862 research outputs found

    Dos nuevas localizaciones para España de Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae), hospedador intermediario de Schistosomiasis urinaria

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    Dues noves localitzacions per a Espanya de Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda, Planorbidae), hoste intermediari de la Schistosomiasis urinària Durant l’any 2014, els autors han trobat dues noves poblacions de Bulinus truncatus a Espanya. En una, la llacuna de Villena (Alacant), que va ser dessecada al començament del segle XIX, només hi van trobar conquilles, mentre que a l’altra, situada a El Ejido (Almeria), hi van trobar milers d’exemplars vius. L’enclavament de Villena té un gran interès biogeogràfic perquè enllaça les poblacions catalanes amb les andaluses atès que fins ara no se’n coneixia la presència ni a Múrcia ni a la Comunitat Valenciana. La població d’Almeria ha estat objecte d’un estudi conquiliològic i molecular (gen cox1 de l’ADN mitocondrial) que ha revelat un 100% d’homologia amb altres poblacions de B. truncatus les seqüències de les quals estan disponibles al GenBank. La troballa d’Almeria presenta un gran interès davant la possible arribada a Espanya de la Schistosomiasis urinària i l’establiment d’una transmissió autòctona, tal com ja ha succeït en altres països europeus en el passat i recentment.Two new locations in Spain of Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda, Planorbidae), intermediate host of urinary Schistosomiasis Two new populations of the planorbid snail species Bulinus truncatus were found in Spain in 2014. The first consisted of shells only, found in the lagoon of Villena (province of Alicante), which had dried up at the beginning of the 19th century. This finding is of important biogeographic interest because it links the presence of this species in northern Catalonia with its detection in southern Andalucia as this species had not been found previously in the regions of Murcia or Valencia. The second population was found in El Ejido (province of Almeria), and thousands of living specimens were found here. This allowed a complete shell characterisation and molecular assessment by means of sequencing the cox1 gene of the mitochondrial DNA genome, which showed 100% homology with sequences of other populations of the same snail species available in the GenBank. The finding of B. truncatus in Almeria is of additional value given the applied importance of this planorbid species as a vector of urinary Schistosomiasis, thus representing a risk of introduction and autochthonous transmission of the disease in Spain, as has occurred in other southern European countries in the past and recently.Durante 2014, los autores han hallado dos nuevas poblaciones de Bulinus truncatus en España. En una de ellas, la laguna de Villena (Alicante), que fue desecada a principios del siglo XIX, sólo se encontraron conchas, mientras que en la otra, que se encuentra en El Ejido (Almería), se hallaron miles de ejemplares vivos. El enclave de Villena tiene un gran interés biogeográfico pues enlaza las poblaciones catalanas con las andaluzas, ya que ni en Murcia ni hasta ahora en la Comunidad Valenciana se conocía su presencia. La población almeriense ha sido objeto de estudio conquiliológico y molecular (gen cox1 del ADN mitocondrial) detectándose un 100% de homología con otras poblaciones de B. truncatus cuyas secuencias ya están disponibles en el GenBank. El hallazgo almeriense es de gran interés por la posible llegada a España de la Schistosomiasis urinaria y establecerse una transmisión autóctona, como ha ocurrido ya en otros países europeos en el pasado y recientemente

    Nuevos datos sobre las helmintofaunas parasíticas de micromamíferos en las islas Pitiusas. I.

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    Resolving the Crab pulsar wind nebula at teraelectronvolt energies

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    The Crab nebula is one of the most-studied cosmic particle accelerators, shining brightly across the entire electromagnetic spectrum up to very-high-energy gamma rays1,2. It is known from observations in the radio to gamma-ray part of the spectrum that the nebula is powered by a pulsar, which converts most of its rotational energy losses into a highly relativistic outflow. This outflow powers a pulsar wind nebula, a region of up to ten light-years across, filled with relativistic electrons and positrons. These particles emit synchrotron photons in the ambient magnetic field and produce very-high-energy gamma rays by Compton up-scattering of ambient low-energy photons. Although the synchrotron morphology of the nebula is well established, it has not been known from which region the very-high-energy gamma rays are emitted3,4,5,6,7,8. Here we report that the Crab nebula has an angular extension at gamma-ray energies of 52 arcseconds (assuming a Gaussian source width), much larger than at X-ray energies. This result closes a gap in the multi-wavelength coverage of the nebula, revealing the emission region of the highest-energy gamma rays. These gamma rays enable us to probe a previously inaccessible electron and positron energy range. We find that simulations of the electromagnetic emission reproduce our measurement, pro

