributario, hace que en su proceso de estructuración se adapten las políticas contables a los requerimientos legales y por lo tanto los profesionales emitan Estados Financieros con revelaciones tributarias. A partir del artículo 772 del ET “la contabilidad como medio de prueba”, en este trabajo se defiende la hipótesis de que desde el año 1986 las normas tributarias han sido la materia prima para elaborar la Contabilidad en Colombia y que este deslinde está ofrecido en la Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera, pero trae consigo unos impactos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Los impactos cualitativos se reflejan en un cambio en la planeación fiscal de las empresas, un aumento en los litigios con la Administración tributaria y un incremento en los costos informáticos por la actualización de los sistemas de información; por otro lado el impacto cuantitativo recae en cabeza de los socios o accionistas al generase una utilidad que siendo susceptible de ser distribuida como ingreso no constitutivo de renta, pierde el beneficio por el limitante del artículo 49 del ET.The flexibility of Decree 2649 of 1993, compared to the tax laws of nature, makes structuring process in its accounting policies conform to the legal requirements and therefore the financial statements issued by professional tax disclosures. Since Article 772 of the ET “accounting as evidence” in this paper defends the hypothesis that since 1986 the tax rules have been the raw material for Accounting in Colombia and that this demarcation is offered in the International Financial Reporting Standards, but it brings about qualitative and quantitative impacts. The qualitative impacts are reflected in a change in corporate tax planning, an increase in disputes with the tax authorities and increased costs for updating computer information systems, on the other hand, the quantitative impact falls on head partners or shareholders to would generate a utility that being capable of being distributedas income not constituting income lost by limiting the benefit of Article 49 of the ET

    Uso de las TIC como propuesta pedagógica para disminuir el analfabetismo en las zonas rurales del municipio de Yopal

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    Este proyecto busca enfocar la propuesta pedagógica que permita reducir el analfabetismo que ha afectado las zonas rurales del municipio de Yopal recopilando información que evidencie la incidencia en la calidad educativa, y enfocarlo en sus posibles soluciones, a través del uso optimizado de las TICs, ubicando las zonas de mayor vulnerabilidad para poder apoyar el desarrollo educativo. El analfabetismo es un problema que aqueja principalmente a las zonas más vulnerables de los países y regiones y aunque se ha venido disminuyendo tal flagelo en las zonas urbanas , se observa que la tasa en las zonas rurales se mantiene, lo cual afecta directamente los niños de dichas regiones ya que los padres y familiares no pueden realizar el acompañamiento requerido desde el proceso pedagógico; lo cual implica un detrimento del proceso educativo respectivo un aprendizaje de menores dimensiones, a pesar de los esfuerzos de las instituciones. En ese orden de ideas, y “a pesar de los avances en América Latina y el Caribe y que los índices de analfabetismo absoluto son cercanos a los de países desarrollados, todavía hay 35,9 millones de personas mayores de 15 años que son analfabetas”. (UNESCO-UIS, 2013) Los reportes censales del DANE-2015 arrojan como resultado que: “el 35.9% de la población en la cabecera municipal de 3 a 24 años no asiste a un establecimiento educativo formal, en la misma línea el en caso del área rural el 46% se encuentra en la misma condición y el 5.8% de 15 años y más no saben leer y escribir”. (DANE, 2015) Las consecuencias del analfabetismo se reflejan en tres aspectos: social, político y económico. Es un problema social grave, desde luego que es factor de exclusión y marginación, cuyas raíces se hunden en las profundas desigualdades sociales, por lo cual este factor está estrechamente ligado a los otros dos aspectos. Por ello, se hace necesario analizar estas consecuencias a partir de una visión sociopolítica y socio-económica. Pero, también, es un factor que conspira contra nuestras posibilidades de desarrollo y de fortalecimiento de nuestra capacidad competitiva que, por última instancia, depende del nivel educativo promedio de nuestra población. (Zamalloa Sota, 2006) El analfabetismo no solo es causado, como muchos piensan, por el deficiente sistema educacional, sino también por la mala estructura política, económica y cultural. Teniendo el desarrollo económico en Colombia como un factor preponderante en este aspecto se debe considerar que es un país subdesarrollado, no goza de una economía formidable y esta, al ser mal distribuida, produce bloques económicos y sociales, de los cuales el sector rural es el más afectado. En síntesis, el analfabetismo es más que un problema pedagógico o educativo, sino que es, también, un problema político, económico y cultural por cuya razón la eliminación o reducción significativa del mismo estará en función de la transformación de esas estructuras sociales. Las causas desarrolladas, anteriormente, son factores que hasta ahora no se pueden resolver. A pesar de que la tasa de analfabetismo está disminuyendo, debemos seguir adelante hasta poder erradicar esta problemática. (Zamalloa Sota, 2006).This project seeks to reduce the illiteracy that has affected the rural areas of the municipality of Yopal by gathering information that evidences the impact on educational quality, and focus on its possible solutions, through the optimized use of ICTs, locating the most vulnerable areas for be able to support educational development. Illiteracy is a problem that mainly affects the most vulnerable areas of countries and regions and although this scourge has been decreasing in urban areas, it is observed that the rate in rural areas is maintained, which directly affects the children of said regions since parents and relatives can’t perform the required accompaniment from the pedagogical process; which implies a detriment of the respective educational process, a learning of smaller dimensions, despite the efforts of the institutions. The studies calculated that the school coverage of the population of study age was 60% for urban areas and 39% for rural areas. That is, while in the first, 3 out of 5 young people go to school, in rural areas only 2 out of 5 attend it (Pérez, 2002). The census reports result in an illiteracy rate for the population over 18 years old of 20.99% for the rural sector compared to 5.89% for the urban sector. In other words, the first is about 4 times larger than the second. The consequences of illiteracy are reflected in three aspects: social, political and economic. It is a serious social problem, of course it is a factor of exclusion and marginalization, whose roots sink into deep social inequalities, which is why this factor is closely linked to the other two aspects. Therefore, we have seen these consequences analyzed from a socio-political and socio-economic perspective. But, also, it is a factor that conspires against our possibilities of development and strengthening of our competitive capacity that, ultimately, depends on the average educational level of our population. (Zamalloa Sota, 2006) Illiteracy is not only caused, as many think, by the deficient educational system, but also by the poor political, economic and cultural structure. Taking economic development in Colombia as a preponderant factor in this aspect should be considered that it is an underdeveloped country, it does not enjoy a formidable economy and this economy, being poorly distributed, produces economic and social blocks, of which the rural sector is the most affected In short, illiteracy is more than a pedagogical or educational problem, but it is also a political, economic and cultural problem for which reason the elimination or significant reduction of illiteracy will be a function of the transformation of these social structures. The causes developed, previously, are factors that until now can not be resolved. Despite the fact that the illiteracy rate is decreasing, we must continue forward until we can eradicate this problem. (Zamalloa Sota, 2006)

