10 research outputs found

    Parcours de vie, récit et moments forts : entre défis et ressources. Une recherche-intervention à l'Ecole Technique de Ste-Croix

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    La littérature sur les transitions, en particulier entre l'école obligatoire et l'école professionnelle ou l'école et la vie professionnelle, attire l'attention sur le fait que les parcours personnels sont aujourd'hui moins linéaires. Les transitions professionnelles sont alors décrites comme des moments de difficultés, de ruptures, de vulnérabilité pour les jeunes (Pagnossin & Armi, 2011 ; Rastoldo, Amos & Davaud, 2009). Dans notre domaine en psychologie « socioculturelle », si ces aspects ne sont pas négligés, l'accent est mis sur l'importance du travail de construction de sens par la personne : indépendamment des zigzags de sa vie, l'important est la mise en cohérence, les liens de sens qu'elle peut reconstruire entre les différentes sphères d'expériences qui constituent son identité. Et pour cela, les ressources sociales et institutionnelles (parents, enseignants, groupes de pairs, dispositifs de formation...) mais aussi matérielles et culturelles (chansons, poèmes, films, romans, récits, etc.) peuvent être très importantes (Masdonati & Zittoun, 2012 ; Zittoun, 2012). L'étude-intervention qui sera présentée dans ce document, réalisée auprès d'une classe d'apprentis de l'Ecole technique de Ste-Croix par un groupe d'étudiants en Master en psychologie (UniL), s'inscrit dans un mouvement plus large qui cherche à rendre compte du point de vue des acteurs (Muller Mirza & Perret-Clermont, 2015) liés à la question des transitions des jeunes : il s'agira ici de celui des apprentis eux-mêmes, de manière à explorer ce qu'ils vivent en termes de difficultés, de ressources utilisées et d'apprentissages réalisés, ainsi que celui des personnes qui les accompagnent dans ces processus, les enseignants. Cette étude visait non seulement à recueillir des informations auprès de ces personnes mais également à réaliser un travail de type réflexif, par la mise en place d'activités en classe destinées aux apprentis, basées sur le « récit de vie » comme outil psychologique

    Self‐regulatory control processes in youths: A temporal network analysis approach

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    Objective This study aimed to better understand the temporal interrelationships among self-control, response inhibition, and anger (i.e., momentary state and rumination) on both the within- and between-person levels in male adolescents. Method We applied temporal network analyses among 62 male adolescents with a wide range of behavioral difficulties. Self-control, momentary anger, and anger rumination were mapped by self-report measures, whereas we measured response inhibition through an ambulatory Go/No-go task (two measures a day—morning and afternoon—over a 9-day period). Results Temporal network analysis, at the within-person level, revealed that morning measures of response inhibition, anger rumination, and self-control were related to the corresponding measure in the afternoon. More efficient response inhibition in the morning was associated with higher self-control in the afternoon. Higher anger rumination in the morning led to higher momentary anger in the afternoon. In a concurrent within-person network, higher momentary anger was reciprocally associated with lower self-control. At the between-person level, higher momentary anger was correlated to higher anger rumination, lower response inhibition, and lower self-control. Discussion This study provides insight into the dynamic interactions among self-control, response inhibition, and anger (momentary state and rumination) in male adolescents, advancing the understanding of self-regulatory control functioning

    Características das Famílias, Estruturação da Produção e Estratégias de Comercialização em um Assentamento de Reforma Agrária

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    Resumo: A estruturação dos estabelecimentos rurais está associada às características das famílias e às suas estratégias de inserção no mercado, em termos de geração de renda e exposição a riscos. Para entender essa associação foram estudados os casos de sete famílias assentadas em Araraquara (SP), região dominada por cana-de-açúcar e citros. Os indicadores foram o valor agregado total, o valor agregado por trabalhador, a estrutura e a dinâmica familiar e a organização do trabalho. Os casos incluíram dois estabelecimentos integrados à agroindústria (cana e frango, leite e frango), três estabelecimentos produtores de hortaliças (venda em atacado, semiatacado e direta ao consumidor), um caso de produção exclusivamente para consumo doméstico e um sem nenhuma produção econômica. As famílias vinculadas à agroindústria obtiveram valores agregados mais elevados, mas precisaram fazer investimentos maiores, o que fragilizou seus sistemas de produção frente a riscos. A crise financeira mundial de 2008 quebrou as agroindústrias integradoras e, com elas, as duas propriedades integradas. Para os produtores de hortaliças, para o mercado local, o valor agregado foi inferior ao do das integradas, como também seus investimentos em infraestrutura. A opção pela via de escoamento das hortaliças foi associada ao tamanho, ao conhecimento tecnológico e do mercado pelas famílias

    Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale

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    Respectueux de l’environnement et garantissant une sécurité alimentaire soutenue par la diversification des productions et des revenus qu’ils procurent, les systèmes agroforestiers apparaissent comme un modèle prometteur d’agriculture durable dans les pays du Sud les plus vulnérables aux changements globaux. Cependant, ces systèmes agroforestiers ne peuvent être optimisés qu’à condition de mieux comprendre et de mieux maîtriser les facteurs de leurs productions. L’ouvrage présente un ensemble de connaissances récentes sur les mécanismes biophysiques et socio-économiques qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement et la dynamique des systèmes agroforestiers. Il concerne, d’une part les systèmes agroforestiers à base de cultures pérennes, telles que cacaoyers et caféiers, de régions tropicales humides en Amérique du Sud, en Afrique de l’Est et du Centre, d’autre part les parcs arborés et arbustifs à base de cultures vivrières, principalement de céréales, de la région semi-aride subsaharienne d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Il synthétise les dernières avancées acquises grâce à plusieurs projets associant le Cirad, l’IRD et leurs partenaires du Sud qui ont été conduits entre 2012 et 2016 dans ces régions. L’ensemble de ces projets s’articulent autour des dynamiques des systèmes agroforestiers et des compromis entre les services de production et les autres services socio-écosystémiques que ces systèmes fournissent

    L’art contemporain et la mode de l’occulte

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    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Self-Regulatory Failures in Adolescents Suffering from Externalizing Symptoms: A Scoping Review.

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    Deficits of self-regulation (SR) are a hallmark of externalizing (EXT: offending or aggressive behaviors) symptoms in adolescence. This scoping review aims (1) to map non-pharmaceutical interventions targeting SR processes to reduce EXT symptoms in adolescents and (2) to identify research gaps, both of which will provide recommendations for future studies. Systematic searches were carried out in eight bibliographic databases up to March 2021, combining the following concepts: self-regulation, externalizing symptoms, adolescents, and non-pharmaceutical interventions. We identified 239 studies, including 24,180 youths, mainly from North America, which described a plethora of non-pharmaceutical interventions targeting SR to alleviate EXT symptoms in adolescents (10-18 years of age). The majority of studies (about 70%, k = 162) represent samples with interventions exposed to "selective" or "indicated" prevention. Curriculum-based (i.e., multiple approaches targeting several domains such as emotion, cognition, and social) interventions (31.4%) were the most common type of intervention. Moreover, studies on cognitive-based interventions, mind-based interventions, and emotional-based interventions have increased over the last decades. Network analyses allowed us to identify several hubs between curriculum-based interventions, cognitive SR processes, as well as aggressiveness, conduct problems, and irritability/anger dysregulation. In addition, we identified gaps of studies concerning the physiological SR processes and on some types of interventions (i.e., body-based interventions and externally mediated interventions) or, more specifically, on promising tools, such as biofeedback, neurofeedback, as well as programs targeting neuropsychological processes (e.g., cognitive remediation). This scoping review stresses the plethora of interventions, identified hubs, and emerging fields, as well as some gaps in the literature, which together may orient future studies

    The role of self-regulatory control processes in understanding aggressive ideations and behaviors: An experience sampling method study.

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    In this study, we aimed to examine the association between aggressive ideations and aggressive behaviors in everyday life, as well as the role of processes related to self-regulatory control (i.e., self-control, ego depletion, and emotional states), using experience sampling methods (ESM). A total of 62 male adolescents performed a baseline measure of aggression, violent ideations (trait level), and ESM assessments, including four measures per day during nine consecutive days. At a state level, aggressive ideations were associated with higher negative emotions during the previous day as well as with lower self-control and stronger anger rumination at the moment. Aggressive behaviors were related to higher anger rumination at the moment and to the manifestation of higher intensity of aggressive ideations derived in the previous measure. Higher self-control was related to a lower probability of aggressive behavior. This study highlights the temporal link between aggressive ideations and behaviors in everyday life as well as the role of self-control in understanding aggressivity in the lap of time. Furthermore, we observed that expressions of anger (i.e., reactivity, as well as rumination) were central in the understanding of aggressive ideations and behaviors in the everyday life (i.e., at within-person variability at the state level)

    The added value of a micro-level ecological approach when mapping self-regulatory control processes and externalizing symptoms during adolescence: a systematic review.

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    Deficits in self-regulatory control (SRC) represent a core characteristic of externalizing (EXT) symptoms (e.g., rule-breaking behavior or aggressive behaviors) in adolescents. This review aims to specify the added value of ecologically valid assessments at a micro-level when examining the associations between SRC and EXT symptoms in adolescents. This systematic review was reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2020. The search strategy addressed the added value of (1) naturalistic assessment for the understanding of the relationship between (2) SRC and (3) EXT symptoms in (4) adolescents. We conducted comprehensive searches in bibliographic databases. An additional search was conducted in Google Scholar and supplementary studies were identified through backward and forward citation tracking. Twenty-four studies (n = 4071 adolescents) met the inclusion criteria. The methods used to assess naturalistic aspects included the experience sampling method (ecological momentary- or ambulatory assessment) and the time-course approach (i.e., real-time assessment of SRC processes referring to situations approximating real-life experience where SRC are to be engaged such as in frustrating situations). Micro-level ecological assessments, when mapping the intra-individual relationships between SRC processes and EXT symptoms over time in adolescents within their natural context (i.e., real world) of expression in real time, added a finer-grained observation alongside with a higher ecological validity. Micro-level approaches may enhance the understanding of the complex interplay between SRC and EXT symptoms in adolescence, especially in interventional studies, allowing for the acquisition of endpoints with a higher relevance for everyday functioning

    Increased Risk of Serious Bacterial Infections Due to Maternal Immunosuppression in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants in a European Country

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