168 research outputs found

    A simple model based on known plant defence reactions is sufficient to explain most aspects of nodulation

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    We present the following hypothesis; that lipo-oligochitin Nod-factors can act in an elicitor-like fashion inducing, amongst other effects, a plant chitolytic enzyme, capable of hydrolysing the oligochitin chain of the Nod-factor. Decorative groups on the oligochitin chain, e.g. sulphate, may confer partial resistance to hydrolysis upon particular Nod-factors. After entry into the plant, Nod-factor synthesis must be down-regulated in order to avoid further, unwanted, eli-citation and the consequent abortion of the symbiosis. The plant-derived compounds inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial Nod-factors are limiting in root tissue, leading to residual elicitation and the abortion of infection thread formation. Nod-gene anti-induction is, furthermore, inactivated by both light and nitrate, thus contributing to the inhibition of nodulation under these conditions. In nitrogen-fixing nodules, the bacteroids are exposed to both nod-gene inducing and repressing compounds. The slow accumulation of Nod-factors within the peribacteroid space eventually results in the elicitation of phytoalexin synthesis and nodule senescenc

    Structural features distinguishing infectious ex vivo mammalian prions from non-infectious fibrillar assemblies generated in vitro

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    Seeded polymerisation of proteins forming amyloid fibres and their spread in tissues has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple neurodegenerative diseases: so called "prion-like" mechanisms. While ex vivo mammalian prions, composed of multichain assemblies of misfolded host-encoded prion protein (PrP), act as lethal infectious agents, PrP amyloid fibrils produced in vitro generally do not. The high-resolution structure of authentic infectious prions and the structural basis of prion strain diversity remain unknown. Here we use cryo-electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy to examine the structure of highly infectious PrP rods isolated from mouse brain in comparison to non-infectious recombinant PrP fibrils generated in vitro. Non-infectious recombinant PrP fibrils are 10 nm wide single fibres, with a double helical repeating substructure displaying small variations in adhesive force interactions across their width. In contrast, infectious PrP rods are 20 nm wide and contain two fibres, each with a double helical repeating substructure, separated by a central gap of 8-10 nm in width. This gap contains an irregularly structured material whose adhesive force properties are strikingly different to that of the fibres, suggestive of a distinct composition. The structure of the infectious PrP rods, which cause lethal neurodegeneration, readily differentiates them from all other protein assemblies so far characterised in other neurodegenerative diseases

    A Survey of z>5.7 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II: Discovery of Three Additional Quasars at z>6

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    We present the discovery of three new quasars at z>6 in 1300 deg^2 of SDSS imaging data, J114816.64+525150.3 (z=6.43), J104845.05+463718.3 (z=6.23) and J163033.90+401209.6 (z=6.05). The first two objects have weak Ly alpha emission lines; their redshifts are determined from the positions of the Lyman break. They are only accurate to 0.05 and could be affected by the presence of broad absorption line systems. The last object has a Ly alpha strength more typical of lower redshift quasars. Based on a sample of six quasars at z>5.7 that cover 2870 deg^2 presented in this paper and in Paper I, we estimate the comoving density of luminous quasars at z 6 and M_{1450} < -26.8 to be (8 +/- 3)x10^{-10} Mpc^{-3} (for H_0 = 50 km/s/Mpc, Omega = 1). HST imaging of two z>5.7 quasars and high-resolution ground-based images (seeing 0.4'') of three additional z>5.7 quasars show that none of them is gravitationally lensed. The luminosity distribution of the high-redshfit quasar sample suggests the bright end slope of the quasar luminosity function at z 6 is shallower than Psi L^{-3.5} (2-sigma), consistent with the absence of strongly lensed objects.Comment: AJ in press (Apr 2003), 26 pages, 9 figure

