2,112 research outputs found

    Species Shout-Outs From Abdul to Zebra: Encouraging Nonmajors to Communicate in the Biology Classroom

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    In this learning activity, a simple verbal prompt was employed as a nonthreatening and engaging discussion starter for non-Biology majors in a biology class at a community college. By calling out the name of their favorite species, then relating new content to this organism, these “Species Shout-Outs” fostered enthusiasm among students by promoting engagement and creating relevance, all of which are important to improving higher education. This activity combined the elements of academic and social interaction, as well as active learning, which have been shown to be necessary to foster student retention through college

    Local interaction Strategies and Capacity for Better Care in Nursing Homes: A Multiple Case Study

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    To describe relationship patterns and management practices in nursing homes (NHs) that facilitate or pose barriers to better outcomes for residents and staff. Methods: We conducted comparative, multiple-case studies in selected NHs (N = 4). Data were collected over six months from managers and staff (N = 406), using direct observations, interviews, and document reviews. Manifest content analysis was used to identify and explore patterns within and between cases. Results: Participants described interaction strategies that they explained could either degrade or enhance their capacity to achieve better outcomes for residents; people in all job categories used these 'local interaction strategies'. We categorized these two sets of local interaction strategies as the 'common pattern' and the 'positive pattern' and summarize the results in two models of local interaction. Conclusions: The findings suggest the hypothesis that when staff members in NHs use the set of positive local interaction strategies, they promote inter-connections, information exchange, and diversity of cognitive schema in problem solving that, in turn, create the capacity for delivering better resident care. We propose that these positive local interaction strategies are a critical driver of care quality in NHs. Our hypothesis implies that, while staffing levels and skill mix are important factors for care quality, improvement would be difficult to achieve if staff members are not engaged with each other in these ways.National Institutes of Health 2 R01NR003178-04A2Claude A. Pepper Older American's Independence Center AG-11268Paul A. Beeson Award NIA AG024787VA Health Services Research and Development EDU 08-417John A. Hartford Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Claire M. Fagin FellowshipBusiness Administratio

    Parasites of Civets (Mammalia, Viverridae) in Sabah, Borneo: A Coprological Survey

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    Parasite data were collected from unlogged and selectively logged lowland rain forests in Borneo. Scat from a female Viverra tangalunga (Malay civet) in the unlogged forest contained eggs of Capillaria spp., Trichuris sp., Mamomoganomus sp., and nematode larvae. Scat attributed to V. tangalunga contained reproductive products (eggs/oocysts/cysts/larvae) of Capillaria sp., Toxocara sp., Ancylostoma sp. (probably A. ceylanicum), Isospora spp., strongylate-type eggs (probably Ancylostoma spp.), Paragoni­ mus sp. and other Trematoda eggs, Monocystis sp. cysts, Gnathostoma sp. (probably G. spinigerum), the lungworm Viverrostrongylus brauni, pinworm-type eggs, Eimeria spp., Sarcocystis-type sporocyst, dermanysid mites and mesostigmatid mites. Parasites from gut samples from two Hemigalus derbyanus (banded palm civets) road kills included Capil­ laria sp., other trematode eggs, Demodex-type eggs, Ascarid-type eggs and pinworm-type eggs. Gut contents from a Pardoxurus hermaphrodites (common palm civet) road kill contained Eimeria oocysts, Monocystis cysts and possibly Ascaridia eggs. Because many parasite groups detected have intermediate and definitive hosts that are prey species, some parasite products observed may be transmitted through predation or may be internal or external parasites of prey items. Species richness and diversity of gut parasites were similar between sites.The higher incidence of coccidia and Viverrostrongylus brauni in the logged forest, and hookworms in the unlogged forest may be related to dietary differences between sites

    The Impact of Gut Passage by Binturongs (Arctictus Binturong) on Seed Germination

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    Binturongs (Arctictis binturong) are the largest of Asian civets and, due to their highly frugivorous diet, are expected to play an important role in seed dispersal processes. To study the effect of binturong gut passage on seed viability, we fed 10 captive binturongs with fruits of longan (Dimocarpus longan), papaya (Carica papaya) and chiku (Manilkara zapota), collected the seeds they defaecated, and planted these to determine seed germination rate and time. Of the defaecated seeds, 90.4% passed through binturong gut intact in under nine hours, and 99.4% passed in under 33 hours. Chiku seeds had the highest germination rate (35.7% and 34.8% for ingested and control seeds, respectively), followed by papaya (30.8% and 27.6%) and longan (18.9% and 29.8%). The germination rate of longan seeds ingested by binturong was significantly lower than that control seeds, while for the other two species there were no differences. All three species germinated approximately three days faster after gut passage, which may increase seedling survival. This study indicates that binturongs may be effective agents of seed dispersal for some fruit species

    Spitzer Phase Curves of KELT-1b and the Signatures of Nightside Clouds in Thermal Phase Observations

