875 research outputs found

    Internet-based psychoeducation for bipolar disorder: a qualitative analysis of feasibility, acceptability and impact

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    <p>Background: In a recent exploratory randomised trial we found that a novel, internet-based psychoeducation programme for bipolar disorder (Beating Bipolar) was relatively easy to deliver and had a modest effect on psychological quality of life. We sought to explore the experiences of participants with respect to feasibility, acceptability and impact of Beating Bipolar.</p> <p>Methods: Participants were invited to take part in a semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis techniques were employed; to explore and describe participants’ experiences, the data were analysed for emerging themes which were identified and coded.</p> <p>Results: The programme was feasible to deliver and acceptable to participants where they felt comfortable using a computer. It was found to impact upon insight into illness, health behaviour, personal routines and positive attitudes towards medication. Many participants regarded the programme as likely to be most beneficial for those recently diagnosed.</p> <p>Conclusions: An online psychoeducation package for bipolar disorder, such as Beating Bipolar, is feasible and acceptable to patients, has a positive impact on self-management behaviours and may be particularly suited to early intervention. Alternative (non-internet) formats should also be made available to patients.</p&gt

    Comportamiento dieléctrico de materiales compuestos reforzados con Ground Tire Rubber (GTR)

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    La masiva fabricación de neumáticos y la dificultad para su eliminación o almacenamiento constituye un grave problema medioambiental. En la actualidad, se utilizan diversos métodos para el reciclaje de neumáticos, como la trituración mecánica, en la que se separa el caucho vulcanizado del acero y las fibras, utilizándose este caucho en numerosas aplicaciones como pavimentos, aislantes, calzados, etc.Con el presente estudio se pretende dar una nueva salida a los neumáticos fuera de uso (GTR), demostrándose su utilidad como dieléctricos. Para ello, se ha combinado GTR con policloruro de vinilo (PVC), obteniendo un material compuesto de matriz polimérica reforzado con GTR. Se ha caracterizado el comportamiento dieléctrico paralas diversas mezclas del PVC con GTR (desde el 0% al 70% de GTR), en un rango de temperaturas que varía desde los 30ºC hasta los 130ºC, y con unas frecuencias desde 1·10-2 Hz, hasta 1·107 Hz. Los ensayos eléctricos han permitido el análisis de la permitividad, la resistividad, el factor de pérdidas dieléctricas y los módulos de relajación (Arrhenius). Se ha comprobado como todas estas propiedades aumentan a bajas temperaturas (30ºC). Asimismo, también se observa que la evolución de estos parámetros varía significativamente en función de la frecuencia y la temperatura

    Efecto de pretratamientos desvulcanizantes y de aditivos en materiales compuestos con matriz de HDPE y neumáticos fuera de uso

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    La gestión de los neumáticos al final de su ciclo de vidaprecisa soluciones para potenciar su reutilización y reciclado.Un paso previo consiste en la pulverización de losneumáticos por parte de empresas especializadas. La incorporaciónde este granulado como refuerzo en matricestermoplásticas se ha propuesto como método de valorizacióndel polvo de neumático. Este sistema se ve limitadopor la incompatibilidad entre matriz y refuerzo. Recientemente,un nuevo polvo de neumático, denominado comercialmente “desvulcanizado” ha aparecido en el mercado.En este artículo se comparan materiales compuestosformulados con polvo de neumático desvulcanizado conlos obtenidos con el mismo material sin tratamiento enmatriz de polietileno de alta densidad. También se estudiael efecto de distintos métodos de mezclado, del uso deaditivos dispersantes y del tamaño de partícula

    Censo de las palomas semidomésticas (Columba livia var.) de la ciudad de Barcelona

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    Cost-effectiveness of structured group psychoeducation versus unstructured group support for bipolar disorder: results from a multi-centre pragmatic randomised controlled trial

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    Background Bipolar disorder (BD) costs the English economy an estimated £5.2billion/year, largely through incomplete recovery. This analysis estimated the cost-effectiveness of group psychoeducation (PEd), versus group peer support (PS), for treating BD. Methods A 96-week pragmatic randomised controlled trial (RCT), conducted in NHS primary care. The primary analysis compared PEd with PS, using multiple imputed datasets for missing values. An economic model was used to compare PEd with treatment as usual (TAU). The perspective was Health and Personal Social Services. Results Participants receiving PEd (n=153) used more (costly) health-related resources than PS (n=151) (net cost per person £1098 (95% CI, £252-£1943)), with a quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gain of 0.023 (95% CI, 0.001-0.056). The cost per QALY gained was £47,739. PEd may be cost-effective (versus PS) if decision makers are willing to pay at least £37,500 per QALY gained. PEd costs £10,765 more than PS to avoid one relapse. The economic model indicates that PEd may be cost-effective versus TAU if it reduces the probability of relapse (by 15%) or reduces the probability of and increases time to relapse (by 10%). Limitations Participants were generally inconsistent in attending treatment sessions and low numbers had complete cost/QALY data. Factors contributing to pervasive uncertainty of the results are discussed. Conclusions This is the first economic evaluation of PEd versus PS in a pragmatic trial. PEd is associated with a modest improvement in health status and higher costs than PS. There is a high level of uncertainty in the data and results

    NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III.

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    In vivo absorption behaviour of theophylline from starch-methyl methacrylate matrix tablets in beagle dogs

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    This study evaluates in vivo the drug absorption profiles from potato starch-methyl methacrylate matrices∗ using theophylline as a model drug. Healthy beagle dogs under fasting conditions were used for in vivo studies and plasma samples were analyzed by a fluorescence polarization immunoassay analysis (FPIA method). Non-compartmental and compartmental (population approach) analysis was performed to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters. The principle of superposition was applied to predict multiple dose plasma concentrations from experimental single dose data. An in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was also assessed. The sustained absorption kinetics of theophylline from these formulations was demonstrated by comparison with two commercially available oral sustained-release theophylline products (Theo-Dur® and Theolair®). A one-compartment model with first order kinetics without lag-time best describes the absorption/disposition of theophylline from the formulations. Results revealed a theophylline absorption rate in the order FD-HSMMA Theo-Dur®OD-CSMMA > Theolair®FD-CSMMA. On the basis of simulated plasma theophylline levels, a twice daily dosage (every 12 h) with the FD-CSMMA tablets should be recommended. A Level C IVIVC was found between the in vitro t50% and the in vivo AUC/D, although further optimization of the in vitro dissolution test would be needed to adequately correlate with in vivo data.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MAT2004-0159

    Construction of data streams applications from functional, non-functional and resource requirements for electric vehicle aggregators. the COSMOS vision

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    COSMOS, Computer Science for Complex System Modeling, is a research team that has the mission of bridging the gap between formal methods and real problems. The goal is twofold: (1) a better management of the growing complexity of current systems; (2) a high quality of the implementation reducing the time to market. The COSMOS vision is to prove this approach in non-trivial industrial problems leveraging technologies such as software engineering, cloud computing, or workflows. In particular, we are interested in the technological challenges arising from the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry, around the EV-charging and control IT infrastructure

    Optimal interactions of light with magnetic and electric resonant particles

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    This work studies the limits of far and near-field electromagnetic response of sub-wavelength scatterers, like the unitary limit and of lossless scatterers, and the ideal absorption limit of lossy particles. These limit behaviors are described in terms of analytic formulas that approximate finite size effects while rigorously including radiative corrections. This analysis predicts the electric and/or magnetic limit responses of both metallic and dielectric nanoparticles while quantitatively describing near-field enhancements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 table