968 research outputs found

    El papel de la carga mental en la planificación del entrenamiento deportivo

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    Una de las claves que determinan el éxito del entrenamiento es la alternancia correcta entre esfuerzo y descanso. La acumulación de esfuerzo puede producir fatiga, con el consiguiente deterioro de la capacidad motriz del deportista. Su impacto a largo plazo sobre el organismo depende de la capacidad adaptativa del deportista ante los estímulos que la generaron. El sometimiento a cargas por encima de la capacidad adaptativa del deportista produce un estado de incapacidad funcional conocido con el término "sobreentrenamiento" y caracterizado por la pérdida de rendimiento y alteraciones emocionales (Goodger, Gorely, Lavallee y Harwood, 2007; Gould, 1996; Gould, y Dieffenbach, 2002; Kellmann, 2002). Los estímulos que determinan la carga del entrenamiento son de naturaleza física y mental. Aunque la repercusión de los primeros ha sido ampliamente estudiada, no sucede igual con la de los segundos. Por tanto, nuestro objetivo es (1) revisar el concepto de carga mental, incluyendo elementos de carga cognitiva y emocional; (2) profundizar en las repercusiones de la carga mental y la necesidad de controlarla en el entrenamiento, y (3) proponer aplicaciones para el diseño de tareas por parte del entrenador.One of the keys to achieving success in training is the correct alternation between exertion and rest. Accumulation of load causes fatigue, with a consequent deterioration of an athlete's motor skills. This impact on the organism depends on the capacity of the athlete to adapt to the stimuli that generated it. Repetitive loads, systematically above the adaptive capacity of the athlete, can produce performance and mode deterioration in the form of dysfunctional overtraining or stalement. (Goodger, Gorely, Lavallee AND Harwood, 2007; Gould, 1996; Gould and Dieffenbach, 2002; Kellmann, 2002). Loading stimuli can be physical and/or mental. Although the impact of the former has been widely studied, this is not the case with the latter. Therefore, our aim was (1) to review the concept of mental workload, including cognitive and emotional elements, (2) to explore the implications of controlling mental workload for training, and (3) to propose practical applications for designing training tasks.Uma das chaves que determinam o êxito do treino é a alternância correcta entre esforço e descanso. A acumulação de esforço pode produzir fadiga, com o consequente deterioramento da capacidade motora do atleta. O seu impacto a longo prazo sobre o organismo depende da capacidade adaptativa do desportista face aos estímulos que a originam. A exposição a cargas acima da capacidade adaptativa do atleta produz um estado de incapacidade funcional denominado de "sobretreino" e caracterizado pela perda de rendimento e alterações emocionais (Goodger, Gorely, Lavallee e Harwood, 2007; Gould, 1996; Gould e Dieffenbach, 2002; Kellmann, 2002). Os estímulos que determinam a carga de treino são de natureza física e mental. Embora a repercussão dos primeiros tenha sido amplamente estudada, o mesmo não sucede com os segundos. Como tal, o nosso objectivo é (1) rever o conceito de carga mental, incluindo elementos de carga cognitiva e emocional; (2) aprofundar as repercussões da carga mental e a necessidade de controlá-la no treino, e (3) propor aplicações para o delineamento de tarefas por parte do treinador

    The role of mental workload in sport training planning

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    One of the keys to achieving success in training is the correct alternation between exertion and rest. Accumulation of load causes fatigue, with a consequent deterioration of an athlete’s motor skills. This impact on the organism depends on the capacity of the athlete to adapt to the stimuli that generated it. Repetitive loads, systematically above the adaptive capacity of the athlete, can produce performance and mode deterioration in the form of dysfunctional overtraining or stalement. (Goodger, Gorely, Lavallee AND Harwood, 2007; Gould, 1996; Gould AND Dieffenbach, 2002; Kellmann, 2002). Loading stimuli can be physical and/or mental. Although the impact of the former has been widely studied, this is not the case with the latter. Therefore, our aim was (1) to review the concept of mental workload, including cognitive and emotional elements, (2) to explore the implications of controlling mental workload for training, and (3) to propose practical applications for designing training task

