20 research outputs found

    Overview of the Morphology of Neotropical Termite Workers: History and Practice

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    This contribution deals with the worker caste of the Neotropical termite fauna. It is a compilation of present knowledge about the morphology of pseudergates and workers, including the literature discussing the origin and evolution of this caste, the terminology used in the different taxonomic groups, and the techniques used to study these individuals, especially examination of the gut, mandibles, legs, and nota. In order to assist in identifying workers, it includes a key for the families that occur in the Neotropical Region and a characterization of workers of all families, especially the subfamilies of Termitidae, with descriptions and illustrations of diagnostic morphological features of genera. We point out advances and gaps in knowledge, as well as directions for future research

    Taxonomic revision of genus Rhynchotermes Holmgren 1912 (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae)

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    O presente trabalho é uma revisão taxonômica do gênero Rhynchotermes Holmgren, 1912 (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), que até esta revisão contava com as sete espécies, a saber: R.nasutissimus (Silvestri, 1901), R. perarmatus (Snyder, 1925b), R. nyctobius Mathews 1977, R. diphyes Mathews, 1977, R. piauy Cancello, 1997, R. guarany Cancello, 1977 e R. bulbinasus Scheffrahn, 2010, ocorrendo na Região Neotropical. Proponho duas espécies novas e duas sinonímias (R. nyctobius sinônimo júnior de R. diphyes e R. guarany sinônimo júnior de R. nasutissimus). Estudei 198 amostras entre as quais as do Museu de Zoologia e emprestadas de outras instituições. Todos os soldados, operários e alados (quando disponível) foram descritos e ilustrados, inclusive tubo digestório do operário que até então havia sido pouco estudado. Também elaborei uma chave dicotômica, baseada na casta do soldado, para identificação de todas as espécies, fiz mapas de distribuição geográfica das espécies, bem como reuni as notas sobre a biologia.This work is a taxonomic revision of the genus Rhynchotermes Holmgren, 1912 (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), that until this revision had seven species namely: R.nasutissimus (Silvestri, 1901), R. perarmatus (Snyder, 1925b), R. nyctobius Mathews, 1977, R.diphyes Mathews, 1977, R. piauy Cancello, 1997, R. guarany Cancello, 1977 e R. bulbinasus Scheffrahn, 2010, occurring in the Neotropical Region. I propose two new species and two synonyms (R. nyctobius junior synonym of R. diphyes and R. guarany junior synonym R. nasutissimus). I have examined 198 samples among which those Museum of Zoology and borrowed from other institutions. All soldiers, workers and winged (when available) are described and illustrated, including the digestive tract of the worker that until then had been little studied. Also dichotomous key was made based on the soldier caste to identification of all species, and maps of the geographic distribution of species, as well a compilation of notes on biology of species

    Taxonomic study of Atlantic Forest Apicotermitinae

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    Apesar de sua relevância ecológica, os Apicotermitinae neotropicais foram taxonomicamente pouco estudados, e nenhum trabalho abrangente de morfologia comparada foi feito sobre eles. Portanto, há uma lacuna na compreensão da variação apresentada por alguns caracteres (especialmente do tubo digestório) em todo o grupo. A morfologia interna e externa de 600 amostras de Apicotermitinae da Mata Atlântica depositadas no MZUSP, juntamente com os tipos do American Museum of Natural History (Nova Iorque) e do Smithsonian Institution National Museum (Washington, DC), foi estudada. O tubo digestório, incluindo a válvula entérica, foi analisado para cada espécie tratada aqui. Foram identificadas 35 espécies, sendo 20 delas ainda não descritas, e outras 15 espécies já conhecidas, cujas áreas de distribuição foram ampliadas. O estudo do material tipo possibilitou a melhoria das descrições de espécies, cujos diagnósticos eram problemáticos. As descrições e redescrições de todas as espécies foram incluídas, bem como ilustrações das principais características, estudo morfométrico e mapas de amostragem. Também foram incluídos comentários sobre o status do material tipo, um breve estudo comparativo de todas as espécies neotropicais e uma chave de identificação baseada nos operários para essas espécies. O estudo comparado deu suporte para novas hipóteses de agrupamento das espécies no nível de gênero, e permitiu avaliar caracteres informativos que têm sido negligenciados em artigos publicados recentemente, como: diferenças nas mandíbulas de operários e alados da mesma espécie, especialmente na região molar, dimorfismo sexual nos alados, presença de órgãos deiscentes no tórax e nos primeiros segmentos abdominais do operário. Conclui-se que é fundamental o estudo da morfologia externa e interna do operário e morfologia externa do alado de forma combinada para um bom diagnóstico em nível específico e genérico, não considerando apenas uma característica (como a válvula entérica) para a separação de táxons. As descrições desses novos táxons permitirão estudos faunísticos comparáveis, levando a um melhor entendimento desse grupo nos ecossistemas neotropicais.Despite their ecological relevance, the Neotropical soldierless termites were not taxonomically studied enough, and no comprehensive comparative morphology study has been done. Therefore, there is a gap in the understanding of the character variation (mainly those of the gut) in the whole group. External and internal morphology of 600 samples of Apicotermitinae from the Atlantic Forest housed in the MZUSP were studied, along with the types from the American Museum of Natural History (New York) and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum (Washington, DC). The digestive tube, including the enteric valve, of each species herein treated were studied. Thirty five species were identified in total, out of which 20 are undescribed, and the other 15 already described have had an extension of their known distribution. The study of the type material have improved the descriptions of species, whose diagnosis were problematic. Descriptions and re-descriptions of all species were provided, as well as illustrations of the main characteristics, morphometric study and sampling maps. There were also comments on the status of the type material, and a brief comparative study of all Neotropical species plus an identification key for these, based on workers. The comparative study supports the new hypotheses of grouping species at the genus level, and allowed an evaluation of the informative characters often neglected in recent published articles, such as: differences in the mandibles of workers and imagoes of the same species, mainly in the molar region; alate sexual dimorphism; presence of dehiscent organs in the thorax and first abdominal segments in workers. In conclusion, a combined study of both the external and internal morphology of the worker and the external morphology of the alate is fundamental to diagnose both the specific and generic level well, not just taking into consideration one characteristic (such as the enteric valve) to split taxons. Descriptions of the new taxa will enable comparisons among faunistic studies already published, leading to a better understanding of this group in Neotropical ecosystems

