17 research outputs found

    Epidemiologia das doenças tropicais negligenciadas em receptores de transplantes: revisão da literatura e experiência de um centro brasileiro

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    O sucesso crescente dos transplantes de órgãos sólidos (TOS) e de células tronco-hematopoiéticas (TCTH) e as novas drogas imunossupressoras fizeram dos transplantes a primeira opção terapêutica para muitas doenças que afetam milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Também os populosos países em desenvolvimento investiram no crescimento de seus programas de transplante e desde então começaram a vivenciar o impacto das doenças tropicais negligenciadas (DTNs) nestes pacientes. Revisamos os dados da literatura sobre a epidemiologia das DTNs de maior impacto clinico e social que afetam receptores de transplante de países em desenvolvimento, ou que podem representar um risco para receptores de transplante vivendo em outras regiões não afetadas por estas doenças. Tuberculose, hanseníase, doença de Chagas, malaria, leishmaniose, dengue, febre amarela e sarampo são os tópicos incluídos nesta revisão. Além disso, revisamos retrospectivamente a experiência referente ao manejo das DTNs do Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea da Fundação Amaral Carvalho, atualmente o maior centro de TCTH alogênico do Brasil.The rising success rate of solid organ (SOT) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and modern immunosuppression make transplants the first therapeutic option for many diseases affecting a considerable number of people worldwide. Consequently, developing countries have also grown their transplant programs and have started to face the impact of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in transplant recipients. We reviewed the literature data on the epidemiology of NTDs with greatest disease burden, which have affected transplant recipients in developing countries or may represent a threat to transplant recipients living in other regions. Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Chagas disease, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Dengue, Yellow fever and Measles are the topics included in this review. In addition, we retrospectively revised the experience concerning the management of NTDs at the HSCT program of Amaral Carvalho Foundation, a public transplant program of the state of São Paulo, Brazil

    Difficulties in the revaccination program of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients

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    Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients should be routinely revaccinated after transplantation. We evaluated the difficulties met in the revaccination program and how a prospective and tailored follow-up could help to overcome these obstacles. HSCT recipients (n=122) were prospectively followed up and categorized into Group 1 (n=72), recipients who had already started the revaccination program, and Group 2 (n=50), recipients starting their vaccines. Whenever a difficulty was reported, interventions and subsequent evaluations were performed. Reported problems were related to patient compliance, HSCT center and/or vaccination center. Problems related to patient compliance were less frequent than those related to HSCT center modifications of previous recommendations, or to errors made by the vaccination center. The main gap found was vaccination delays (81.9%). Advisory intervention was needed in 64% and 46% of Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (p=0.05), and was partially successful in around 70% of the cases. Total resolution was achieved in more than 35% in both groups. Improvements are needed in the Brazilian vaccination program for HSCT recipients to assure a complete and updated revaccination schedule. HSCT centers should assign nurses and transplant infectious disease specialist physicians to organize the revaccination schedule and to monitor the program development

    Monitoramento de doadores e receptores provenientes de áreas endêmicas para malária em transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas

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    Malaria is an unusual complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in non-endemic countries. However, transplant candidates, recipients and donors living in endemic regions frequently report previous episodes of malaria. This fact could represent an important risk for immunosuppressed recipients that could develop severe malaria cases. We report a case of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in which the donor had a history of previous malaria, and close monitoring was performed before and after procedure by parasitological and molecular tests. The donor presented Plasmodium vivax in thick blood smears one month after transplant and was treated according to Brazilian Health Ministry guidelines. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was able to detect malaria infection in the donor one week earlier than thick blood film. Even without positive results, the recipient was pre-emptively treated with chloroquine in order to prevent the disease. We highlight the importance of monitoring recipients and donors in transplant procedures with the aim of reducing the risk of malaria transmission.A malária é complicação incomum após o transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas em países endêmicos. No entanto, candidatos a transplantes, receptores e doadores que vivem em regiões endêmicas frequentemente relatam episódios anteriores de malária. Este fato pode representar um risco importante para receptores imunossuprimidos, que podem desenvolver casos de malária grave. Relatamos um caso de transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) em que o doador teve história de malária anterior e um monitoramento por meio de exames parasitológicos e moleculares foi realizado antes e após o procedimento. O doador apresentou Plasmodium vivax na gota espessa um mês após o transplante e foi tratado de acordo com as orientações do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro. A reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) foi capaz de detectar a infecção por malária no doador uma semana mais cedo do que a gota espessa. Mesmo sem resultados positivos, o receptor foi preventivamente tratado com cloroquina, a fim de prevenir as formas sanguíneas assexuadas. Destacamos a importância do monitoramento de receptores e doadores em procedimentos de transplante, com o objetivo de reduzir o risco de transmissão da malária

