41 research outputs found

    Anaerobutyricum hallii promotes the functional depletion of a food carcinogen in diverse healthy fecal microbiota

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    IntroductionAnaerobutyricum hallii is a human gut commensal that transforms the heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP), a carcinogen from cooked meat. The transformation mechanism involves the microbial production of acrolein from glycerol, and its conjugation with PhIP, thus blocking its mutagenic potential. A potential cancer prevention strategy could therefore involve supplementing complex human microbial communities with metabolically competent bacteria such as A. hallii that can deplete PhIP. However, it has not been established how the proportion of A. hallii in diverse healthy human gut microbial communities relates to functional capacity for PhIP transformation and, moreover, how supplementing microbiomes with A. hallii affects this function.MethodsIn this study, shotgun metagenomics was used to study taxonomic profiling, the abundance of glycerol/diol dehydratase (gdh)-harboring taxa, the proportion of resident A. hallii, and the reconstruction of A. hallii population genomes in the fecal samples of 20 healthy young adult donors. Furthermore, the influence of supplementing 106 cells/mL of A. hallii DSM 3353 with diluted fecal microbiota was characterized.Results and discussionSix microbiota were assigned to Bacteroides, nine to Prevotella, and five to Ruminococcus by enterotype-associated clustering. The total number of gdh copies in the 20 fecal microbiota expressed per 1010 bacterial cells ranged between 1.32 Ă— 108 and 1.15 Ă— 109. Eighteen out of the 20 donors were dominated by A. hallii, representing between 33% and 94% of the total gdh relative abundance of the samples. The microbiota with low A. hallii abundance (i.e., with a relative abundance < 1%) transformed less PhIP than the microbiota with high A. hallii abundance (i.e., with a relative abundance > 1%). Furthermore, supplementing the low-A. hallii-abundant microbiota with glycerol significantly increased the PhIP transformation capacity after 6 h while reducing total short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels, which is most likely due to acrolein production. Although acetate decreased in all microbiota with glycerol and with the combination of glycerol and A. hallii, for most of the microbiomes, butyrate production increased over time. Thus, for a significant number of diverse healthy human fecal microbiomes, and especially when they have little of the taxa to start with, supplementing A. hallii increases PhIP transformation. These findings suggest the need to test in vivo whether supplementing microbiomes with A. hallii reduces PhIP exposure

    Effects of Sodium Chloride on Tyramine Production in a Fermented Food Model and its Inhibition by Tyrosine-degrading Lactobacillus plantarum JA-1199

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    Tyramine is a health-adverse biogenic amine, which can accumulate in fermented foods like cheese by decarboxylation of the free amino acid tyrosine by either starter cultures or resident microbes such as lactic acid bacteria including Enterococcus spp., respectively. Our study aimed to show the effect of sodium chloride concentrations on tyramine production as well as to characterise bacterial strains as anti-tyramine biocontrol agents in a 2 mL micro-cheese fermentation model. The effect of sodium chloride on tyramine production was assayed with tyramine producing strains from eight different species or subspecies. Generally, an increase in sodium chloride concentration enhanced tyramine production, e.g. from 0% to 1.5% of sodium chloride resulted in an increase of tyramine of 870% with a Staphylococcus xylosus strain. In the biocontrol screening among lactic acid bacteria, a Lactobacillus plantarum JA-1199 strain was screened that could consume in successful competition with other resident bacteria tyrosine in the micro-cheese model as a source of energy gain. Thereby tyramine accumulation was reduced between 4% to 99%. The results of this study disclose a feasible strategy for decreasing tyramine concentration and increasing the safety level of fermented food. It is an example of development and application of bacterial isolates as starter or protective cultures in food, a biocontrol topic, which Oreste Ghisalba – in his project evaluation function of SNF and later on CTI – was promoting with great emphasis in our ETH Food Biotechnology research group.ISSN:0009-429

    Sustained organic loading disturbance favors nitrite accumulation in bioreactors with variable resistance, recovery and resilience of nitrification and nitrifiers