    Educação ambiental e cidadania: concepções e relações em práticas de universitários

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    Apicotermitinae (Termitidae) compreende cupins que na Região Neotropical não contam com a casta de soldados e apesar da sua relevância ecológica foi taxonomicamente pouco estudada. Neste trabalho adotou-se um recorte que compreende as fitofisionomias da Mata Atlântica Ombrófila Densa, a fim de abranger um grande número de táxons possibilitando um estudo comparativo. Foram analisadas 575 amostras quanto à morfologia externa e interna. O tubo digestório das morfoespécies foi ilustrado. A válvula entérica de cada amostra foi dissecada e analisada. As mandíbulas apresentam pequenas diferenças entre alados e operários da mesma morfoespécie. A pilosidade da cabeça, a forma e a pilosidade da tíbia podem ser informativas para separação em grupos de morfoespécies. Quanto ao enrolamento do tubo digestório foram observados os seguintes caracteres: presença ou ausência de segmento misto; grau de dilatação da porção final do mesêntero; comprimento do primeiro segmento proctodeal; assentamento da válvula entérica (lobados ou não). As válvulas entéricas foram definidas como armadas ou não armadas e nelas foram observadas diferenças importantes na disposição e na ornamentação das margens das escamas. A região central da prega pode apresentar invaginações, evaginações e espinhos. Foi observada a presença de glândulas na região anterior do abdômen em diferentes morfoespécies. Das 34 morfoespécies delimitadas, apenas 10 correspondem a espécies descritas. O estudo em questão representa um avanço na descrição de caracteres do tubo digestório com valor taxonômico para a subfamília. Descrições de novos táxons irão possibilitar que estudos faunísticos sejam comparáveis, levando a um melhor entendimento desse grupo nos ecossistemas Neotropicais

    Rhynchotermes matraga Constantini & Cancello, 2016, sp. nov.

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    <i>Rhynchotermes matraga</i>, sp. nov. <p> <b>Holotype</b>. Soldier, 17–27.iv.2011, R.R. Silva & E.Z. Albuquerque cols., part of sample MZUSP 16130.</p> <p>Type-repository: MZUSP.</p> <p> <b>Type-locality</b>. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Conceição do Mato Dentro, Serra da Serpentina., lat 19.0502S, long 43.3635W.</p> <p> <b>Paratypes</b>. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Conceição do Mato Dentro, Serra da Serpentina, lat 19.0502S, long 43.3635W, 17–27.iv.2011, R. R. Silva & E. Z. Albuquerque cols., MZUSP 16125 (4 soldiers, 5 workers), 16130 (suplementary of holotype, 3 soldiers).</p> <p> <b>Imago</b>. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Soldier</b> (Fig. 3 F, 4F, 5F). Monomorphic. Head capsule pear-shaped in dorsal view (Fig 3 F). Antenna articles short (Fig. 4 F). Frontal tube conical, about one-third longer than length of head. Dorsal margin of head and margin of frontal tube straight in profile. Mandible strongly curved (Fig. 5 F), with subrectangular marginal tooth, apical region of each mandible aligns to the proximal region of the opposite mandible when closed. Inner margin of mandible serrated. Postmentum quadrangular. Forecoxa process subcylindrical. Head capsule with six long bristles; four laterally and two centrally. Pronotum with two to four long bristles on anterior lobe followed by a set of short bristles. Head capsule orange to reddish, body yellow. Measurements given in Table 3.</p> <p> <b>Worker</b>. Fontanelle inconspicuous. Postclypeus with a medium line light, inconspicuous. Measurements given in Table 2.</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. Augusto Matraga is a fictional character created by João Guimarães Rosa (Rosa 1966, translation), an important writer known for his work that values the country people of Minas Gerais. The author compares the strength of Augustus Matraga to termites: “(…) <i>tired his body with hard work and said prayers for his soul, all this without effort, like the white ants that raise red mounds in the pasture</i> (…)” (<i>Op. cit.</i>).</p> <p> <b>Biological notes</b>. <i>Rhynchotermes matraga</i> <b>sp. nov</b>. was collected with Winkler extractors without other biological data.</p> <p> <b>Comparisons</b>. The soldier of <i>R. matraga</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. is morphologically similar to <i>R. piauy</i> but is more robust with a wider head capsule and has proportionally shorter legs than <i>R. piauy</i>. In <i>R. piauy</i> the frontal tube length is almost as long as the head length while <i>R. matraga</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. has a frontal tube that is markedly longer than the head.</p>Published as part of <i>Constantini, Joice P. & Cancello, Eliana M., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae), pp. 501-522 in Zootaxa 4109 (5)</i> on page 510, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/260543">http://zenodo.org/record/260543</a&gt

    Rhynchotermes diphyes Mathews

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    <i>Rhynchotermes diphyes</i> Mathews <p> <i>Rhynchotermes diphyes</i> Mathews 1977: 157 –159 (major soldier, fig 103; minor soldier, 104); Krishna <i>et al</i>. 2013: 1472 (catalog).</p> <p> <b>Holotype</b>. Major soldier. 06.vi.1967, A. G. Mathews col., MZUSP 7414, examined. <b>Type locality</b>. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Ribeirão Cascalheira, lat 12.8145S, long 51.7745W. (R.Constantino, personal comm.).</p> <p> <b>New synonym:</b> <i>Rhynchotermes nyctobius</i> Mathews 1977: 156 –157 (soldier, fig. 101). Holotype: soldier. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Ribeirão Cascalheira (MZUSP 7415), examined.