    Model and methodology for developing empathy: an experience in computer science engineering

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    Contribution: This article proposes and applies a new systemic 3-D model and a methodology for empathy awareness and development, integrating different partial approaches found in the literature for developing empathy as a transversal competence. Background: Empathy is a competence linked to collaboration and teamwork. Perspective taking (PT) is an important component of empathy and it is key for professionals today. Even though empathy is valued in computer science engineering (CSE) courses, it is not yet fully addressed as an integral part of the training process. Intended Outcomes: Both the model and the methodology are put into practice with a group of first-year CSE students, highlighting the possibilities of the proposal for this course of studies. The experience presented here is an example of a classroom activity in which awareness and PT are addressed, as key components, in relation to the collaborative work toward achieving empathy. Application Design: The methodological proposal is applied to guide educators’ decisions so that they can work on empathy in the classroom. Responses to several standardized and ad-hoc questionnaires by students from two universities are analyzed. Findings: The results revealed low to medium empathy levels in participating students, but a higher perception of their own empathic ability. The proposed methodology allows students to become aware of and develop some initial changes in relation to empathy, particularly in its PT component, through classroom work

    Risk map of transmission of urogenital schistosomiasis by Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Mollusca Gastropoda, Bulinidae) in Spain and Portugal

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    We present a geographical distribution map of Bulinus truncatus based on historical and current localities in Spain and Portugal, that corresponds to the risk map of urogenital schistosomiasis for this freshwater snail. We reviewed samples of the species deposited at the Museu de Ciències Naturals of Barcelona and the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid, together with our own data, including some unpublished contributions. This map will help determine the optimal area for this species and identify areas of greatest risk for urogenital schistosomiasis in the two countries. We emphasize that global change and climate change may favour the presence of both the vector (B. truncatus) and the parasite (Schistosoma haematobium) in Spain and Portugal

    Analysis of Innovative Approaches in the Class Using Conceptual Maps and Considering the Learning Styles of Students

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    This paper presents innovations to stimulate the autonomy of engineering students by using different active methodologies. The strategies designed to address this problem are based on analyzing students' learning styles and incorporating specific tools into teaching practice, such as "M-eRoDes, " which supports the automatic evaluation and feedback of concept maps created by them. Among the main findings, the students' assessment of the activity "making concept maps" stands out as useful but not easy. Despite the difficulty, or precisely for that reason, the experience has contributed to improve their autonomy and to develop skills to express the knowledge they have learned

    Guidelines to design tangible tabletop activities for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most frequent neurodevelopmental disorders among children. In spite of this, there is a lack of HCI research specifically devoted to these children. This paper describes efforts to transfer previous experience with other neurodiverse children in the field of tangible tabletops to ADHD children. The results of evaluation sessions carried out in conjunction with an ADHD association, complemented with an in-depth study of their special characteristics and needs, have led to a set of guidelines oriented to the design of tangible tabletop activities. These guidelines are mostly general and applicable to the design of any interactive application oriented to ADHD children. They are also appropriate for applications for other neurodiverse children or, in fact, any child from a more inclusive perspective

    Estudio ecocardiográfico y de la concentración de NT-proBNP en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 con y sin cardiopatía isquémica

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in echocardiographic findings or in the level of a biochemical marker (i.e. N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide [NT-proBNP]) between controls and type-2 diabetic patients with or without ischemic heart disease. Echocardiography was used to assess left ventricular function and morphology. In addition, the plasma NT-proBNP concentration was measured. The prevalence of diastolic dysfunction was greater in diabetics without ischemic heart disease than in controls (88% vs. 74%, respectively; P< .001) and the NT-proBNP concentration was higher (350.6+/-197.8 vs. 281.7+/-190.4 fmol/mL; P< .001). Diabetics with ischemic heart disease had a higher NT-proBNP concentration than those without (720.4+/-278.1 vs. 350.6+/-197.8 fmol/mL, respectively; P< .001). An NT-proBNP concentration >490 fmol/mL had a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 75% for detecting ischemic heart disease in diabetics