653 research outputs found

    Colonial Settlements in the Río de la Plata: Between Transference and Development of Spanish Urban Models

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    Historiographic approaches to colonial settlements in the Río de la Plata—today Argentina—must consider its condition as a space for the contact between different realities. Confronting European ideas with American reality opened the possibility of innovation when faced with that which was different and experimentation when faced with the unknown. It is vital also to consider the analysis of the territory and its components as a necessary means for understanding the process of the construction of new spaces

    Towards a definition of a CRM system life-cycle

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    In recent years, the interest on research in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has grown notoriously. Many authors have made individual proposals of interesting topics to be researched around CRM systems, but no overarching research agenda has yet been proposed. Based upon a recent research literature review that we have undertaken, which includes several real case studies conducted in order to learn from CRM experience within specific companies and industries, we propose and detail what appears to be a natural CRM Systems Life-cycle. Although a more focussed cycle has been mentioned for CRM systems implementations, we propose and define in detail a CRM Systems Life-cycle which covers other phases preceding and following implementation. We believe that such a well-defined cycle may help in future proposals of research agendas around CRM systems, as well as in the contextualization of more specific research themes.Postprint (published version

    Exposure Monitoring in Developing Countries

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    Formaldehyde is widely used in the healthcare industry. Formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant and sterilant. In addition, formaldehyde/formalin is used as fixative/ preservative of anatomical specimens in pathology departments. Individuals may experience adverse effects following short term exposure above 0.1ppm. Following a laboratory study in the early 1980s, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified formaldehyde as a human carcinogen in 1987. Although the healthcare industry in the United States made major advancement in the safe use of formaldehyde/formalin since the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Formaldehyde standard, other developing countries are still struggling with the proper storage, handling and disposal of formaldehyde. As part of a Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation assessment team, a baseline industrial hygiene exposure assessment took place in the Dominican Republic’s Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud. This assessment included conducting personal exposure and area monitoring. In addition, an instantaneous monitoring device was use to detect any fluctuations/ Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) conditions. Even though the data listed is limited, it was concluded that a significant level of overexposure to formaldehyde is expected during unplanned leaks from sterilizing equipment and the segregation of specimens from formalin in the morgue area

    The impact of a windshield in a tipping bucket rain gauge on the reduction of losses in precipitation measurements during snowfall events

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    Comunicación presentada en: EGU General Assembly 2016 celebrada del 17 al 22 de abril en Viena, Austria

    Prevención de riesgos laborales: principios y marco normativo

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    Las condiciones de trabajo como generadoras de riesgos profesionales.2. Análisis de riesgos: causas y prevención: A) Riesgo B) Factores de riesgo C) situación de riesgo D) Exposición E) Indicadores de riesgo 3. Daños derivados del trabajo: accidente y enfermedad profesional: A) Introducción B) Accidente y enfermedad profesional: aspectos jurídicos. 4. Prevención y Protección: técnicas de prevención: A) Medidas de prevención sobre el elemento humano B) Medidas de prevención técnica C) Medidas de prevención político sociales. 5. El marco normativo: A) Caracterización general B) Contenido de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales: a) Ámbito subjetivo y material b) Intervención pública en el terreno de la salud laboral c) Derechos y obligaciones del empresario y trabajadores en el terreno de la salud laboral d) Participación de los trabajadores e) Responsabilidades y sanciones. 6. La política de seguridad y salud laboral en la empresa: A)Introducción B) Organización de los recursos para las actividades preventivas C) El nuevo modelo de gestión de la prevención en la empresa 7. Bibliografía.KUTXA; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH

    Notas sobre la revisicón jurisdiccional de las decisiones empresariales en materia de movilidad geográfica

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    La reforma del mercado de trabajo realizada a través de la modificación del Estatuto de Trabajadores supone un cambio fundamental en el régimen jurídico de la movilidad geográfica, sobre todo desde una óptica flexibilizadora de los contenidos del contrato de trabajo referidos concretamente a la movilidad de la fuerza de trabajo.Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia/Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa ; Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitate