3,006 research outputs found

    Method to determine the speed of vehicles by means of noise levels variation

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    Statistical Pass-By Index is a parameter defined on ISO 11819-1: 1997, that pretends to measure the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. One of the base parameters of this index is speed of vehicles on the road. The present paper shows a method to determine the speed of vehicles on the road using the shape of noise levels variations, and shows the improvement that this method can give one the selection of most correct pass-by levels

    Numerical Study of the Thermal Efficiency of a School Building with Complex Topology for Different Orientations

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    In this work a numerical model that simulates the thermal behavior of a building with complex topology and evaluates the indoor thermal and air quality, in transient conditions, is used for a school building thermal project. The program calculates the building surfaces solar radiation field, the building's temperatures, the internal environmental variables, and the occupant's comfort levels. Initially, after the numerical model is validated, the software is used to evaluate the school building's thermal response for four different orientations, either in winter or summer conditions. The work then aims to identify uncomfortable spaces in order to propose, as an example, several solutions that could be introduced for each orientation, that would improve the thermal comfort and air quality levels to which the occupants are subjected, and decrease the building's energy consumption levels. The information obtained from this study could be used to help a designer choose which thermal systems and solutions function best for a preferred school building orientation

    Locally Provided Public Schooling in Brazilian Municipalities

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    The objective of this paper is to assess the demand for public schooling in the Brazilian municipalities within a median voter framework. The quantile regression and spatial techniques proved to be useful to account for the spatial and marginal effects associated with educational services. The coefficients attached to the main variables – price, income and population – were significant and had the expected sign. The relatively high values for those parameters attest the status for these merit goods as “luxuries”. Last, but no least, the municipal school system in Brazil seems to present increasing returns to scale both, at the school and the municipality level.Public Schooling, Demand, Brazilian municipalities, Median voter

    Impact of public-private partnership on the healh budget program in Portugal (2010-2020)

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Internacional e Estudos EuropeusPublic-Private Partnerships (PPP) have emerged as a model that allows the State to increase efficiency in its resource´s application. The option for a PPP is based on the principle that the private sector is more efficient in the management of its resources, compared to the public sector. Based on the defined object of study for this research, focused on the impact of Public-Private Partnerships on the health budget program in Portugal (2010-2020), we start off with a literature review on the new concept of governance, known as New Public Management, a paradigm that has redefined the tasks and functions of the State, paving the way for the emergence of PPPs. Resorting to the historical element, we will pinpoint the 90s of the 20th century as the beginning of PPPs, a privileged financing model for road infrastructure at first, expanding later to collective equipment, with particular emphasis on hospitals, replacing public intervention in the health sector. However, the reinforcement of the private initiative contribution would be contradicted by the Basic Health Law (2019) and by Decree-Law no. 23/2020, of May 27, which departs from the regime that was in force since 2002, limiting private intervention to a "supplementary and temporary nature" and only when there is a "justified need". The economic and financial research will show that the PPP experience in the Portuguese health sector has generated savings for the State and guaranteed the desired quality at the lowest possible cost, i.e., with a higher VfM. Specifically, we will see how the hospital units which have operated under PPPs contracts have asserted themselves as potentially beneficial investment tools for the State.As Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP) surgiram como um modelo que permite ao Estado aumentar a eficiência na aplicação dos recursos públicos. A opção por uma PPP assenta na premissa de que o setor privado é mais eficiente na gestão dos seus recursos, em comparação com o setor público. A partir do objeto de estudo definido para esta investigação, centrado no impacto das Parcerias Público-Privadas no programa orçamental de saúde em Portugal (2010-2020), inicia-se uma revisão de literatura sobre a nova conceção de governação, designada por New Public Management, paradigma que veio redefinir as tarefas e funções do Estado, abrindo caminho para o aparecimento das PPP. Recorrendo ao elemento histórico, situaremos a década de 90 do século XX, como o início das PPP, um modelo de financiamento privilegiado de estruturas rodoviárias num primeiro momento, expandindo-se mais tarde, aos equipamentos coletivos com particular destaque para os hospitais e substituindo a intervenção pública na área da saúde. Porém, o reforço da contribuição da iniciativa privada, será contrariada pelo Lei de Bases da Saúde (2019) e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 23/2020, de 27 de maio, que se afasta do regime que vigorava desde 2002, limitando a intervenção dos privados a um “caráter supletivo e temporário” e apenas quando haja uma “necessidade fundamentada”. Os dados económicos e financeiros, irão permitir demonstrar que a experiência das PPP no sector da Saúde em Portugal, geraram poupanças para o Estado, e garantiram a qualidade desejada ao menor custo possível, isto é, com maior VfM. Em concreto, veremos como as unidades hospitalares que operaram através de PPP, se afirmaram como ferramentas de investimento potencialmente benéficas para o Estado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    More than one insertion loss, throughout the day, for the same outdoor noise barrier

