83 research outputs found

    First interferometric study of enhanced N-fractionation in N2_{2}H+^{+}: the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 05358+3543

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    Nitrogen (N) fractionation is used as a tool to search for a link between the chemical history of the Solar System and star-forming regions. A large variation of 14^{14}N/15^{15}N is observed towards different astrophysical sources, and current chemical models cannot reproduce it. With the advent of high angular resolution radiotelescopes it is now possible to search for N-fractionation at core scales. We present IRAM NOEMA observations of the J=1-0 transition of N2_{2}H+^{+}, 15^{15}NNH+^{+} and N15^{15}NNH+^{+} towards the high-mass protocluster IRAS 05358+3543. We find 14^{14}N/15^{15}N ratios that span from \sim100 up to \sim220 and these values are lower or equal than those observed with single-dish observations towards the same source. Since N-fractionation changes across the studied region, this means that it is regulated by local environmental effects. We find also the possibility, for one of the four cores defined in the protocluster, to have a more abundant 15^{15}NNH+^{+} with respect to N15^{15}NNH+^{+}. This is another indication that current chemical models may be missing chemical reactions or may not take into account other mechanisms, like photodissociation or grain surface chemistry, that could be important.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, 3 appendices Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter

    Identification of Histopathological Criteria for the Diagnosis of Canine Cutaneous Progressive Angiomatosis

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    The term angiomatosis is used to denote a group of well-known to poorly characterized proliferative vascular entities. In animals, cutaneous progressive angiomatosis (CPA) is a disorder with variable prognosis related to the extension and depth of infiltration of the surrounding tissues by vessels. CPA may share some microscopical features with other vascular proliferations such as low-grade well-differentiated capillaritic hemangiosarcoma (HS), making the diagnosis not always straightforward, especially in small biopsies. The aim of this study is to retrospectively assess the most common diagnostic microscopical features of CPA in dogs. In this work, 11 histopathological criteria were analyzed on 31 CPA and 11 primary cutaneous HS in dogs. Features significantly associated with CPA included: lobular growth, interposition of connective tissue and adnexa between the vascular proliferation, presence of nerve fibers, and a mixed vascular proliferative component. Absence of plump/prominent endothelial cells, lack of atypia, and lack of mitoses were also significant factors differentiating CPA from HS. Additional distinctive findings in CPA, although with no statistical association to CPA diagnosis, were vascular shunting, absence of necrosis, and endothelial cell piling up. In conclusion, the combined use of different microscopical clues allowed for the distinction of CPA from HS and was considered useful for the diagnosis of CPA


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    Pecorino cheese is one of the “D.O.P.” products made in Tuscany. There are two types of pecorino cheese one of which undergoes a curing time period which is not less than four months. Considering this curing time period, processes are conceivable that could lead to the formation of amines such as free amino acids. The biogenic amines have unquestionable effects on health in particular histamine and tyramine, they are also important indicators of hygienic quality of the profile of the movement shortly after the curing time period and included in the shelf life period which the product is commercialized

    Laser Cooling of Optically Trapped Molecules

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    Calcium monofluoride (CaF) molecules are loaded into an optical dipole trap (ODT) and subsequently laser cooled within the trap. Starting with magneto-optical trapping, we sub-Doppler cool CaF and then load 150(30)150(30) CaF molecules into an ODT. Enhanced loading by a factor of five is obtained when sub-Doppler cooling light and trapping light are on simultaneously. For trapped molecules, we directly observe efficient sub-Doppler cooling to a temperature of 60(5)60(5) μK\mu\text{K}. The trapped molecular density of 8(2)×1078(2)\times10^7 cm3^{-3} is an order of magnitude greater than in the initial sub-Doppler cooled sample. The trap lifetime of 750(40) ms is dominated by background gas collisions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    ALCHEMI Finds a “Shocking” Carbon Footprint in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253

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    The centers of starburst galaxies may be characterized by a specific gas and ice chemistry due to their gas dynamics and the presence of various ice desorption mechanisms. This may result in a peculiar observable composition. We analyse the abundances of CO2, a reliable tracer of ice chemistry, from data collected as part of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array large program ALCHEMI, a wide-frequency spectral scan toward the starburst galaxy NGC 253 with an angular resolution of 1.″6. We constrain the CO2 abundances in the gas phase using its protonated form HOCO+. The distribution of HOCO+ is similar to that of methanol, which suggests that HOCO+ is indeed produced from the protonation of CO2 sublimated from ice. The HOCO+ fractional abundances are found to be (1-2) 7 10−9 at the outer part of the central molecular zone (CMZ), while they are lower (∼10−10) near the kinematic center. This peak fractional abundance at the outer CMZ is comparable to that in the Milky Way CMZ, and orders of magnitude higher than that in Galactic disk, star-forming regions. From the range of HOCO+/CO2 ratios suggested from chemical models, the gas-phase CO2 fractional abundance is estimated to be (1-20) 7 10−7 at the outer CMZ, and orders of magnitude lower near the center. We estimate the CO2 ice fractional abundances at the outer CMZ to be (2-5) 7 10−6 from the literature. A comparison between the ice and gas CO2 abundances suggests an efficient sublimation mechanism. This sublimation is attributed to large-scale shocks at the orbital intersections of the bar and CMZ

