12 research outputs found

    Una relectura de Croce entre pasado y presente. Croce y la crisis durante la segunda mitad de la posguerra

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    En el contexto de la actual escena histórico-política, profundizar en el pensamiento de Croce implica no solo reconstruir y revalorizar sus teorías estéticas e historiográficas, sino también su papel en la política italiana en los años inmediatos a la segunda postguerra, orientada apuntar a precisas posiciones políticas, como la defensa de la causa de Italia en la escena internacional o la exigencia de una emancipación política de Italia en el contexto de una escena europea, teniendo siempre presente la defensa de la dimensión espiritual

    Identidad, diferencia y alteridad en la reflexión ética contemporánea

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    Investigating the paths of ethics 'ethics of politics, ethics of philosophy', contemporary thought has been inquiring for a long into several tasks and aims, concerning the same practice of philosophy. Very lucidly, Emmanuel Levinas started from the criticism on philosophy as power ideology. In the background of the being qua totality, a plurality of existents competes among themselves to impose one's right to be. Philosophy is the awareness of the fact that the unwinding of being is determined by conflict, which is its impulse. Nevertheless, as a critical practice, philosophy consists in the capacity for unmasking the terrible evidence of the all-determining conflict. Philosophy is the defence tool enabling us not to be victims of illusion. Just because of that, contemporary ethics invites us to reconsider, with ever greater critical care, the connection me-you. After a careful analysis of the considerations on this subject by some thinkers in our time 'from Heidegger to Sartre, from Jaspers to Levinas, from Guardini to Piovani and Fornet Betancourt' this essay detect the possibility of a way out from the aporias, inevitably involving the connection to otherness 'with the resulting impossibility to usurp the exteriority of one another, who is kept safe by an insurmountable transcendency' in a new idea of Hybridisation (Mestizaje). It has not to do with ethnic or racial Hybridisation; the Hybridisation we refer to is anything but the idea about the existence of a social, cultural, linguistic, ethnic starting condition, neither of an homogeneous set generating a heterogeneous phenomenon by the meeting with another set. Instead, it could be considered as a 'virtue', that is, «sharing an existence without essence», a condition that allow us for escaping from the twofold trap of bringing the other into the boundaries of the supremacy of the same, or of falling into mere crossbreeding form

    Da Croce a Vico: il mio processo di lettura

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    Traducción de litaliano por María José Rebollo EspinosaEste breve artículo describe el proceso de lectura que me ha conducido al interés por la figura y la obra de G.B. Vico, a partir del magisterio crociano y de la nueva línea de estudios viquianos inaugurada en 1968.This brief article describes the reading process that arose my interest in the figure and work of G.B. Vico, inspired by Croce’s teaching and the new line of Vichian studies inaugurated in 1968.Questo breve articolo descrive il processo di lettura che mi ha portato all’interesse per la figura e il lavoro di G.B. Vico, ispirato dal magistero crociano e dalla nuova linea di studi vichiani inaugurata nel 1968

    Croce y la teoría viquiana de la risa. Del "yo grave" al "yo melancólico"

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    En el mismo periodo en el que concluía la monumental monografía sobre Giambattista Vico (1911), Benedetto Croce afronta en un breve ensayo un tema viquiano, hasta entonces casi desconocido, la doctrina sobre la risa. Abordamos este tema de la teoría viquiana sobre la risa, en cuyo texto Vico realiza una serie de reflexiones que constituyen el fondo y el objeto del ensayo crociano.At the same time that he concluded his prominent monograph about Giambattista Vico (1911), Benedetto Croce confronted in a brief essay a Viquian topic, almost unknown until then, which is the doctrine of laugh. We address here this Viquian theory of laugh, a text in which Vico produces a series of reflections that are both the background and focus of the Crocian essay

    Sull’edizione italiana delle Vorlesungen Husserliane del 1906/1907 = On the Italian Edition of the Husserlian Vorlesungen of 1906/1907

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    Abstract: This essay discusses some aspects of Husserl's volume XXIV (Vorlesungen 1906/1907), recently for the first time in the Italian edition; a volume of particular interest, because it represents Husserliana's attempt to reorganize the overall results of his research in the first decade of the 20th century. It is thus clearly configured - in an ideal "junction point" between the Logische Untersuchungen and the first book of Ideen - the "Critique of Theoretical Reason", which will have its development in later works

    Una relectura de Croce entre pasado y presente. Croce y la crisis durante la segunda posguerra

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    En el contexto de la actual escena histórico-política, profundizar en el pensamiento de Croce implica no solo reconstruir y revalorizar sus teorías estéticas e historiográficas, sino también su papel en la política italiana en los años inmediatos a la segunda postguerra, orientada apuntar a precisas posiciones políticas, como la defensa de la causa de Italia en la escena internacional o la exigencia de una emancipación política de Italia en el contexto de una escena europea, teniendo siempre presente la defensa de la dimensión espiritual

    Verità e salvezza dell'ente in Martin Heidegger e Emanuele Severino

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    Dottorato di ricerca in Dinamiche storiche, storia delle idee e modelli di razionalità, Ciclo XXV, a.a. 2013-2014Università della Calabri

    Nietzsche Artaud Bataille tra ragione del corpo e Erlebnis della coscienza

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    Dottorato di ricerca in Dinamiche storiche, storia delle idee e modelli di razionalità, Ciclo XXV, a.a. 2011-2012Università della Calabri