    HLA antibodies and donor selection

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    In spite of Anti-HLA antibodies being associated to rejection in solid organs transplantation, this correlation has not been well established yet in allogenic bone marrow transplantation.Recent studies in the literature have demonstrated that engraftment failure in hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) can be mediated by donor specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA). These antibodies specificity can be detected by solid-phase techniques, where single HLA antigens are adhered to microbeads, which allows the interpretation of host reactivity by virtual crossmatch. In the presence of DSA, it is advisable to either search for another donor or remove the antibodies prior to transplantation.Apesar da presença de anticorpos anti-HLA em transplantes de órgãos sólidos estar associada à rejeição, essa correlação não havia sido pesquisada em transplante alogênico de células progenitoras hematopoéticas (TCPH). Estudos mais recentes na literatura têm demonstrado que a falência da enxertia no TCPH pode ser mediada por aloanticorpos anti-HLA doador especifico (DSA). A especificidade desses anticorpos pode ser evidenciada pelas técnicas de fase sólida, onde os antígenos HLA únicos são aderidos a pérolas de poliestireno, que permite a realização da prova cruzada virtual. Na presença de DSA, é recomendável selecionar outro doador ou realizar as estratégias de remoção dos anticorpos.Clínica do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein Departamento de PatologiaInstituto Nacional do Câncer Laboratório de ImunogenéticaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Hospital de Clínicas Laboratório de ImunogenéticaInstituto Nacional do CâncerUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Hospital Sírio Libanês Centro de OncologiaHospital Amaral do CarvalhoHospital Amaral Carvalho Hemonúcleo Regional de Jaú Unidade de Transplante de Medula ÓsseaInstituto Nacional de CâncerJRM Investigações ImunológicasUNIFESP, Hospital Sírio Libanês Centro de OncologiaSciEL

    Umbilical cord blood transplantation

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    The frequent use of umbilical cord blood as the source of hematopoietic stem cells, both in children and adults who do not have related donors, has led to the establishment of a better standardization of selection criteria aiming at improving the results. The choice of the umbilical cord blood unit should be based on the total number of nucleated cells and the number of differences in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. When a unit has minimal cellularity, the use of a double cord blood transplant should be considered. When two or more units have similar characteristics, the choice may be determined by the CD34 count, ABO compatibility and the quality and speed to obtain the unit.A frequente utilização de sangue de cordão umbilical - SCU como fonte de células- tronco hematopoéticas - CTH, tanto em crianças, como em adultos, que não dispõem de doador na família, tem levado ao estabelecimento da padronização de critérios em sua seleção, objetivando a obtenção de melhores resultados. A escolha da unidade de SCU deve basear-se no número total de células nucleadas e no número de diferenças de antígenos leucocitários humanos (HLA). Diante de uma unidade com celularidade mínima, deve-se considerar a possibilidade da utilização de duplo cordão. Frente a mais de uma unidade com características semelhantes, a realização da contagem de células CD34 e da compatibilidade ABO, assim como a qualidade e a rapidez para obtenção da unidade, podem definir a escolha.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal do Paraná Hospital de Clínicas Laboratório de ImunogenéticaInstituto Nacional do Câncer Laboratório de ImunogenéticaHospital Israelita Albert Einstein Departamento de Patologia ClínicaInstituto Nacional do Câncer Rereme/RedomeHospital Amaral Carvalho Unidade de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Hemonúcleo Regional de JaúInstituto Nacional do CâncerJRM Investigações ImunológicasUNIFESPSciEL

    Validation Of The Ebmt Risk Score In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia In Brazil And Allogeneic Transplant Outcome.

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    The management of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has changed radically since the introduction of imatinib therapy. The decision of whether to offer a patient a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) must be based on the probability of success of the procedure. The aim of this retrospective analysis of 1,084 CML patients who received an allogeneic HSCT in 10 Brazilian Centers between February 1983 and March 2003 was to validate the EBMT risk score. The study population comprised 647 (60%) males and 437 (40%) females, with a median age of 32 years old (range 1 - 59); 898 (83%) were in chronic phase, 146 (13%) were in accelerated phase and 40 (4%) were in blast crisis; 151 (14%) were younger than 20 years old, 620 (57%) were between 20 and 40 and 313 (29%) were older than 40; 1,025 (94%) received an HLA fully matched sibling transplant and only 59 (6%) received an unrelated transplant. In 283 cases (26%) a male recipient received a graft from a female donor. The interval from diagnosis to transplantation was less than 12 months in 223 (21%) cases and greater in 861 (79%). The overall survival, disease-free survival, transplant-related mortality and relapse incidence were 49%, 50%, 45% and 25%, respectively. Of the 1084 patients, 179 (17%) had a risk score of 0 or 1, 397 (37%) had a score of 2, 345 (32%) had a score of 3, 135 (12%) had a score of 4 and 28 (2%) a score of 5 or 6. The overall survival (OS) rate in patients with risk scores 0-1 and 2 was similar (58% and 55%, respectively) but significantly better than that in patients with scores 3 or more (score 3 - 44%, 4 - 36 % and 5-6 - 27%, respectively) pp<0.001). Disease-free survival (DFS) and transplant related mortality (TRM) in a patients with a score of 3 or more were 46% and 49%, respectively and the relapse rate beyond score 5-6 was 77%. Disease status had a negative impact on all outcomes (OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse). The OS rate for male recipients of a graft from a female donor was 40% compared to 52% among the other donor-recipient pairs (p=0.004). DFS and TRM were significant for disease phase and female donor-male recipient (p<0.001 and p<0.003, respectively). In our experience, age and interval between diagnosis and transplant did influence OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse rate. Our results validate the EBMT risk score in the context of a developing country and confirm its usefulness for making point decisions in the imatinib era.90232-

    Difficulties in the revaccination program of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients

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    ABSTRACT Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients should be routinely revaccinated after transplantation. We evaluated the difficulties met in the revaccination program and how a prospective and tailored follow-up could help to overcome these obstacles. HSCT recipients (n=122) were prospectively followed up and categorized into Group 1 (n=72), recipients who had already started the revaccination program, and Group 2 (n=50), recipients starting their vaccines. Whenever a difficulty was reported, interventions and subsequent evaluations were performed. Reported problems were related to patient compliance, HSCT center and/or vaccination center. Problems related to patient compliance were less frequent than those related to HSCT center modifications of previous recommendations, or to errors made by the vaccination center. The main gap found was vaccination delays (81.9%). Advisory intervention was needed in 64% and 46% of Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (p=0.05), and was partially successful in around 70% of the cases. Total resolution was achieved in more than 35% in both groups. Improvements are needed in the Brazilian vaccination program for HSCT recipients to assure a complete and updated revaccination schedule. HSCT centers should assign nurses and transplant infectious disease specialist physicians to organize the revaccination schedule and to monitor the program development

    Difficulties in the revaccination program of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients

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    ABSTRACT Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients should be routinely revaccinated after transplantation. We evaluated the difficulties met in the revaccination program and how a prospective and tailored follow-up could help to overcome these obstacles. HSCT recipients (n=122) were prospectively followed up and categorized into Group 1 (n=72), recipients who had already started the revaccination program, and Group 2 (n=50), recipients starting their vaccines. Whenever a difficulty was reported, interventions and subsequent evaluations were performed. Reported problems were related to patient compliance, HSCT center and/or vaccination center. Problems related to patient compliance were less frequent than those related to HSCT center modifications of previous recommendations, or to errors made by the vaccination center. The main gap found was vaccination delays (81.9%). Advisory intervention was needed in 64% and 46% of Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (p=0.05), and was partially successful in around 70% of the cases. Total resolution was achieved in more than 35% in both groups. Improvements are needed in the Brazilian vaccination program for HSCT recipients to assure a complete and updated revaccination schedule. HSCT centers should assign nurses and transplant infectious disease specialist physicians to organize the revaccination schedule and to monitor the program development

    Seleção de doador não aparentado HLA antibodies and donor selection

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    Apesar da presença de anticorpos anti-HLA em transplantes de órgãos sólidos estar associada à rejeição, essa correlação não havia sido pesquisada em transplante alogênico de células progenitoras hematopoéticas (TCPH). Estudos mais recentes na literatura têm demonstrado que a falência da enxertia no TCPH pode ser mediada por aloanticorpos anti-HLA doador especifico (DSA). A especificidade desses anticorpos pode ser evidenciada pelas técnicas de fase sólida, onde os antígenos HLA únicos são aderidos a pérolas de poliestireno, que permite a realização da prova cruzada virtual. Na presença de DSA, é recomendável selecionar outro doador ou realizar as estratégias de remoção dos anticorpos.In spite of Anti-HLA antibodies being associated to rejection in solid organs transplantation, this correlation has not been well established yet in allogenic bone marrow transplantation.Recent studies in the literature have demonstrated that engraftment failure in hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) can be mediated by donor specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA). These antibodies specificity can be detected by solid-phase techniques, where single HLA antigens are adhered to microbeads, which allows the interpretation of host reactivity by "virtual crossmatch". In the presence of DSA, it is advisable to either search for another donor or remove the antibodies prior to transplantation