25 research outputs found

    Presence of matrix vesicles in the body of odontoblasts and in the inner third of dentinal tissue: a scanning electron microscopyc study

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    Objectives: The aim of this report is to present the results of a scanning electron microscopic study on the presence of matrix vesicles (MVs) found in human dentine. Study Design: Dentin tissue from 20 human bicuspids was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy. Results: MVs were found as outgrowths of the cellular membrane of the odontoblastic body, the more proximal portion of the odontoblastic process before entering the dentinal tubule and in the odontoblastic process within the inner third of the dentin. Size of MVs varied depending on location. In the inner third of dentin, they were seen in diverse positions; as membranal outgrowths, deriving from the odontoblastic process, lying free in the intratubular space and attached to the dentinal wall. Sometimes, they were seen organized forming groups of different sizes and shapes or as multivesicular chains running from the surface of the odontoblastic process to the tubular wall. MVs were present in places never considered: 1) the body of odontoblasts; 2) the most proximal part of the odontoblastic processes before entering the circumpulpal dentine and also: 3) in the inner third of dentinal tissue. Conclusions: According to our results, MVs not only participate during mantle dentin mineralization during early dentinogenesis, they also contribute during the mineralization process of the inner dentin

    MUC-1 expression in pleomorphic adenomas using two human milk fat globule protein membrane antibodies (HMFG-1 and HMFG-2)

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common salivary gland tumor and its microscopic features and histogenesis are a matter of debate. Human milk fat globule protein membrane (HMFG) monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) comprise a set of antibodies against the mucin 1 (MUC-1) protein detected in several salivary gland tumors. Objective The aim of this study was to assess the immunoexpression of the PA neoplastic cells to MUC-1 protein using HMFG-1 and HMFG-2 MoAbs, contrasting these results with those from normal salivary gland tissue. Material and Methods Immunohistochemical detection of MUC-1 protein using HMFG-1 and HMFG-2 MoAbs was made in 5 mm thick, paraffin embedded slides, and the avidin-biotin method was used. Results Positivity to HMFG-1 and HMFG-2 MoAbs was found in ductal, squamous metaplastic and neoplastic myoepithelial cells, keratin pearls and intraductal mucous material. Two kinds of myoepithelial cells were identified: classic myoepithelial cells around ducts were negative to both MoAbs, and modified myoepithelial cells were positive to both MoAbs. This last cellular group of the analyzed tumors showed similar MUC-1 immunoexpression to ductal epithelial cells using both HMFG antibodies. Intraductal mucous secretion was also HMFG-1 and HMFG-2 positive. Conclusions Our results showed there are two kinds of myoepithelial cells in PA. The first cellular group is represented by the different kinds of neoplastic myoepithelial cells and is HMFG-positive. The second one is HMFG-negative and represented by the neoplastic myoepithelial cells located around the ducts

    Maxillomandibular giant osteosclerotic lesions

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    Giant Osteosclerotic Lesions (GOLs) are a group of rarely reported intraosseous lesions. Their precise diagnosis is important since they can be confused with malignant neoplasms. Objective: This retrospective study aimed to record and analyze the clinical and radiographic Giant Osteosclerotic Lesions (GOLs) detected in the maxillomandibular area of patients attending to our institution. Materials and Methods: Informed consent from the patients was obtained and those cases of 2.5 cm or larger lesions with radiopaque or mixed (radiolucid-radiopaque) appearance located in the maxillofacial bones were selected. Assessed parameters were: age, gender, radiographic aspect, shape, borders, size, location and relations to roots. Lesions were classified as radicular, apical, interradicular, interradicular-apical, radicular-apical or located in a previous teeth extraction area. Additionally, several osseous and dental developmental alterations (DDAs) were assessed. Results: Seventeen radiopacities in 14 patients were found and were located almost exclusively in mandible and were two types: idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis. GOLs were more frequent in females, and in the anterior and premolar zones. 94.2% of GOLs were qualified as idiopathic osteosclerosis and one case was condensing osteitis. All studied cases showed different osseous and dental developmental alterations (DDAs). The most common were: Microdontia, hypodontia, pulp stones, macrodontia and variations in the mental foramina. Conclusions: GOLs must be differentiated from other radiopaque benign and malignant tumors. Condensing osteitis, was considered an anomalous osseous response induced by a chronic low-grade inflammatory stimulus. For development of idiopathic osteosclerosis, two possible mechanisms could be related. The first is modification of the normal turnover with excessive osseous deposition. The second mechanism will prevent the normal bone resorption, arresting the osseous breakdown process

    Myoepithelial cells are the main component in pleomorphic adenomas?

