201 research outputs found

    Viabilidad del cultivo del pulpo

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    Dark fermentation as an environmentally sustainable WIN-WIN solution for bioenergy production

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    The current energy and environmental crisis, linked to increasing industrialisation, has progressively driven the adoption of solutions focused on circular life cycle thinking, such as waste management with resource recovery and decarbonization of technologies. In this context, this study was built to quantify the environmental performance of a two-stage wastewater treatment process (dark fermentation with anaerobic digestion) in which three feedstocks (sugar beet molasses, cheese whey and wine vinasses mixed with wastewater treatment plant sludge) from the food industry were valorized as hydrogen. In this regard, several environmental profiles were created using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology with two system boundaries (cradle-to-gate and gate-to-gate) and two methods (ReCiPe Midpoint and Endpoint). Furthermore, this research was synergistically complemented with an energy analysis including indicators and input-output flow balances to provide a win-win solution for food waste utilization. The results have taken different directions depending on the methodological assumptions considered but, in general terms, the sugar beet molasses scenario can be claimed in all cases as the energetically sustainable process with the best environmental profile. With an energy surplus of 155%, the cradle-to-gate scenario recorded the best environmental impact in 4/8 midpoint categories and an overall reduction of 67% and 94% (excluding co-products) for the ReCiPe damage single score compared to the wine vinasses and wastewater treatment plant sludge and cheese whey scenarios, respectively. In this sense, the viability and competitiveness of these two scenarios is compromised by the lack of energy self-sufficiency (there is a 53% deficiency in the wine vinasses and wastewater treatment sludge scenario) and the lack of climate-neutral outcomes (a result of 5510 mPt/Nm3 H2 shows that the cheese whey scenario is far from being a zero-emission process)This research was funded by HP-NANOBIO Project (PID2019-111163RB-I00). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC) ED431C-2021/37, to CRETUS (Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Environmental Technologies) and to the department of chemical engineering of the University of Santiago de Compostela. S. Estévez thanks to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for financial support (Grant reference PRE 2020-092074). J.J. Conde acknowledges Xunta de Galicia financial support through a postdoctoral fellowship (Grant reference ED481B-2021/015). C.I. Camacho would also like to express her gratitude to CRETUS for her research initiation summer scholarshipS

    Animación Sociolaboral y Educación Social: perfil profesional en el municipio de Ourense

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    El acceso al trabajo es un instrumento de integración social. Si la Educación Social se concibe como un instrumento de mejora de la conducta del ser humano en sus relaciones con los demás, pero también de la misma sociedad que crea los desajustes que hacen necesaria la intervención del educador y educadora social, no es de extrañar que la Animación Sociolaboral sea una de sus salidas laborales. Con el fin de conocer el perfil profesional de estos titulados y tituladas, que en el municipio de Ourense están realizando funciones de Animación Sociolaboral, se presenta esta investigación

    Improving the sustainability of heterogeneous Fenton-based methods for micropollutant abatement by electrochemical coupling

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    Advanced oxidation processes such as Fenton reaction-based processes have attracted great interest in recent years as a promising alternative for the removal of persistent pollutants in wastewater. The use of nanocatalysts in advanced oxidation processes overcomes the limitations of homogeneous Fenton processes, where acidic pH values are required, and a large amount of sludge is generated after treatment. Aiming at maximizing the catalytic potential of the process, different configurations include coupling photocatalysis or electrochemistry to Fenton reactions. This manuscript presents a comparative environmental and economic analysis of different heterogeneous Fenton-based process using magnetic nanoparticles: Fenton, photo-Fenton, electro-Fenton and photoelectron-Fenton. These alternatives encompass not only different reaction conditions but also varying degradation kinetics, which control the treatment capability in each specific case. It is not only important to determine the technological feasibility of the proposal based on the removal performance of the target compounds, but also to identify the environmental profile of each configuration. In this regard, the Life Cycle Assessment methodology was applied considering a combination of primary and secondary data from process modeling. Moreover, and aiming towards the future large-scale implementation of the technology, an economic analysis of each configuration was also performed to provide a better understanding about the costs associated to the operation of Fenton-based wastewater treatmentsThis research was supported by HP-NANOBIO (PID2019-111163RB-I00), funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), and SPOTLIGHT (PDC2021-121540-I00) projects, funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. J.J.C. acknowledges Xunta de Galicia financial support through a postdoctoral fellowship (Grant reference ED481B-2021/015). S.E. and J.G.-R. predoctoral fellowships were funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and by “ESF Investing in your future” (Grant references PRE2020-092074 and FPU19/004612, respectively). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC) ED432C-2021/37S

    Aplicación de diferentes métodos de marcado externo a Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 con referencia especial a las marcas de tipo T y a los discos de Petersen

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    En este trabajo se presentan datos de persistencia y efectos provocados por una gran variedad de estilos de marcas (loops, marcas de conejos, cinchas, cintas plásticas flexibles, lancetas, discos de Petersen, marcas de tipo T, marcas plásticas circulares, banderillas plásticas rectangulares, soportes de bisutería, pines comerciales y quemaduras con nitrógeno líquido) aplicadas al cefalópodo Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 sometido a condiciones de cultivo. Tras una primera revisión de los resultados obtenidos con los diferentes sistemas de marcado se concluye que los discos de Petersen y las marcas de tipo T son los más aconsejables. Ambos muestran una retención adecuada después de un mes (90 y 80 % respectivamente), una persistencia máxima de tres meses, un coste similar y ambos son detectados externamente con facilidad. Sin embargo, los discos de Petersen producen heridas considerables y requieren un proceso de inserción más laborioso, por lo que, finalmente, el sistema considerado más adecuado fue la inserción de marcas de tipo T en el brazo III izquierdoThis paper presents a study on the persistence and effects caused by a wide variety of types of tag (loops, rabbit tags, girths, flexible plastic bands, small darts, Petersen disks, T-bar anchor tags, circular plastic tags, rectangular plastic flags, jewellery pins, commercial badges, and burning with liquid nitrogen) applied to the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, under culture conditions. Preliminary analysis of the results obtained with the different tagging systems indicates that Petersen disks and T-bar anchor tags are the most suitable types. Both provide adequate retention after 1 month (90 % and 80 %, respectively), a maximum persistence of three months, a similar cost, and they are easily recognised externally. However, Petersen disks can produce serious injuries, and require a more laborious insertion process. Therefore, in the final analysis, the insertion of T-bar anchor tags in left arm III can be considered the most appropriate systemThis work has been carried out with a grant from the Inter-ministerial Commission for Science and Technology and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, as part of the CYTMAR 97-0323 projec

    Experimental Feeding and Growth of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) from 0.5 To 2.7 Kg in Galicia (NW Spain)

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    Two groups of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L., of 0.5 and 1.2 kg initial mean weight were fed a semimoist diet containing fish, fish meal and vitamin-mineral complex. The trial was carried out in tanks of 16 cubic meters, for aperiod of a year. Resul ts on feed conversion index and growth in weight are give