8 research outputs found

    Understanding how alcohol environment influences youth drinking: A concept mapping study among university students

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    The aim of the study was to identify the environmental factors that influence alcohol consumption, according to university students, and assess the relative importance and the frequency attributed to each factor. A study using Concept Mapping methodology was performed with a sample of nursing students, who participated in two face-to-face data collection sessions. In session 1, a consensus about the environmental aspects that influence their alcohol consumption was obtained. In session 2, the statements obtained were rated according to their relative importance and frequency in alcohol use (1 = minimum; 5 = maximum). Subsequently, all data were analyzed with the RCMAP of the statistical package R 3.6.1. Approximately 60 students participated in each session. Most were women aged 20 to 24. In session 1, a total of 55 statements were obtained and classified into 7 different clusters: Advertising (9 statements); Family environment (4 statements); Social pressure (12 statements); Responsibilities/ norms (4 statements); Holidays and leisure time (7 statements); Emotional situations (8 statements); Accessibility (11 statements). Factors related to social pressure, holidays and leisure time, and alcohol accessibility were considered the most important and frequent in alcohol consumption. In contrast, alcohol advertising was considered the least important (mean 2.6 out of 5) and frequent (mean 2.1 out 5) factor. In conclusion, the factors considered most relevant among nursing students match those having more resources allocated for prevention and health promotion, except for alcohol advertising, which was perceived as less important and frequent compared with the other factors

    Social Inequalities in Changes in Diet in Adolescents during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Spain : The DESKcohort Project

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    Adolescence is a critical period in the consolidation of healthy lifestyles that can last into adulthood. To analyze changes in food consumption and eating behaviors in high-school adolescents during the first confinement, a cross-sectional study was conducted at the end of confinement in Spain. Changes in the frequency or quantity of consumption of different types of food and food-related behaviors were analyzed. Socioeconomic and health-related variables were also considered. To determine whether dietary changes were related to socioeconomic position (SEP), Poisson regression models with robust variance were estimated. Overall, there were some changes towards a healthier diet such as an increase in fruit consumption (38.9%) and a decrease in the consumption of soft drinks (49.8%), sweets and pastries (39.3%), and convenience foods (49.2%). Some changes, however, were related to less healthy behaviors, such as a more irregular pattern of meal distribution (39.9%) or an increase in snacking between meals (56.4%). Changes towards less healthy eating were also related to students' SEP. The risk of worsening the diet was found to be 21% higher in adolescents from a more disadvantaged SEP. Future public policies could be adapted to avoid increasing nutritional and health inequalities

    Gender differences in health-related quality of life in people with severe mental illness

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    The purpose was to analyze socioeconomic and clinical factors of psychosocial functioning and self-perception in relation to health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people with severe mental health illness (SMI) by gender. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 133 women and 90 men. Recorded variables: HRQOL, SF-36 Physical Component Scores (PCS) and Mental Component Scores (MCS); sociodemographic and clinical data on psychosocial and self-perception functioning. Correlational studies using raw and adjusted linear regression models to evaluate the factors associated with HRQOL by obtaining coefficients, p-values and respective confidence intervals. The mean PCS for women and men was 44.6 and 49.0 (p = 0.004) and 36.4 and 37.5 (p = 0.575), respectively for MCS. The factors associated with PCS in women were age, -0.2(-0.4:0); in work, 4.2(0.3:8.2); with an income higher than 700 euros/month, 4.4(1:7.7). In men, these factors were education level, 6.1(0.4:11.7); belief that they would not need help in the future, 4.6(0.1:9.2) and a higher need for psychosocial services, -6.6(-11.1:-2). Factors associated with MCS in women were, in work, 6.1(1.5:10.7); and having a high number of friends, 6.6(2.1:11.1). In men, these factors were, living alone, -7.1(-12.7:-1.4); lack of economic benefits, 8.5(3.2:13.8); and a higher need for psychosocial and social services, -3.6(-7.1:-0.2) and -7.7(-13.4:-2). The dimensions affected and the factors that are associated with HRQOL for people with SMI differ by gender. Therefore, these differences should to be taken into account when designing interventions for improving HRQOL