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    Sustained disturbances are relevant for environmental biotechnology as they can lead to alternative stable states in a system that may not be reversible. Here, we tested the effect of a sustained organic loading alteration (food-to-biomass ratio, F:M, and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, C:N) on activated sludge bioreactors, focusing on the stability of nitrification and nitrifiers. Two sets of replicate 5-L sequencing batch reactors were operated at different, low and high, F:M (0.19–0.36 mg COD/mg TSS/d) and C:N (3.5–6.3 mg COD/mg TKN) conditions for a period of 74 days, following 53 days of sludge acclimation. Recovery and resilience were tested during the last 14 days by operating all reactors at low F:M and C:N (henceforth termed F:M–C:N). Stable nitrite accumulation (77%) was achieved through high F:M–C:N loading with a concurrent reduction in the abundance of Nitrospira. Subsequently, only two of the three reactors experiencing a switch back from high to low F:M–C:N recovered the nitrite oxidation function, with an increase in Nitrobacter as the predominant NOB, without a recovery of Nitrospira. The AOB community was more diverse, resistant and resilient than the NOB community. We showed that functional recovery and resilience can vary across replicate reactors, and that nitrification recovery need not coincide with a return to the initial nitrifying community structure.Ministry of Education (MOE)National Research Foundation (NRF)Published versionThis research was supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education under the Research Centre of Excellence Program. We thank D.I. Drautz-Moses for her support with the 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomics library preparation and sequencing pipelines employed, and T.J. Qiang and N.A.B.A. Latiff for their assistance with molecular work. S.S. Thi and A.F.B.M. Batcha are acknowledged for their support with analytical chemistry equipment. We thank J. Coppens for insightful discussions on nitrification. E.S. was partially supported by a Fulbright Fellowship

    Frequency of disturbance alters diversity, function, and underlying assembly mechanisms of complex bacterial communities

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    Disturbance is known to affect the ecosystem structure, but predicting its outcomes remains elusive. Similarly, community diversity is believed to relate to ecosystem functions, yet the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we tested the effect of disturbance on the structure, assembly, and ecosystem function of complex microbial communities within an engineered system. We carried out a microcosm experiment where activated sludge bioreactors operated in daily cycles were subjected to eight different frequency levels of augmentation with a toxic pollutant, from never (undisturbed) to every day (press-disturbed), for 35 days. Microbial communities were assessed by combining distance-based methods, general linear multivariate models, α-diversity indices, and null model analyses on metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene amplicon data. A stronger temporal decrease in α-diversity at the extreme, undisturbed and press-disturbed, ends of the disturbance range led to a hump-backed pattern, with the highest diversity found at intermediate levels of disturbance. Undisturbed and press-disturbed levels displayed the highest community and functional similarity across replicates, suggesting deterministic processes were dominating. The opposite was observed amongst intermediately disturbed levels, indicating stronger stochastic assembly mechanisms. Trade-offs were observed in the ecosystem function between organic carbon removal and both nitrification and biomass productivity, as well as between diversity and these functions. Hence, not every ecosystem function was favoured by higher community diversity. Our results show that the assessment of changes in diversity, along with the underlying stochastic–deterministic assembly processes, is essential to understanding the impact of disturbance in complex microbial communities.NRF (Natl Research Foundation, S’pore)MOE (Min. of Education, S’pore)Published versio

    Transcriptional Activity of Predominant Streptococcus Species at Multiple Oral Sites Associate With Periodontal Status

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    Background: Streptococcus species are predominant members of the oral microbiota in both health and diseased conditions. The purpose of the present study was to explore if different ecological characteristics, such as oxygen availability and presence of periodontitis, associates with transcriptional activity of predominant members of genus Streptococcus. We tested the hypothesis that genetically closely related Streptococcus species express different transcriptional activities in samples collected from environments with critically different ecological conditions determined by site and inflammatory status. Methods: Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data was retrieved from 66 oral samples, subgingival plaque (n=22), tongue scrapings (n=22) and stimulated saliva (n=22) collected from patients with periodontitis (n=11) and orally healthy individuals (n=11). Species-specific transcriptional activity was computed as Log2(RNA/DNA), and transcriptional activity of predominant Streptococcus species was compared between multiple samples collected from different sites in the same individual, and between individuals with different oral health status. Results: The predominant Streptococcus species were identified with a site-specific colonization pattern of the tongue and the subgingival plaque. A total of 11, 4 and 2 pathways expressed by S. parasanguinis, S. infantis and S. salivarius, respectively, were recorded with significantly higher transcriptional activity in saliva than in tongue biofilm in healthy individuals. In addition, 18 pathways, including pathways involved in synthesis of peptidoglycan, amino acid biosynthesis, glycolysis and purine nucleotide biosynthesis expressed by S. parasanguinis and 3 pathways expressed by S. salivarius were identified with significantly less transcriptional activity in patients with periodontitis. Conclusion: Data from the present study significantly demonstrates the association of site-specific ecological conditions and presence of periodontitis with transcriptional activity of the predominant Streptococcus species of the oral microbiota. In particular, pathways expressed by S. parasanguinis being involved in peptidoglycan, amino acid biosynthesis, glycolysis, and purine nucleotide biosynthesis were identified to be significantly associated with oral site and/or inflammation status.ISSN:2235-298

    Periodontitis associates with species-specific gene expression of the oral microbiota

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    International audienceAbstract The purpose of the present investigation was to characterize species-specific bacterial activity of the oral microbiota in periodontitis. We tested the hypotheses that chronic inflammation, i.e., periodontitis, associates with bacterial gene expression of the oral microbiota. Oral microbial samples were collected from three oral sites—subgingival plaque, tongue, and saliva from patients with periodontitis and healthy controls. Paired metagenomics and metatranscriptomics were used to perform concomitant characterization of taxonomic composition and to determine species-specific bacterial activity as expressed by the ratio of specific messenger RNA reads to their corresponding genomic DNA reads. Here, we show the association of periodontitis with bacterial gene expression of the oral microbiota. While oral site was the main determinant of taxonomic composition as well as bacterial gene expression, periodontitis was significantly associated with a reduction of carbohydrate metabolism of the oral microbiota at three oral sites (subgingival plaque, tongue, and saliva). Data from the present study revealed the association of periodontitis with bacterial gene expression of the oral microbiota. Conditions of periodontitis was associated with bacterial activity of local subgingival plaque, but also on tongue and the salivary microbiota. Collectively, data suggest that periodontitis associates with impaired carbohydrate metabolism of the oral microbiota. Future longitudinal and interventional studies are warranted to evaluate the potential pathogenic role of impaired bacterial carbohydrate metabolism not only in periodontitis but also in other diseases with low-grade inflammation, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Terroir Is the Main Driver of the Epiphytic Bacterial and Fungal Communities of Mango Carposphere in Reunion Island

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    International audienceThe diversity of both bacterial and fungal communities associated with mango surface was explored using a metabarcoding approach targeting fungal ITS2 and bacterial 16S (V3-V4) genomic regions. Fruits were collected in Reunion Island from two different orchards according to a sampling method which allowed the effect of several pre-harvest factors such as geographical location (terroir), cultivars, fruit parts, tree position in the plot, fruit position on the tree (orientation and height), as well as the harvest date to be investigated. A total of 4,266,546 fungal and 2,049,919 bacterial reads were recovered then respectively assigned to 3,153 fungal and 24,087 to bacterial amplicon sequence variants (ASVs). Alpha and beta diversity, as well as differential abundance analyses revealed variations in both bacterial and fungal communities detected on mango surfaces depended upon the studied factor. Results indicated that Burkholderiaceae (58.8%), Enterobacteriaceae (5.2%), Pseudomonadaceae (4.8%), Sphingomonadaceae (4.1%), Beijerinckiaceae (3.5%), and Microbacteriaceae (3.1%) were the dominant bacterial families across all samples. The majority of fungal sequences were assigned to Mycosphaerellaceae (34.5%), Cladosporiaceae (23.21%), Aureobasidiaceae (13.09%), Pleosporaceae (6.92%), Trichosphaeriaceae (5.17%), and Microstromatales_fam_Incertae_sedis (4.67%). For each studied location, mango fruit from each cultivar shared a core microbiome, and fruits of the same cultivar harvested in two different locations shared about 80% fungal and bacterial family taxa. The various factors tested in this study affected bacterial and fungal taxa differently, suggesting that some taxa could act as geographical (terroir) markers and in some cases as cultivar fingerprints. The ranking of the factors investigated in the present study showed that in decreasing order of importance: the plot (terroir), cultivar, fruit parts, harvest date and the position of the fruits are respectively the most impacting factors of the microbial flora, when compared to the orientation and the fruit position (height) on the tree. Overall, these findings provided insights on both bacterial and fungal diversity associated with the mango surface, their patterns from intra-fruit scale to local scale and the potential parameters shaping the mango microbiota

    Transgenerational effects of early life stress on the fecal microbiota in mice

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    Abstract Stress in early life can affect the progeny and increase the risk to develop psychiatric and cardiometabolic diseases across generations. The cross-generational effects of early life stress have been modeled in mice and demonstrated to be associated with epigenetic factors in the germline. While stress is known to affect gut microbial features, whether its effects can persist across life and be passed to the progeny is not well defined. Here we show that early postnatal stress in mice shifts the fecal microbial composition (binary Jaccard index) throughout life, including abundance of eight amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs). Further effects on fecal microbial composition, structure (weighted Jaccard index), and abundance of 16 ASVs are detected in the progeny across two generations. These effects are not accompanied by changes in bacterial metabolites in any generation. These results suggest that changes in the fecal microbial community induced by early life traumatic stress can be perpetuated from exposed parent to the offspring