489 research outputs found

    Bring the Fan to the Game: Football, Baseball, and the Transformation of Sports Television into Entertainment

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    This thesis analyzes the growing symbiosis of the sport-television relationship as it evolved during the 1960s. Professional football and baseball are primarily considered they demonstrate the ways television impacted local and national audiences. Football embraced television as a way to disseminate the game to a wider, national audience. Baseball, because of its long history as a local attraction, resisted the encroachment of television. Baseball prioritized the live game over the televised version, while football became more visually descriptive for viewers and took on characteristics of entertainment programming. These changes were technologically, industrially, and economically based, and this thesis discusses the interplay between the television networks and professional sports leagues in these arenas. Critics have decried television’s purported negative influence on fans and sport itself. This thesis instead argues that making sport more like entertainment television has brought a unique viewpoint to games that only became possible because of television technology

    The Construction of Morality in \u3ci\u3eCrime and Punishment\u3c/i\u3e

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    Doestoevsky’s Crime and Punishment is a contemplation on Nihilism. The protagonist Raskolnikov gives five reasons for why he commits his famous double murder, but he later admits that all of these reasons are insincere. This paper is a reevaluation of Raskolnikov’s motive (or lack thereof) for killing Alyona and her sister. Many different readings of Raskolnikov use the entire book as evidence to decide which one of his excuses was his actual motivation. These readings of Raskolnikov have a category problem. With all of the false reasons that Raskolnikov gives, why should a reader believe that any of them were his actual motivation? Many critical readings ask the wrong question. The question is not: Why did Raskolnikov murder Alyona and her sister? The question is: Why not? Using a Nietzschean analytical lens, this paper considers whether Raskolnikov had a motive, or whether the murder was a result of his inability to find any meaning in the life he leads

    Rethinking Criminal Law and Family Status

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    In our recent book, Privilege or Punish: Criminal Justice and the Challenge of Family Ties (OUP 2009), we examined and critiqued a number of ways in which the criminal justice system uses family status to distribute benefits or burdens to defendants. In their review essays, Professors Alafair Burke, Alice Ristroph & Melissa Murray identify a series of concerns with the framework we offer policymakers to analyze these family ties benefits or burdens. We think it worthwhile not only to clarify where those challenges rest on misunderstandings or confusions about the central features of our views, but also to show the deficiencies of the proposed alternatives. While we appreciate and admire the efforts of our critics to advance this important conversation, we hope this Essay will illuminate why the normative framework of Privilege or Punish remains a more helpful structure to policymakers assessing how family status should intersect with the criminal law within a liberal democracy such as our own

    Analysis of Search and Rescue Incidents in the Adirondack State Park from 2015-2016

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    Increasing search and rescue (SAR) incidents in the Adirondack Park, without a commensurate increase in staffing and response resources, have led to concerns voiced by emergency response professionals and citizens. The purpose of this study was to determine where SAR incidents occur most frequently and to provide descriptive information of them. This study used the New York State Freedom of Information Law to obtain data regarding SAR incidents within the Park from 2015 to 2016. Spatial analysis revealed regions with the highest rates of incidents. These included the High Peaks south of Lake Placid, the Lake George region, and the corridor between Indian Lake and Long Lake. Of 528 SAR incidents examined, 350 were categorized as searches (55%), 268 were rescues (42%), and 18 were recoveries (3%). The majority of SAR victims were male (368 incidents; 58%) and the most common age of victims was 45-65 years old (197; 31%). Hiking was the most common activity leading to SAR (498; 78%), becoming lost was the most common cause for SAR (270; 42%), and slips/falls was the most common cause of injury (116; 43%). A brief discussion towards the end of the article considers how communication of our results may help inform park policy and administration

    Influence of Encapsulation of Supplemental Amino Acids on their Utilization in Broilers

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    This study was developed to assess whether microencapsulation of amino acids (AA) improves their absorption to increase broiler growth performance and reduce nitrogen excretion compared to standard feed-grade AA. Five hundred and sixty Ross 708 male broilers were randomly distributed to 70 battery cages and reared for 21 days. Reported data is grouped into periods: 0-7 days, 0-14 days, and 0-21 days. A total of 5 treatment diets were fed: an industry-based control and 4 diets with decreased levels of methionine, lysine, and threonine in either encapsulated or free forms, with or without a botanical feed additive. Encapsulated AA increased (P \u3c 0.05) body weight (BW) and BW gain (BWG) for all periods and increased feed intake (FI) compared to non-encapsulated AA for two of three periods but did not affect feed conversion ratio (FCR). Presence of the botanical additive decreased BW, BWG, and FCR for all periods, and decreased FI for two periods. Nitrogen retention was not different (P \u3e 0.05) among treatments. Encapsulation had no effect (P \u3e 0.05) on intestinal concentration of methionine, lysine, or threonine in the jejunum or ileum. Birds fed encapsulated AA gained more weight in the same amount of time as those fed free-form AA. Although birds fed encapsulated AA treatments consumed more feed, FCR was numerically slightly improved, although this was not significant. These results indicate that encapsulated AA may improve growth performance of young broilers, which could be economically beneficial in a commercial setting. Further research using floor pens instead of cages is required to determine the cause of these effects. Encapsulated AA did not affect nitrogen retention, indicating that the potential environmental and welfare benefits of encapsulated AA are minimal. Subsequent trials with a longer growing cycle and an industry applicable environment are warranted

    The Five Stages of Team Development

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    Purpose: Provide students an introduction to existing business/psychology teachings on group dynamics and the five distinct stages of team development likely to be experienced in any group setting

    Criminal Justice and the Challenge of Family Ties

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    This Article asks two basic questions: When does, and when should, the state use the criminal justice apparatus to accommodate family ties, responsibilities, and interests? We address these questions by first revealing a variety of laws that together form a string of family ties subsidies and benefits pervading the criminal justice system. Notwithstanding our recognition of the important role family plays in securing the conditions for human flourishing, we then explain the basis for erecting a Spartan presumption against these family ties subsidies and benefits within the criminal justice system. We delineate the scope and rationale for the presumption and under what circumstances it might be overcome. When the presumption is overcome, we urge distributing the benefit on terms that are neutral to family status, if possible, with a focus instead on functions served by established relationships of care-giving responsibility

    A Statistical Study of Operating Systems at Harrisburg University

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    We conducted a survey of 100 students to find out which operating system students are using for their main school laptop. (Class Project

    The Health Wagon Partners with the Virginia Department of Health to Provide COVID-19 Testing in Rural Southwest Virginia

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    The Health Wagon has been providing care for the rural population of southwest Virginia for the past 40 years. The mission of the Health Wagon is to provide quality health care to the medically underserved people in the mountains of Appalachia. It has expanded to two stationary clinics, three mobile units, and a mobile dental unit, logging over 19,000 patients encounters in the past year
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