81 research outputs found


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    Resumen de la Tesis "Estudio de la proactividad medioambienta:l:e!l_las empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana: Identificación de patrOliés de _ comportamiento. Interés del estudio. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar en detalle el concepto proactividad medioambiental en la empresa y su aplicación a las industrias manufactureras. Objetivos. El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar el sector industrial estudiando la proactividad medioambiental para identificar sus patrones de comportamiento en la Comunidad Valenciana. Para ello los objetivos se desglosan en: 1.- Identificación de facilitadores de la pro actividad medioambiental. 2.- Identificación de los obstáculos que encuentran dichas empresas para su orientación medioambiental pro activa. 3.- Identificación de los beneficios que esperan dichas empresas cuando se implican en el comportamiento medioambiental proactivo. Metodología. Esta investigación está dividida en dos fases . En la primera fase de estudio se elabora un acercamiento a través de tres estudios de casos empíricos aplicados a los tres sectores industriales más importantes de la Comunidad Valenciana, el sector de la alimentación, el de la cerámica y el del automóvil. En estos tres estudios los objetivos buscados son los siguientes: En la segunda fase se realiza un análisis cuantitativo doble para corroborar las hipótesis planteadas en los estudios de caso referentes a la identificación de facilitadores de la proactividad medioambiental. En el primer análisis se exploran las dos primeras hipótesis planteadas, las cuales hacen referencia al tamaño de la empresa y la internacionalización de la misma. En el segundo análisis se explora el compromiso medioambiental de la gerencia. Resultados logrados Los resultados de esta investigación permiten conocer patrones de comportamiento de las empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana, de sus facilitadores, beneficios y obstáculos. Con respecto a los facilitadores, las principales conclusiones que se han obtenido son que el tamaño grande de una empresa facilita la proactividad medioambiental, sin embargo también se verifica que el tamaño pequeño no es una barrera infranqueable para el compOliamiento medioambiental proactivo. El competir internacionalmente también facilita la orientación medioambiental pro activa y la implicación directa de la gerencia es esencial para facilitar también dicha orientación proactiva. Los principales obstáculos observados para la proactividad medioambiental son la falta de apoyo financiero y la falta de apoyo institucional. Los principales beneficios consecuencia de un comportamiento medioambiental pro activo son evitar futuras sanciones, seguido de la mejora de la imagen corporativa, y del ahorro de costes a largo plazo. La conclusión final de esta investigación indica que la pro actividad medioambiental puede ser una fuente de valor para las empresas de la Comunidad Valenciana, y que por lo tanto merece la pena su apoyo y su difusión.Carrascosa López, C. (2012). ESTUDIO DE LA PROACTIVIDAD MEDIOAMBIENTAL EN LAS EMPRESAS INDUSTRIALES DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA: IDENTIFICACIÓN DE PATRONES DE COMPORTAMIENTO [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17028Palanci

    Live music, the new, safer and more effective pill on the market. A case study with hemodialysis patients in a hospital

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    [EN] Abstract People are more vulnerable to presenting anxiety, depression, nervousness, unfavorable quality of life, when they face situations that can threaten their life. Among these situations we find the disease, medical treatments and surgical interventions as the main ones on the list. When people get sick they endure very big and sudden changes in their lives, income, aggressive treatments, endure physical pain, these changes usually generate an unfavorable mood situation to face the disease, and in most cases worsen the previous clinical situation . Throughout history there has always been an awareness of the positive effects that music produces on people and society. Music is applied in education, in the expression of emotions, and also in the healing of patients and in many other situations. We can say that music and medicine are two closely related disciplines, with music being increasingly used as an adjuvant in different pathologies. The objective of our study was to verify the effect of classical music heard live on patients, in this case kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD), who have listened to live music while receiving treatment at the Manises hospital.  Serrano Soliva, M.; Carrascosa López, CE. (2022). Live music, the new, safer and more effective pill on the market. A case study with hemodialysis patients in a hospital. En Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 127-134. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2021.2021.1368812713

    Perceived Value and Its Predictive Relationship with Satisfaction and Loyalty in Ecotourism: A Study in the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park in Spain

