1,847 research outputs found

    Folding model analysis of alpha radioactivity

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    Radioactive decay of nuclei via emission of α\alpha particles has been studied theoretically in the framework of a superasymmetric fission model using the double folding (DF) procedure for obtaining the α\alpha-nucleus interaction potential. The DF nuclear potential has been obtained by folding in the density distribution functions of the α\alpha nucleus and the daughter nucleus with a realistic effective interaction. The M3Y effective interaction has been used for calculating the nuclear interaction potential which has been supplemented by a zero-range pseudo-potential for exchange along with the density dependence. The nuclear microscopic α\alpha-nucleus potential thus obtained has been used along with the Coulomb interaction potential to calculate the action integral within the WKB approximation. This subsequently yields microscopic calculations for the half lives of α\alpha decays of nuclei. The density dependence and the exchange effects have not been found to be very significant. These calculations provide reasonable estimates for the lifetimes of α\alpha radioactivity of nuclei.Comment: 7 pages including 1 figur

    Radio continuum and far-infrared emission from the galaxies in the Eridanus group

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    The Eridanus galaxies follow the well-known radio-FIR correlation. Majority (70%) of these galaxies have their star formation rates below that of the Milky Way. The galaxies having a significant excess of radio emission are identified as low luminosity AGNs based on their radio morphologies obtained from the GMRT observations. There are no powerful AGNs (L{20cm} > 10^{23} W Hz^{-1}) in the group. The two most far-infrared and radio luminous galaxies in the group have optical and HI morphologies suggestive of recent tidal interactions. The Eridanus group also has two far-infrared luminous but radio-deficient galaxies. It is believed that these galaxies are observed within a few Myr of the onset of an intense star formation episode after being quiescent for at least a 100 Myr. The upper end of the radio luminosity distribution of the Eridanus galaxies (L_{20cm} ~ 10^{22} W Hz^{-1}) is consistent with that of the field galaxies, other groups, and late-type galaxies in nearby clusters.Comment: 16 pages; Accepted for publication in Journal of Astroph. & Astron. March, 200

    RBSC-NVSS Sample. I. Radio and Optical Identifications of a Complete Sample of 1500 Bright X-ray Sources

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    We cross-identified the ROSAT Bright Source Catalog (RBSC) and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) to construct the RBSC-NVSS sample of the brightest X-ray sources (>= 0.1 counts/s or ~1E-12 ergs/cm/cm/s in the 0.1-2.4 keV band) that are also radio sources (S >= 2.5 mJy at 1.4 GHz) in the 7.8 sr of extragalactic sky with |b| > 15 degrees. and delta > -40 degrees. The sky density of NVSS sources is low enough that they can be reliably identified with RBSC sources having average rms positional uncertainties = 10 arcsec. We used the more accurate radio positions to make reliable X-ray/radio/optical identifications down to the POSS plate limits. We obtained optical spectra for many of the bright identifications lacking published redshifts. The resulting X-ray/radio sample is unique in its size (N ~ 1500 objects), composition (a mixture of nearly normal galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, quasars, and clusters), and low average redshift ( ~ 0.1).Comment: 35 LaTeX pages including 6 eps figures + 40 LaTeX page table2 (landscape) w/ AASTeX 5.0; accepted to ApJ

    The Deep SWIRE Field I. 20cm Continuum Radio Observations: A Crowded Sky

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    We present results from deep radio observations taken with the VLA at a center frequency of 1400 MHz cover a region of the SWIRE Spitzer Legacy survey, centered at 10 46 00, 59 01 00 (J2000). The reduction and cataloging of the radio sources are described. The survey presented is the deepest so far in terms of the radio source density on the sky. Perhaps surprisingly, the sources down to the bottom of the catalog have median angular sizes greater than 1 arcsecond, like their cousins 10-100 times stronger. If the log N - log S normalization remains constant at the lowest flux densities, there are about 6 sources per square arcminute down to 15 microJy at 20cm. Given the finite source sizes this implies we may reach the natural confusion limit near 1 microJy.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, accepted A

    Oxide nanotemplates for self-assembling "solid" building blocks

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    It is widely accepted that self-assembling building blocks is one of the promising ways for engineering new materials. Recent years reveal substantial progress in fabricating colloidal particles, polymer blocks and supramolecular aggregates of organic molecules. Despite of substantial progress in molecular self-assembly there is still a lack of simple blocks made of "solid matter" (e.g. metals, oxides etc.) with well-defined crystal structure and spatial order. Here we demonstrate that ordered arrays of metal nanoclusters can be fabricated by self-assembly on a wide range of oxide templates. These nano-templates are produced either by depositing an alien oxide film or by oxidizing a metal/metal oxide substrate.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures added DFT calculations and Fig.