    A fadiga como um estado motivacional subjetivo

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    Actualmente no existe consenso sobre los factores que determinan la aparición de la fatiga. Hay factores que se derivan exclusivamente del esfuerzo físico, otros que dependen del esfuerzo mental que este lleva aparejado, y otros de los resultados de la tarea que se está realizando. Como consecuencia, se han desarrollado diferentes modelos explicativos que pretenden aunar las diferentes razones de su aparición. No obstante, la tendencia actual es entender la fatiga como un estado motivacional complejo cuyo origen tiene lugar en numerosos procesos siológicos y psicológicos que sirven para regular el esfuerzo y proteger al organismo de da ̃ nos graves. Los objetivos de la presente revisión narrativa son analizar los diferentes enfoques existentes para el estudio y la explicación de la fatiga, establecer el vínculo con el concepto de carga de entrenamiento y justi car la importancia de evaluar las repercusiones de la carga mental para conseguir una adecuada plani cación y control del proceso de entrenamientoThere is currently no consensus on the factors that determine the onset of fatigue. There are some factors that are derived exclusively from the physical effort, others that depend on the mental effort due to physical effort, and some others on the feedback provided by the task being performed. As a result, we have developed different explanatory models that seek to combine the different reasons for its occurrence. Nevertheless, the current trend is to understand fatigue as a complex motivational state whose origin occurs in many physiological and psychological processes that serve to regulate the effort and protect the body from serious damage. The aims of this narrative review are to analyze the different existing approaches to the study and explanation of fatigue, establish the link with the concept of training load and justify the importance of evaluating the impact of mental load to achieve a proper planning and a training process control.Atualmente não existe consenso sobre os fatores que determinam o aparecimento da fadiga. Existem fatores que são derivados exclusivamente do esforc¸ o físico, outros que dependem do esforc¸ o mental que ela traz, e outros resultados da tarefa executada. Como consequência, tem-se desenvolvido diferentes modelos explicativos que procuram combinar as diferentes razões para a sua ocorrência. No entanto, a tendência atual é entender a fadiga como um estado motivacional complexo, cuja origem ocorre em muitos processos fisiológicos e psicológicos que servem para regular o esforc¸ o e proteger o corpo de danos graves. Os objetivos da presente revisão narrativa são analisar as diferentes abordagens existentes para o estudo e explicac¸ ão da fadiga, estabelecer a ligac¸ ão com o conceito de carga de treinamento e justificar a importância de se avaliar o impacto da carga mental para alcanc¸ ar um planejamento adequado e controle de processo de treinament

    From Bismarck to Beveridge : the other pension reform in Spain

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    El envejecimiento de la población es un proceso imparable que continúa suponiendo un reto para la sostenibilidad del sistema de reparto de pensiones en la mayoría de los países desarrollados, incluida España. Gran parte de estos países necesitan llevar a cabo reformas en sus sistemas de pensiones para controlar su gasto y, en algunos casos, ya han empezado. Sin embargo, existen otros mecanismos que suponen cambios en parámetros del sistema, que al ser percibidos como secundarios por los ciudadanos no son apreciados como tal reforma. Este es el caso de modificaciones en los topes de las pensiones y de las bases de cotización y que en España se ha denominado, por parte de los expertos en pensiones, como la «Reforma silenciosa». El objetivo de este documento es analizar las implicaciones que este tipo de reforma tendría en el caso de España, siendo el primer trabajo que cuantifi ca y evalúa su potencial impacto en dicho país. Con este fin se ha empleado un modelo de proyección contable, con generaciones solapadas y agentes heterogéneos, de gastos del sistema de pensiones español hasta el año 2070. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que este tipo de reforma no solo tendría potencial para contener el gasto futuro, sino que también podría suponer un cambio en la naturaleza del sistema al ser capaz de convertir un sistema contributivo (o Bismarckiano) en otro de tipo asistencial (o Beveridge). Esto último podría tener importantes consecuencias, pues ambos sistemas persiguen objetivos distintos. En el documento también se pone de relieve que las características institucionales que hacen posible este tipo de reforma en España existen al mismo tiempo en la mayoría de los países desarrollados con sistemas de pensiones tipo Bismarckiano. Y por lo tanto, creemos que las lecciones aprendidas en este documento para el caso español podrían ser de utilidad para otros paísesAging is an unstoppable process and it remains a major challenge for the sustainability of the PAYG pension system in most developed countries, including in Spain. Many countries need to introduce reforms of their pension systems in order to control their expenditure, and in some cases this has already begun. However, there are other sorts of changes to certain parameters that are perceived as secondary, e.g. the different path of minimum and maximum pensions, and the upper and lower caps on contributions. This has signifi cant implications for the distributive structure of the social security system that cannot be readily perceived by the population. That is why some economists in Spain refer to it as the “Silent Reform”. The aim of this paper is to analyse the consequences this type of reform would have in Spainindeed, it is the fi rst paper to actually quantify and evaluate the potential impact it would have on the country. We have used an accounting model with heterogeneous agents and overlapping generations in order to project pension expenditures up until 2070. The results show that this kind of reform could potentially contain future expenditure and could also change the nature of the pension system from a contributory or Bismarckian-type system into an assistential or Beveridgean-type one. This change could have signifi cant consequences as both systems have different objectives. The paper also shows that the institutional characteristics that make this kind of reform in Spain feasible are also present in most developed countries with Bismarckian pension systems. Therefore, we believe that the lessons learned in this paper on this kind of reform could well prove useful to other countrie

    Systematic Mapping Literature Review of Mobile Robotics Competitions

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    [EN] This paper presents a systematic mapping literature review about the mobile robotics competitions that took place over the last few decades in order to obtain an overview of the main objectives, target public, challenges, technologies used and final application area to show how these competitions have been contributing to education. In the review we found 673 papers from 5 different databases and at the end of the process, 75 papers were classified to extract all the relevant information using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. More than 50 mobile robotics competitions were found and it was possible to analyze most of the competitions in detail in order to answer the research questions, finding the main goals, target public, challenges, technologies and application area, mainly in education.S

    Spectral Response of Metallic Optical Antennas Driven by Temperature

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    When optical antennas are used as light detectors, temperature changes their spectral response. Using this relation, we determine the spectrum of a light beam from an optical antenna’s signal. A numerical evaluation of the temperature-spectral response has been completed with a model for the noise of the device. Using both the response and the noise model, we have established the capabilities of the device by quantifying the error in the spectrum determination both for broadband spectrum and monochromatic radiation

    Referees', coaches', and experts' opinions on the utilisation of the rules in the teaching-learning process of mini-basketball

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    Rules affect the technical-tactical elements since they establish the limits on the players' actions in relation to the ball and the rest of the players. However, there are very few references that discuss this topic. Thus, it was decided to get familiar with the opinions of experts, referees, and coaches regarding the utilisation of the rules and regulations at the mini-basketball stage. The sample was made up of 9 subjects who were interviewed: three coaches, three referees, and three experts. All had university degrees and certification from the federation as well as experience in the minibasketball division. The instrument that was used was the semi-structured interview. The Delphi method was followed for the design of the interview, and 5 university professors participated in selecting the dimensions and questions. After the definitive composition and the pilot study, the various professionals from the sample were contacted and interviewed. The content of the interviews was recorded and transcribed. The coding was done by four researchers, and the reliability was assured by the Kappa index, of which the mean index was K = .78. The analysis was done with MXQDA 10 and SPSS 20. The participants insist on the importance of teaching the rules to the players when they begin playing basketball, given that this learning allows them to understand the internal logic of the game. Further, they explain the need for this relationship in the learning process and it even opens up the possibility for programming around the rules, given that they are what give the game and its technical-tactical elements meaning

    Shape-controlled monolayer MoSe2 flakes by chemical vapor deposition towards tuning the photoluminescence emission

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    In this study, we report on the controllable chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis of monolayer MoSe2 flakes with different shapes such as hexagons, triangles, sawtooth hexagons, dendrites and fractals deposited on SiO2/Si substrates. This broad range of morphologies is due to the change in the vapor composition resulting from the confinement of the MoO3 and Se vapor and to the variation in the growth rate of the variable shaped MoSe2 crystals. It is also revealed that the photoluminescence (PL) response of the MoSe2 flakes is strongly affected by their shape and size. Our findings will open new avenues towards achieving morphology-controlled monolayer MoSe2 flakes for optoelectronic and energy harvesting systems.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding Contracts UIDB/04540/2020, UIDB/00100/2020 and UIDB/04650/2020. The author C. G. acknowledges a scholarship funded by the UIDB/04540/2020 contract. The author K. G. would like to thank the statutory grant (No. 8211104160) of Department of Quantum Technologies of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology