322 research outputs found

    In-situ Micro-Raman spectroscopic analysis of Handprints in Maltravieso Cave (Cáceres), Spain

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    TECHNART 2015 − Catania, April 27 - 30, 2015; http://technart2015.lns.infn.it/Peer Reviewe

    Measurements and analysis of microwave nonlinearities in ferroelectric thin film transmission lines

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    This work evaluates the microwave nonlinear properties of ferroelectric BaSrTiO thin films by measuring the frequency response of several coplanar transmission lines and interdigital capacitor structures as a function of the applied electric field from 150 Hz to 40 GHz. From these measurements, we obtain the distributed nonlinear capacitance C(Vdc) as a function of dc bias. We also measure the harmonic generation at microwave frequencies in ferroelectric transmission lines, and use an accurate circuit model to obtain C(Vrf), the nonlinear capacitance as a function of RF bias. Information about the tuning speed of the film is obtained from a comparison between the two nonlinear capacitances. Characterization of this mechanism is also required to assess the spurious signal generation in ferroelectric-based devicesPeer Reviewe

    Depósitos silexíticos en el terciario continental de la Cuenca de Calatayud: Caracterización y génesis

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    The tertiary Calatayud Basin is a NW-SE elongated depression, extending from Calatayud (Zaragoza) to Montalbán (Teruel) and whose dimensions are approximately 130 km long and 20 km wide. This basin consists of two distinct sub-basins separated by the Daroca High (Calatayud Basin in the northern sector and Montalbán Basin in the sourthern sector). These Basins present a quite similar sedimentary evolution of the Neogene evaporitic and carbonatic lacustrine systems, that generally ocuppy central locations in both basins. Three main sedimentary units (Lower, Intermediate and Upper units) divided by two main sedimentary breaks are traditionally described in the Calatayud Basin. The lower and the Intermediate units have evaporitic sedimentation, whilst the Upper Unit is typically freshwater fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation. This work focuses on the study of carbonatic materials placed in the Cristo de Ribota hermitage area, which is localized in the Intermediate Unit of Calatayud Basin, to the Northern of Sierra de Armantes. The interest of this area lies in the presence of silexitic levels, whose thickness can be metric, exceptional in the geologic record and that it raises interesting troubles at the time of establishing a hypothesis on the possible origin of the silica that generates these sílex deposits, as well as in the establishment of a genetic model. The sílex levels in the Cristo de Ribota series appear mainly in carbonate rocks. Petrographic studies of the samples taken in this area show a replacement of silica by carbonate, as well as a silica cementation in karts cavities generated by epidiagenetic karts processes. These cavities acted as conduits for fluids saturated in silica which resulted in silex deposits. The fluids should necessarily have an episodic character and the fact that karstic cavities can be filled with silica or carbonate is an evidence of it. For the silica precipitation, not only the low temperature and a less than 9 pH are necessary, but also there must exist a lot of silica-supersatured water, as well as a high permeability. The source of silica deposits in this area is probably diagenetic, but also it would be necessary to consider a thermal origin corresponding to the contribution of silica by hydrothermal fluids

    Paragénesis yeso-sílex en el Sector Aragonés de la Cuenca Terciaria del Ebro

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    En este trabajo se estudia la asociación litológica existente entre el yeso y el sílex en las zonas del Sector Aragonés de la Cuenca Terciaria del Ebro donde se tienen evidencias. El sílex aparece casi exclusivamente en el cuadrante noroccidental del Sector Aragonés, extensamente asociado a las litofacies yesíferas del Mioceno inferior. En los yesos de Borja-Ablitas–Monteagudo, localizados muy próximos a la Cordillera Ibérica, las silicificaciones están presentes de forma masiva, formando nódulos y estratos potentes y continuos, con contactos bruscos con los niveles yesíferos con los que se asocian. Sin embargo, en las extensas áreas yesíferas de la Fm. Zaragoza, situadas en el centro de la cuenca, las silicificaciones son microscópicas y están dispersas entre las distintas subunidades. La textura de las silicificaciones es sobretodo esferulítica, formada por un núcleo opalino y una envuelta fibroso-radiada de cuarcina-lutecita. En menor proporción, también están presentes el cuarzo microcristalino y megacuarzo. La textura de los yesos es secundaria alabastrina en los yesos de la Fm. Zaragoza, y primaria lenticular en los yesos de Borja-Ablitas-Monteagudo. Mediante el trabajo de campo y el estudio de lámina delgada, se comprueba que el sílex se encuentra reemplazando al yeso, y que el proceso de removilización, transporte y precipitación se tuvieron que producir durante la diagénesis. Los flujos con la sílice disuelta provenientes del área fuente, llegando a la cuenca evaporítica favorecidos por un pH básico, donde se produciría la precipitación de la sílice por un descenso brusco del pH debido a la influencia de materia orgánica. Mediante estas interpretaciones, y a partir del contexto geológico de la evolución evaporítica terciaria de la Cuenca del Ebro, hemos podido discutir la posible área fuente de la sílice y su momento de emplazamiento

    Dispersión de metales pesados en los suelos del término municipal de Zaragoza

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    Desde la década de los 80 existe una normativa medioambiental que asegura una buena práctica industrial, pero, las fábricas en los años anteriores vertían en su entorno los productos residuales fruto de su actividad, tal y como ocurría en la ciudad de Zaragoza.El crecimiento de Zaragoza supuso que las industrias situadas en las inmediaciones del centro de la ciudad se desplazasen hacia zonas más periféricas dejando un sustrato potencialmente contaminado en metales pesados, por ejemplo, arsénico, cadmio, cobalto, cromo, cobre, mercurio, molibdeno, plomo y zinc, cuyo riesgo para la salud y el medioambiente es ampliamente conocido.Este informe aporta información sobre aspectos relevantes como la concentración de metales pesados en los suelos de la ciudad, los factores que han podido influir en su dispersión o las causas de su origen.<br /

    Preliminary results of UV measurements in the high-altitude station Formigal-Sarrios (Pyrenees)

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    Póster presentado en: WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation celebrada del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2018 en Amsterdam

    Environmental variables affecting an arid coastal nebkha

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    Foredunes in arid coastal dune systems comprise nebkhas, which originate by interactions between vegetation and aeolian sedimentation. While continuous foredunes in temperate climates have been widely studied, knowledge of interactions between biotic and abiotic drivers in foredunes formed by nebkha is still scarce. With the aim of exploring variables affecting arid foredunes, a range of morphological, sedimentological, and vegetation characteristics were measured on a single nebkha formed by a Traganum moquinii plant located in the foredune of Caleta de Famara beach (Lanzarote, Canary Islands). Variables were sampled at 120 plots in a 0.5 × 0.5 m square grid. A two-step process using multiple linear regression (MLR) analyses was developed to characterize 1) the influence that morphological variables and distance from the sea have on plant and sediment patterns on nebkha, and 2) the influence of plants on depositional sediment characteristics. Results indicate close relationships between distance from the sea, plant coverage, and sediment patterns. Empirical results were used to develop a conceptual model that explains the spatial distribution of bio- and geo-morphological characteristics of an arid nebkha foredune.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness contract (BES-2017-082733

    A Cannabigerol Derivative Suppresses Immune Responses and Protects Mice from Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Phytocannabinoids that do not produce psychotropic effects are considered of special interest as novel therapeutic agents in CNS diseases. A cannabigerol quinone, the compound VCE-003, has been shown to alleviate symptoms in a viral model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Hence, we studied T cells and macrophages as targets for VCE-003 and its efficacy in an autoimmune model of MS. Proliferation, cell cycle, expression of activation markers was assessed by FACs in human primary T cells, and cytokine and chemokine production was evaluated. Transcription was studied in Jurkat cells and RAW264.7 cells were used to study the effects of VCE-003 on IL-17-induced macrophage polarization to a M1 phenotype. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was induced by myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG35–55) immunization and spinal cord pathology was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Neurological impairment was evaluated using disease scores. We show here that VCE-003 inhibits CD3/CD28-induced proliferation, cell cycle progression and the expression of the IL-2Rα and ICAM-1 activation markers in human primary T cells. VCE-003 inhibits the secretion of Th1/Th17 cytokines and chemokines in primary murine T cells, and it reduces the transcriptional activity of the IL-2, IL-17 and TNFα promoters induced by CD3/CD28. In addition, VCE-003 and JWH-133, a selective CB2 agonist, dampened the IL-17-induced polarization of macrophages to a pro-inflammatory M1 profile. VCE-003 also prevented LPS-induced iNOS expression in microglia. VCE-003 ameliorates the neurological defects and the severity of MOG-induced EAE in mice through CB2 and PPARγ receptor activation. A reduction in cell infiltrates, mainly CD4+ T cells, was observed, and Th1 and Th17 responses were inhibited in the spinal cord of VCE-003-treated mice, accompanied by weaker microglial activation, structural preservation of myelin sheets and reduced axonal damage. This study highlights the therapeutic potential of VCE-003 as an agent for the treatment of human immune diseases with both inflammatory and autoimmune components

    MUSCOP: Mission-Based UAV Swarm Coordination Protocol

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    [EN] Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become the preferred, and sometimes the only support tool when facing critical scenarios such as earthquakes, search and rescue missions, and border surveillance. In these scenarios, deploying a UAV swarm instead of a single UAV can provide additional benefits when, for example, cargo carrying requirements exceed the lifting power of a single UAV, or when the deployment of several UAVs simultaneously can accelerate the accomplishment of the mission, and broaden the covered area. To this aim, in this paper we present MUSCOP, a protocol that allows multiple UAVs to perfectly coordinate their flight when performing planned missions. Experimental results show that the proposed protocol is able to achieve a high degree of swarm cohesion independently of the swarm formation adopted, and even in the presence of very lossy channels, achieving minimal synchronization delays and very low position offsets with regard to the ideal case.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2018, Spain, under Grant RTI2018-096384-B-I00, and in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) for the training of Ph.D. researchers under Grant FPI-2017-S1.Fabra Collado, FJ.; Zamora, W.; Reyes, P.; Sangüesa, JA.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Manzoni, P. (2020). MUSCOP: Mission-Based UAV Swarm Coordination Protocol. IEEE Access. 8:72498-72511. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987983S7249872511