164 research outputs found

    Behavior of the antiferromagnetic phase transition near the fermion condensation quantum phase transition in YbRh2Si2

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    Low-temperature specific-heat measurements on YbRh2Si2 at the second order antiferromagnetic (AF) phase transition reveal a sharp peak at T_N=72 mK. The corresponding critical exponent alpha turns out to be alpha=0.38, which differs significantly from that obtained within the framework of the fluctuation theory of second order phase transitions based on the scale invariance, where alpha=0.1. We show that under the application of magnetic field the curve of the second order AF phase transitions passes into a curve of the first order ones at the tricritical point leading to a violation of the critical universality of the fluctuation theory. This change of the phase transition is generated by the fermion condensation quantum phase transition. Near the tricritical point the Landau theory of second order phase transitions is applicable and gives alpha=1/2. We demonstrate that this value of alpha is in good agreement with the specific-heat measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. to be published in Phys. Letters

    Cut Vertices and Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Processes

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    Cut vertices, a generalization of matrix elements of local operators, are revisited, and an expansion in terms of minimally subtracted cut vertices is formulated. An extension of the formalism to deal with semi-inclusive deep inelastic processes in the target fragmentation region is explicitly constructed. The problem of factorization is discussed in detail.Comment: LaTex2e, 24 pages including 17 postscript figure

    Instantons and radial excitations in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Imaginary- and real-time versions of an equation for the condensate density are presented which describe dynamics and decay of any spherical Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) within the mean field appraoch. We obtain quantized energies of collective finite amplitude radial oscillations and exact numerical instanton solutions which describe quantum tunneling from both the metastable and radially excited states of the BEC of 7Li atoms. The mass parameter for the radial motion is found different from the gaussian value assumed hitherto, but the effect of this difference on decay exponents is small. The collective breathing states form slightly compressed harmonic spectrum, n=4 state lying lower than the second Bogolyubov (small amplitude) mode. The decay of these states, if excited, may simulate a shorter than true lifetime of the metastable state. By scaling arguments, results extend to other attractive BEC-s.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    High-Intensity and High-Brightness Source of Moderated Positrons Using a Brilliant gamma Beam

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    Presently large efforts are conducted towards the development of highly brilliant gamma beams via Compton back scattering of photons from a high-brilliance electron beam, either on the basis of a normal-conducting electron linac or a (superconducting) Energy Recovery Linac (ERL). Particularly ERL's provide an extremely brilliant electron beam, thus enabling to generate highest-quality gamma beams. A 2.5 MeV gamma beam with an envisaged intensity of 10^15 s^-1, as ultimately envisaged for an ERL-based gamma-beam facility, narrow band width (10^-3), and extremely low emittance (10^-4 mm^2 mrad^2) offers the possibility to produce a high-intensity bright polarized positron beam. Pair production in a face-on irradiated W converter foil (200 micron thick, 10 mm long) would lead to the emission of 2 x 10^13 (fast) positrons per second, which is four orders of magnitude higher compared to strong radioactive ^22Na sources conventionally used in the laboratory.Using a stack of converter foils and subsequent positron moderation, a high-intensity low-energy beam of moderated positrons can be produced. Two different source setups are presented: a high-brightness positron beam with a diameter as low as 0.2 mm, and a high-intensity beam of 3 x 10^11 moderated positrons per second. Hence, profiting from an improved moderation efficiency, the envisaged positron intensity would exceed that of present high-intensity positron sources by a factor of 100.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Non-perturbative equivalences among large N gauge theories with adjoint and bifundamental matter fields

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    We prove an equivalence, in the large N limit, between certain U(N) gauge theories containing adjoint representation matter fields and their orbifold projections. Lattice regularization is used to provide a non-perturbative definition of these theories; our proof applies in the strong coupling, large mass phase of the theories. Equivalence is demonstrated by constructing and comparing the loop equations for a parent theory and its orbifold projections. Loop equations for both expectation values of single-trace observables, and for connected correlators of such observables, are considered; hence the demonstrated non-perturbative equivalence applies to the large N limits of both string tensions and particle spectra.Comment: 40 pages, JHEP styl

