135 research outputs found

    Surveillance des rejets. Méthodes de mesure des composés organiques volatils à l'émission

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    Le chapitre VII de l'arrêté du 2 février 1998 relatif aux installations classées se substitue à la circulaire du 28 mars 1988 relative à l'autosurveillance

    Les émissions de polluants liés à la combustion de bois

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    Le bois est une source d'énergie renouvelable qui, contrairement aux autres énergies fossiles, contribue à la lutte contre le réchauffement de la planète car l'arbre emmagasine le dioxyde de carbone de l'atmosphère lors de sa croissance. L'utilisation du bois en tant que combustible participe également à la valorisation des déchets produits par l'industrie de transformation du bois ainsi qu'à une meilleure gestion des forêts. La combustion du bois a toutefois des répercussions sur l'environnement. Elle est à l'origine de la formation de centaines de polluants dont les principaux sont les produits issus de la combustion incomplète tels que le monoxyde de carbone (CO), les composés organiques volatils (COV), les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), les particules, ainsi que dans une moindre mesure d'autres polluants tels que le dioxyde de soufre, les oxydes d'azote, etc


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     This article presents the outcomes of an archaeological survey carried on the Calabrian North West coast of the Strait of Messina, nearby the narrows of the mythical Skylla during the mid nineties. This research, which has represented a strong experience and a turning point in the cognitive itinerancy of a maritime anthropologist, who in a "transgressed” way dared to put his nose on the ground, was the consequence of previous anthropological and historical studies on a traditional coastal fishing culture of which the long enduring of diverse harpooning technics of the swordfish, marlin, sharks and tuna found their roots in Phoenician times (www. ssfsymposium.org / presentation ).Indeed, there, on the Marturano promontory, promontory M, as in many instances in the Mediterranean, were first found Phoenician ceramics dating of the beginning of the ninth Century BC which has been published in part in 1995. But the field survey and soundings in seven areas of the promontory has been yet much more fructuous. The part one of this contribution presents the catalogue of the Minoan ceramic findings mainly dated LMI and LMI-II, but beginning at the end of MMIII, leaving so to hypothesise a long enduring presence. Amazingly, in fact, at the point of promontory M were spot and brought in light granite stone built structures.Part two restitutes the process and the steps of the spotting and discoveries: building-line of cyclopean stone granite cut blocks, terrace wall, a unique impressive boulder faced by two granite dressed blocks boat shaped, a monumental pyramidal assemblage of triangular and polygonal cut blocks crowning a stately trapeze shaped monolith edged with white sea pebbles facing an oval space. At the end of 1995 these lithic structures remained largely a puzzling issue. This difficult issue was left aside until a stay in Egypt between 2009 and 2012,where to escape to the depressing effects of a social-political heavy context soon after an initial strongly democratic uprising repressed in the blood, were undertaken a new field survey on the West coast of Alexandry. In a tiny island, in a somewhat interesting context was discovered a square altar with a sandstone baetyl in the middle, provoking the author to a come back to the lithic structures brought in light on the Calabrian coast some fourteen years before. In the paper, these lithic structures are accurately analysed in their material characteristics, their morphological oppositions, their building technics which for example systematically use to cut triangular granite blocks or polygonal ones but pointed at their back extremity as in the case of the embankment wall. All these architectonic traits belong to Minoan building technics.The last part of this contribution proceeds to a sharp critic of the development in the nineties of an exclusive religious vision of the Minoan culture and society, which has so often interpreted such lithic structures, as immediately and inherently religious artefacts. From recent archaeological works on ritualized practices led by L. Goodison, C. Moriss, J. Younger, the author comes back on the seminal paper of P. Warren on the baetyls and the new excavation of V. La Rosa at the end of the nineties, carried on at the tholos A of Hagia Triada, putting all these analyses in perspective with those of A. Evans and M. Nilsson. The Minoan archaeological realia discovered on the promontory M (Minoan, Mycenaean) are not only confronted with the ones found in Crete, but in a critical way with their rare iconic representations. Thus, a typology of these lithic, aniconic structures is put in light, and also their morphology and the ritual practices they supported. These stone structures of promontory M, the ceramic evidence, the building artefacts like pumice slabs, clay water pipes allow to infer to the settling of a Minoan community nearby the narrows of Skylla, Skylaion cape and at the end of this enduring presence not so much after a Phoenician short one, that is to say two Mediterranean paradigmatic sea oriented cultures


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    In this new maritime study, the author, Serge R. Collet, following those led on the Phoenician sea oriented culture in the nineties and the much more archaeological recent one on the Minoan presence nearby the Cape skylaion in South Tyrrhenian sea, reports his findings from the coastal margin of the West Nile delta: Alexandria shores and southern Maryut Lake.In spite of a heavy and disturbed social context in 2011-2012, he surveyed still accessible stretches of the shores and lake banks, bringing to light amazing ceramics evidence for imported Minoan, Canaanite, Phoenician and Sea People vessel. This ceramics is related to three type of maritime installations: a true marine cult place, a quay and a harbour basin holed in the Kurkar ridge on the south bank of Maryut Lake.To understand fully the reason why of the existence of such maritime structures it is necessary to deepen the notion of «sea orientation» by including the coastal environmental determinations as well as those bound to an imaginary of the sea, to a positive valuation of the sea as entity. The sea and marine environment remain essentially extraneous to the Nile culture.These new findings and breaking considerations lead the author to a re-evaluation of the completely forgotten discovery of impressive submersed harbour installations at the west of the Homeric Pharos Island by the French maritime engineer Gaston Jondet and their accurate re- examination by Sir A. Evans, who argues for a Minoan origin. They inaugurated in some way the maritime archaeological researches so well developed since the eighties by Avner Raban at the Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime studies, he founded at the University of Haifa. Avner Raban is deceased in February 2004. This contribution is devoted to his memory

