33 research outputs found

    Emerging Strategies for Healthy Urban Governance

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    Urban health promotion is not simply a matter of the right interventions, or even the necessary resources. Urban (and indeed global) health depends to an important extent on governance, the institutions and processes through which societies manage the course of events. This paper describes the concept of governance, distinguishing between reforms aimed at improving how government works and innovations that more fundamentally reinvent governance by developing new institutions and processes of local stakeholder control. The paper highlights strategies urban governors can use to maximize their influence on the national and international decisions that structure urban life. It concludes with some observations on the limitations of local governance strategies and the importance of establishing a “virtuous circuit” of governance through which urban dwellers play a greater role in the formation and implementation of policy at the national and global levels

    Power dynamics in multi–stakeholder policy processes and intra–civil society networking

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    The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy offers insights into the boundaries of this field of study, assesses why it is important, who is affected, and with what political, economic, social and cultural consequences. Contributors draw on theory and empirical research to offer multiple perspectives on the local, national, regional and global forums in which policy debate occurs. Policy is understood as an emergent process, informed by historical context, power dynamics, and local/global interdependencies

    Regional network governance and sustainable tourism

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    Effective governance has been identified as one of the most important factors in sustainable tourism implementation. As governance structures are increasingly becoming network-based, attention needs to be diverted to the effectiveness of partnerships in achieving sustainability in tourism. Evaluating the effectiveness of regional tourism governance in Cyprus by considering regional tourism organisations’ (RTOs) public–private network involved exploratory research whereby semi-structured interviews with key tourism stakeholders were performed. Findings reveal that network governance-related challenges interact with region-specific characteristics, inhibiting the effectiveness of regional tourism governance in implementing sustainable tourism. Specifically, RTOs represent a weak form of governance and their effectiveness in implementing sustainable tourism is limited by the continuing dependence on foreign tour operators, a system of mutual favours which complexifies the nature of tourism planning and a growing emphasis on economic interests further fuelled by recent austerity measures imposed in Cyprus. The paper concludes that network governance cannot be considered separately from the socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors of the context in which it is studied and proposes that further research reflects the horizontal relations across regional, national and global networks