31 research outputs found

    Nonlinear properties of dispersion engineered InGaP photonic wire waveguides in the telecommunication wavelength range

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    We propose high index contrast InGaP photonic wires as a platform for the integration of nonlinear optical functions in the telecom wavelength window. We characterize the linear and nonlinear properties of these waveguide structures. Waveguides with a linear loss of 12 dB/cm and which are coupled to a single mode fiber through gratings with a -7.5 dB coupling loss are realized. From four wave mixing experiments, we extract the real part of the nonlinear parameter γ to be 475 ± 50 W-1m-1 and from nonlinear transmission measurements we infer the absence of two-photon absorption and measure a three-photon absorption coefficient of (2.5 ± 0.5) × 10-2 cm3GW-2.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Continuous-Wave Second-Harmonic Generation in Orientation-Patterned Gallium Phosphide Waveguides at Telecom Wavelengths

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    A new process to produce orientation-patterned gallium phosphide (OP-GaP) on GaAs with almost perfectly parallel domain boundaries is presented. Taking advantage of the chemical selectivity between phosphides and arsenides, OP-GaP is processed into suspended shallow-ridge waveguides. Efficient second-harmonic generation from telecom wavelengths is achieved in both Type-I and Type-II polarisation configurations. The highest observed conversion efficiency is 200% W–1 cm–2, with a bandwidth of 2.67 nm in a 1 mm-long waveguide. The variation of the conversion efficiency with wavelength closely follows a squared cardinal sine function, in excellent agreement with theory, confirming the good uniformity of the poling period over the entire length of the waveguide

    Mode locking of the Hermite-Gaussian modes of a nanolaser

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    Mode locking is predicted in a nanolaser cavity forming an effective photonic harmonic potential. The cavity is substantially more compact than a Fabry-Perot resonator with a comparable pulsing period, which is here controlled by the potential. In the limit of instantaneous gain and absorption saturation, mode locking corresponds to a stable dissipative soliton, which is very well approximated by the coherent state of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator. This property is robust against noninstantaneous material response and nonzero phase-intensity coupling

    Robustness of mode-locking in harmonic cavity nanolasers subjected to potential distortions

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    We theoretically analyze the robustness to potential distortion of mode-locking in a harmonic cavity nanolaser sustaining oscillation of Hermite-Gaussian modes. Different types of imperfections of the harmonic potential that create the Hermite-Gaussian modes are considered: The non-parabolicity of the potential and the possible random errors in the shape of the potential. The influence of the different laser parameters, including the Henry factors of the gain medium and the saturable absorber, on the robustness of the mode-locked regime is discussed in detail

    Dynamics of mode-locked nanolasers based on Hermite-Gaussian modes

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    The different dynamical behaviors of the Hermite-Gaussian (HG) modes of mode-locked nanolasers based on a harmonic photonic cavity are investigated in detail using a model based on a modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Such nanolasers are shown to exhibit mode locking with a repetition rate independent of the cavity length, which is a strong asset for compactness. The differences with respect to conventional lasers are shown to originate from the peculiar gain competition between HG modes, which is investigated in details. In the presence of a saturable absorber, the different regimes, i.e., Q switching, Q-switched mode locking, and continuous-wave (cw) mode locking, are isolated in a phase diagram and separately described. Mode locking is found to be robust against phase-intensity coupling and to be achievable in a scheme with spatially separated gain and absorber