    Observations of the bright radio sources in the North Celestial Pole region at the RATAN-600 radio telescope

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    A survey of the North Celestial Pole region using the RATAN-600 radio telescope at five frequencies in the range 2.3 to 21.7 GHz is described. Sources were chosen from the NVSS catalogue. The flux densities of 171 sources in the Declination range +75 to +88 are presented; typical flux density errors are 5-10 percent including calibration errors. About 20 percent of the sources have flat spectra or a flat component.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics (without last figure with the spectra of the observed sources

    Implications of non-feasible transformations among icosahedral hh orbitals

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    The symmetric group S6S_6 that permutes the six five-fold axes of an icosahedron is introduced to go beyond the simple rotations that constitute the icosahedral group II. Owing to the correspondence h↔dh\leftrightarrow d, the calculation of the Coulomb energies for the icosahedral configurations hNh^N based on the sequence O(5)⊃S6⊃S5⊃IO(5) \supset S_6 \supset S_5 \supset I can be brought to bear on Racah's classic theory for the atomic d shell based on SO(5)⊃SOL(3)⊃ISO(5) \supset SO_L(3) \supset I. Among the elements of S6S_6 is the kaleidoscope operator K{\cal K} that rotates the weight space of SO(5) by π/2\pi/2. Its use explains some puzzling degeneracies in d^3 involving the spectroscopic terms ^2P, ^2F, ^2G and ^2H.Comment: Tentatively scheduled to appear in Physical Preview Letters Apr 5, 99. Revtex, 1 ps figur

    GMRT observations of NGC 2997 and radio detection of the circumnuclear ring

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    We present high-resolution, high-sensitivity radio continuum observations of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2997 at 332, 616 and 1272 MHz using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The integrated spectrum of this galaxy has a spectral index of -0.92 (SΜ∝ΜαS_{\nu}\propto\nu^{\alpha}) and we place an upper limit to the thermal fraction at 1272 MHz of ~ 10 per cent. Our multi-frequency study shows a relatively flat spectrum source (α\alpha ~ -0.6) at the centre of the galaxy. This leads to radio detection of a circumnuclear ring in the high resolution map at 1272 MHz. We detect five hotspots in the ring, with average star formation rate of ~ 0.024 M⊙ yr−1M_{\odot}\,yr^{-1}, a median SN rate of ~ 0.001 yr−1yr^{-1} and luminosity of 102010^{20} W Hz−1^{-1}. We estimate an equipartition field in the central nuclear region of diameter ~ 750 pc to be about 30 Ό30\,\muG. We also report several interesting features along the spiral arms. In this paper, we present the low frequency radio continuum maps, the spectral index distribution, the circumnuclear ring and the derived physical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 9 Figures, accepted in MNRAS journal on 2011 May 1

    VLA 1.4 GHz Catalogs of the Abell 370 and Abell 2390 Cluster Fields

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    We present 1.4 GHz catalogs for the cluster fields Abell 370 and Abell 2390 observed with the Very Large Array. These are two of the deepest radio images of cluster fields ever taken. The Abell 370 image covers an area of 40'x40' with a synthesized beam of ~1.7" and a noise level of ~5.7 uJy near field center. The Abell 2390 image covers an area of 34'x34' with a synthesized beam of ~1.4" and a noise level of ~5.6 uJy near field center. We catalog 200 redshifts for the Abell 370 field. We construct differential number counts for the central regions (radius < 16') of both clusters. We find that the faint (S_1.4GHz < 3 mJy) counts of Abell 370 are roughly consistent with the highest blank field number counts, while the faint number counts of Abell 2390 are roughly consistent with the lowest blank field number counts. Our analyses indicate that the number counts are primarily from field radio galaxies. We suggest that the disagreement of our counts can be largely attributed to cosmic variance.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ