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    [EN] Ecotourism involves visiting natural areas to carry out environmentally friendly activities, contributing to environmental care. The present study aims to: (i) establish the dimensions of the perceived value in ecotourism applied to a natural park, (ii) analyze the dimensions of perceived value that predict ecotourism satisfaction, and (iii) identify the dimensions of perceived value that predict ecotourists' intentions to return, recommend, and provide positive word of mouth about the ecotourism destination as loyalty variables. The research was conducted in the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park in Spain. The sample taken in situ consisted of 341 questionnaires. For data analysis, factor analysis and the stepwise multiple regression method were used. The results showed three dimensions of perceived value: economic, functional, and social and emotional. The "functional" value was the most significant predictor of ecotourists' satisfaction, intentions to return, and to provide positive word of mouth. Likewise, the "functional" and the "social and emotional" dimensions were important predictors of tourists' intentions to recommend these places. These findings will serve as management guides for different institutions and tourism service providers of protected areas to develop products according to tourists' perceived value.Carrascosa López, C.; Carvache-Franco, M.; Carvache-Franco, W. (2021). Perceived Value and Its Predictive Relationship with Satisfaction and Loyalty in Ecotourism: A Study in the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park in Spain. Sustainability. 13(14):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13147860S116131

    The Perceived Value and Future Behavioral Intentions in Ecotourism: A Study in the Mediterranean Natural Parks from Spain

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    [EN] Ecotourism is becoming increasingly important in natural parks because it raises the value of the environment for the visitor. The present study aimed to (i) establish the factors of the perceived value in ecotourism and (ii) analyze the predictive relationships of the dimensions of the perceived value with the satisfaction and loyalty of ecotourists. The study was carried out in the Albufera Natural Park and the Serranía de Cuenca Natural Park, two protected areas in the Mediterranean area of Spain. The sample collected in situ consisted of 349 valid questionnaires. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA), a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and multiple regression techniques were performed for data analysis. The results established three dimensions in the perceived value: functional and emotional, economic, and social, being the ¿functional and emotional¿ value the most significant predictor of satisfaction and loyalty of ecotourists. The findings will allow institutions to have a management guide for protected areas.Carvache-Franco, M.; Carrascosa López, C.; Carvache-Franco, W. (2021). The Perceived Value and Future Behavioral Intentions in Ecotourism: A Study in the Mediterranean Natural Parks from Spain. Land. 10(11):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111133S115101

    Motivations analysis in ecotourism through an empirical application: segmentation, characteristics and motivations of the consumer

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been a growing interest of tourists in the environment and movements directed towards the enjoyment of the natural environment. This study is designed to analyze the motivations and the demand segmentation in ecotourism taking as reference the functional theory. The empirical analysis was carried out in Santay Island National Recreation and Morro Mangrove Refuge in Ecuador. About the data analysis, a factorial analysis and a k-means non-hierarchical segmentation were performed. The results show that there are several motivational factors in ecotourism: ¿Self-development¿, ¿Interpersonal relationships¿, ¿Building personal relationships and Ego-defensive function¿, ¿Reward¿, ¿Escape¿, ¿Nature appreciation¿. There are three segments of ecotourists: ¿Multiple motives¿, ¿Nature¿, and ¿Reward and Escape¿.Carvache-Franco, M.; Segarra-Oña, M.; Carrascosa López, C. (2019). Motivations analysis in ecotourism through an empirical application: segmentation, characteristics and motivations of the consumer. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites. 24(1):60-73. https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.24106-343S607324

    Segmentation and motivations in eco-tourism: The case of a coastal national park

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been growing tourist interest in the environment and enjoyment of the natural environment, prompting ecotourism to grow more rapidly than conventional tourism. This study analyses the motivations for, and segmentation of, the demand for ecotourism based on functional theory. Fieldwork was conducted in Machalilla National Park in Ecuador, a protected coastal area where one of the main attractions is the opportunity to see humpback whales. The study sample consists of 386 questionnaire responses, obtained in situ for convenience. The data were analysed using factor analysis and non-hierarchical segmentation. The results show that there are several dimensions to the motivation for ecotourism: 'self-development', 'interpersonal relationships and ego-defensive function', 'building personal relationships', 'escape', 'nature appreciation' and 'reward'. Ecotourists were also segmented based on their motivations; three segments were uncovered: 'nature', `reward and escape' and 'multiple motives'. This study should enable public institutions and private companies to improve their tourist offerings, benefit the destination and develop a more effective marketing strategy.Carvache-Franco, M.; Segarra-Oña, M.; Carrascosa López, C. (2019). Segmentation and motivations in eco-tourism: The case of a coastal national park. Ocean & Coastal Management. 178:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.05.014S1817

    Puffer fish and its consumption: to eat or not to eat?

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Food Reviews International on 25 July 2015, available online."This systematic review was done to examine the substantial increase in the number of intoxication cases in puffer fish associated with tetrodotoxin. In the past 5 years, 430 cases of intoxication and 52 deaths associated with puffer fish have been reported worldwide. It has also been verified that puffer fish have migrated to different regions, which has led to a negative environmental impact. Based on the information obtained herein, consumption of puffer fish should be legally limited, although it still remains very popular in several regions with negative social and economic impacts.

    Agave Syrup:Chemical Analysis and Nutritional Profile, Applications in the Food Industry and Health Impacts

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    Agave syrup (AS), a food product made from agave plant sap, is a vegan sweetener that has become popular for replacing conventional sweeteners such as sucrose. As the demand for naturally derived sweeteners has grown in the last decade, this review paper addresses and discusses, in detail, the most relevant aspects of the chemical AS analysis, applications in the food industry, sustainability issues, safety and quality control and, finally, nutritional profile and health impacts. According to our main research outcome, we can assume that the mid-infrared-principal components analysis, high-performance anion exchange chromatography equipped with a pulsed amperometric detector, and thin-layer chromatography can be used to identify and distinguish syrups from natural sources. The main agave–derived products are juice, leaves, bagasse, and fiber. In sustainability terms, it can be stated that certified organic and free trade agave products are the most sustainable options available on the market because they guarantee products being created without pesticides and according to specific labor standards. The Mexican government and AS producers have also established Mexican guidelines which prohibit using any ingredient, sugar or food additive that derives from sources, apart from agave plants, to produce any commercial AS. Due to its nutritional value, AS is a good source of minerals, vitamins and polyphenols compared to other traditional sweeteners. However, further research into the effects of AS on human metabolism is necessary to back its health claims as a natural sugar substitute

    Maltitol:Analytical Determination Methods, Applications in the Food Industry, Metabolism and Health Impacts

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    Bulk sweetener maltitol belongs to the polyols family and there have been several dietary applications in the past few years, during which the food industry has used it in many food products: bakery and dairy products, chocolate, sweets. This review paper addresses and discusses in detail the most relevant aspects concerning the analytical methods employed to determine maltitol’s food safety and industry applications, its metabolism and its impacts on human health. According to our main research outcome, we can assume that maltitol at lower doses poses little risk to humans and is a good alternative to using sucrose. However, it causes diarrhoea and foetus complications at high doses. Regarding its determination, high-performance liquid chromatography proved the primary method in various food matrices. The future role of maltitol in the food industry is likely to become more relevant as processors seek alternative sweeteners in product formulation without compromising health

    The International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia» as historical and cultural heritage: analysis of the innovative performed repertoire from the tuba chair

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    [EN] The role that composers have granted to the tuba within their works for symphonic wind band has undergone a great evolution since the end of the last century, which is reflected in a greater presence of solos and other outstanding excerpts for this instrument. This article aims to make a first approach to the bulk of symphonic wind band repertoire from the part of the tuba, with the aim of searching, selecting and analysing the most outstanding excerpts, and presenting an innovated proposal compilation. Since this work belongs to a larger research, it establishes a beginning from the study of the composers and their most performed works in a special event which represents a milestone in the Valencian musical culture: the International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia».Monteagudo Mañas, J.; Carrascosa López, CE.; Hernández Farinós, JP. (2022). The International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia» as historical and cultural heritage: analysis of the innovative performed repertoire from the tuba chair. En Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 153-161. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2021.2021.1366515316