2,551 research outputs found

    Methyl 2-amino-5-iso­propyl-1,3-thia­zole-4-carboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C8H12N2O2S, forms a supramolecular network based on N-HN hydrogen-bonded centrosymmetric dimers that are linked in turn by N-HO contacts


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    The mol­ecular structure of the title compound at 123 K, C12H9F3N2O, presents a rotationally disordered CF3 group. Hydrogen bonds between the amide NH group and the N atom of the isoquinoline form a chain in the b-axis direction. The packed structure forms alternate layers of isoquinoline and amide groups parallel to the ab plane

    Crystal structure of N,N-dimethyl-2-[(4-methylbenzyl)sulfonyl]ethanamine

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    In the crystal, the title compound, C12H19NO2S, has a disordered structure with two equally populated conformations of the amine fragment. A pair of weak C—HO intermolecular interactions between the CH2 and SO2 groups gives a one-dimensional supramolecular structure that propagates through translation along the a-axis direction

    A New Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm

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    Metaheuristic algorithms such as particle swarm optimization, firefly algorithm and harmony search are now becoming powerful methods for solving many tough optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a new metaheuristic method, the Bat Algorithm, based on the echolocation behaviour of bats. We also intend to combine the advantages of existing algorithms into the new bat algorithm. After a detailed formulation and explanation of its implementation, we will then compare the proposed algorithm with other existing algorithms, including genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm seems much superior to other algorithms, and further studies are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Pseudotumor cerebri syndrome in childhood : incidence, clinical profile and risk factors in a national prospective population-based cohort study

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    Aim To investigate the epidemiology, clinical profile and risk factors of pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (PTCS) in children aged 1-16 years. Methods A national prospective population-based cohort study over 25 months. Newly diagnosed PTCS cases notified via British Paediatric Surveillance Unit (BPSU) were ascertained using classical diagnostic criteria and categorised according to 2013 revised diagnostic criteria. We derived national age, sex and weight-specific annual incidence rates and assessed effects of sex and weight category. Results We identified 185 PTCS cases of which 166 also fulfilled revised diagnostic criteria. The national annual incidence (95% CI) of childhood PTCS aged 1-16 years was 0.71 (0.57- 0.87) per 100,000 population increasing with age and weight to 4.18 and 10.7 per 100,000 in obese 12-15 year old boys and girls respectively. Incidence rates under 7 years were similar in both sexes. From 7 years onwards, the incidence in girls was double that in boys, but only in overweight (including obese) children. In 12-15 year old children, an estimated 82% of the incidence of PTCS was attributable to obesity. Two subgroups of PTCS were apparent: 168 (91%) cases aged from 7 years frequently presented on medication and with headache, and were predominantly female and obese. The remaining 17 (9%) cases under 7 years often lacked these risk factors and commonly presented with new onset squint. Conclusions This uniquely largest population-based study of childhood PTCS will inform the design of future intervention studies. It suggests that weight reduction is central to the prevention of PTCS

    Weyl points in three-dimensional optical lattices: synthetic magnetic monopoles in momentum space

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    We show that Hamiltonians with Weyl points can be realized for ultracold atoms using laser-assisted tunneling in three-dimensional optical lattices. Weyl points are synthetic magnetic monopoles that exhibit a robust, three-dimensional linear dispersion. They are associated with many interesting topological states of matter, such as Weyl semimetals and chiral Weyl fermions. However, Weyl points have yet to be experimentally observed in any system. We show that this elusive goal is well-within experimental reach with an extension of the techniques recently used to obtain the Harper Hamiltonian.Comment: are welcom

    Long-term photometric variations in the candidate white-dwarf pulsar AR Scorpii from K2 , CRTS, and ASAS-SN observations