    One-loop corrections to the metastable vacuum decay

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    We evaluate the one-loop prefactor in the false vacuum decay rate in a theory of a self interacting scalar field in 3+1 dimensions. We use a numerical method, established some time ago, which is based on a well-known theorem on functional determinants. The proper handling of zero modes and of renormalization is discussed. The numerical results in particular show that quantum corrections become smaller away from the thin-wall case. In the thin-wall limit the numerical results are found to join into those obtained by a gradient expansion.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Resummation of mass terms in perturbative massless quantum field theory

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    The neutral massless scalar quantum field Φ\Phi in four-dimensional space-time is considered, which is subject to a simple bilinear self-interaction. Is is well-known from renormalization theory that adding a term of the form m22Φ2-\frac{m^2}{2} \Phi^2 to the Lagrangean has the formal effect of shifting the particle mass from the original zero value to m after resummation of all two-leg insertions in the Feynman graphs appearing in the perturbative expansion of the S-matrix. However, this resummation is accompanied by some subtleties if done in a proper mathematical manner. Although the model seems to be almost trivial, is shows many interesting features which are useful for the understanding of the convergence behavior of perturbation theory in general. Some important facts in connection with the basic principles of quantum field theory and distribution theory are highlighted, and a remark is made on possible generalizations of the distribution spaces used in local quantum field theory. A short discussion how one can view the spontaneous breakdown of gauge symmetry in massive gauge theories within a massless framework is presented.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (style files included), one section adde

    Functional Integral Construction of the Thirring model: axioms verification and massless limit

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    We construct a QFT for the Thirring model for any value of the mass in a functional integral approach, by proving that a set of Grassmann integrals converges, as the cutoffs are removed and for a proper choice of the bare parameters, to a set of Schwinger functions verifying the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. The corresponding Ward Identities have anomalies which are not linear in the coupling and which violate the anomaly non-renormalization property. Additional anomalies are present in the closed equation for the interacting propagator, obtained by combining a Schwinger-Dyson equation with Ward Identities.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figure

    Impurity and strain effects on the magnetotransport of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films

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    The influence of zinc doping and strain related effects on the normal state transport properties(the resistivity, the Hall angle and the orbital magneto- resistance(OMR) is studied in a series of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films with values of y between 0 and 0.12 and various degrees of strain induced by the mismatch between the films and the substrate. The zinc doping affects only the constant term in the temperature dependence of cotangent theta but the strain affects both the slope and the constant term, while their ratio remains constant.OMR is decreased by zinc doping but is unaffected by strain. The ratio delta rho/(rho*tan^2 theta) is T-independent but decreases with impurity doping. These results put strong constraints on theories of the normal state of high- temperature superconductors

    The Non-Trivial Effective Potential of the `Trivial' lambda Phi^4 Theory: A Lattice Test

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    The strong evidence for the `triviality' of (lambda Phi^4)_4 theory is not incompatible with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Indeed, for a `trivial' theory the effective potential should be given exactly by the classical potential plus the free-field zero-point energy of the shifted field; i.e., by the one-loop effective potential. When this is renormalized in a simple, but nonperturbative way, one finds, self-consistently, that the shifted field does become non-interacting in the continuum limit. For a classically scale-invariant (CSI) lambda Phi^4 theory one finds m_h^2 = 8 pi^2 v^2, predicting a 2.2 TeV Higgs boson. Here we extend our earlier work in three ways: (i) we discuss the analogy with the hard-sphere Bose gas; (ii) we extend the analysis from the CSI case to the general case; and (iii) we propose a test of the predicted shape of the effective potential that could be tested in a lattice simulation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, DE-FG05-92ER40717-