1,387 research outputs found

    A Path to Alignment: Connecting K-12 and Higher Education via the Common Core and the Degree Qualifications Profile

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    The Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which aim to assure competency in English/language arts and mathematics through the K-12 curriculum, define necessary but not sufficient preparedness for success in college. The Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP), which describes what a college degree should signify, regardless of major, offers useful but not sufficient guidance to high school students preparing for college study. A coordinated strategy to prepare students to succeed in college would align these two undertakings and thus bridge an unfortunate and harmful cultural chasm between the K-12 world and that of higher education. Chasms call for bridges, and the bridge proposed by this white paper could create a vital thoroughfare. The white paper begins with a description of the CCSS and an assessment of their significance. A following analysis then explains why the CCSS, while necessary, are not sufficient as a platform for college success. A corresponding explanation of the DQP clarifies the prompts that led to its development, describes its structure, and offers some guidance for interpreting the outcomes that it defines. Again, a following analysis considers the potential of the DQP and the limitations that must be addressed if that potential is to be more fully realized. The heart of the white paper lies in sections 5 and 6, which provide a crosswalk between the CCSS and the DQP. These sections show how alignments and differences between the two may point to a comprehensive preparedness strategy. They also offer a proposal for a multifaceted strategy to realize the potential synergy of the CCSS and the DQP for the benefit of high school and college educators and their students -- and the nation

    Of Cherries, Fudge, and Onions: Science and Its Courtroom Perversion

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    The thesis of this article is that the Supreme Court decision in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.\u27s focus on the scientific method, however rigorously applied, invites certain classes of abuses. There are instances in which evidence can be made to look more scientific by a process that in fact and substance makes is utterly unscientific

    Birth of a Novelist, Death of a Journalist

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    The history of newspapers and novels parallel each other in many ways, yet links between journalism and fiction are often overlooked by The Academy. Founding novels in England and Australia were written by journalists and coincided with the emergence of newspapers. Since the first convict novel was published in 1830, at least 168 Australian journalists have written novels. This article examines journalism-fiction connections with emphasis on the work of Robert Drewe and the realism-fabulism debate

    Uma nova era para avaliação educacional

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    In this article, David Conley focuses on how to assess meaningful learning in ways that promote student achievement while simultaneously meeting system accountability needs. The article draws upon research that supports the notion that a major shift in educational assessment is needed in order to encourage and evaluate the kind of learning that enables success in college and careers. Over the next several years, almost every state will either implement the Common Core State Standards or develop an alternative version of their own. The question worth posing is whether educational stakeholders should be satisfied with on- demand tests that measure only a subset of the standards, or will they demand something more like a system of assessments in which multiple measures result in deeper insight into student mastery of complex and cognitive challenging standards? This article presents a vision for a new system of assessments, one designed to support the kinds of ambitious teaching and learning that most parents say they want for their children. The article begins with a brief historical overview, describes where educational assessment appears to be headed in the near term, and then discusses some longer-term possibilities, concluding with a series of recommendations for how policymakers and practitioners can move toward a better model of assessment for teaching and learning. En este artículo, David Conley se centra en la forma de evaluar el aprendizaje significativo de maneras que promuevan el logro de los estudiantes y al mismo tiempo satisfacer las necesidades de responsabilidad educativa del sistema. El artículo se basa en literatrura de investigación que apoya la idea de que es necesario un cambio importante en los modelos de evaluación de la educación con el fin de fomentar y evaluar el tipo de aprendizajes que permitan preparar a los estudiantes para los estudios universitarios y carreras profesionales. En los próximos años, casi todos los estados, implementará las Estándares Estatales Comunes o desarrollararn una versión alternativa por su propia cuenta. Una pregunta que vale la pena considerar es si agentes educativos tienen que estar satisfechos con examenees genéricos que miden sólo un subconjunto de estándares, o van a exigir algo más parecido a un sistema de evaluaciones con múltiples medidas para obtener una perspectiva más profunda de aprendizajes complejso y normas cognitivas desafiantes. Este artículo presenta una visión para un nuevo sistema de evaluación, uno diseñado para apoyar modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje ambiciosos que la mayoría de los padres dicen que quieren para sus hijos. El artículo comienza con una breve reseña histórica, describe hacia donde la evaluación educativa parece dirigirse en el corto plazo y, a continuación se describen algunas posibilidades a largo plazo, para concluir con una serie de recomendaciones sobre como los que toman decisiones de políticas y los profesionales pueden avanzar hacia un modelo de evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de mayor calidads.Neste artigo, David Conley se concentra em como avaliar aprendizagens significativas de forma de promover o desempenho do aluno e atender as necessidades do sistema de responsabilização educacional. O artigo é baseado em literatrura de pesquisa que apóia a idéia dz necessidade de uma grande mudança nos modelos de avaliação da educação, a fim de promover e avaliar o tipo de aprendizagem que permite preparar os alunos para a universidade e carreiras professionais. Nos próximos anos, quase todos os estados vão a implementar os Estamdares Comuns e Esenciais do Estado ou desarrollararn uma versão alternativa por conta própria. A questão é saber se vale a pena considerar os educadores têm de estar satisfeitos com examenees genéricos que medem apenas um subconjunto de padrões, ou vai exigir algo mais parecido com um sistema de avaliação com medidas várias para obter uma perspectiva mais profunda de aprendizagenes complexoa e padrões cognitivas exigentes. Este artigo apresenta uma visão para um novo sistema de avaliação, destinado a apoiar modelos de ensino e aprendizagem ambiciosa o que a maioria dos pais dizem que querem para os seus filhos. O artigo começa com uma breve história descreve onde avaliação educacional parece caminhar no curto prazo e, em seguida, algumas possibilidades a longo prazo são descritos, concluindo com uma série de recomendações sobre como os tomadores de decisão e à política profissionais podem se mover em direção a um modelo de avaliação do ensino e aprendizagem mais calidads

