30 research outputs found

    Segregated Runge–Kutta time integration of convection-stabilized mixed finite element schemes for wall-unresolved LES of incompressible flows

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    In this work, we develop a high-performance numerical framework for the large eddy simulation (LES) of incompressible flows. The spatial discretization of the nonlinear system is carried out using mixed finite element (FE) schemes supplemented with symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term and a penalty term for the divergence constraint. These additional terms introduced at the discrete level have been proved to act as implicit LES models. In order to perform meaningful wall-unresolved simulations, we consider a weak imposition of the boundary conditions using a Nitsche’s-type scheme, where the tangential component penalty term is designed to act as a wall law. Next, segregated Runge–Kutta (SRK) schemes (recently proposed by the authors for laminar flow problems) are applied to the LES simulation of turbulent flows. By the introduction of a penalty term on the trace of the acceleration, these methods exhibit excellent stability properties for both implicit and explicit treatment of the convective terms. SRK schemes are excellent for large-scale simulations, since they reduce the computational cost of the linear system solves by splitting velocity and pressure computations at the time integration level, leading to two uncoupled systems. The pressure system is a Darcy-type problem that can easily be preconditioned using a traditional block-preconditioning scheme that only requires a Poisson solver. At the end, only coercive systems have to be solved, which can be effectively preconditioned by multilevel domain decomposition schemes, which are both optimal and scalable. The framework is applied to the Taylor–Green and turbulent channel flow benchmarks in order to prove the accuracy of the convection-stabilized mixed FEs as LES models and SRK time integrators. The scalability of the preconditioning techniques (in space only) has also been proven for one step of the SRK scheme for the Taylor–Green flow using uniform meshes. Moreover, a turbulent flow around a NACA profile is solved to show the applicability of the proposed algorithms for a realistic problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Large scale finite element solvers for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit d’Enginyeria CivilIn this thesis we have developed a path towards large scale Finite Element simulations of turbulent incompressible flows. We have assessed the performance of residual-based variational multiscale (VMS) methods for the large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent incompressible flows. We consider VMS models obtained by different subgrid scale approximations which include either static or dynamic subscales, linear or nonlinear multiscale splitting, and different choices of the subscale space. We show that VMS thought as an implicit LES model can be an alternative to the widely used physical-based models. This method is traditionally combined with equal-order velocity-pressure pairs, since it provides pressure stabilization. In this work, we also consider a different approach, based on inf-sup stable elements and convection-only stabilization. In order to do so, we define a symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term using an orthogonal subscale decomposition. The accuracy and efficiency of this method compared with residual-based algebraic subgrid scales and orthogonal subscales methods for equal-order interpolation is also assessed in this thesis. Furthermore, we propose Runge-Kutta time integration schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with two salient properties. First, velocity and pressure computations are segregated at the time integration level, without the need to perform additional fractional step techniques that spoil high orders of accuracy. Second, the proposed methods keep the same order of accuracy for both velocities and pressures. Precisely, the symmetric projection stabilization approach is suitable for segregated Runge-Kutta time integration schemes. This combination, together with the use of block-preconditioning techniques, lead to elasticity-type and Laplacian-type problems that can be optimally preconditioned using the balancing domain decomposition by constraints preconditioners. The weak scalability of this formulation have been demonstrated in this document. Additionally, we also contemplate the weak imposition of the Dirichlet boundary conditions for wall-bounded turbulent flows. Four well known problems have been mainly considered for the numerical experiments: the decay of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, the Taylor-Green vortex problem, the turbulent flow in a channel and the turbulent flow around an airfoil.En aquesta tesi s'han desenvolupat diferents algoritmes per la simulació a gran escala de fluxos turbulents incompressibles mitjançant el mètode dels Elements Finits. En primer lloc s'ha avaluat el comportament dels mètodes de multiescala variacional (VMS) basats en el residu, per la simulació de grans vòrtexs (LES) de fluxos turbulents. S'han considerat diferents models VMS tenint en compte diferents aproximacions de les subescales, que inclouen tant subescales estàtiques o dinàmiques, una definicó lineal o nolineal, i diferents seleccions de l'espai de les subescales. S'ha demostrat que els mètodes VMS pensats com a models LES poden ser una alternativa als models basats en la física del problema. Aquest tipus de mètode normalment es combina amb l'ús de parelles de velocitat i pressió amb igual ordre d'interpolació. En aquest treball, també s'ha considerat un enfocament diferent, basat en l'ús d'elements inf-sup estables conjuntament amb estabilització del terme convectiu. Amb aquest objectiu, s'ha definit un mètode d'estabilització amb projecció simètrica del terme convectiu mitjançant una descomposició ortogonal de les subescales. En aquesta tesi també s'ha valorat la precisió i eficiència d'aquest mètode comparat amb mètodes basats en el residu fent servir interpolacions amb igual ordre per velocitats i pressions. A més, s'ha proposat un esquema d'integració en temps basat en els mètodes de Runge-Kutta que té dues propietats destacables. En primer lloc, el càlcul de la velocitat i la pressió es segrega al nivell de la integració temporal, sense la necessitat d'introduir tècniques de fraccionament del pas de temps. En segon lloc, els esquemes segregats de Runge-Kutta proposats, mantenen el mateix ordre de precisió tant per les velocitats com per les pressions. Precisament, els mètodes d'estabilització amb projecció simètrica són adequats per ser integrats en temps mitjançant esquemes segregats de Runge-Kutta. Aquesta combinació, juntament amb l'ús de tècniques de precondicionament en blocs, dóna lloc a problemes tipus elasticitat i Laplacià que poden ser òptimament precondicionats fent servir els anomenats \textit{balancing domain decomposition by constraints preconditioners}. La escalabilitat dèbil d'aquesta formulació s'ha demostrat en aquest document. Adicionalment, també s'ha contemplat la imposició de forma dèbil de les condicions de contorn de Dirichlet en problemes de fluxos turbulents delimitats per parets. En aquesta tesi principalment s'han considerat quatre problemes ben coneguts per fer els experiments numèrics: el decaïment de turbulència isotròpica i homogènia, el problema del vòrtex de Taylor-Green, el flux turbulent en un canal i el flux turbulent al voltant d'una ala.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Segregated Runge-Kutta methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