    Cyano radical emission at small spatial scales towards massive protostars

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    Context. The cyano radical (CN), one of the first detected interstellar molecular species, is a key molecule in many astrochemical chains. In particular, it is detected towards molecular cores, the birth places of stars, and it is involved in the rich chemistry that takes place at these sites. Aims. At present, there are not many studies on the emission of this molecular species at small spatial scales towards massive young stellar objects. We therefore present a high-angular resolution CN study towards a sample of massive protostars, with the aim of unveiling the spatial distribution at the small scale of the emission of this radical in relation to star-forming processes. Methods. The interstellar CN has a strong emission line at the rest frequency 226 874.764 MHz, thus we searched for observing projects in the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) database regarding high-mass star-forming regions observed at Band 6. The used data set was observed in ALMA Cycle 3 with angular and spectral resolutions of 0.′′7 and 1.13 MHz, respectively. A sample of ten high-mass star-forming regions located in the first Galactic quadrant were selected on the basis that they present a clear emission of CN at the mentioned frequency. Results. We found that the CN traces both molecular condensations and the diffuse and extended gas surrounding them. In general, the molecular condensations traced by the maximums of the CN emission do not spatially coincide with the peaks of the continuum emission at 1.3 mm, which trace the molecular cores where massive stars are born. Based on the presence or lack of near-IR emission associated with such cores, we suggest that our sample is composed of sources at different stages of evolution. The CN is present in all sources, suggesting that this radical may be ubiquitous along the different star formation stages, and hence it may be involved in different chemical reactions occurring during the period of star formation. Additionally, other molecules such as CH3OCHO and CH2CHCN were detected towards the continuum peaks of some of the analysed cores. We found that the missing flux coming from extended spatial scales that are filtered out by the interferometer is an important issue to take into account in the analysis of some spectral features and the spatial distribution of the emission.Fil: Paron, Sergio Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Ortega, Martin Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Marinelli Andino, Alejandro Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Areal, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Naila Constanza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Fortalecimiento de la comunicación organizacional entre docentes y directivos docentes, a partir de circulos de calidad como herramienta de gestión directiva en el colegio brasilia bosa i.e.d. sede a jornada mañana

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    La educación es un proceso que se da a partir de la interacción social, por ende la comunicación se constituye en el componente principal de ésta. Es evidente que en las instituciones educativas es donde cobra mayor importancia la gestión de la comunicación, específicamente la comunicación organizacional interna efectiva es la que permite una adecuada planeación, ejecución, verificación y evaluación de la dinámica institucional. Además, es factor indispensable en la toma de decisiones, coordinación de las actividades, evaluación de los resultados, contribuyendo al crecimiento personal y profesional de docentes, directivos docentes y al logro de los objetivos institucionales. El tema de la comunicación ha sido tratado en diversos estamentos de orden internacional, nacional y regional que señalan la urgencia de generar propuestas que contribuyan al mejoramiento de los procesos comunicacionales, como eje fundamental de toda institución. En el orden internacional, los planteamientos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura UNESCO (2004), ISO 9001(2000), tal como se expone a continuación: UNESCO plantea la necesidad de fortalecer los procesos comunicativos en todos los niveles, siendo la competencia comunicacional que ocupa un lugar relevante en la formación de quienes están a cargo de las instituciones, logrando una gestión educativa sustentada en el compromiso y la participación de todos los actores en la búsqueda de mayor calidad, eficiencia, pertinencia y equidad. ISO 9001 referencia que en las instituciones educativas, es el rector quien debe asegurar que se establezcan los mecanismos de comunicación apropiados dentro de la organización y que la comunicación se efectúe considerando la eficacia del sistema de gestión de la calidad. En cuanto a estamentos de orden nacional se citan al Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN 2002) y (2010), y el Modelo Estándar de Control Interno (MECI 2014) como a continuación se indica: MEN (2002) hace referencia a la competencia de comunicación institucional y destaca la importancia de utilizar diferentes estrategias de comunicación y espacios de participación. MEN (2010) menciona el papel de la comunicación institucional en el cumplimiento de objetivos y metas establecidas. Además alude la necesidad de una información actualizada, precisa y pertinente, para orientar acciones, tomar decisiones, seguimiento y comunicación de resultados de los procesos institucionales. MECI (2014) establece la gestión de la comunicación como eje transversal en todos los procesos