</p> <p> <b>Imago</b>. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Soldier</b> (Fig. 3 D, E, 4D, E, 5D, E, 7C). Dimorphic. Major soldier: head capsule pear-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 3 D). Antennal articles short (Fig. 4 D). Labrum tongue-shaped with hyaline tip. Frontal tube approximately equal in length to head, conical. Dorsal margin of head plus and margin of frontal tube concave in profile. Mandible evenly curved (Fig. 5 D), robust, with subrectangular marginal tooth, apical region of each mandible aligns to the proximal region of the opposite mandible when closed. Postmentum subquadrangular. Forecoxa process conical (Fig. 7 C). Head capsule with four to six long bristles. Labrum with two bristles. Pronotum with two long bristles either side of lateral lobe. Forecoxa process with short bristles. Head capsule orange to brown, body yellow. Minor soldier: head capsule rounded (Fig. 3 E). Length of frontal tube one-third longer than length of head without frontal tube, subcylindrical, slightly down-curved. Mandible thin (Fig. 5 E). Forecoxa process cylindrical. Head capsule with six to ten long bristles. Measurements given in Table 3.</p> <p> <b>Worker</b> (Fig. 9 C). Fontanelle conspicuous. Postclypeus medium line light, inconspicuous. Two sets of short bristles with darkened tips next to fontanelle. Measurements given in Table 2.</p> <p> <b>Biological notes</b>. <i>Rhynchotermes diphyes</i> has also been observed occupying abandoned termite nests (Cancello 1997) as well as the bulbs of banana plants and cattle dung.</p> <p> <b>Comparisons</b>. Mathews (1977) stated that the distinguishing features between the minor soldiers of <i>R. diphyes</i> and <i>R</i>. <i>nyctobius</i> were the curvature near the frontal tube tip of <i>R. nyctobius</i> and fewer bristles on head capsule of <i>R. diphyes</i>. However, after examining numerous samples, we were not able to confirm these differences as these characters are highly variable within and between samples such that it is impossible to separate the minor soldiers of the two species. On the other hand, the major soldier of <i>R. diphyes</i> has a large head capsule and a shorter, conical frontal tube whilst in other species (except <i>R</i>. <i>bulbinasus</i> which is bulbous) the frontal tube is equal or greater in length to the head capsule.</p> <p> <b>Other material examined</b>. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Chapada dos Guimarães, 25.xi.1984, C. Campaner col., MZUSP 16132; Cláudia, 25.viii.2011, Q. C. L. Santos col., MZUSP 15934; 20.viii.2011, MZUSP 15933; Ribeirão Cascalheira, lat 12.8145S, long 51.7745W, 04.iv.1968, A. G. Mathews col., MZUSP 7415; lat 12.0000S, long 59.5000W, viii.1980, A. E. Mill col., MZUSP 10844; Utiariti (325m), Rio Papagaio, vii–viii.1961, K. Lenko col., MZUSP 2043; São Paulo: Bauru, Aimorés, vi.1947, D. Braz col., MZUSP 3050, 3052; Descalvado, 27.viii.1944, Jandira & Otto Schubart col., MZUSP 0108; Novo Horizonte, 23.xi.1944, R. L. Araujo & Silva col., MZUSP 2646; Luis Antônio, Reserva Jataí, 17.iv.2001, E. M. Cancello <i>et al</i>. col., MZUSP 11236, 11237; 07.v.2009, G. P. Paciência col., MZUSP 16113; Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, 22.vii.1999, A. M. Costa-Leonardo leg., UnB 1269.</p> <p> <b>Additional records</b>. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul, Aquidauana (HF Cunha pers. comm.).</p>Published as part of <i>Constantini, Joice P. & Cancello, Eliana M., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae), pp. 501-522 in Zootaxa 4109 (5)</i> on pages 508-510, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/260543">http://zenodo.org/record/260543</a&gt