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    In this work, we propose Runge-Kutta time integration schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with two salient properties. First, velocity and pressure computations are segregated at the time integration level, without the need to perform additional fractional step techniques that spoil high orders of accuracy. Second, the proposed methods keep the same order of accuracy for both velocities and pressures. The segregated Runge-Kutta methods are motivated as an implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta time integration of the projected Navier-Stokes system onto the discrete divergence-free space, and its re-statement in a velocity-pressure setting using a discrete pressure Poisson equation. We have analysed the preservation of the discrete divergence constraint for segregated Runge-Kutta methods and their relation (in their fully explicit version) with existing half-explicit methods. We have performed a detailed numerical experimentation for a wide set of schemes (from first to third order), including implicit and IMEX integration of viscous and convective terms, for incompressible laminar and turbulent flows. Further, segregated Runge-Kutta schemes with adaptive time stepping are propose

    Segregated Runge–Kutta time integration of convection-stabilized mixed finite element schemes for wall-unresolved LES of incompressible flows

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    In this work, we develop a high-performance numerical framework for the large eddy simulation (LES) of incompressible flows. The spatial discretization of the nonlinear system is carried out using mixed finite element (FE) schemes supplemented with symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term and a penalty term for the divergence constraint. These additional terms introduced at the discrete level have been proved to act as implicit LES models. In order to perform meaningful wall-unresolved simulations, we consider a weak imposition of the boundary conditions using a Nitsche’s-type scheme, where the tangential component penalty term is designed to act as a wall law. Next, segregated Runge–Kutta (SRK) schemes (recently proposed by the authors for laminar flow problems) are applied to the LES simulation of turbulent flows. By the introduction of a penalty term on the trace of the acceleration, these methods exhibit excellent stability properties for both implicit and explicit treatment of the convective terms. SRK schemes are excellent for large-scale simulations, since they reduce the computational cost of the linear system solves by splitting velocity and pressure computations at the time integration level, leading to two uncoupled systems. The pressure system is a Darcy-type problem that can easily be preconditioned using a traditional block-preconditioning scheme that only requires a Poisson solver. At the end, only coercive systems have to be solved, which can be effectively preconditioned by multilevel domain decomposition schemes, which are both optimal and scalable. The framework is applied to the Taylor–Green and turbulent channel flow benchmarks in order to prove the accuracy of the convection-stabilized mixed FEs as LES models and SRK time integrators. The scalability of the preconditioning techniques (in space only) has also been proven for one step of the SRK scheme for the Taylor–Green flow using uniform meshes. Moreover, a turbulent flow around a NACA profile is solved to show the applicability of the proposed algorithms for a realistic problem

    Passera de vianants sobre l'estació de ffcc de Reus, proposta d'ordenació de l'antiga zona de càrrega i connexió amb la nova ARE

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    L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és la definició d'una passera per vianants i bicicletes que passa per sobre l’estació de ferrocarrils de Reus. Es proposa també una ordenació urbanística per l’espai adjacent a l’estació (actual ubicació provisional del Palau de Fires i Congressos de Reus), el qual està pendent de reordenació després de que el seu antic ús com a zona de càrrega i descàrrega de mercaderies hagi quedat obsolet. En el desenvolupament del projecte es discutiran diverses solucions alternatives per la construcció de la passera. L'elecció de la millor alternativa es durà a terme mitjançant un anàlisi multicriteri, en el qual tenen cabuda criteris de molt diversa índole

    Análisis del daño en problemas de impacto

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    En esta tesina se estudian distintos modelos de daño para problemas de impacto así como los métodos de resolución de estos mismos. El problema de impacto es uno de los casos que requiere un estudio minucioso para poder evaluar la máxima solicitación en ciertas aplicaciones, sobretodo en el caso de materiales compuestos. Para analizar este tipo de problemas se usan simulaciones numéricas obtenidas mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF). Para ello se requiere la definición de un modelo de daño que nos permita describir el comportamiento del material. En primer lugar, pues, se describen dos modelos de daño definidos para distintos materiales, uno para materiales isótropos y otro para materiales compuestos (ortótropos). Basándose en el modelo de daño isótropo, se define un modelo de daño simple, con el fin de observar el comportamiento de los distintos métodos de resolución propuestos con más facilidad. Uno de los objetivos de la tesina es verificar que el método de resolución de problemas dinámicos explícito puede causar errores debido a las inestabilidades a las que está condicionado. Este es el problema que aparece en el modelo de daño ortótropo para materiales compuestos. Dado que el método explícito es condicionalmente estable, los pasos de tiempo utilizados para analizar un problema dinámico deben ser muy pequeños. Esto implica que los test de impacto que se realizan se efectuan a pequeña velocidad y conllevan un coste computacional muy elevado. También se pretende mostrar que el método de resolución implícito es incondicionalmente estable y que, a pesar de que en principio sea más caro porque se trata de un método iterativo, puede ser más eficiente. Esto se explica porque los métodos explícitos deben usar un incremento de tiempo pequeño para evitar inestabilidades, en cambio, los métodos implícitos pueden usar un incremento de tiempo mayor dado que son incondicionalmente estables. Para verificar estas consideraciones se implementan los dos métodos de resolución en el problema de impacto para un modelo elástico lineal y para un modelo de daño isótropo. El primer caso nos sirve de comprobación del comportamiento de los distintos métodos. Al tratarse de un caso lineal, el método explícito da la solución correcta, con incrementos de tiempo suficientemente pequeños, y el método implícito solo necesita una iteración para llegar a la solución. El segundo caso nos permite ver las diferencias entre los dos métodos para el caso de un problema no lineal. Es importante destacar que para implementar un problema no lineal en un método de resolución implícito, lo primero que se debe hacer es linearizarlo. Estos modelos de daño descritos tienen un inconveniente, y es que se trata de modelos locales. Es decir, dada una malla, se tiene en cuenta el daño en cada elemento a partir de los desplazamientos del mismo elemento. Esto hace que los modelos propuestos tengan una dependencia de la malla muy elevada. Para reducir esta dependencia se plantea un modelo de daño no local que tenga en cuenta los desplazamientos de un conjunto de elementos que interaccionan entre sí. De esta forma, cambiando el tamaño de los elementos, no cambiamos la distribución del daño en la estructura. El modelo de daño no local se implementa para una geometría sencilla en 2D, permitiendo evaluar la dependencia de la malla considerando distintas longitudes de interacción entre elementos y distintas mallas

    Mixed finite element methods with convection stabilization for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows

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    The variational multiscale method thought as an implicit large eddy simulation model for turbulent flows has been shown to be an alternative to the widely used physical-based models. This method is traditionally combined with equal-order velocity–pressure pairs, since it provides pressure stabilization. In this work, we consider a different approach, based on inf–sup stable elements and convection-only stabilization. In order to do so, we consider a symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term using an orthogonal subscale decomposition. The accuracy and efficiency of this method compared with residual-based algebraic subgrid scales and orthogonal subscales methods for equal-order interpolation is assessed in this paper. Moreover, when inf–sup stable elements are used, the grad–div stabilization term has been shown to be essential to guarantee accurate solutions. Hence, a study of the influence of such term in the large eddy simulation of turbulent incompressible flows is also performed. Furthermore, a recursive block preconditioning strategy has been considered for the resolution of the problem with an implicit treatment of the projection terms. Two different benchmark tests have been solved: the Taylor–Green Vortex flow with Re=1600, and the Turbulent Channel Flow at Reτ=395 and Reτ=590