    Oral History Interview: David Conley

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    This interview is one of a series conducted concerning West Virginia Vietnam veterans. Mr. Conley discusses: his views on the Vietnamese people; relations between African-American soldiers and white soldiers; drugs and alcohol in the war; the protest movement; how veterans were treated when they returned home; his views on draft resisters; the effects of Vietnam on his life; other Vietnam veterans; how the Vietnamese treated American soldiers; and a brief mention of Jane Fonda.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1033/thumbnail.jp

    Dual cathode system for electron beam instruments

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    An electron beam source having a single electron optical axis is provided with two coplanar cathodes equally spaced on opposite sides from the electron optical axis. A switch permits selecting either cathode, and a deflection system comprised of electromagnets, each with separate pole pieces equally spaced from the plane of the cathodes and electron optical axis, first deflects the electron beam from a selected cathode toward the electron optical axis, and then in an opposite direction into convergence with the electron optical axis. The result is that the electron beam from one selected cathode undergoes a sigmoid deflection in two opposite directions, like the letter S, with the sigmoid deflection of each being a mirror image of the other

    Analysis of Stigmatic Content in State Mental Health Legislative Proposals

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    Despite the proven effectiveness of mental health interventions, services remain limited across the country. Social workers have repeatedly advocated for increased funding, but mental healthcare gaps persist. Disparities could be addressed through the policy process, but critical proposals often do not pass. One of the biggest barriers is the concept of stigma, which could extend into legislatures and influence mental health-related policy outcomes as a form of structural stigma. Factors that influence legislator voting behavior are found in the literature, but studies have not explicitly focused on structural stigma or mental health-specific policy outcomes. Thus, the present study aimed to explore state mental health legislative proposals with goals of exposing forms of structural stigma present in the language and potential effect of the bills as well as identifying and disseminating patterns in mental healthcare policy outcomes. To achieve this aim, quantitative content analysis was conducted on a stratified random sample of bills that were codified into frequencies and examined through multiple logistic regression analyses. The study found that bills were structurally stigmatic in language and potential effect. Male and Republican legislators were more likely to introduce structurally stigmatic mental health bills, while party majority status and structural stigma in the language of the bills predicted mental health bill passage. Mental health advocates can utilize this information to better target policymakers for structural stigma reduction efforts as well as to increase their effectiveness in influencing bill sponsorship or voting behavior


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    Informed by the social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study examined medical coders’ evaluation of organizational cognition in the presence or perception of organizational support and organization engagement and their resultant behavior. The reciprocal exchanges present in the employee and organization relationship are identified, as positive valuations facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes. Specifically, the examination of cognitions, implicit employee judgments, and behaviors provide a framework to examine the state of engagement and its related outcomes. The use of perceived organizational support and organization engagement as intervening variables provided insight into the complex relationships between medical coding employees’ evaluation of organizational cognition and their exhibition of organizational citizenship behaviors in the context of U.S. healthcare. The a priori non-experiment survey design quantitatively examined the employee and organization exchanges that are implicit in the workplace and supported by theory and empirical research. This study found a statistically and practically significant effect for the higher order factor organizational cognition as intervened by perceived organizational support and organization engagement on the outcome of organizational citizenship behavior. The establishment of a multi-step intervening model highlighted the importance of the exchanges that are ongoing in an employee and organization relationship. In addition, examining perceived organizational support as a serial intervening variable with organization engagement provided a conceptual bridge beyond viewing the construct as just a resource. This study theoretically implies that perceived organizational support and engagement are inextricably tied, as the employee and organization relationship is facilitated by ongoing exchanges. Furthermore, engagement research modeling organizationally centric factors acknowledges the psychological valuations that employees undergo that influence behavior. Lastly, this study offers practical insight for promoting a supportive workplace environment that is distributively and procedurally just, offers growth opportunities, and has identified performance expectations. Medical coding employees who feel supported by the organization are more likely to be engaged and go above and beyond their assigned duties in the interest of themselves and the organization

    Cape Melville affair coverage: what is news?

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    Many observers saw coverage of the so-called Cape Melville affair as a post-Fitzgerald litmus test of the Brisbane media's watchdog duties with a government regarded as popular and competent. But who was watching the watchdogs? Conflicting news judgments could easily be detected on the importance of allegations embroiling two of the Premier's closest confidantes. The state Opposition sensed a scandal but a Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) inquiry cleared the Premier's staff of any wrongdoing. In media circles the story created special interest because those who distributed the 'chook feed' were coming under direct public scrutiny by 'the chooks'. An examination of the coverage raises questions about the symbiotic relationship between government and the media which was canvassed in the 1993 Electoral and Administrative Review Commission (EARC) report

    Financial incentives: Pay for performance (P4P) and the chronically ill patients

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    P4P is the reimbursement incentive that is based on quality improvement, efficiency, which is dominating the healthcare landscape and CMS. A literature review was conducted to search for and review significant information regarding P4P and how it pertains to chronic conditions and reimbursement methods. This literature review displayed while some programs were able to display a benefit/ profit for those involved such as insurance companies, hospitals, physicians and/or patients, most programs were unable to establish quality measures, cost effectiveness and positive program outcomes worth noting
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