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar por medio de inmunohistoquí-mica el número de células mioepiteliales (CMs) en adenomas pleomorfos (APs). Mate-rial y Métodos: Se recuperaron los cubos de 27 APs y se hicieron nuevas laminillas, las que se tiñeron con un anticuerpo anti-proteína S-100, se contó el número de células S-100 positivas, se registró su morfología y se hicieron comparaciones del número de CMs tomando en cuenta el sexo, edad y glándula de origen. Resultados: Se observó que en el tejido glandular normal, las CMs solo se observaron alrededor de las estructuras ductuales. En los APs analizados se encontró que en promedio, solamente el 27,4% de las células neoplásicas fueron positivas a este anticuerpo. Con excepción de un AP, en todos los casos analizados las células plasmocitoides fueron las células más comúnmente encontradas (48,6%). Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio su-gieren que las CMs no forman el componente celular principal del compartimiento neo-plásico de los APs y confirman las evidencias encontradas desde hace varios años, por diferentes autores, quienes estudiando los APs, sugirieron que las CMs no forman la mayor parte de las células neoplásicas en estas entidades

    Dental developmental alterations in patients with dilacerated teeth

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    The aim of this study was to record and analyze all DDAs associated to dilacerated teeth in patients attending the clinics of the Postgraduate Division, Facultad de Odontología, UNAM in Mexico City. Orthopantomograms from all patients seeking for stomatological attention in our institution were reviewed and those cases of dilaceration were separated. Age, gender, diagnosis, location, involved teeth and associated DDAs were recorded and analyzed. From 6,340 patients, 99 (1.6%) harbored 125 dilacerated teeth. Of them, 45 (45.5%) showed one or more DDAs. The most frequently detected DDAs were hypodontia, enamel pearls, taurodontism and microdontia. 45.5% is a very high proportion of DDAs in patients with dilacerated roots. Findings from this study strongly suggest that patients with dilacerated teeth should be carefully screened since many of them could present other DDAs. Simultaneous occurrence of dilaceration and DDAs suggests synchronic developmental defects during dental growth

    Study on frequency of dental developmental alterations in a MEXICAN school-based population

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    Background: The aim of this study was to know the distribution of dental developmental alterations in the population requesting stomatological attention at the Admission and Diagnosis Clinic of our institution in Mexico City. Material and Methods: We reviewed the archives and selected those files with developmental dental alterations. Analyzed data were diagnoses, age, gender, location and number of involved teeth. Results: Of the 3.522 patients reviewed, 179 (5.1%) harbored 394 developmental dental alterations. Of them, 45.2% were males and 54.8% were females with a mean age of 16.7 years. The most common were supernumeraries, dental agenesia and dilaceration. Adults were 30.7% of the patients with dental developmental alterations. In them, the most common lesions were agenesia and supernumeraries. Mesiodens was the most frequently found supernumerary teeth (14.7%). Conclusions: Our finding that 30.7% of the affected patients were adults is an undescribed and unusually high proportion of patients that have implications on planning and prognosis of their stomatological treatment

    Toxicity test of a dental commercial composite

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    Background: International rules must be followed for testing biosecurity in dental materials. A new brand of restorative material appeared in the market and regulations indicated that it should be tested for toxicity. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the 90-day sub chronic toxicity of one triethylene glycol dimethacrylate containing composite (MEDENTAL Light-Cure Composite™) orally administered to rats according to Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development no. 48 guidelines and the requirements specified in the ISO 10993-11. Material and Methods: Wistar rats ate the polymerized composite during 90 days and were observed to determine changes in their behavior, eye and skin signs and other attitudes such as aggressiveness, posture, walking and response to handling. After 90 days were sacrificed to ascertain blood alterations, we did special hematological tests and assessed microscopic slides from 33 different organs. Results: We recorded no significant changes in clinical behavior of the animals. Microscopic review of the H&E stained slides obtained from the analyzed organs showed no abnormal inflammatory or cytological changes and all hematological special tests were within normal limits. Conclusions: Results of this study show that under our experimental conditions the MEDENTAL Light-Cure Composite™ does not produce inflammatory or cytological changes suggestive of toxicit