    Assessment of variational multiscale models for the large eddy simulation of turbulent incompressible flows

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    In this work we study the performance of some variational multiscale models (VMS) in the large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. We consider VMS models obtained by different subgrid scale approximations which include either static or dynamic subscales, linear or nonlinear multiscale splitting, and different choices of the subscale space. After a brief review of these models, we discuss some implementation aspects particularly relevant to the simulation of turbulent flows, namely the use of a skew symmetric form of the convective term and the computation of projections when orthogonal subscales are used. We analyze the energy conservation (and numerical dissipation) of the alternative VMS formulations, which is numerically evaluated. In the numerical study, we have considered three well known problems: the decay of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, the Taylor–Green vortex problem and the turbulent flow in a channel. We compare the results obtained using different VMS models, paying special attention to the effect of using orthogonal subscale spaces. The VMS results are also compared against classical LES scheme based on filtering and the dynamic Smagorinsky closure. Altogether, our results show the tremendous potential of VMS for the numerical simulation of turbulence. Further, we study the sensitivity of VMS to the algorithmic constants and analyze the behavior in the small time step limit. We have also carried out a computational cost comparison of the different formulations. Out of these experiments, we can state that the numerical results obtained with the different VMS formulations (as far as they converge) are quite similar. However, some choices are prone to instabilities and the results obtained in terms of computational cost are certainly different. The dynamic orthogonal subscales model turns out to be best in terms of efficiency and robustness

    Mixed finite element methods with convection stabilization for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows

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    The variational multiscale method thought as an implicit large eddy simulation model for turbulent flows has been shown to be an alternative to the widely used physical-based models. This method is traditionally combined with equal-order velocity–pressure pairs, since it provides pressure stabilization. In this work, we consider a different approach, based on inf–sup stable elements and convection-only stabilization. In order to do so, we consider a symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term using an orthogonal subscale decomposition. The accuracy and efficiency of this method compared with residual-based algebraic subgrid scales and orthogonal subscales methods for equal-order interpolation is assessed in this paper. Moreover, when inf–sup stable elements are used, the grad–div stabilization term has been shown to be essential to guarantee accurate solutions. Hence, a study of the influence of such term in the large eddy simulation of turbulent incompressible flows is also performed. Furthermore, a recursive block preconditioning strategy has been considered for the resolution of the problem with an implicit treatment of the projection terms. Two different benchmark tests have been solved: the Taylor–Green Vortex flow with Re=1600Re=1600, and the Turbulent Channel Flow at Ret=395Ret=395 and Ret=590Ret=590.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Weighted Shifted Boundary Method for Free Surface Flows

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    The Shifted Boundary Method (SBM) belongs to the class of unfitted (or immersed, or embedded) finite element methods and was recently introduced for the Poisson, linear advection/diffusion, Stokes, Navier-Stokes, acoustics, and shallow-water equations, and many additional problems [1, 2]. By reformulating the original boundary value problem over a surrogate (approximate) computational domain, the SBM avoids integration over cut cells and the associated problematic issues regarding numerical stability and matrix conditioning. Accuracy is maintained by modifying the original boundary conditions using Taylor expansions. Hence the name of the method, that shifts the location and values of the boundary conditions. We extend here the SBM to the simulation of incompressible Navier-Stokes flows with moving free-surfaces, by appropriately weighting its variational form with the elemental volume fraction of active fluid [3]. This approach prevents spurious pressure oscillations in time, which would otherwise be produced if the total active fluid volume were to change abruptly over a time step. In fact, the proposed weighted SBM method induces small mass (i.e., volume) conservation errors, which converge quadratically in the case of piecewise-linear finite element interpolations, as the grid is refined. We present an extensive set of two- and three-dimensional tests to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the method. References [1] Alex Main and Guglielmo Scovazzi. The Shifted Boundary Method for embedded domain com- putations. Part I: Poisson and Stokes problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 372:972–995, 2018. [2] Alex Main and Guglielmo Scovazzi. The Shifted Boundary Method for embedded domain computations. Part II: Linear advection–diffusion and incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 372:996–1026, 2018. [3] O Colomés, AG Main, L Nouveau, G Scovazzi. A Weighted Shifted Boundary Method for Free Surface Flow Problems. Journal of Computational Physics, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109837. The support of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, the U.S. Office of Naval Research, and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (Houston, TX) are gratefully acknowledged