751 research outputs found

    Instructional and regulative discourse in language tutorials: An analysis of educators’ response to potentially offensive views

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    Contemporary perspectives on language learning emphasises the importance of encouraging students to play an active role in the learning process. Accordingly, teacherstudent interaction must reflect these views, by facilitating student participation. This presents educators with unique challenges. For example, students may express views which are potentially offensive to their peers. This article conducts an analysis of two case studies, in which educators were faced with this challenge. The research is situated in the context of literature tutorials. To achieve this goal Bernstein’s (1990; 1996) pedagogic discourse is employed, as it was used by Buzzelli and Johnston (2001).Keywords: language learning, learning process, teacher-student interaction, participation, potentially offensive views, pedagogic discours

    Thienyl-containing &#946-Diketones: Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure and Keto-enol Kinetics

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    1-phenyl-3-(2-thenoyl)-1,3-propanedione, Hbth, pKa’ = 9.006(8) and 1,3-di(2-thenoyl)- 1,3-propanedione, Hdtm, pKa’ = 8.893(3) were prepared by the Claisen condensation of ethyl 2-thiophenecarboxylate with an appropriate ketone under the influence of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA). The group electronegativity of the thienyl group is 2.10 (Gordy scale) as calculated froma linear group electronegativity vs. methyl ester IR carbonyl stretching wavenumber relationship. A crystal structure determination of Hbth (orthorhombic, Pbca, Z=8, R=0.0290) shows asymmetrical enolization on the side of the phenyl group. The preferred enol isomer of ÎČ-diketones containing more than one aromatic moiety that crystallizes in the solid state is determined by the resonance driving force stabilization of the thienyl or any other aromatic group, rather than the stabilization by resonance due to the phenyl group. The slow conversion of the enol isomers to the keto-enol equilibrium position was followed in CDCl3 solution by NMR spectroscopy.Keywords: ÎČ-Diketone, thienyl, crystal structure, keto-enol tautomerism, resonanc

    Redox behaviour of imino-ÎČ-diketonato ligands and their rhodium(I) complexes

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    The redox behaviour of bidentate (BID) ligands containing either two O donor atoms (O,O’-BID ligand), a N and an O donor atom (N,O-BID ligand) or two N donor atoms (N,N’-BID ligand), and their rhodium complexes, are presented. The experimental reduction potential of the L,L’-BID ligands (L,L’ = N and O) and the experimental oxidation potential of [Rh(L,L’-BID)(CO)(PPh3)] complexes relate linearly. Though, complexes with an aromatic substituent group on the L,L’-BID ligand deviate slightly from the trend, due to the resonance effect through the extended π-system of the latter complexes. The experimental reduction potential of the L,L’-BID ligands relate linearly to the computational chemistry calculated energies of their lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs), whereas the experimental oxidation potential of the [Rh(L,L’-BID)(CO)(PPh3)] complexes related linearly to the computational chemistry calculated energies of their highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs). In the latter relationship it is found that the data points cluster in four groups depending on both the donor atoms (N and O) and the substituent groups (amount of CF3 groups) on the coordinating L,L’-BID ligand

    DFT studies of the redox behavior of oligo(aza)pyridines and experimental CVs of 4â€Č-substituted terpyridines

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    The cyclic voltammograms of a series of substituted terpyridine ligands are presented, showing that reduction occur generally below −2 V versus the redox potential of ferrocene. Density functional theory (DFT) calculated energies and the theoretically calculated reduction potentials of a large series of substituted oligo(aza)pyridine ligands (terpyridine, bipyridine and phenanthroline) are determined and related to experimentally measured reduction potentials. A linear relationship is observed for the reduction potential of tpy ligands and the sum of the Hammett constant of the substituents on the ligands. It was found that the reduction potential of terpyridines relate linearly with various DFT calculated energies. It was further demonstrated that different oligo(aza)pyridines, namely phenanthrolines, bipyridines and the terpyridine ligands of this study, follow the same “reduction potentials – DFT energies” relationships

    Repensar as metåforas originårias em ecoteologia: Oikos e Hodos num clima em mudança