    Mesures d'air ambiant en conditions de trafic : évolution des COV sur 3 ans

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    International audienceInfluence of traffic emission on air quality in European cities has widely been studied. Nevertheless, measurement campaigns are usually limited. We present here a set of VOC measurements which has been collected during 5 to 6 campaigns each year over three years. Ambient air is sampled outside vehicles, inside the traffic. Evolution of the concentrations both in urban and rural air over the 3 years are discussed, compound by compound, and compared to data from literature. Influence of traffic on concentrations is obvious. The major fînding is that the concentrations of pollutants related to traffic have been decreasing between 2003 and 2005, specially in urban atmospheres, and in a lesser way, in rural areas.L'influence des émissions liées au trafic automobile sur la qualité de l'air a largement été étudiée. Cependant, les campagnes de mesures sont généralement limitées, dans la durée et le nombre de composés étudiés. Nous présentons ici les résultats d'un ensemble de campagnes réalisées sur une durée de 3 ans, sur plusieurs composés organiques volatils. Le prélèvement est réalisé à l'extérieur de véhicules en roulage, dans la Région Parisienne, en milieux urbain et semi-rural. L'évolution des concentrations au cours du temps est discutée, et les teneurs sont comparées aux données de la littérature. Le fait marquant est la diminution très importante entre 2003 et 2005 des teneurs pour une majorité des polluants, surtout en milieu urbain, et dans une moindre mesure en milieu rural. La diminution de la teneur en benzène des essences, ainsi que l'amélioration des moteurs et le développement des pots catalytiques, explique largement cette tendance

    Study of the potential valorization of metal contaminated Salix via phytoextraction by combustion

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    International audiencePhytoextraction is an emerging technology to remediate soils and sediments contaminated with trace elements. In the particular case of dredged sediment landfill sites contaminated with metals, phytoextraction may contribute to the management scheme of sediments and to the revaluation of certain land-disposed contaminated sediments. In this study, rapidly growing trees (willows) were cultivated in short rotation coppice (SRC) on a metal contaminated dredged sediment landfill site to produce biomass for heat and financial return. Three willow clones were planted on 4.5 hectares of this disposal site to assess phytoextraction efficiency and biomass production. Two combustion assays were performed in a biomass boiler of 30 KW, the first one with Salix Zn and Cd enriched wood harvested from the SRC and the second one with Salix wood bought at a wood producer (control). Combustibles, ashes and gases were analyzed to study trace element behaviour during the combustion process. For phytoextraction efficiency, best results are obtained when exportation of both stems and leaves are carried out. The most optimistic scenario led to a reduction of the total Cd content of the sediment from 3.16 to 2 mg kg -1 in 23 years. Due to boiling points, Cd and Zn were more found in fumes than in ashes. According to current regulation, Salix wood issued from phytoextraction should be used for non-domestic purpose, in industrial or collective boilers equipped with efficient filters

    Impact of residential wood burning on indoor air quality

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    International audienceThis study aims at characterizing indoor air quality in single family dwellings burning wood regularly, studying the air change rate during wood burning and analyzing impact on outdoor air. Field investigations were performed, in February and November 2007, in six occupied houses located in rural areas (two equipped with an opened fireplace, two with respectively an old closed fireplace and a recent one, and two with respectively an old woodstove and a recent one). Continuous measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were performed in the room equipped with the wood burning appliance. Moreover in this room and in the main bedroom, PM10 and PM2.5, PAHs (on PM10 fraction), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes, ketones, and tracers of wood combustion such as levoglucosan and methoxyphenols on PM10 fraction, were also measured. Air exchange rates and building permeability were characterized through different means

    The effects of time-restricted eating and weight loss on bone metabolism and health: a 6-month randomized controlled trial.

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    OBJECTIVE This study explored the impact of time-restricted eating (TRE) versus standard dietary advice (SDA) on bone health. METHODS Adults with ≥1 component of metabolic syndrome were randomized to TRE (ad libitum eating within 12 hours) or SDA (food pyramid brochure). Bone turnover markers and bone mineral content/density by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry were assessed at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Statistical analyses were performed in the total population and by weight loss response. RESULTS In the total population (n = 42, 76% women, median age 47 years [IQR: 31-52]), there were no between-group differences (TRE vs. SDA) in any bone parameter. Among weight loss responders (≥0.6 kg weight loss), the bone resorption marker β-carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen tended to decrease after TRE but increase after SDA (between-group differences p = 0.041), whereas changes in the bone formation marker procollagen type I N-propeptide did not differ between groups. Total body bone mineral content decreased after SDA (p = 0.028) but remained unchanged after TRE (p = 0.31) in weight loss responders (between-group differences p = 0.028). Among nonresponders (<0.6 kg weight loss), there were no between-group differences in bone outcomes. CONCLUSIONS TRE had no detrimental impact on bone health, whereas, when weight loss occurred, it was associated with some bone-sparing effects compared with SDA