107 research outputs found

    Regulation of HSP27 on NF-κB pathway activation may be involved in metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the process of metastasis, cells are subjected to various apoptotic stimuli. Aberrant expression of apoptotic regulators often contribute to cell metastasis. Heat shock protein 27(HSP27) is confirmed as an apoptosis regulator, but its antiapoptotic mechanism in metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells remains unclear.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Levels of HSP27 protein and its phosphorylation in Hep3B, MHCC97L to MHCC97H cells with different metastatic potentials were determined by western blot analysis. MHCC97H cells were transfected with specific small interference RNA (siRNA) against HSP27. The <it>in vitro </it>migration and invasion potentials of cells were evaluated by Transwell assay. The apoptosis ratio of MHCC97H cells was analyzed by TUNEL staining and Flow Cytometry. Alteration of signal transduction pathway after HSP27 knockdown in MHCC97H cells was evaluated through a Human Q Series Signal Transduction in Cancer Gene Array analysis. Nuclear NF-κB contentration and endogenous IKK activity were demonstrated by ELISA assay. The association of IKKα, IKKβ, IκBα with HSP27 and the association between IKKβ and IKKα in MHCC97H cells were determined by co-immunoprecipitation assay followed by western blot analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HSP27 protein and its phosphorylation increased in parallel with enhanced metastatic potentials of HCC cells. siRNA-mediated HSP27 knockdown in MHCC97H significantly suppressed cells migration and invasion <it>in vitro </it>and induced cell apoptosis; the prominently altered signal transduction pathway was NF-κB pathway after HSP27 knockdown in MHCC97H cells. Furthermore, inhibition of HSP27 expression led to a significant decrease of nuclear NF-κB contentration and endogenous IKK activity. In addition, HSP27 was associated with IKKα, IKKβ, IκBα in three HCC cells above. ELISA assay and western blot analysis also showed a decrease of the association between IKKβ and IKKα, the association between phosphor-HSP27 and IKK complex, and an increase of total IκBα but reducing tendency of phosphor-IκBα when HSP27 expression was efficiently knocked down in MHCC97H cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, these findings revealed a possible effect of HSP27 on apoptosis in metastatic HCC cells, in which HSP27 may regulate NF-kB pathway activation.</p

    Irradiation leads to apoptosis of Kupffer cells by a Hsp27-dependant pathway followed by release of TNF-α

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    In a previous publication, we were able to show that irradiation of Kupffer cells, the liver resident macrophages, leads to an increased TNF-α concentration in the culture medium. The pathomechanisms underlying this phenomenon, however, remained to be elucidated. Here, we show that following irradiation of Kupffer cells, the apoptosis rate increased drastically within 48 h. At the same time, the total TNF-α concentration in cell lysates of Kupffer cells attached to the culture plate decreased. However, normalization of the TNF-α concentration with respect to cell number revealed that TNF-α concentration per attached cell remained constant during the observation period. Western blot analysis showed that heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) is strongly downregulated and bax is upregulated in irradiated Kupffer cells as compared to sham-irradiated cells. Overexpression of Hsp27 in Kupffer cells was shown to prevent the effect of irradiation on bax expression, apoptosis and, at the same time, on increase of TNF-α concentration in the Kupffer cell medium. We conclude that irradiation of Kupffer cells leads to apoptosis because of downregulation of Hsp27 and consecutive upregulation of bax expression. Furthermore, we suggest that apoptosis of Kupffer cells leads to an increase of TNF-α concentration in the culture medium which may be due to cell death rather than active release or synthesis

    Two step activation of FOXO3 by AMPK generates a coherent feed-forward loop determining excitotoxic cell fate

