28 research outputs found

    Synaptic inhibition controls transient oscillatory synchronization in a model of the insect olfactory system

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    In a variety of neuronal systems it has been hypothesized that inhibitory interneurons corral principal neurons into synchronously firing groups that encode sensory information and sub-serve behavior (Buzsáki and Chrobak, 1995; Buzsáki, 2008). This mechanism is particularly relevant to the olfactory system where spatiotemporal patterns of projection neuron (PN) activity act as robust markers of odor attributes (Laurent et al., 1996; Wehr and Laurent, 1996). In the insect antennal lobe (AL), a network of local inhibitory interneurons arborizes extensively throughout the AL (Leitch and Laurent, 1996) providing inhibitory input to the cholinergic PNs. Our theoretical work has attempted to elaborate the exact role of inhibition in the generation of odor specific PN responses (Bazhenov et al., 2001a,b; Assisi et al., 2011). In large-scale AL network models we characterized the inhibitory sub-network by its coloring (Assisi et al., 2011) and showed that it can entrain excitatory PNs to the odor specific patterns of transient synchronization. In this focused review, we further examine the dynamics of entrainment in more detail by simulating simple model networks in various parameter regimes. Our simulations in conjunction with earlier studies point to the key role played by lateral (between inhibitory interneurons) and feedback (from inhibitory interneurons to principal cells) inhibition in the generation of experimentally observed patterns of transient synchrony

    Adaptive regulation of sparseness by feedforward inhibition

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    In the mushroom body of insects, odors are represented by very few spikes in a small number of neurons, a highly efficient strategy known as sparse coding. Physiological studies of these neurons have shown that sparseness is maintained across thousand-fold changes in odor concentration. Using a realistic computational model, we propose that sparseness in the olfactory system is regulated by adaptive feedforward inhibition. When odor concentration changes, feedforward inhibition modulates the duration of the temporal window over which the mushroom body neurons may integrate excitatory presynaptic input. This simple adaptive mechanism could maintain the sparseness of sensory representations across wide ranges of stimulus conditions

    Beyond in-phase and anti-phase coordination in a model of joint action

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    In 1985, Haken, Kelso and Bunz proposed a system of coupled nonlinear oscillators as a model of rhythmic movement patterns in human bimanual coordination. Since then, the Haken–Kelso–Bunz (HKB) model has become a modelling paradigm applied extensively in all areas of movement science, including interpersonal motor coordination. However, all previous studies have followed a line of analysis based on slowly varying amplitudes and rotating wave approximations. These approximations lead to a reduced system, consisting of a single differential equation representing the evolution of the relative phase of the two coupled oscillators: the HKB model of the relative phase. Here we take a different approach and systematically investigate the behaviour of the HKB model in the full four-dimensional state space and for general coupling strengths. We perform detailed numerical bifurcation analyses and reveal that the HKB model supports previously unreported dynamical regimes as well as bistability between a variety of coordination patterns. Furthermore, we identify the stability boundaries of distinct coordination regimes in the model and discuss the applicability of our findings to interpersonal coordination and other joint action tasks

    The role of inhibition in the generation of reliable spike sequences

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    Optimality of sparse olfactory representations is not affected by network plasticity.

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    The neural representation of a stimulus is repeatedly transformed as it moves from the sensory periphery to deeper layers of the nervous system. Sparsening transformations are thought to increase the separation between similar representations, encode stimuli with great specificity, maximize storage capacity of associative memories, and provide an energy efficient instantiation of information in neural circuits. In the insect olfactory system, odors are initially represented in the periphery as a combinatorial code with relatively simple temporal dynamics. Subsequently, in the antennal lobe this representation is transformed into a dense and complex spatiotemporal activity pattern. Next, in the mushroom body Kenyon cells (KCs), the representation is dramatically sparsened. Finally, in mushroom body output neurons (MBONs), the representation takes on a new dense spatiotemporal format. Here, we develop a computational model to simulate this chain of olfactory processing from the receptor neurons to MBONs. We demonstrate that representations of similar odorants are maximally separated, measured by the distance between the corresponding MBON activity vectors, when KC responses are sparse. Sparseness is maintained across variations in odor concentration by adjusting the feedback inhibition that KCs receive from an inhibitory neuron, the Giant GABAergic neuron. Different odor concentrations require different strength and timing of feedback inhibition for optimal processing. Importantly, as observed in vivo, the KC-MBON synapse is highly plastic, and, therefore, changes in synaptic strength after learning can change the balance of excitation and inhibition, potentially leading to changes in the distance between MBON activity vectors of two odorants for the same level of KC population sparseness. Thus, what is an optimal degree of sparseness before odor learning, could be rendered sub-optimal post learning. Here, we show, however, that synaptic weight changes caused by spike timing dependent plasticity increase the distance between the odor representations from the perspective of MBONs. A level of sparseness that was optimal before learning remains optimal post-learning

    Excitatory local interneurons enhance tuning of sensory information.

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    Neurons in the insect antennal lobe represent odors as spatiotemporal patterns of activity that unfold over multiple time scales. As these patterns unspool they decrease the overlap between odor representations and thereby increase the ability of the olfactory system to discriminate odors. Using a realistic model of the insect antennal lobe we examined two competing components of this process -lateral excitation from local excitatory interneurons, and slow inhibition from local inhibitory interneurons. We found that lateral excitation amplified differences between representations of similar odors by recruiting projection neurons that did not receive direct input from olfactory receptors. However, this increased sensitivity also amplified noisy variations in input and compromised the ability of the system to respond reliably to multiple presentations of the same odor. Slow inhibition curtailed the spread of projection neuron activity and increased response reliability. These competing influences must be finely balanced in order to decorrelate odor representations

    Parallel scalable simulations of biological neural networks using TensorFlow: A beginner's guide

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    Biological neural networks are often modeled as systems of coupled, nonlinear, ordinary or partial differential equations. The number of differential equations used to model a network increases with the size of the network and the level of detail used to model individual neurons and synapses. As one scales up the size of the simulation, it becomes essential to utilize powerful computing platforms. While many tools exist that solve these equations numerically, they are often platform-specific. Further, there is a high barrier of entry to developing flexible platform-independent general-purpose code that supports hardware acceleration on modern computing architectures such as GPUs/TPUs and Distributed Platforms. TensorFlow is a Python-based open-source package designed for machine learning algorithms. However, it is also a scalable environment for a variety of computations, including solving differential equations using iterative algorithms such as Runge-Kutta methods. In this article and the accompanying tutorials, we present a simple exposition of numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations using Python and TensorFlow. The tutorials consist of a series of Python notebooks that, over the course of five sessions, will lead novice programmers from writing programs to integrate simple one-dimensional ordinary differential equations using Python to solving a large system (1000's of differential equations) of coupled conductance-based neurons using a highly parallelized and scalable framework. Embedded with the tutorial is a physiologically realistic implementation of a network in the insect olfactory system. This system, consisting of multiple neuron and synapse types, can serve as a template to simulate other networks.</p

    Invariant neural representations of fluctuating odor inputs

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    Steady odor streams are typically encoded as robust spatiotemporal spike trains by olfactory networks. This suggests a one-to-one mapping between the stimulus (an odor mixed in a steady stream of air) and its representation (a spatiotemporal pattern of spikes in a population of neurons) in the brain. Such a one-to-one mapping between an odor and a spatiotemporal pattern is unlikely to be accurate since natural odor stimuli change unpredictably over time. Odors arrive riding upon chaotically pulsed plumes of air and show unpredictable variations in concentration and in the composition of odorant molecules. These temporal changes often vary over time scales that are similar to the time scales of neural events thought to play a role in odor recognition. In the absence of such temporal variations, animals are known to inject intermittency while sampling the odor, suggesting that intermittent inputs might be a ‘feature’, not a ‘bug’. Here, we attempt to find the neural invariants of stable olfactory percepts using a computational model of the locust antennal lobe, the insect equivalent of the olfactory bulb in mammals. We show that when time-varying odor inputs intermittently perturb subsets of neurons in the antennal lobe network, the activity of the network reverberates in a manner that depends on both the nature of the inputs it receives and the structure of the neuronal sub-network that these inputs stimulate. We demonstrate that it is possible to decipher the structure of the perturbed sub-network by examining transient synchrony in the activity of the neurons. The ability to reconstruct the sub-network structure is vastly improved when odor inputs arrive or are sampled in an intermittent manner. Thus, the structure of the stimulated sub-network itself serves as a unique invariant code that represents the odor. Recent studies have shown that the response of individual projection neurons in the antennal lobe to a particular odor can be approximated using an odor-specific response kernel convolved with the temporal profile of the odor input. The parameters defining this kernel remain invariant to temporal changes in the input profile. Our simulations show that this invariance is inherited from the network structure.</p