244 research outputs found

    RAM Characteristics Exploration with an MVEDR Model

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    Nowadays, motor vehicle safety has gained a widespread interest. Technological breakthroughs have allowed more efficient system implementations as regards life protection elements for both passengers and pedestrians. Among them, Event Data Recorders (EDR) can be found. In this paper, we present the results of simulations performed with an MVEDR model in certain scenarios.Presentado en el V Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Modeling multi-population life expectancy: a cointegration approach

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    The continuous improvements in mortality rates and life expectancy of the last century have been given a great deal of attention by academics, life insurers, financial engineers, and pension planners, particularly in developed countries. Mortality-linked securities such as longevity bonds (EIB & BNP as well as the Swiss Re bond), survivor swaps, and mortality forward (q-forward) have appeared recently in the industry to help operators hedge such risks. A classic survivor bond has been proposed in the literature with coupon payment linked to the life time of the last survivor in an insurance reference portfolio. It appears therefore to be crucial to improve the accuracy of future life expectancy forecasts. In this paper, the authors investigate time-varying dependency associated with common trends that drive regional life expectancy within Canada. The aim is to compare three major models that have recently appeared in the literature, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), the vector autoregressive model (VAR) and the vector error correction model (VECM), to analyze the common factors that have determined a progressive shift of life expectancy in specific Canadian regions. Results show that VECM performs better than VAR and ARIMA in terms of backtesting and its ability to capture the dynamics of common life expectancy. Findings from these analyses are useful for local insurers and demographers in their goal to project life expectancy improvements and also to forecast future trends

    Description of an architecture for critical distributed and real-time data collection applied to MVEDR

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    Nowadays, motor vehicle safety has gained a widespread interest. Technological breakthroughs have allowed more efficient system implementations as regards life protection elements for both passengers and pedestrians. Among them, event data recorders (EDRs) can be found. In this paper, we introduce an architecture and hardware simulator to satisfy the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1616 standard as well as the Argentinean traffic laws (law 24.449 art. 29 and law 26.363). In order to accomplish this, we built an architecture using Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) methodology, accompanied by a hardware description language called SystemC, proving the vantages of using a high level approach for modeling real time embedded systems.IV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    RAM Characteristics Exploration with an MVEDR Model

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    Nowadays, motor vehicle safety has gained a widespread interest. Technological breakthroughs have allowed more efficient system implementations as regards life protection elements for both passengers and pedestrians. Among them, Event Data Recorders (EDR) can be found. In this paper, we present the results of simulations performed with an MVEDR model in certain scenarios.Presentado en el V Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Integrated management of ash from industrial and domestic combustion : a new sustainable approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy conversion

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    This work supports, for the first time, the integrated management of waste materials arising from industrial processes (fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration and coal fly ash), agriculture (rice husk ash), and domestic activities (ash from wood biomass burning in domestic stoves). The main novelty of the paper is the reuse of wood pellet ash, an underestimated environmental problem, by the application of a new technology (COSMOS-RICE) that already involves the reuse of fly ashes from industrial and agricultural origins. The reaction mechanism involves carbonation: this occurs at room temperature and promotes permanent carbon dioxide sequestration. The obtained samples were characterized using XRD and TGA (coupled with mass spectroscopy). This allowed quantification of the mass loss attributed to different calcium carbonate phases. In particular, samples stabilized using wood pellet ash show a weight loss, attributed to the decomposition of carbonates greater than 20%. In view of these results, it is possible to conclude that there are several environmental benefits from wood pellet ash reuse in this way. In particular, using this technology, it is shown that for wood pellet biomass the carbon dioxide conversion can be considered negative

    Divergent Effects of Human Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Simplex Virus-1 on Cellular Metabolism

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    Viruses rely on the metabolic network of the host cell to provide energy and macromolecular precursors to fuel viral replication. Here we used mass spectrometry to examine the impact of two related herpesviruses, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), on the metabolism of fibroblast and epithelial host cells. Each virus triggered strong metabolic changes that were conserved across different host cell types. The metabolic effects of the two viruses were, however, largely distinct. HCMV but not HSV-1 increased glycolytic flux. HCMV profoundly increased TCA compound levels and flow of two carbon units required for TCA cycle turning and fatty acid synthesis. HSV-1 increased anapleurotic influx to the TCA cycle through pyruvate carboxylase, feeding pyrimidine biosynthesis. Thus, these two related herpesviruses drive diverse host cells to execute distinct, virus-specific metabolic programs. Current drugs target nucleotide metabolism for treatment of both viruses. Although our results confirm that this is a robust target for HSV-1, therapeutic interventions at other points in metabolism might prove more effective for treatment of HCMV

    La merienda escolar, aliada de la buena alimentación

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    En Argentina menos de 30 productos representan más de la mitad del gasto en alimentos de los hogares pobres, y más del 85% de las calorías y nutrientes ingeridos. La alimentación en los sectores de menores ingresos es muy parecida en todo el territorio, si bien en el Noroeste un poco más de mandioca o en el Sur un poco más de cordero. La dieta de los pobres es monótona por problemas económicos y determina déficit de nutrientes y micronutrientes. En los hogares de nivel socioeconómico medio-alto aún conserva rasgos de monotonía por exceso en el consumo de alimentos muy industrializados, alto contenido de azúcares y grasas saturadas y pobre contenido de fibra. En la Provincia de San Luis, se ha reglamentado la LEY Nº III-0743-2010 “MEjor alimentacion, mas salud”, homologada por el Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo Nº  2826, por el cual se ha implementado también un Programa del Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia, con el objetivo de difundir en las escuelas el establecimiento de “Kioscos  saludables”, con el propósito fundamental de proveer a los distintos actores de la comunidad educativa una merienda que respete las características de saludable, accediendo a ella en forma responsable y voluntaria, respetando las Leyes de la Nutrición: suficiente, completa, armónica, adecuada e inocua. Desde el Programa de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, en colaboración con INTA San Luis, nos propusimos investigar la realidad en una escuela de nivel medio de la ciudad de Villa Mercedes (S.L) junto a docentes del nivel primario y secundario de la escuela. Se realizaron talleres para indagar los hábitos alimenticios de niños de 5to grado, (tres divisiones). Se usaron técnicas de juego y grupos donde los niños pudieron expresar mediante dibujos y recortes tres consignas: 1) qué les gustaba comer, 2) qué comían habitualmente, 3) qué alimentos no habían comido nunca. Se valoraron los alimentos más nutritivos y a su vez sanos y se brindaron recomendaciones para la buena alimentación a niños y mediante trípticos divulgativos llegamos a sus padres. Los resultados obtenidos luego de la evaluación de las encuestas y los afiches mostró que los niños de clase media tienen una dieta poco variada, que hay muchos alimentos que nunca se han probado y que sus gustos van dirigidos a alimentos de alto contenido graso y poco valor nutricional. Se espera en el segundo año de ejecución del proyecto indicadores de cambio de hábitos nutricionales en los alumnos con los que se ha trabajado en la concientización y educación en dieta saludable. 