    A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae)

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    Constantini, Joice P., Cancello, Eliana M. (2016): A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae). Zootaxa 4109 (5): 501-522, DOI: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.

    Rhynchotermes nasutissimus Silvestri

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    <i>Rhynchotermes nasutissimus</i> (Silvestri) <p> <i>Armitermes nasutissimus</i> Silvestri 1901:7, description of female imago; 1903: 79–81, 131–132, description all castes and nest (alate wing, fig. 20; nest fig. 47A; alate, pl. 4:141–142; soldier, pl. 4:143–147).</p> <p> <i>Termes</i> (<i>Eutermes</i>) <i>nasutissimus,</i> Desneux 1904:44, new combination.</p> <p> <i>Armitermes</i> (<i>Rhynchotermes</i>) <i>nasutissimus,</i> Holmgren 1912: 53, 55, 57 (alate mandible, fig. 29, soldier mandible, fig. 36; soldier, pl. 2: fig. 15).</p> <p> <i>Rhynchotermes nasutissimus,</i> Snyder 1949: 264; Koovor 1969: 201–206 (digestive tract, fig. 8); Mathews 1977: 155 –157, redescription (soldier, fig. 102); Fontes 1987: 8 –118 (alate mandibles, fig. 319–321; worker mandibles, fig. 322–327; digestive tract, fig. 91–102); Krishna <i>et al</i>. 2013: 1473 (catalog).</p> <p> <b>Lectotype, here designated.</b> Soldier, kept separately in the same sample as the paralectotypes, listed below, which have the same number. Paraguay. Villa Rica, 14.x.1900, F. Silvestri col., DEZA.</p> <p> <b>Type locality</b>. PARAGUAY. Villa Rica.</p> <p> <b>Paralectotypes.</b> Four imagos (three female and one male), six soldiers and ten workers, in good condition; DEZA. (Same label as lectotype above).</p> <p> <b>New synonym:</b> <i>Rhynchotermes guarany</i> Cancello 1997: 149 –153 (soldier, fig. 2–6; worker mandible, fig.1). Holotype: soldier. BRAZIL. Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Góias (MZUSP 10089), examined.</p> <p> <b>Imago</b> (Fig. 1 A, B, 2A, B, 7A). Head capsule, in lateral view, with posterior portion after eyes short and rounded. Eyes large, protruding and close to lower margin of head capsule. Ocelli large and kidney-shaped in dorsal view. Four stains smaller than ocelli (Fig. 1 A) and closer to postclypeus margin. Second marginal tooth of right mandible as in worker. Pronotum with anterolateral margin slightly projected forward (Fig. 1 A). Tergites with disperse bristles across plate. Wings with very scarce to no hairs. (Fig. 2 A, B). Measurements given in Table 1.</p> <p> <i>R. nasutissimus R. perarmatus</i> length of forewing with scale 12.60–13.75 (13.07) 12.50–14.00 (13.20) 13.01–14.28 (13.58) length of the hind tibia 1.50–1.65 (1.58) 1.53–1.62 (1.57) 1.37–1.47 (1.42)</p> <p> <b>Comments</b>. The alate (Figs. 1 A, B and 7A) is a paralectotype from Silvestri's collection (DEZA) whose colour was modified by the time, as it is a very old sample (1900). There are four samples in MZUSP with several alates with the colour characteristic described for the genus.</p> <p> <b>Soldier</b> (Fig. 3 G, 4G, 5G, 6A, 7B). Monomorphic. Head capsule rounded to pear-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 3 G). Antenna articles short (Fig. 4 G). Labrum subpentagonal with distal margin hyaline. Frontal tube about onethird longer than head, conically shaped with margins of head and frontal tube concave in profile. Mandible strongly curved (Fig. 5 G) with subrectangular marginal tooth oriented to mandible apex. Inner margin of mandible serrated, apical region of each mandible aligns to the proximal region of the opposite mandible when closed (Fig. 6 A). Forecoxa process conical (Fig. 7 B). Head capsule with six long bristles; four laterally and two centrally. Pronotum with two to four long bristles on anterior lobe. Head capsule orange to brownish, body yellow. Measurements given in Table 3.</p> <p> <b>Comments</b>. In the illustration by Silvestri (1903) the anterior margin of the pronotum appears to have a wide central indentation but this character varies greatly within a single sample that also includes specimens with straight anterior margins.</p> <p> <b>Worker</b>. Fontanelle inconspicuous. Postclypeus with a medium line light and inconspicuous. Measurements given in Table 2.</p> <p>length of the width of the head width of pronotum length of hind n head* tibia</p> <p> <b>Comments</b>. Fontes (1987) considered the workers of <i>R. nasutissimus</i> dimorphic. However, we found no morphological characteristics in the specimens studied that justified their separation.