129 research outputs found

    On the Separation of Topology-Free Rank Inequalities for the Max Stable Set Problem

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    In the context of finding the largest stable set of a graph, rank inequalities prescribe that a stable set can contain, from any induced subgraph of the original graph, at most as many vertices as the stability number of the former. Although these inequalities subsume many of the valid inequalities known for the problem, their exact separation has only been investigated in few special cases obtained by restricting the induced subgraph to a specific topology. In this work, we propose a different approach in which, rather than imposing topological restrictions on the induced subgraph, we assume the right-hand side of the inequality to be fixed to a given (but arbitrary) constant. We then study the arising separation problem, which corresponds to the problem of finding a maximum weight subgraph with a bounded stability number. After proving its hardness and giving some insights on its polyhedral structure, we propose an exact branch-and-cut method for its solution. Computational results show that the separation of topology-free rank inequalities with a fixed right-hand side yields a substantial improvement over the bound provided by the fractional clique polytope (which is obtained with rank inequalities where the induced subgraph is restricted to a clique), often better than that obtained with Lovasz's Theta function via semidefmite programming

    Leadership in Singleton Congestion Games: What is Hard and What is Easy

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    We study the problem of computing Stackelberg equilibria Stackelberg games whose underlying structure is in congestion games, focusing on the case where each player can choose a single resource (a.k.a. singleton congestion games) and one of them acts as leader. In particular, we address the cases where the players either have the same action spaces (i.e., the set of resources they can choose is the same for all of them) or different ones, and where their costs are either monotonic functions of the resource congestion or not. We show that, in the case where the players have different action spaces, the cost the leader incurs in a Stackelberg equilibrium cannot be approximated in polynomial time up to within any polynomial factor in the size of the game unless P = NP, independently of the cost functions being monotonic or not. We show that a similar result also holds when the players have nonmonotonic cost functions, even if their action spaces are the same. Differently, we prove that the case with identical action spaces and monotonic cost functions is easy, and propose polynomial-time algorithm for it. We also improve an algorithm for the computation of a socially optimal equilibrium in singleton congestion games with the same action spaces without leadership, and extend it to the computation of a Stackelberg equilibrium for the case where the leader is restricted to pure strategies. For the cases in which the problem of finding an equilibrium is hard, we show how, in the optimistic setting where the followers break ties in favor of the leader, the problem can be formulated via mixed-integer linear programming techniques, which computational experiments show to scale quite well

    Discrete optimization methods to fit piecewise affine models to data points

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    Fitting piecewise affine models to data points is a pervasive task in many scientific disciplines. In this work, we address the k-Piecewise Affine Model Fitting with Piecewise Linear Separability problem (k-PAMF-PLS) where, given a set of m points {a1,…,am}?Rn{a1,…,am}?Rn and the corresponding observations {b1,…,bm}?R{b1,…,bm}?R, we have to partition the domain RnRn into k piecewise linearly (or affinely) separable subdomains and to determine an affine submodel (function) for each of them so as to minimize the total linear fitting error w.r.t. the observations bi.To solve k-PAMF-PLS to optimality, we propose a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation where symmetries are broken by separating shifted column inequalities. For medium-to-large scale instances, we develop a four-step heuristic involving, among others, a point reassignment step based on the identification of critical points and a domain partition step based on multicategory linear classification. Differently from traditional approaches proposed in the literature for similar fitting problems, in both our exact and heuristic methods the domain partitioning and submodel fitting aspects are taken into account simultaneously.Computational experiments on real-world and structured randomly generated instances show that, with our MILP formulation with symmetry breaking constraints, we can solve to proven optimality many small-size instances. Our four-step heuristic turns out to provide close-to-optimal solutions for small-size instances, while allowing to tackle instances of much larger size. The experiments also show that the combined impact of the main features of our heuristic is quite substantial when compared to standard variants not including them. We conclude with an application to the identification of dynamical piecewise affine systems for which we obtain promising results of comparable quality with those achieved with state-of-the-art methods from the literature on benchmark data sets

    Computing a Pessimistic Stackelberg Equilibrium with Multiple Followers: The Mixed-Pure Case

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    The search problem of computing a Stackelberg (or leader-follower)equilibrium (also referred to as an optimal strategy to commit to) has been widely investigated in the scientific literature in, almost exclusively, the single-follower setting. Although the optimistic and pessimistic versions of the problem, i.e., those where the single follower breaks any ties among multiple equilibria either in favour or against the leader, are solved with different methodologies, both cases allow for efficient, polynomial-time algorithms based on linear programming. The situation is different with multiple followers, where results are only sporadic and depend strictly on the nature of the followers' game. In this paper, we investigate the setting of a normal-form game with a single leader and multiple followers who, after observing the leader's commitment, play a Nash equilibrium. When both leader and followers are allowed to play mixed strategies, the corresponding search problem, both in the optimistic and pessimistic versions, is known to be inapproximable in polynomial time to within any multiplicative polynomial factor unless P=NP\textsf {P}=\textsf {NP}. Exact algorithms are known only for the optimistic case. We focus on the case where the followers play pure strategies—a restriction that applies to a number of real-world scenarios and which, in principle, makes the problem easier—under the assumption of pessimism (the optimistic version of the problem can be straightforwardly solved in polynomial time). After casting this search problem (with followers playing pure strategies) as a pessimistic bilevel programming problem, we show that, with two followers, the problem is NP-hard and, with three or more followers, it cannot be approximated in polynomial time to within any multiplicative factor which is polynomial in the size of the normal-form game, nor, assuming utilities in [0, 1], to within any constant additive loss stricly smaller than 1 unless P=NP\textsf {P}=\textsf {NP}. This shows that, differently from what happens in the optimistic version, hardness and inapproximability in the pessimistic problem are not due to the adoption of mixed strategies. We then show that the problem admits, in the general case, a supremum but not a maximum, and we propose a single-level mathematical programming reformulation which asks for the maximization of a nonconcave quadratic function over an unbounded nonconvex feasible region defined by linear and quadratic constraints. Since, due to admitting a supremum but not a maximum, only a restricted version of this formulation can be solved to optimality with state-of-the-art methods, we propose an exact ad hoc algorithm (which we also embed within a branch-and-bound scheme) capable of computing the supremum of the problem and, for cases where there is no leader's strategy where such value is attained, also an α\alpha -approximate strategy where α>0\alpha > 0 is an arbitrary additive loss (at most as large as the supremum). We conclude the paper by evaluating the scalability of our algorithms via computational experiments on a well-established testbed of game instances
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