    La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut de les persones amb trastorn mental sever des d'una perspectiva salutogènica i de gènere

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    Women and Men’s Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) with severe mental disorder (SMD), is a key indicator of its recovery. The aim was to describe the association between different variables with the HRQOL of these people by gender. A cohort study with a five years’ follow-up was carried out. Variables: HRQOL, sociodemographic, clinical, psychosocial functioning, self-perception and SOC. Multivariate linear regression models were calculated. The main explanatory factors that explained the improvement of HRQOL in the period of the study in women were not having a disability, to have the perception that the disease does not entail social consequences, to consider future possibilities and the significance area of SOC and in men, having between 4 to 6 friends, not having disability and to perceive that social relationships and leisure activities had not changed or improved. Conclusion: There are differences between the factors that explain a better QVRS by gender.La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut (QVRS) de les persones amb trastorn mental sever és un indicador clau de la seva recuperació. L’objectiu va ser descriure les relacions de diferents variables amb la QVRS d’aquestes persones segons sexe. Estudi de cohorts amb seguiment de cinc anys. Variables: QVRS, sociodemogràfiques, clíniques, funcionament psicosocial, autopercepció i SOC. Càlcul de models multivariats de regressió lineal. Els principals factors que van explicar la millora de la QVRS en el període d’estudi en dones van ser no tenir incapacitat, tenir la percepció que la malaltia no va portar conseqüències socials, haver-se plantejat possibilitats futures i l’àrea de significativitat del SOC i en homes, tenir de 4 a 6 amics, no tenir invalidesa i percebre que les relacions socials i les activitats de temps lliure no havien canviat o millorat. Conclusió: existeixen diferències entre els factors que expliquen una millor QVRS segons sexe

    La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut de les persones amb trastorn mental sever des d'una perspectiva salutogènica i de gènere

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    Women and Men’s Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) with severe mental disorder (SMD), is a key indicator of its recovery. The aim was to describe the association between different variables with the HRQOL of these people by gender. A cohort study with a five years’ follow-up was carried out. Variables: HRQOL, sociodemographic, clinical, psychosocial functioning, self-perception and SOC. Multivariate linear regression models were calculated. The main explanatory factors that explained the improvement of HRQOL in the period of the study in women were not having a disability, to have the perception that the disease does not entail social consequences, to consider future possibilities and the significance area of SOC and in men, having between 4 to 6 friends, not having disability and to perceive that social relationships and leisure activities had not changed or improved. Conclusion: There are differences between the factors that explain a better QVRS by gender.La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut (QVRS) de les persones amb trastorn mental sever és un indicador clau de la seva recuperació. L’objectiu va ser descriure les relacions de diferents variables amb la QVRS d’aquestes persones segons sexe. Estudi de cohorts amb seguiment de cinc anys. Variables: QVRS, sociodemogràfiques, clíniques, funcionament psicosocial, autopercepció i SOC. Càlcul de models multivariats de regressió lineal. Els principals factors que van explicar la millora de la QVRS en el període d’estudi en dones van ser no tenir incapacitat, tenir la percepció que la malaltia no va portar conseqüències socials, haver-se plantejat possibilitats futures i l’àrea de significativitat del SOC i en homes, tenir de 4 a 6 amics, no tenir invalidesa i percebre que les relacions socials i les activitats de temps lliure no havien canviat o millorat. Conclusió: existeixen diferències entre els factors que expliquen una millor QVRS segons sexe

    Relationship between Diet Quality and Socioeconomic and Health-Related Factors in Adolescents by Gender