</p> <p> <b>Biological notes</b>. Silvestri (1903) described a subterranean nest for <i>R. nasutissimus</i>. There are also records of them occupying abandoned termite nests (Cancello 1997) and they have been observed in the top of an active nest of <i>Procornitermes araujoi</i> Emerson in a pasture area in São Roque de Minas, Minas Gerais. They have also been found in the basal region of an active nest of <i>Cornitermes cumulans</i> (Kollar) that was occupied by several other species. In this last observation, there was a great concentration of soldiers and workers but juveniles were not observed. There are further notes of this species in the nests of <i>Syntermes wheeleri</i> Emerson and <i>Syntermes nanus</i> Constantino. <i>Rhynchotermes nasutissimus</i> forages on the ground, usually emerging in the late afternoon, without any record of covered trails. They have also been observed feeding on the carrion of a dead rat after six days of decomposition (Prestes <i>et al</i>. 2014). Almost exactly the same behavior as that described for <i>R. perarmatus</i> (see below) was observed once by EMC at night (around 21h) in an area covered by grass, without any cover and in the open air. Samples previously identified as <i>R. guarany</i> were collected under stones in rupestrian fields.</p> <p> <b>Comparisons</b>. Soldiers of <i>R. nasutissimus</i> are morphological similar to those of <i>R</i>. <i>piauy</i>, <i>R</i>. <i>matraga</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. and the major soldier of <i>R</i>. <i>amazonensis</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>., regarding the strongly curved mandible with a subrectangular marginal tooth and the serrated inner margin of the mandible. The margin of head and frontal tube is almost straight in profile in <i>R. piauy</i> and <i>R. matraga</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. but concave in <i>R</i>. <i>nasutissimus</i> and <i>R</i>. <i>amazonensis</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. In workers of <i>R. amazonensis</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. the fontanelle is conspicuous and in soldiers the head capsule has a slightly constriction behind antennae. Soldier and worker of <i>R. amazonensis</i> <b>sp</b>. <b>nov</b>. have long articles on the antennae. The frontal tube orientation, frontal tube tip, width and length of frontal tube, curvature of soldier mandible and angle of frontal tube relative to head were proposed as diagnostic features of <i>R. guarany</i> but we found a great variation of them throughout samples identified as <i>R. nasutissimus</i> and <i>R. guarany</i>.The imago of <i>R. nasutissimus</i> has large and more protrunding eyes and ocelli than <i>R. perarmatus</i>. In profile the posterior region of the head capsule of <i>R. perarmatus</i> is longer than in <i>R. nasutissimus</i>. The wings in <i>R. nasutissimus</i> have no or very few hairs while in <i>R. perarmatus</i> they are abundant. <i>Rhynchotermes nasutissimus</i> has bristles across the entire surface of the tergites while in <i>R. perarmatus</i> the bristles are concentrated in the posterior area. <i>Rhynchotermes nasutissimus</i> has pronotum with anterolateral margin projected slightly forward and <i>R. perarmatus</i> has pronotum with anterolateral margin projected slightly downward and anterocentral margin upward.</p> <p> <b>Other material examined</b>. ARGENTINA. Santiago del Estero: Santiago del Estero, 10 km E de Gobernador Garmendia, 06.xii.2004, C. Cuezzo col., IFML 0315; Parque Nacional Copo, 16.xii.2000, C. Szumik & C. Cuezzo col., IFML 0183; Tucumán: Siete de Abril, 01.ix.1965, MZUSP 8159. BRAZIL. Federal District: Cerradão, 04.v.1980, A. E. Mill col., MZUSP 10840; 08.vii.2002, E. M. Cancello col., MZUSP 14870; Fazenda Água Limpa, lat 15.945833S, long 47.935556W, 01.viii.1992, T. Schultz col., MZUSP 9806; 22.v.1980, A. E. Mill col., MZUSP 10841; 26.v.1994, R. Constantino leg., UnB 0007; 12.viii.1991, K. Kitayama leg., UnB 1072; 15.ii.1992, Carlos leg., UnB 0152; Universidade de Brasília, 06.iii.12, A.C. Prestes col., MZUSP 16120; xii.1974, K. Kitayama col., MZUSP 7337; Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, 05.vii.1991, C. R. F. Brandão, M. L. Françoso & A. A. Reis col., MZUSP 10089; Alvorada do Norte, Fazenda Paraná, lat 14.5253S, long 46.7847W, 07.iii.2003, G. C. Costa leg. UnB 5273; 26.viii.2003, D. L. Bernardo leg., UnB 4087; Avelinópolis, 12.viii.2009, T. F. Carrijo col., MZUSP 12659; Monte Alto, 14.iii.2004, G. C. Costa leg., UnB 5307, 5314, 5317, 5332; Parque Nacional das Emas, lat 18.106389S, long 52.927778W, 12.iv.1980, Mill & Redford col., MZUSP 10843; 06.vii.1980, MZUSP 10842; Mato Grosso: Base de Pesquisa do IBDF, 15.xi.1984, M. A. Drumond col., MZUSP 23990; Cáceres, 01.iii.2007, A. Marques leg., UnB 7446; 16.ii.2007, UnB 7444; Chapada dos Guimarães, Aproveitamento Múltiplo de Manso, lat 14.9333S, long 55.7333W, 11.v.1999, R. Constantino leg. UnB 1634; 14.i.1999, UnB 0831; Coxipó, 18.ii.1976, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 6688; Cuiabá, (7 km N), 16.ii.1976, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 6723; 20.x.1995, Og De Souza col., UFV 0 1951, 0 1955, 0 1956, 0 1957, 01968; Parque Estadual do Araguaia, Novo Santo Antônio, lat 12.3769S, long 50.9344W, 05.vi.2005, Lima & Fraczak leg., UnB 6389; Poconé, Transpantaneira, 28.xi.1984, J. C. Trager col., MZUSP 9386; 15.xi.1984, C. Campaner col., MZUSP 23988; Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá, 09.xii.1960, K. Lenko col., MZUSP 2044; Nhecolândia, 07.xii.1984, M. A. Auxiliadora col., MZUSP 23995; 08.xii.1984, MZUSP 23991, 23993; 08–10.xii.1984, MZUSP 23992; Estância Fazenda Santa Izabel, 14.x.1984, MZUSP 23994; Pantanal, Área de Proteção Ambiental Baía Negra, Ladário, 21.xii.2012, T. G. D. Plaza col., MZUSP 16110, 16111; Passo do Lontra, 19.vii.2012, H. F. Cunha col., MZUSP 16122, 16123, 16124; Porto Murtinho, Porto Angelônia, 25.i.2008, F. A. Esteves col., MZUSP 23989; Selvíria, 16.iii.1991, R. S. Rodrigues, col., MZUSP 9729; Três Lagoas, 05.iv.1993, C. A. H. Flechtmann col., MZUSP 9831; left margin Sucuriu river, Fazenda Canaã, ii.1967, F. Lane col., MZUSP 2040; Minas Gerais: Arceburgo, Sítio Areia de Minas, vii.2012, E. M. Cancello col. MZUSP 15966; 14.vii.2005, MZUSP 11324; 06.ix.2007, MZUSP 11618; 05.vii.2012, MZUSP 15979; 13.vii.2005, MZUSP 11302; 05.viii.2012, MZUSP 15981; vii.2012, MZUSP 15967; 18.x.2012, MZUSP 23984; 17.x.2012, MZUSP 23985; 05.viii.2012, MZUSP 23986; 27.xi.2012, J. L. Figueiredo col., MZUSP 23987; Fazenda São Paulo, 14.vii.2005, E. M. Cancello col., MZUSP 11325; Belo Horizonte, Serra do Curral, 30.xi.1956, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 4501; 29.vii.1975, MZUSP 6203; Pampulha, 15.i.1954, MZUSP 4112; Bocaiúva, 25.vii.1975, MZUSP 5986; Guarda-Mor, Fazenda Tirinha, lat 17.5714S, long 47.1436W, 29.x.2001, R. Constantino col., UnB 3162; Grande Sertão Veredas, lat 15.5109S, long 46.0000W, 14.x.2012, T. F. Carrijo col., MZUSP 16112; Lagoa Santa, iii.1957, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 0023; 29.i.1950, MZUSP 3208; 19.xi.1972, MZUSP 5851; 07.i.1954, MZUSP 4087; Lavras, xii.1972, C. R. F. Brandão col., MZUSP 16442; Rio Paranaíba, 06.xi.1990, Og de Souza col., UFV 2581; 23.xi.1990, UFV 2536; 22.x.1990, UFV 2602; 26.x.1990, UFV 2591; 23.xi.1990, UFV 2559; 24.x.1990, UFV 2535; 10.xi.1990, UFV 2580; 08.xii.1990, UFV 2537; 22.x.1990, UFV 2614; 24.x.1990, UFV 2498, 2674; São Roque de Minas, Fazenda Agro-Serra, 01.iv.2012, J. P. Constantini & T. F. Carrijo col., MZUSP 16116; Sete Lagoas, 08.xi.1985, T. M. C. M. Cavenaghi & D.J. Domingos col., UFV 3597; 20.xii.1984, UFV 5258, 5231; 27.xii.1982, UFV 5945; 29.iii.1984, UFV 5251; 05.xii.1985, UFV 6146; 20.iii.1985, UFV 5967; 09.xi.1984, UFV 6144; 08.xi.1985, UFV 5246; 27.xi.1982, UFV 6024; 14.iii.1985, UFV 5648; 09.xi.1984, UFV 5255; 13.xii.1986, UFV 5250; 25.xi.1983, UFV 5955; 02.vii.1985, UFV 5948; 24.x.1990, Og De Souza col., UFV 2535; 10.vi.1982, D. J. Domingos col., UFV 6133, 13.v.1982, UFV 6159; 20.v.1982, UFV 6160; 29.iv.1982, UFV 5248; 16.ix.1982, M. A. Drumond col. UFV 6149; Três Marias, Estação Ecológica Pirapitinga, 07.ix.2005, S. L. Murcia leg., UnB 6417; Piauí: Bom Jesus, Rodovia Transcerrado, 09.xi.2010, R. Constantino leg., UnB 7862; São Paulo: Agudos, 08.v.1952, W. W. Kempf col., MZUSP 2042; Campinas, Vila Nova, 25.xi.1972, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 5351; 17.i.1945, MZUSP 2713; 18.i.1944, MZUSP 2717; Luiz Antônio, Reserva Jataí, lat 21.5702S, long 47.7355W, 26.ii.1997, E. M. Cancello col., MZUSP 16119; 26.ii.1997, MZUSP 16118; 25.ii.1997, MZUSP 16121; 09.v.2007, G. R. Mazão col., MZUSP 16117; Mogi das Cruzes, 19.iv.1953, R. L. Araujo col., MZUSP 2041; Novo Horizonte: 24.xi.1944, R. L. Araujo & Silva cols., MZUSP 2651; Sertãozinho, 28.v.1963, K.