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    ISO 10847:1997 establishes a method for determining the insertion loss of noise barriers, assuming the existence of only one insertion loss for the same outdoor noise barrier. Since during the day distinct vertical gradients of sound speed may occur, different curved path radius of the sound rays can be formed, which leads to a different insertion loss throughout the day, for the same noise barrier. This article examines the influence of atmospheric conditions on the insertion loss of noise barriers and suggests how to complement the ISO 10847:1997

    Variability of noise levels from railways

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the variability of noise levels associated with the pass-by of the same type of train at a point, near a railway, and compare this variability with the standard uncertainty, due to the operation of the source, established in ISO 1996-2: 2007, and in the document "Determination of Lden and Lnigth Using Measurements: 2006", from the European Work Group IMAGINE. With these results we can know the measurement effort required to achieve a certain standard uncertainty

    Fast determination of the acoustic area of influence of roads, railways, airports and industries

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    It is very important to know, as early as possible, what is the acoustic area of influence of a particular project, because this information has influence in other areas, e.g. The extension of cartography necessary. So, it is relevant to find fast and simple methods to determine the acoustic area of influence, based on European Interim Methods, for roads, railways, airports and industries

    GM1 Gangliosidosis, Late Infantile Onset Dystonia, and T2 Hypointensity in the Globus Pallidus and Substantia Nigra

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    BACKGROUND: GM1 gangliosidosis is a rare disease due to mutations in the GLB1 gene and autosomal recessive deficiency of b-galactosidase. There is considerable overlap between classical phenotypes and clinical and imaging findings, which are often difficult to interpret. PATIENT: The patient in this study had dysmorphism, dysostosis, progressive dystonia, and T2 hypointensity in the basal ganglia. Partially similar clinical and radiologic findings were described previously in two reports. CONCLUSIONS: T2 hypointensity in the globus pallidus should, in the appropriate clinical setting, lead to consideration of thediagnosis of GM1 gangliosidosis

    Implantation of noise barriers in portuguese landscape

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    Noise makes part of the environment that we live in, and has a great impact on the perception of character and quality of landscape. By creating noise barriers, some people may concentrate on the negative impact that barriers have on the landscape due to their scale, appearance or other undesirable qualities, the noise itself may well have an unfavorable effect on the people's enjoyment of the landscape and can have, therefore, an adverse effect on landscape quality, landscape character and the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to give examples of some existing noise barriers in Portugal and to analyze how successfully, besides creating conditions for better acoustic comfort, they fulfill the conditions of an integration within the environment, by its composition and aesthetics solutions

    Performing railway traffic vibration forecast using in situ vibration measurements

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    As international normalized methods for performing railway traffic vibration prediction are not available yet, the authors of this paper will analyze the feasibility and applicability of an in situ vibration measurement method in accordance with the guidelines establish in ISO 14837-1. The authors will present the achieved results of several vibration measurements, performed near the railways and the related transfer functions that will allow predicting the vibrations near different receiver locations