1,968 research outputs found

    Molecular effect of an OPTN common variant associated to Paget's disease of bone

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    Paget's disease of bone (PDB) is a chronic bone disorder and although genetic factors appear to play an important role in its pathogenesis, to date PDB causing mutations were identified only in the Sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1) gene at the PDB3 locus. PDB6 locus, also previously linked to PDB, contains several candidate genes for metabolic bone diseases. We focused our analysis in the most significantly associated variant with PDB, within the Optineurin (OPTN) gene, i.e. the common variant rs1561570. Although it was previously shown to be strongly associated with PDB in several populations, its contribution to PDB pathogenesis remains unclear. In this study we have shown that rs1561570 may contribute to PDB since its Tallele results in the loss of a methylation site in patients' DNA, leading to higher levels of OPTN gene expression and a corresponding increase in protein levels in patients' osteoclasts. This increase in OPTN expression leads to higher levels of NF-KB translocation into the nucleus and increasing expression of its target genes, which may contribute to the overactivity of osteoclasts observed in PDB. We also reported a tendency for a more severe clinical phenotype in the presence of a haplotype containing the rs1561570 T allele, which appear to be re-enforced with the presence of the SQSTM1/P392L mutation. In conclusion, our work provides novel insight towards understanding the functional effects of this variant, located in OPTN intron 7, and its implication in the contribution to PDB pathogenesis.national funds from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Canada [MOP130457]; CHU de Quebec Foundation; Canadian Foundation for Innovation; Fonds de recherche du Quebec-sante; Laval University; CHU de Quebec-Universite Laval Research Centre; FCT [SFRH/BD/77227/2011, SFRH/BPD/111898/2015]; Fonds de recherche Quebec-Sante (FRQ-S), Quebec, Canad

    Estimativa de chuvas usando pluviômetros plásticos.

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    Uso de termômetro de baixo custo para estimar a evapotranspiração das culturas.

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    O presente trabalho compara valores de ETo estimados pelo método de Hargreaves, empregando-se dados de temperatura obtidos em uma estação meteorológica automática e utilizando-se um termômetro de máxima e mínima de base plástica, do tipo Capela.bitstream/item/31575/1/cot102.pd

    Entry by research-based spin-offs: the determinants of regional variation

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    Reflecting the increasing number of research based spin-offs (RBSOs) created since the nineties, previous studies focus their analysis on the factors that influence university entrepreneurship. However, empirical studies that investigate the determinants of variation on RBSO creation across regions are scarce. Using a unique self-collected dataset that comprehends the population of RBSOs created in Portugal from 1979 until to 2007 we investigate the intensity of spin-offs creation across regions, by focusing on the characteristics of the universities and the region in which the spin-off is located. Our results suggest that the quality and prestige of the universities located in a municipality, as well as the presence of university-affiliated incubators and/or university research parks have a positive impact on the intensity of RBSO creation. Regarding the regional characteristics, the availability of qualified human capital and the regional demand size seem to exert an important effect on spin-off activity across regions.FC

    Dietary lipid level affects growth performance and nutrient utilisation of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles

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    Over the last few years, several aspects of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) culture have been developed and optimised but the dietary lipid level for optimal growth has never been determined. Hence, five isonitrogenous diets (56 % dietary protein) with increasing dietary lipid levels (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 % DM) were fed to satiation to triplicate groups of twenty fish (mean initial weight 10 g). Fifteen tanks were randomly assigned one of the five diets. Feed was distributed using automatic feeders, and fish were fed over a 16-week period. At the end of the experiment the fish fed on diets containing the two lowest dietary lipid levels (4 and 8 %) showed a 3-fold body-weight increase with a significantly higher daily growth index than fish fed higher lipid levels (1-2 v. 0-8). Moreover, these fish displayed a significantly lower dry feed intake (12g/kg per d) and feed conversion ratio (1-0) compared with fish fed higher lipids levels (16-19 g/kg per d; feed conversion ratio 2-0). Low dietary lipid levels (< 12 %) significantly improved nutrient retention and gain and hence growth, without major effects on whole-body composition. Despite the slight alteration in n-3 PUFA muscle content in the fish fed low-fat-diets, this fish fed low dietary lipid still remains a rich n-3 PUFA product and generally maintained its nutritional value. These results evidenced a low lipid tolerance of Senegalese sole juveniles and suggest a maximal dietary inclusion level of 8 % lipids for both optimal growth and nutrient utilisation without compromising flesh quality.IDEIA; European fund FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Xexam: uma linguagem de suporte para exames online (e-learning)

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    Hoje o E-learning, para além de ser um chavão utilizado por muitas instituições, também tem sido usado como estandarte de muitas instituições de ensino que se dizem na vanguarda. Poderíamos começar a discutir o que é o E-Learning mas isso seria assunto para uma tese. Para o nosso trabalho, vamos considerar a definição mais consensual de ensino `a distancia onde se utiliza a Internet como veículo primordial para a comunicação entre professor e aluno e entre alunos. Nessa perspectiva, uma plataforma de E-Learning tem vários componentes: gestão de alunos e cursos, publicação de conteúdos, fóruns de discussão, chats, controle de acessos, diversas estatísticas e avaliação. É precisamente neste ultima componente que incide o trabalho descrito neste artigo. A avaliação online vai levantar sempre problemas de creditação mas discutir esse assunto não é o objectivo deste artigo. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma linguagem XML—Xexam, que pode servir de suporte à criação de exames (por exemplo para auto-avaliação do aluno). Além da linguagem apresentam-se algumas ferramentas de suporte que fornecem algumas funcionalidades ao autor do exame: publicação em papel, publicação na Internet, correcção automática ao aluno que desenvolver o exame online e publicação do exame com correcção. No fim, tecem-se algumas considerações sobre a integração desta aplicação numa metodologia de E-Learning

    Estimativa do saldo de radiação sobre um cultivo de videira BRS Clara com e sem tela de sombreamento.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar modelos de estimativa do saldo de radiação sobre videiras cultivadas na região noroeste de São Paulo a partir da radiação solar global.Resumo

    Conhecimento dos serviços da FCCN junto da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional: um inquérito por questionário

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    O relatório aqui apresentado resulta de uma prestação de serviços, por parte de uma equipa do ISCTE-IUL, à FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional). Esta visou apoiar o lançamento de um inquérito por questionário aos membros da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional, com o fim de aferir a perceção acerca dos serviços da FCCN, designadamente em termos de Conectividade, Computação, Colaboração, Conhecimento e Segurança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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