    Probing the Origins of the CIV and Fe Kalpha Baldwin Effect

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    We use UV/optical and X-ray observations of 272 radio-quiet Type 1 AGNs and quasars to investigate the CIV Baldwin Effect (BEff). The UV/optical spectra are drawn from the Hubble Space Telescope, International Ultraviolet Explorer and Sloan Digital Sky Survey archives. The X-ray spectra are from the Chandra and XMM-Newton archives. We apply correlation and partial-correlation analyses to the equivalent widths, continuum monochromatic luminosities, and alpha_ox, which characterizes the relative X-ray to UV brightness. The equivalent width of the CIV 1549 emission line is correlated with both alpha_ox and luminosity. We find that by regressing l_UV with EW(CIV) and alpha_ox, we can obtain tighter correlations than by regressing l_UV with only EW(CIV). Both correlation and regression analyses imply that l_UV is not the only factor controlling the changes of EW(CIV); alpha_ox (or, equivalently, the soft X-ray emission) plays a fundamental role in the formation and variation of CIV. Variability contributes at least 60% of the scatter of the EW(CIV)-l_UV relation and at least 75% of the scatter of the of the EW(CIV)-alpha_ox relation. In our sample, narrow Fe Kalpha 6.4 keV emission lines are detected in 50 objects. Although narrow Fe Kalpha exhibits a BEff similar to that of CIV, its equivalent width has almost no dependence on either alpha_ox or EW(CIV). This suggests that the majority of narrow Fe Kalpha emission is unlikely to be produced in the broad emission-line region. We do find suggestive correlations between the emission-line luminosities of CIV and Fe Kalpha, which could be potentially used to estimate the detectability of the Fe Kalpha line of quasars from rest-frame UV spectroscopic observations

    An Initial Survey of White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    An initial assessment is made of white dwarf and hot subdwarf stars observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. In a small area of sky (190 square degrees), observed much like the full survey will be, 269 white dwarfs and 56 hot subdwarfs are identified spectroscopically where only 44 white dwarfs and 5 hot subdwarfs were known previously. Most are ordinary DA (hydrogen atmosphere) and DB (helium) types. In addition, in the full survey to date, a number of WDs have been found with uncommon spectral types. Among these are blue DQ stars displaying lines of atomic carbon; red DQ stars showing molecular bands of C_2 with a wide variety of strengths; DZ stars where Ca and occasionally Mg, Na, and/or Fe lines are detected; and magnetic WDs with a wide range of magnetic field strengths in DA, DB, DQ, and (probably) DZ spectral types. Photometry alone allows identification of stars hotter than 12000 K, and the density of these stars for 15<g<20 is found to be ~2.2 deg^{-2} at Galactic latitudes 29-62 deg. Spectra are obtained for roughly half of these hot stars. The spectra show that, for 15<g<17, 40% of hot stars are WDs and the fraction of WDs rises to ~90% at g=20. The remainder are hot sdB and sdO stars.Comment: Accepted for AJ; 43 pages, including 12 figures and 5 table

    High-Redshift SDSS Quasars with Weak Emission Lines

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    We identify a sample of 74 high-redshift quasars (z>3) with weak emission lines from the Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and present infrared, optical, and radio observations of a subsample of four objects at z>4. These weak emission-line quasars (WLQs) constitute a prominent tail of the Lya+NV equivalent width distribution, and we compare them to quasars with more typical emission-line properties and to low-redshift active galactic nuclei with weak/absent emission lines, namely BL Lac objects. We find that WLQs exhibit hot (T~1000 K) thermal dust emission and have rest-frame 0.1-5 micron spectral energy distributions that are quite similar to those of normal quasars. The variability, polarization, and radio properties of WLQs are also different from those of BL Lacs, making continuum boosting by a relativistic jet an unlikely physical interpretation. The most probable scenario for WLQs involves broad-line region properties that are physically distinct from those of normal quasars.Comment: Updated to match version published in ApJ. 20 pages, 12 figure

    Iatrogenic cerebral amyloid angiopathy: an emerging clinical phenomenon

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    In the last 6 years, following the first pathological description of presumed amyloid-beta (Aβ) transmission in humans (in 2015) and subsequent experimental confirmation (in 2018), clinical cases of iatrogenic cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)—attributed to the transmission of Aβ seeds—have been increasingly recognised and reported. This newly described form of CAA is associated with early disease onset (typically in the third to fifth decade), and often presents with intracerebral haemorrhage, but also seizures and cognitive impairment. Although assumed to be rare, it is important that clinicians remain vigilant for potential cases, particularly as the optimal management, prognosis, true incidence and public health implications remain unknown. This review summarises our current understanding of the clinical spectrum of iatrogenic CAA and provides a diagnostic framework for clinicians. We provide clinical details for three patients with pathological evidence of iatrogenic CAA and present a summary of the published cases to date (n=20), identified following a systematic review. Our aims are: (1) To describe the clinical features of iatrogenic CAA, highlighting important similarities and differences between iatrogenic and sporadic CAA; and (2) To discuss potential approaches for investigation and diagnosis, including suggested diagnostic criteria for iatrogenic CAA
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