9,051 research outputs found

    Quaero@H1: An Interface to High-pT HERA Event Data

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    Distributions from high-pT HERA event data analyzed in a general search for new physics at H1 have been incorporated into Quaero, an algorithm designed to automate tests of specific hypotheses with high energy collider data. The use of Quaero@H1 to search for leptoquarks, R-parity violating supersymmetry, and excited quarks provides examples to develop intuition for the algorithm's performance.Comment: Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Higgs Signal for h to aa at Hadron Colliders

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    We assess the prospect of observing a neutral Higgs boson at hadron colliders in its decay to two spin-zero states, a, for a Higgs mass of 90-130 GeV, when produced in association with a W or Z boson. Such a decay is allowed in extensions of the MSSM with CP-violating interactions and in the NMSSM, and can dominate Higgs boson final states, thereby evading the LEP constraints on standard Higgs boson production. The light spin-zero state decays primarily via a to bb and tau+tau-, so this signal channel retains features distinct from the main backgrounds. Our study shows that at the Tevatron, there may be potential to observe a few events in the bb tau+tau- or bbbb channels with relatively small background, although this observation would be statistically limited. At the LHC, the background problem is more severe, but with cross sections and integrated luminosities orders of magnitude larger than at the Tevatron, the observation of a Higgs boson in this decay mode would be possible. The channel h to aa to bbbb would provide a large statistical significance, with a signal-to-background ratio on the order of 1:2. In these searches, the main challenge would be to retain the adequate tagging efficiency of b's and tau's in the low p_T region.Comment: Version to be published in JHEP. 20 pages, 5 figure

    Baryonic Effect on chi_cJ Suppression in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC Energies

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    We predict that initially produced chi_cJ mesons at low transverse momentum in the central rapidity region are almost dissociated by nucleons and antinucleons in hadronic matter produced in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies sqrt {s_{NN}}= 130 and 200 GeV. In calculations the nucleon and antinucleon distributions in hadronic matter are results of evolution from their freeze-out distributions which well fit the experimental p_T spectra of proton and antiproton. Any measured chi_cJ mesons at low p_T are generated from deconfined matter and give an explicit proof of regeneration mechanism (recombination mechanism).Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Latex, a discussion added to the referenc

    HBT: A (mostly) experimental overview

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    I will present a review of the field of Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometry in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The "HBT puzzle" is explored in detail, emphasizing recent theoretical attempts to understand the persisting puzzle. I also present recent experimental results on azimuthally sensitive HBT, HBT of direct photons, and some surprises in the comparison of HBT results from p+p and Au+Au collisions at RHIC.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2004 conference (Oalkland, CA, USA, January 2004

    LHC Coverage of RPV MSSM with Light Stops

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    We examine the sensitivity of recent LHC searches to signatures of supersymmetry with R-parity violation (RPV). Motivated by naturalness of the Higgs potential, which would favor light third-generation squarks, and the stringent LHC bounds on spectra in which the gluino or first and second generation squarks are light, we focus on scenarios dominated by the pair production of light stops. We consider the various possible direct and cascade decays of the stop that involve the trilinear RPV operators. We find that in many cases, the existing searches exclude stops in the natural mass range and beyond. However, typically there is little or no sensitivity to cases dominated by UDD operators or LQD operators involving taus. We propose several ideas for searches which could address the existing gaps in experimental coverage of these signals.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures; v2: included new searches (see footnote 10), minor corrections and improvement

    Space-time analysis of reaction at RHIC

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    Space-time information about the Au-Au collisions produced at RHIC are key tools to understand the evolution of the system and especially assess the presence of collective behaviors. Using a parameterization of the system's final state relying on collective expansion, we show that pion source radii can be tied together with transverse mass spectra and elliptic flow within the same framework. The consistency between these different measures provide a solid ground to understand the characteristics of collective flow and especially the possible peculiar behavior of particles such as Xi, Omega or phi. The validity of the short time scales that are extracted from fits to the pion source size is also addressed. The wealth of new data that will soon be available from Au-Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV, will provide a stringet test of the space-time analysis framework developped in these proceedings.Comment: Invited talk given at the SQM2003 conference (March 2003), to be published in Journal of Physics G. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2 Lattice QCD with twisted mass fermions

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    We present the results of a lattice QCD calculation of the average up-down and strange quark masses and of the light meson pseudoscalar decay constants with Nf=2 dynamical fermions. The simulation is carried out at a single value of the lattice spacing with the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist, which guarantees automatic O(a)-improvement of the physical quantities. Quark masses are renormalized by implementing the non-perturbative RI-MOM renormalization procedure. Our results for the light quark masses are m_ud^{msbar}(2 GeV)= 3.85 +- 0.12 +- 0.40 MeV, m_s^{msbar}(2 GeV) = 105 +- 3 +- 9 MeV and m_s/m_ud = 27.3 +- 0.3 +- 1.2. We also obtain fK = 161.7 +- 1.2 +- 3.1 MeV and the ratio fK/fpi=1.227 +- 0.009 +- 0.024. From this ratio, by using the experimental determination of Gamma(K-> mu nu (gamma))/Gamma(pi -> mu nu (gamma)) and the average value of |Vud| from nuclear beta decays, we obtain |Vus|=0.2192(5)(45), in agreement with the determination from Kl3 decays and the unitarity constraint.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Strange Messages: Chemical and Thermal Freeze-out in Nuclear Collisions

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    Thermal models are commonly used to interpret heavy-ion data on particle yields and spectra and to extract the conditions of chemical and thermal freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions. I discuss the usefulness and limitations of such thermal model analyses and review the experimental and theoretical evidence for thermalization in nuclear collisions. The crucial role of correlating strangeness production data with single particle spectra and two-particle correlation measurements is pointed out. A consistent dynamical picture for the heavy-ion data from the CERN SPS involves an initial prehadronic stage with deconfined color and with an appreciable isotropic pressure component. This requires an early onset of thermalization.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, talk given at Strange Quark Matter '98, Padova, Italy, 20-24 July 1998, to be published in J. Phys. G 25; final version with updated reference