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    This contribution juxtaposes two root metaphors that are widely used in Christian ecotheology, namely that of “God’s household” (oikos) and that of a journey along “the way” (hodos). These are tested with reference to other proposed metaphors and for their relative adequacy in Christian responses to climate change. It is suggested that the spatial metaphor of the household can be complemented by the temporal metaphor of a journey, given the challenges of a changing climate. Accordingly, home is best understood in an eschatological way. The Earth is indeed our common house but it does not provide a home for all yet.Cet article juxtapose deux mĂ©taphores originales, largement utilisĂ©es dans l’écothĂ©ologie chrĂ©tienne, Ă  savoir celle de la « maison de Dieu » (oikos) et celle du cheminement sur le « chemin » (hodos). Celles-ci seront testĂ©es en rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  d’autres mĂ©taphores proposĂ©es, et Ă  leur adĂ©quation relative, lorsqu’elles sont utilisĂ©es dans les rĂ©ponses chrĂ©tiennes au changement climatique. Il est suggĂ©rĂ© que la mĂ©taphore spatiale de la maison puisse ĂȘtre complĂ©tĂ©e par la mĂ©taphore temporelle du voyage, en tenant compte des enjeux d’un changement climatique. Par consĂ©quent, la maison est mieux comprise dans la dimension eschatologique. La terre est bien notre maison commune, mais elle n’offre pas encore un chez-soi Ă  tout le monde.Este artigo justapĂ”e duas metĂĄforas originĂĄrias, vastamente usadas na ecoteologia cristĂŁ, nomeadamente a da «casa de Deus» (oikos) e a de uma jornada ao longo do «caminho» (hodos). Estas serĂŁo testadas por referĂȘncia a outras metĂĄforas propostas, e pela sua relativa adequação, ao serem usadas nas respostas cristĂŁs Ă s mudanças climĂĄticas. Sugere-se que a metĂĄfora espacial da casa pode ser complementada pela metĂĄfora temporal da jornada, tendo em conta os desafios de um clima em mudança. Consequentemente, o lar compreende-se melhor na dimensĂŁo escatolĂłgica. A Terra Ă©, de facto, a nossa casa comum, mas ainda nĂŁo providencia um lar para todos

    Climate Justice, Food Security
 And God

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    "Allow me to begin my contribution with a few observations on the current interplay between climate change and food security in the South African context.11 This interplay is appropriately termed the Food-Energy-Water nexus.12 I offer these not as an expert in the field but as a concerned citizen. I will use this sketch of a constantly changing situation as the backdrop for some wider theological reflections on the underlying issues. It may perhaps serve as a parable that invites further reflection." Paper delivered at the international consultation on "Resources and Best Practice Models for Ecotheology, Climate Justice and Food Security", held at the Academy of Volos, Demetriades Diocese of Church of Greece, 10-13 March, 201

    Pulmonary hypertension and thyrotoxicosis

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    Thyrotoxicosis is listed as a cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The aetiopathogenesis remains largely uncertain, but an autoimmune mechanism has been postulated, among others. In this setting, other causes of PAH need to be actively sought and excluded prior to attributing it to the thyrotoxicosis. The importance of recognising this condition is that it is usually reversible with restoration of a euthyroid state. We describe three patients who presented with thyrotoxicosis and features of PAH in whom other causes were excluded with various investigations. We also demonstrated reversibility of the pulmonary hypertension upon restoration of a normal thyroid state

    Prevalence and aetiology of thyrotoxicosis in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum presenting to a tertiary hospital in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Background: The association between hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and abnormal thyroid function is well known.Aims: The prevalence, aetiology and course of thyrotoxicosis in women with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) were studied.Methods: Women admitted for HG, who underwent thyroid function evaluation between 1 August 2016 and 30 April 2019, were studied. Laboratory data included baseline human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and baseline (t1), discharge (t2) and follow-up (t3) thyroid function tests (thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH] and free  thyroxin [fT4]). Available TSH receptor antibody status was assessed.Results: Eighty-two patients were included. The incidence of thyrotoxicosis was 49% based on local laboratory TSH range and 48% if trimester-specific ranges used. In the majority of normal pregnancies, thyrotoxicosis was hCG-mediated (72.5%), 15% were confirmed to have Graves’ disease and 12% had a molar pregnancy. Very high fT4 levels (> 40 pmol/l) at baseline [t1] were documented in 24% of women with hCG-mediated thyrotoxicosis. Clinical features were absent in a third of women with Graves’ disease and the diagnosis was reliant on positive antibody status. Free T4 values declined from (t1) to later in gestation (t3) (p < 0.001).Conclusion: The incidence of thyrotoxicosis in women with HG is high. Free-T4 values decrease with clinical stabilisation of HG, suggesting a contribution of dehydration to the large variation in baseline fT4 measurements. Testing for TSH-receptor antibodies should be considered in women with TSH < 0.01 pmol/l and persistent fT4 elevation on follow-up. Final review of thyroid function should be performed after 15 weeks’ gestation

    To suspend or not to suspend

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    For many employers, the suspension of an employee literally amounts to a headache. The question which usually comes to mind is: What do I have to do before I can suspend an employee? This article investigates the nature of the suspension, the courts’ application thereof and makes recommendations on procedural aspects