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    Cerebral ischemia and excitotoxic injury induce transient or permanent bioenergetic failure, and may result in neuronal apoptosis or necrosis. We have previously shown that ATP depletion and activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) during excitotoxic injury induces neuronal apoptosis by transcription of the proapoptotic BH3 only protein, Bim. AMPK, however, also exerts pro-survival functions in neurons. The molecular switches that determine these differential outcomes are not well understood. Using an approach combining biochemistry, single cell imaging and computational modeling, we here demonstrate that excitotoxic injury activated the bim promoter in a FOXO3-dependent manner. The activation of AMPK reduced AKT activation, and led to dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation of FOXO3. Subsequent mutation studies indicated that bim gene activation during excitotoxic injury required direct FOXO3 phosphorylation by AMPK in the nucleus as a second activation step. Inhibition of this phosphorylation prevented Bim expression and protected neurons against excitotoxic and oxygen/glucose deprivation-induced injury. Systems analysis and computational modeling revealed that these two activation steps defined a coherent feedforward loop; a network motif capable of filtering any effects of short-term AMPK activation on bim gene induction. This may prevent unwanted AMPK-mediated Bim expression and apoptosis during transient or physiological bioenergetic stress

    Regulated ATF5 loss-of-function in adult mice blocks formation and causes regression/eradication of gliomas

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    Glioblastomas are among the most incurable cancers. Our past findings indicated that glioblastoma cells, but not neurons or glia, require the transcription factor ATF5 (activating transcription factor 5) for survival. However, it was unknown whether interference with ATF5 function can prevent or promote regression/eradication of malignant gliomas in vivo. To address this issue, we created a mouse model by crossing a human glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter-tetracycline transactivator mouse line with tetracycline operon-dominant negative-ATF5 (d/n-ATF5) mice to establish bi-transgenic mice. In this model, d/n-ATF5 expression is controlled by doxycycline and the promoter for GFAP, a marker for stem/progenitor cells as well as gliomas. Endogenous gliomas were produced with high efficiency by retroviral delivery of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B and p53-short hairpin RNA (shRNA) in adult bi-transgenic mice in which expression of d/n-ATF5 was spatially and temporally regulated. Induction of d/n-ATF5 before delivery of PDGF-B/p53-shRNA virus greatly reduced the proportion of mice that formed tumors. Moreover, d/n-ATF5 induction after tumor formation led to regression/eradication of detectable gliomas without evident damage to normal brain cells in all 24 mice assessed

    Association of the CpG Methylation Pattern of the Proximal Insulin Gene Promoter with Type 1 Diabetes

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    The insulin (INS) region is the second most important locus associated with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). The study of the DNA methylation pattern of the 7 CpGs proximal to the TSS in the INS gene promoter revealed that T1D patients have a lower level of methylation of CpG -19, -135 and -234 (p = 2.10−16) and a higher methylation of CpG -180 than controls, while methylation was comparable for CpG -69, -102, -206. The magnitude of the hypomethylation relative to a control population was 8–15% of the corresponding levels in controls and was correlated in CpGs -19 and -135 (r = 0.77) and CpG -135 and -234 (r = 0.65). 70/485 (14%) of T1D patients had a simultaneous decrease in methylation of CpG -19, -135, -234 versus none in 317 controls. CpG methylation did not correlate with glycated hemoglobin or with T1D duration. The methylation of CpG -69, -102, -180, -206, but not CpG -19, -135, -234 was strongly influenced by the cis-genotype at rs689, a SNP known to show a strong association with T1D. We hypothesize that part of this genetic association could in fact be mediated at the statistical and functional level by the underlying changes in neighboring CpG methylation. Our observation of a CpG-specific, locus-specific methylation pattern, although it can provide an epigenetic biomarker of a multifactorial disease, does not indicate whether the reported epigenetic pattern preexists or follows the establishment of T1D. To explore the effect of chronic hyperglycemia on CpG methylation, we studied non obese patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who were found to have decreased CpG-19 methylation versus age-matched controls, similar to T1D (p = 2.10−6) but increased CpG-234 methylation (p = 5.10−8), the opposite of T1D. The causality and natural history of the different epigenetic changes associated with T1D or T2D remain to be determined

    Defects in death-inducing signalling complex formation prevent JNK activation and Fas-mediated apoptosis in DU 145 prostate carcinoma cells

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    Androgen-independent prostate carcinomas are resistant to chemotherapy and cell lines derived from androgen-independent prostate carcinomas such as DU 145 cells are highly resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis. The incubation of DU 145 cells with anti-Fas IgM agonistic antibody of Fas receptor fails to activate JNK, a stress kinase involved in regulating apoptosis. We have previously shown that JNK activation is sufficient and necessary to promote Fas-mediated apoptosis in DU 145 cells. We investigate the mechanisms by which JNK activation and apoptosis are abrogated. HSP27 is overexpressed in DU 145 cells and has previously been reported to sequester DAXX and prevent JNK activation in cells treated with anti-Fas IgM. However, we find no evidence that HSP27 interacts with DAXX in DU 145 cells. Instead, we find that FADD does not interact with caspase-8 and this results in defective death-inducing signalling complex formation following Fas receptor activation