    Energizing Star Formation: The Cosmic Ray Ionization Rate in NGC 253 Derived From ALCHEMI Measurements of H3_3O+^+ and SO

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    The cosmic ray ionization rate (CRIR) is a key parameter in understanding the physical and chemical processes in the interstellar medium. Cosmic rays are a significant source of energy in star formation regions, which impacts the physical and chemical processes which drive the formation of stars. Previous studies of the circum-molecular zone (CMZ) of the starburst galaxy NGC 253 have found evidence for a high CRIR value; 10310610^3-10^6 times the average cosmic ray ionization rate within the Milky Way. This is a broad constraint and one goal of this study is to determine this value with much higher precision. We exploit ALMA observations towards the central molecular zone of NGC 253 to measure the CRIR. We first demonstrate that the abundance ratio of H3_3O+^+ and SO is strongly sensitive to the CRIR. We then combine chemical and radiative transfer models with nested sampling to infer the gas properties and CRIR of several star-forming regions in NGC 253 due to emission from their transitions. We find that each of the four regions modelled has a CRIR in the range (180)×1014(1-80)\times10^{-14} s1^{-1} and that this result adequately fits the abundances of other species that are believed to be sensitive to cosmic rays including C2_2H, HCO+^+, HOC+^+, and CO. From shock and PDR/XDR models, we further find that neither UV/X-ray driven nor shock dominated chemistry are a viable single alternative as none of these processes can adequately fit the abundances of all of these species.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Tracing Interstellar Heating: An ALCHEMI Measurement of the HCN Isomers in NGC 253

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    We analyze HCN and HNC emission in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253 to investigate its effectiveness in tracing heating processes associated with star formation. This study uses multiple HCN and HNC rotational transitions observed using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array via the ALCHEMI Large Program. To understand the conditions and associated heating mechanisms within NGC 253\u27s dense gas, we employ Bayesian nested sampling techniques applied to chemical and radiative transfer models, which are constrained using our HCN and HNC measurements. We find that the volume density n H 2 and cosmic-ray ionization rate (CRIR) ζ are enhanced by about an order of magnitude in the galaxy’s central regions as compared to those further from the nucleus. In NGC 253\u27s central giant molecular clouds (GMCs), where observed HCN/HNC abundance ratios are the lowest, n ∼ 105.5 cm−3 and ζ ∼ 10−12 s−1 (greater than 104 times the average Galactic rate). We find a positive correlation in the association of both density and CRIR with the number of star formation-related heating sources (supernova remnants, H ii regions, and super hot cores) located in each GMC, as well as a correlation between CRIRs and supernova rates. Additionally, we see an anticorrelation between the HCN/HNC ratio and CRIR, indicating that this ratio will be lower in regions where ζ is higher. Though previous studies suggested HCN and HNC may reveal strong mechanical heating processes in NGC 253\u27s CMZ, we find cosmic-ray heating dominates the heating budget, and mechanical heating does not play a significant role in the HCN and HNC chemistry

    Starburst Energy Feedback Seen through HCO+/HOC+Emission in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI

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    Molecular abundances are sensitive to the UV photon flux and cosmic-ray ionization rate. In starburst environments, the effects of high-energy photons and particles are expected to be stronger. We examine these astrochemical signatures through multiple transitions of HCO+ and its metastable isomer HOC+ in the center of the starburst galaxy NGC 253 using data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array large program ALMA Comprehensive High-resolution Extragalactic Molecular inventory. The distribution of the HOC+(1-0) integrated intensity shows its association with "superbubbles,"cavities created either by supernovae or expanding H ii regions. The observed HCO+/HOC+ abundance ratios are ∼10-150, and the fractional abundance of HOC+ relative to H2 is ∼1.5 × 10-11-6 × 10-10, which implies that the HOC+ abundance in the center of NGC 253 is significantly higher than in quiescent spiral arm dark clouds in the Galaxy and the Galactic center clouds. Comparison with chemical models implies either an interstellar radiation field of G 0 ⪆ 103 if the maximum visual extinction is ⪆5, or a cosmic-ray ionization rate of ζ ⪆ 10-14 s-1 (3-4 orders of magnitude higher than that within clouds in the Galactic spiral arms) to reproduce the observed results. From the difference in formation routes of HOC+, we propose that a low-excitation line of HOC+ traces cosmic-ray dominated regions, while high-excitation lines trace photodissociation regions. Our results suggest that the interstellar medium in the center of NGC 253 is significantly affected by energy input from UV photons and cosmic rays, sources of energy feedback.N.H. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant No. JP21K03634. K.S. has been supported by grants MOST 108-2112-M-001-015 and 109- 2112-M-001-020 from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Y.N. is supported by the NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research grant No. 2017-06B. V.M.R. and L.C. are funded by the Comunidad de Madrid through the Atracción de Talento Investigador (Doctores con experiencia) Grant (COOL: Cosmic Origins Of Life; 2019-T1/TIC-15379)