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    Adolescence is a key period for consolidating heathy lifestyles and proper eating habits that can last into adulthood. To analyze the diet quality of Spanish adolescents and its association with socioeconomic factors and health behaviors by gender, a cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the DESKcohort project, consisting of a biannual panel survey on health, health behaviors, and associated determinants, collected in secondary education centers. The study population consisted of 7319 students aged 12 to 18 years. Data were collected from October 2019 to March 2020. The dependent variable was diet quality score according to the Spanish adaptation of the Healthy Eating Index (S-HEI). The independent variables included were socioeconomic factors and health behaviors. We conducted linear regression separately by gender. Diet quality score was significantly higher for girls than for boys (68 and 65, respectively, p < 0.001). For both genders, poorer diet quality was associated with a low level of physical activity [−0.9 (95% CI = −1.6:−0.2) in boys, −1.2 (95% CI = −1.9:−0.4) in girls], alcohol use [−2.5 (95% CI = −3.7:−1.3) in boys, −1.0 (95% CI = −1.9:0.0) in girls], poor self-perceived health [−1.1 (95% CI = −2.4:0.2) in boys, −3.5 (95% CI = −4.6:−2.4) in girls], and having attended Intermediate Level Training Cycles [−2.9 (95% CI = −4.3:−1.5) in boys, −1.9 (95% CI = −3.5:−0.3) in girls]. In girls, poorer diet quality also was associated with low mood [−1.1 (95% CI = −1.9:−0.3)]. The variance was 9% in boys and 12% in girls. Our results highlight the need to consider socioeconomic and health-related factors, as well as gender, when conducting interventions to promote healthy eating among adolescents

    Contextual Determinants in Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis Consumption, Mood and Bullying during Adolescence

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    The present study aimed to explore the differences in the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, mood and bullying between adolescents. A cross-sectional study was carried out in five regions of Northern Spain (one in Galiza and four in central Catalonia) that share similar socioeconomic characteristics and encompass around 10,000 inhabitants each. Students living in Burela, Galiza (N = 71) were compared to those of Central Catalonia (N = 193). The independent variable was the municipality of residence. The dependent variables encompassed: weekly available pocket money, Family Affluence Scale, self-classified academic qualification, place of origin, alcohol consumption, tobacco and cannabis smoking, negative mood and bullying. The mean age and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of participants were similar between the regions (Burela: 15.90 years (15.68–16.13) and Central Catalonia: 15.36 years (15.28–15.44)). More than half of the participants were females (Burela, Galiza (53.5%) and Catalonia (54.9%)). Prevalence ratios (PR) and their 95% CI were estimated using Poisson regression models. In comparison with adolescents from Burela (Galiza), those living in Central Catalonia had higher prevalence of diverse academic levels (adjusted PR = 3.92 (1.78–8.66)), tobacco consumption (adjusted PR = 2.41 (1.47–3.97)) and negative mood (adjusted PR = 5.97 (3.05–11.70)). Even when dealing with regions with similar socioeconomic characteristics and number of inhabitants, differences exist in terms of the socioeconomic level, tobacco consumption, mood and bullying, as reported by adolescents

    Social Inequalities in Breakfast Consumption among Adolescents in Spain : The DESKcohort Project

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    Breakfast has a critical role in energy balance and dietary regulation. Consequently, it is considered an important component of a healthy diet, especially in adolescence, when there are great opportunities to consolidate habits and establish future patterns of healthiness in adulthood. Socioeconomic position (SEP) causes inequalities that are reflected in health behaviors, physical activity, mental health, and diet. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the 2019-2020 DESKcohort project (Spain) to explore the relationships between breakfast and sociodemographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, and school performance of 7319 adolescents. Our findings showed that the prevalence of skipping breakfast every day was 19.4% in girls and 13.7% in boys and was related to students' SEP. The risk of skipping breakfast was 30% higher in girls from the most disadvantaged SEP, in comparison to those in the most advanced SEP (prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.30; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.11-1.54). Also, boys from the most disadvantaged SEP showed 28% higher risk of skipping breakfast than those in the most advanced SEP (PR = 1.28; 95% CI = 1.04-1.59). In conclusion, future public policies should be adapted considering a SEP and gender perspective to avoid increasing nutritional and health inequalities