</p> <p>Lenko col., MZUSP 0300; Tocantins: Dianópolis, Fazenda Novo Iguaçu, lat 11.6025S, long 46.5175W, 22.ix.2003, D. L. Bernardo leg., UnB 5192; Paranã, Fazenda São João, lat 12.9139S, long 47.6169W, 28.iii.2004, G. C. Costa leg., UnB 5467, 5481; 27.iii.2004, UnB 5422. PARAGUAY. Boquerón: Arenal, Mister Long, lat 20.6000S, long 62.0333W, 31.x.2001, Y. Roisin col., MZUSP 22891; P. N. Teniente Enciso, lat 21.2000S, long 61.6500W, 03.xi.2001, Y. Roisin col., MZUSP 22890; Villa Rica, 1901, F. Silvestri col., MSNG.</p> <p> <b>Published records.</b> ARGENTINA. Formosa (Torales <i>et al</i>. 2005). BOLIVIA. Beni: Reyes (Snyder 1926). PERU (Araujo 1977).</p> <p> <b>Additional records</b>. BRAZIL. Pará: Alter do Chão, lat 2.52913S, long 54.8997W, 09.vi.2012, R. Constantino col., UnB 8822 (R. Constantino pers. comm.).</p> <p> <i>Armitermes</i> (<i>Rhynchotermes</i>) <i>perarmatus</i> Snyder 1925b:188 –190, description of soldier and worker (soldier, fig. 7). <i>Rhynchotermes perarmatus,</i> Snyder 1949: 264; Nickle & Collins 1992: 208 –241, redescription, biology (soldier, fig. 13.82, 13.83); Krishna <i>et al</i>. 2013: 1474 (catalog).</p> <p> <b>Holotype.</b> Soldier. 22.ii.1924, T. E. Snyder col., USNM 0 0 350, examined.</p> <p> <b>Type-locality</b>. PANAMA. Canal Zone, Chinilla River.</p> <p> <b>Junior synonym:</b> <i>Armitermes</i> (<i>Rhynchotermes</i>) <i>major</i> Snyder 1925a: 160. Holotype: soldier. COSTA RICA. Estrella. (USNM 27738), not examined.</p> <p> <b>Imago</b> (Fig 1 C, D, 2C, D). Head capsule, in lateral view, with long posterior portion behind eyes. Eyes medium sized. Ocelli medium sized and kidney-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 1 C). Four stains similar in size to ocelli. Second marginal tooth of right mandible highly reduced. Pronotum with anterolateral margin projected slightly downward and anterocentral margin upward (Fig. 1 D). Tergites with bristles concentrated on posterior margin of plate. Wings densely covered in hairs (Fig. 2 C, D). Measurements given in Table 1.</p> <p> <b>Soldier</b> (3H, 4H, 5H). Monomorphic. Head capsule pear-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 3 H). Antennae articles long (Fig. 4 H). Labrum subrectangular. Frontal tube about fifty percent longer than length of head, projecting slightly downward and subcylindrical. Dorsal margin of head and margin of frontal tube concave in profile. Mandible about two-third length of frontal tube with conical marginal tooth, evenly curved (Fig. 5 H). Apical region of each mandible extending well beyond the opposite mandible when closed (Fig. 6 B). Forecoxa process conical. Head capsule with two long bristles on apex. Labrum with four conspicuous bristles. Pronotum with two long bristles on anterior lobe margin followed by several short bristles. Head capsule orange to brown-reddish. Measurements given in Table 3.</p> <p> <b>Worker</b> (Fig. 8 A, B, C). Fontanelle conspicuous, rounded and whitish. Postclypeus with a medium line dark and incomplete. Measurements given in Table 2.</p> <p> <b>Biological notes</b>. <i>Rhynchotermes perarmatus</i> was observed living under decaying bark (Snyder 1925b; Roisin 1992). Eisner (2003) described the foraging behavior (already observed in other groups) as consisting of a trail with a great flow of workers in the center of the trail, surrounded by a row of soldiers in defense position (open mandibles and frontal tube raised) as a protective barrier. The trail was covered and foraging usually took place at night (Nickle & Collins 1992).</p> <p> <b>Comparisons</b>. See under <i>R. bulbinasus</i>.</p> <p> <b>Other material examined</b>. COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Liberia, vii–viii.1965, R. Goodland col., MZUSP 1101; Limón: Siquirres, Finca Monte Ararat, lat 10.0500N, long 83.5333W, 05.viii.2002, Y. Roisin col., MZUSP 22892. PANAMA. Barro Colorado Island, 18.v.1935, A. E. Emerson col., MZUSP 3736; 20.v.1935, MZUSP 3737; Coclé, El Copé, lat 8.6854N, long 80.5985W, 04.vi.2010, R. H. Scheffrahn col., MZUSP 16114; Colón, Gamboa, Rio Agua Salud, Pipeline Road, lat 9.2000N, long 79.7666W, 26.iv.1991, Y. Roisin col., MZUSP 22893.</p> <p> <b>Published records</b>. BELIZE (Araujo 1977). ECUADOR (Snyder 1949). GUATEMALA (Becker 1953).</p>Published as part of <i>Constantini, Joice P. & Cancello, Eliana M., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae), pp. 501-522 in Zootaxa 4109 (5)</i> on pages 511-518, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/260543">http://zenodo.org/record/260543</a&gt