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    We observed two full orbital phase curves of the transiting brown dwarf KELT-1b, at 3.6um and 4.5um, using the Spitzer Space Telescope. Combined with previous eclipse data from Beatty et al. (2014), we strongly detect KELT-1b's phase variation as a single sinusoid in both bands, with amplitudes of 964±36964\pm36 ppm at 3.6um and 979±54979\pm54 ppm at 4.5um, and confirm the secondary eclipse depths measured by Beatty et al. (2014). We also measure noticeable Eastward hotspot offsets of 28.4±3.528.4\pm3.5 degrees at 3.6um and 18.6±5.218.6\pm5.2 degrees at 4.5um. Both the day-night temperature contrasts and the hotspot offsets we measure are in line with the trends seen in hot Jupiters (e.g., Crossfield 2015), though we disagree with the recent suggestion of an offset trend by Zhang et al. (2018). Using an ensemble analysis of Spitzer phase curves, we argue that nightside clouds are playing a noticeable role in modulating the thermal emission from these objects, based on: 1) the lack of a clear trend in phase offsets with equilibrium temperature, 2) the sharp day-night transitions required to have non-negative intensity maps, which also resolves the inversion issues raised by Keating & Cowan (2017), 3) the fact that all the nightsides of these objects appear to be at roughly the same temperature of 1000K, while the dayside temperatures increase linearly with equilibrium temperature, and 4) the trajectories of these objects on a Spitzer color-magnitude diagram, which suggest colors only explainable via nightside clouds.Comment: AJ in press. Updated to reflect the accepted versio

    Sediment Microbiomes Associated with Critical Habitat of the Juvenile American Horseshoe Crab; Limulus Polyphemus

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    Plumb Beach, Brooklyn, New York in USA is an important horseshoe crab breeding and nursery ground that has experienced substantial anthropogenic influence, including pollution, erosion and subsequent restoration. Since little is known about the relationship between sediment microbial communities and juvenile horseshoe crab survival, next generation sequencing was used to characterize and compare the sediment microbiome of three distinct areas of Plumb Beach:- a tidal creek with abundant juveniles, East Beach with moderate number of juveniles, and West Beach- a highly disturbed area where juvenile crabs are rarely seen. The microbiome of juvenile crab intestinal content (both dissected gut content and fecal flush content) from the tidal creek site was also examined. The results showed that in our 2017 survey, the overall dominant sediment orders at all beach sites were Vibrionales (30%), Flavobacteriales (22%) and Alteromonadales (21%). Although alpha diversity was similar among the three beach sites, Bray-Curtis distances assessed by Permanova revealed significant differences in Beta diversity, with a unique microbial assemblage found in the tidal creek. Both crab gut and fecal flush samples did not sequence well, showing low species diversity and very high variability. This study is the first to use next generation sequencing to characterize Plumb Beach sediment microbes and the first attempt to examine the gut microbiome of juvenile horseshoe crabs. This information will contribute to understanding the relationships between sediment microbial assemblages and juvenile crab populations within this important urban habitat

    Prélèvement et échantillonnage dans les petits bassins-versants ruraux

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    Cet article traite de la représentativité des prélèvements d'eau effectués dans le cadre de suivis de bassins versants ou de rivières.Les réflexions proposées sont en premier lieu basées sur des expérimentations de laboratoire et de terrain destinées à comparer divers systèmes et modalités de prélèvements. Les résultats obtenus montrent en particulier que les prélèvements de matières en suspension de dimensions > 100 µm sont peu fiables alors que ce type de particules présente, dans certain cas, une contribution non négligeable aux flux de phosphore total.Les suivis réalisés en divers points représentatifs de petits bassins expérimentaux fournissent des éléments de discussion complémentaires sur le choix des sites des prélèvements et sur les pas de temps de ceux-ci. Nous montrons entre autre, toute l'importance de saisir le début des crues dans les bassins à forte pollution ponctuelle et de considérer des suivis des périodes suffisamment longues pour intégrer les divers fonctionnements hydrochimiques du bassin versant étudié.Water and suspended matter sampling in hydrographic networks is studied through various sampling systems and procedures, and through devices used in fields and in laboratories (fig. 1).Large size particles tend to be underestimated whatever the sampling procedure (manual or automatic) (fig. 2, 3). On the other hand, the sampling for soluble elements and small site particles (less man 50 µm) is very reliable. This is observed in suspended matter concentrations, eg < 2 g.l-1.The largest particles of suspended matter sometimes contribute to nutrient transfer, e.g. phosphorous. This however depends upon the presence of soil microaggregates and nutrient geochemistry. Moreover, natural hydrological variations give rise to another problem for sampling, especially for suspended matter (fig. 7, 9, 10, table 2).Comparatively the variation due to preservation of water is of secondary importance (fig. 11).However, thanks to results from monitoring in experimental watersheds, it is possible to find the best sampling station and the hast time to carry out sampling (fig. 12, 13; fable 3).Duration of survey and intervals between each sample depend, of course, upon the objectives of the study, but also upon watershed characteristics. Considering these characteristics, we propose an example of sampling stategy in the text (table 6, fig. 5)

    The Radical Complexity of Rewiring Supplier–Buyer Networks

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    This paper questions the dynamic stability of supplier-buyer networks. We investigate a simple rewiring process, by which firms change suppliers if it increases profit, within an otherwise classical production network model with market clearing, profit-maximization, and complete information. We find that these systems exhibit extremely vast sets of path-dependent and locally-stable configurations, in which firms have no interest to change suppliers. Following an external shock, the network undergoes a cascade of rewirings and reaches a new stable configuration. However the duration of those cascades quickly increases with network size, suggesting that, in real network made of millions of firm, locally-stable configurations are not likely to be ever reached. Moreover, as soon as firms have limited visibility over their supply chain, networks fail to stabilize and keep changing configurations forever. They either drift in the topological space or alternate within a reduced set of configurations. Our results are consistent with the well-known combinatorial problems marked by rugged dynamical landscapes. Because of such a radical complexity, one cannot assume that supplier-buyer networks are in equilibrium