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    We analyze long-cadence Kepler K2 observations of AR Sco from 2014, along with survey photometry obtained between 2005 and 2016 by the Catalina Real-Time Sky Survey and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae. The K2 data show the orbital modulation to have been fairly stable during the 78 days of observations, but we detect aperiodic deviations from the average waveform with an amplitude of ~2% on a timescale of a few days. A comparison of the K2 data with the survey photometry reveals that the orbital waveform gradually changed between 2005 and 2010, with the orbital maximum shifting to earlier phases. We compare these photometric variations with proposed models of this unusual system

    Cliff Roosting by Migrant Semipalmated Sandpipers, Calidris pusilla, at Farrier's Cove, Shepody Bay, New Brunswick

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    An observation of Semipalmated Sandpipers roosting on a cliff face in Shepody Bay, New Brunswick, suggests changes from “traditional” roosting sites. Sandpipers may be altering their roosting patterns due to pressures from avian predators such as the recent, and successful, re-introduction of the Peregrine Falcon

    Simulator Performance vs. Neurophysiologic Monitoring: Which is More Relevant to Assess Driving Impairment?

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    Previously, we reported on circadian variation in driving simulator performance and neurophysiologic evidence of sleep intrusion into consciousness in a pilot study of healthy individuals. We have since expanded this “normative” sample and run a prospective comparison study with a sample of clinical patients reporting excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) as a chief complaint. Thirty healthy adults (mean age of 31.3 ± 11.5) and 27 EDS patients (47.0 ± 13.7) with valid driver’s licenses were included. Subjects performed four intentionally soporific 30-minute driving simulations at two-hour intervals while undergoing continuous EEG monitoring for microsleep (MS) episodes. Measured variables included: subjective ratings of sleepiness and alertness prior to each drive, lane position accuracy, mean speed, speed deviation, mean reaction time (RT) to “virtual” wind gusts as well as off-road events, i.e., “crashes.” In comparing normative individuals and EDS patients, significant between-group differences were found between subjective ratings, RT, crashes and MS. Both groups showed a significant a tendency towards RT slowing during afternoon drives, with this circadian effect appearing most pronounced for EDS patients. Significant between-group differences were also found on subjective ratings of sleepiness and alertness, although diurnal fluctuation of subjective sleepiness ratings was significant only for the EDS group. Objective EEG MS monitoring demonstrated escalating sleep intrusion with repeated drives in both groups, but particularly for the EDS group. Total crash rates were three times higher in EDS patients, with an increasing trend towards crash-proneness in the late afternoon. In summary, we found significantly impaired performance on some, though not all, driving parameters for EDS patients. While increased crash rate may be the most dramatic of these, slowing of RT was the most statistically robust. EEG monitoring was able to document increased propensity towards MS episodes in patients with EDS, which we suggest is causative in creating this impairment. It remains unclear whether a neurophysiologic or simulator approach captures impairment due to sleepiness with greater sensitivity and specificity. A hybrid approach combining data from both sources may be optimal, and also could be integrated in commercial vehicle use. We suggest that the need for a more accurate hospitalbased screening tool for assessment of driving impairment due to sleep disorders remains an important issue for physicians and legislators dealing with driving competency

    A family of diameter-based eigenvalue bounds for quantum graphs

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    We establish a sharp lower bound on the first non-trivial eigenvalue of the Laplacian on a metric graph equipped with natural (i.e., continuity and Kirchhoff) vertex conditions in terms of the diameter and the total length of the graph. This extends a result of, and resolves an open problem from, [J. B. Kennedy, P. Kurasov, G. Malenov\'a and D. Mugnolo, Ann. Henri Poincar\'e 17 (2016), 2439--2473, Section 7.2], and also complements an analogous lower bound for the corresponding eigenvalue of the combinatorial Laplacian on a discrete graph. We also give a family of corresponding lower bounds for the higher eigenvalues under the assumption that the total length of the graph is sufficiently large compared with its diameter. These inequalities are sharp in the case of trees.Comment: Substantial revision of v1. The main result, originally for the first eigenvalue, has been generalised to the higher ones. The title has been changed and the proofs substantially reorganised to reflect the new result, and a section containing concluding remarks has been adde