    BH3-only proteins BIM and PUMA in the regulation of survival and neuronal differentiation of newly generated cells in the adult mouse hippocampus

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    Neurogenesis persists in the adult hippocampus, where several thousand neurons are born every day. Most of the newly generated cells are eliminated by apoptosis, possibly because of their failure to integrate properly into neural networks. The BH3-only proteins Bim and Puma have been shown to mediate trophic factor withdrawal- and anoikis-induced apoptosis in various systems. We therefore determined their impact on proliferation, survival, and differentiation of adult-generated cells in the mouse hippocampus using gene-deficient mice. Wild-type, bim-, and puma-deficient mice showed similar rates of precursor cell proliferation, as evidenced by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-incorporation. Deficiency in either bim or puma significantly increased the survival of adult-born cells in the dentate gyrus (DG) after 7 days. Consistently, we detected increased numbers of doublecortin (DCX)-positive and fewer terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labelled-positive cells in the DG of bim- and puma-deficient mice. Bim and puma deficiency did not change early markers of neuronal differentiation, as evidenced by BrdU/DCX double-labelling. However, BrdU/NeuN double-labelling revealed that deficiency of bim, but not puma, accelerated the differentiation of newly generated cells into a neuronal phenotype. Our data show that Bim and Puma are prominently involved in the regulation of neuronal progenitor cell survival in the adult DG, but also suggest that Bim has an additional role in neuronal differentiation of adult-born neural precursor cells

    Induction of ER stress in response to oxygen-glucose deprivation of cortical cultures involves the activation of the PERK and IRE-1 pathways and of caspase-12

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    Disturbance of calcium homeostasis and accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are considered contributory components of cell death after ischemia. However, the signal-transducing events that are activated by ER stress after cerebral ischemia are incompletely understood. In this study, we show that caspase-12 and the PERK and IRE pathways are activated following oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) of mixed cortical cultures or neonatal hypoxia–ischemia (HI). Activation of PERK led to a transient phosphorylation of eIF2α, an increase in ATF4 levels and the induction of gadd34 (a subunit of an eIF2α-directed phosphatase). Interestingly, the upregulation of ATF4 did not lead to an increase in the levels of CHOP. Additionally, IRE1 activation was mediated by the increase in the processed form of xbp1, which would be responsible for the observed expression of edem2 and the increased levels of the chaperones GRP78 and GRP94. We were also able to detect caspase-12 proteolysis after HI or OGD. Processing of procaspase-12 was mediated by NMDA receptor and calpain activation. Moreover, our data suggest that caspase-12 activation is independent of the unfolded protein response activated by ER stress

    TRAIL sensitisation by arsenic trioxide is caspase-8 dependent and involves modulation of death receptor components and Akt

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    The majority of leukaemic cells are resistant to apoptosis induced by tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Here, we show that sublethal concentrations of arsenic trioxide (ATO) specifically enhanced TRAIL-induced apoptosis in leukaemic but not in other tumour cell lines. The combination of ATO and TRAIL synergistically enhanced cleavage of caspase-8, which was blocked by the caspase inhibitor IETD.fmk as well as in cells deficient for caspase-8, suggesting a requirement for the death-inducing signalling complex. Arsenic trioxide led to increased cell surface expression of DR5 (death receptor 5), inhibition of the serine/threonine kinase Akt and downregulation of the short isoform of FLIP (FLICE-inhibitory protein, FLIPS). Inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) was equally efficient in sensitising leukaemic cells to TRAIL with similar effects on DR5 and FLIPS expression, suggesting that ATO may in part act through inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. These results indicate that the enhancement in TRAIL-mediated apoptosis induced by ATO is due to alteration in the levels of multiple components and regulators of the death receptor-mediated pathway. These findings offer a promising and novel strategy involving a combination of TRAIL and ATO, or more specific Akt inhibitors in the treatment of various haematopoietic malignancies