    Toxicity test of a dental commercial composite in rats.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the 90-day subchronic toxicity of one triethylene glycol dimethacrylate containing composite (MEDENTAL Light-Cure Composite™) orally administered to rats according to OECD no. 48 guidelines and the requirements specified in the International Organization for Standardization 10993-11. Study design: The composite was administered orally to Wistar rats during 90 days and they were observed to determine changes in their behavior, eye and skin signs and other attitudes such as aggressiveness, posture, walking and response to handling. After 90 days they were sacrificed to determine blood alterations, special hematological tests were done and histopathological changes in 33 different organs were assessed. Results: Under the experimental conditions, our results showed that the composite tested in this study did not produce significant changes in clinical behavior of the animals. Microscopic review of the Hematoxilin and Eosin stained slides obtained from 33 analyzed organs showed no abnormal inflammatory or cytological changes and all hematological special tests were within normal limits. Conclusions: The results of this study show that under our experimental conditions the MEDENTAL Light-Cure Composite™ does not produce inflammatory or cytological changes suggestive of toxicity

    Frecuencia de dientes supernumerarios en una población mexicana

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    Los dientes supernumerarios (DS) son una anomalía del desarrollo que no se observa con frecuencia (del 0.3 al 3.8% de la población). En este estudio, se analizaron las ortopantomografías correspondientes a 2241 pacientes, de ambos sexos quienes acudieron a la Clínica de Admisión de la División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Facultad de Odontología, UNAM en la ciudad de México D.F. De ellos, se encontraron 72 pacientes (3.2%) con 102 DS. De los 72 pacientes, 39 fueron hombres (54.2%) y 33 mujeres (45.8%). El mesiodens fue el más común de los DS (48.6%), seguido por lo premolares supernumerarios (26.4%), laterales supernumerarios (11.1%) y cuartos molares (9.7%). En esta serie se incluyen casos con uno, dos, tres DS y un caso con 10 DS. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la frecuencia de DS en la población estudiada es diferente en algunos aspectos a la que se reporta en otras series. Como demuestran nuestros resultados, se aconseja que se tomen radiografías panorámicas a todos los pacientes que se atiendan en los consultorios dentales, clínicas y facultades ó escuelas de Odontología, para poder detectar procesos patológicos ocultos.Supernumerary teeth (ST) are a not uncommon developmental anomaly which appears in 0.3 to 3.8 percent of the population. We studied the corresponding radiographs from 2241 patients, both sexes who seeked dental attention at the Outpatient Clinic of the División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Facultad de Odontología, UNAM in Mexico City. Of them, we found 72 patients (3.2%) with 102 ST. Of the 72 patients, 39 were males (54.2%) and 33 females (45.8%). Mesiodens was the most common ST (48.6%), followed by supernumerary premolars (26.4%), supernumerary laterals (11.1%) and fourth molars (9.7%). This series includes cases with one, two and three ST and one case comprising 10 ST. Our results suggest that frequency of ST in the population studied differs in some aspects with previously reported series and that frequency of ST shows different rates depending the population studied. As our results demonstrate, it is encouraged the need to have panoramic radiographs of all patients attended in dental offices, clinics and schools of Dentistry in order to detect and diagnose undiscovered pathologies

    P53 and bcl-2 immunoexpression in patients with oral lichen planus a nd oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Objective : The aim of this study was to determine by immunohistochemistry the presence and significance of p53 and bcl-2 proteins in oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Study D esign : We used 21 cases diagnosed as OLP 16 diagnosed as OSCC and four normal gingival biopsies taken from healthy patients were used as controls. Slides were processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-p53 and anti-bcl-2 monoclonal antibodies. Results : We found p53 immunoexpression in 71.4 % OLP cases and 68.7 % OSCC cases, with no immunoexpression in control cases. Bcl-2 was negative for all OLP and OSCC cases, and mild positivity was observed in normal tissue. We found significant correlation among p53 expression and OSCC malignancy. Conclusions : Our results suggest that TP53 system mainly promotes a hyperproliferative state by cell cycle arrest of the OLP epithelial cells for repairing damaged DNA nor apoptosis and that anti-apoptotic action of bcl-2 is not important in this disease